Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    oh wow, @Avidkeo good luck with it. I saw where New Zealand had high praises for its control, little more than 1000 cases in the whole country. Will you all be offered the vaccination?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @rheddmobile It looks like you are doing great at the bird count. You don't have to be perfect and don't have to count everything you see. They ask. If there is something you aren't sure about, you just don't enter it. I'm impressed by the number of birds you have. It made me realize that I haven't seen any sparrows in a while. Wonder where they went. It's cool that you saw a zebra finch but sad that it escaped from someone. Glad it was surviving, I guess. Not sure it's good for native species when those that aren't intermingle. I haven't watched birds enough lately to be real confident either, but I am going to report the ones I know. I think the weather is keeping some of the normal ones away.

    @shanaber The bread looks good.

    Love hearing about all of the birds that people see.

    Well shoot, @Avidkeo ! I hate to hear that. I hope there are no more cases and the race gets to happen in person. You've been looking so forward to it and doing so great in training.

    @swenson19d Bean and Bear are enjoying their National Geographic Channel, LOL

    I got a call from the assisted living this morning that my cousin was having some sort of psychotic episode. They said he was really confused and cussing them, which is not his usual behavior. So, they sent him to the VA. I talked to the ER there this afternoon and they can't figure out what is going on. On paper, he looks fine, but she said he's really confused and the only info they could get out of him was his name and birthday, one time. He's cooperative, but is talking non-sense. They are going to admit him and do more tests. Sounds like what happened in May of last year. It's really odd. I hope they can figure it out.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 yeah I'll be on the list since I'm a health care worker. Supposed to start next week! We are behind in jabs because we had the luxury of being controlled.

    And please keep posting cat pics! Love them.

    @quilteryoyo sorry to hear about your cousin. Have they looked at a chest infection? That often causes confusion.

    Re my race:
    The organisers of the race put out a statement saying they are remaining hopeful and will keep going as planned until they hear otherwise. I appreciate this approach.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Avidkeo They checked for pneumonia - I think just a chest x-ray. They were going to get a CT scan on the way to his room to make sure. The only thing they found was a slightly elevated WBC count.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @Avidkeo They checked for pneumonia - I think just a chest x-ray. They were going to get a CT scan on the way to his room to make sure. The only thing they found was a slightly elevated WBC count.

    Have they checked for UTI? Sudden delirium and elevated wbc in seniors is often a UTI.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Yep. Checked for that too @rheddmobile . There are no obvious reasons for this. I talked to his nurse this morning. No change. The doctor's haven't been by yet, so will call back later to see what they are saying about it. The nurse this morning said he told her that he had put her grandmother on the ceiling and he wanted her to stay there. Just weird.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I agree with @rheddmobile it does sound like a UTI. From what little I know it could be electrolytes, or blood sugar too.

    Just a drive by today. School is canceled but we are still assigned work and my internet is out. ugh.

    We have snow drifts about 2 feet deep.

    Lots of chickadees at the windows nom noming seed.

    We drug the dogs in last night and ugh, dirty dogs. Bear wasn't keen bit we found out cori must have had a dog in his first home. He loved playing with Jack. so funny. Dogs are back out today giving Bear a break and the hope is that they are smart enough to come to the door when they need in. Dh is still working on the porch, I think he's decided to use corrugated fiberglass or PVC, which is fine by me.

    I think I'll fast today or have a light soup. Dh only bought soda and chips yesterday so I ate a whole bag of puffed cheetoes. They were not friendly to me and I had GI issues and today my face hurts so bad. Sounds like a gluten issue?

    ok wasting my hot spot data. back to work.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    There are some new birds about today. I think its an oriel and the small striped one I have no idea, its breast is slightly yellow.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d Glad you drug the dogs in last night, even if they weren't happy about it. An enclosed porch will be good for them. I can't see the bird good enough to make a positive ID, buy I'm pretty sure it is a female Goldfinch. It looks like they are all glad for the seed in that snow. Stay safe.

    Cousin news: He is still acting about the same. They have decided that he has a little bit of pneumonia, so are giving him antibiotics, but everything else looks really good. The doctor is stumped, so they are putting in a Psychology consult.

    We actually had some blue skies this morning and a temp of 45°F, so I took advantage and went out for a 2.0 mile walk before it went away. It actually got up to 53 this afternoon, but by then the wind was howling and it felt colder than it did when I walked. It's raining now.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all.

    @swenson19 love the birds! I'm no good at telling what's what.

    Had a free massage today. She found some tight spots. It's 5 days before the HM so should be fine by then.

    Was craving mcdonalds so bad in the way home. So so bad. But remembered my new motto - I never regret food I don't have. And didn't stop. Came home instead and made a massive bowl of porridge /oatmeal instead. Hey I'm carb loading right! Trying for less protein and more carbs ahead of Sunday.
    Apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar and oats!

    Weight down a little. But I'm letting it go this week especially now I'm loading. Will see what its like next week.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo Yes, I believe you are right on the bird. I looked it up and is an accurate guess.

    Sorry about the cousin. Hopefully the antibiotics will help him. Fingers crossed the psych consult.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo hope they figured out what's happening
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Great job at passing up McDonald's @Avidkeo ! The porridge looks much better anyway.

    Thanks @swenson19d and @Avidkeo !

    My birdwatching didn't reveal any new/different birds today. I'm not sure where the finches and wrens are this year. The only birds I am reporting are Mourning Doves, Blue Jays, Titmice, Juncos, Cardinals, Carolina Chikadees, Red Bellied Woodpecker, White Breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo I will have to look up those birds. I have no idea what half of them are. We have the killdeer here too, no sight of them of course yet-@rhedmobile was it? (if I page back I'll lose my post). They are odd little things, always running along side the edge of the road here.

    How's everyone holding up? weather, electric, food, shelter? Its ZERO F here and they are talking about rolling blackouts. I understand the why, but that is dangerous for so many people. @shanaber is it nice and warm there?
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    edited February 2021
    swenson19d wrote: »
    @quilteryoyo I will have to look up those birds. I have no idea what half of them are. We have the killdeer here too, no sight of them of course yet-@rhedmobile was it? (if I page back I'll lose my post). They are odd little things, always running along side the edge of the road here.

    How's everyone holding up? weather, electric, food, shelter? Its ZERO F here and they are talking about rolling blackouts. I understand the why, but that is dangerous for so many people. @shanaber is it nice and warm there?
    A few years ago my mom had a killdeer nest in her driveway (large round gravel) so she put up road cones around it! Everyone had to drive around the nest for weeks.

    One thing I love about killdeer is the mommas will pretend to have a broken wing to lure predators away from the nest. They flap along until whatever it is gets too close, then zoom!

    Today we had a whole flock of grackles descend, driving away all the smaller birds. I know they have to live too but I hate grackles, they’re so mean and there are so many of them, when they get your number it can cost hundreds of dollars in seed and nobody eats but them. I went outside and they flew off and all my little birds who normally come and know me came back and almost landed on me, they were so eager to eat with the cold weather. One little junco was so eager to eat that I literally poured bird seed on his head!

    We had a Tennessee warbler today, which doesn’t happen often. He was tiny and bright green! We also had a bird I had never seen before which turned out to be a yellow-rumped warbler.
    Like these guys!

    Re: the weather, we are good so far, praying hard the power stays on since even with power the central heat isn’t staying ahead of the weather. Our bedroom is 57 right now and we are sleeping on the sofa in the living room. If the power goes out things are gonna get scary here. We have about 8 inches snow and ice and are supposed to get that many more.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    So ending the day 100 calories over goal. All good.

    Went to the dentist, had 3 fillings.
    Amusing pic in the spoiler.
    Smiling is hard with half a numb face!

    Tomorrow Im up at 530 for a 5k slow run, then work, then I go to wellington. We have not had any extra cases of covid so far, so things are looking good for the race, touch wood. Fortunately we can still travel.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I hope they get things sorted with your cousin! Also what is happening with the furnace repairs?

    @avidkeo - Love the picture! It is hard to smile when you are numb! Hope everything works out for your HM!

    @swenson19d - I saw on the news tonight that Oklahoma City is supposed to get down to -20! Yikes!! I hope it isn't that cold further south where you are but with Dallas also being so cold I suspect you will get the brutal cold too! Hope you can get all the animals inside even if they don't like it!
    Also hope you, @rheddmobile and @quilteryoyo all keep your power on. From what they said on the news here they are asking for rolling blackouts in seven or 8 states north of you all from Montana east and down because of the impact on the power grid. Not a good situation for any of you!
    It isn't sunny and warm here but it definitely isn't even near freezing. I think it was 61F, overcast with a cold wind today and is supposed to be that way most of the week. Next week they are saying it could hit 80 though.

    Dh bbq'd steaks for us yesterday. So good! We haven't had any in a long time and they really hit the spot. I made veggies and baked potatoes but realized the bag of russets I got from the grocery store are all pretty tiny (under 100gms). They ended up being just fine though.

    I also made a dessert - wanted to make chocolate Lava Cakes but the recipes all made too many so I found one for a fudge cake that made 2 small servings.
    Food Porn:
    It is mostly egg and chocolate with a small amount of flour. I used dark chocolate (70% cacao). Before you bake them you stick 0.5oz piece of chocolate in the middle to make a gooey center. I topped with half a marshmallow because one of our favorite restaurants does something similar.

    I did a little run today and then had agility tonight. Going to be sore tomorrow, am already sore tonight. I realized when I ran this afternoon that I am pretty certain my knee is hurting because my form is different from the hamstring hurting. I walked as soon as I felt my hamstring twinge and that seemed to keep my knee happier.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @rheddmobile Killdeer are good mothers. I see them often in the summer. Funny about the Junco letting you pour seed on it's head. I know they are all confused about the weather too. Cool that you got to see those warblers yesterday. I hope your power stay on. Does your heating system have "emergency heat?" That's what I am using when mine isn't working, but it does use a lot more power. I guess that's not the best idea when you're trying to conserve electricity, is it? That's a lot of snow! I hope you can stay safe and warm.

    @Avidkeo Funny picture. I hate it when one side of my mouth is numb! Glad your race is still on!

    @shanaber Thanks. That cake looks yummy, except for the marshmallow. They aren't my favorite. It does make it look pretty though. My husband and I used to grill steaks a lot. Our first date was him grilling a ribeye. I don't have it much anymore. Sounds good. I'm glad your hamstring behaved and hope your knee is okay.

    As for the furnace repair. The saga continues. I can't recall if I told you all that it went out again on Friday night. All of the Freon they put in last Monday had already leaked out! So, I'm back to emergency heat. I talked to the service people yesterday. They are supposed to come out sometime today and fill it back up with "used" Freon so I won't have to pay for it. Humm. I hope not! Anyway, with the weather, I'm not holding my breath that they will show up. He also said that the factory is having to manufacture the part they need, so he has no ETA for that. He was supposed to check yesterday and let me know. No word yet. If they ever get it fixed and it breaks again, someone else will be called to do the service. I know some of this isn't their fault, but it's just too much and they don't seem to care....they may, but it sure isn't coming across to me that way.

    As for the weather. I still think we are going to miss the major part of the storm. When I woke up this morning, it was 25°F and we had a dusting of snow. The temps are supposed to stay in the 30's, but they aren't expecting us to get much in the way of precipitation.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo I am still loving your hair btw.

    @quilteryoyo You know this an insane run around. I'd call them on their BS and tell them the next call is to the BBB. I fear you may have to use another service to get this straightened out. In a week we will be to spring temps, no heat no air, I hope that's the case for you too so this can be addressed with out the urgency of need.

    @rheddmobile Luckily we don't see grackles here. In town it is infested with grackles. I'd have crows and hawks would hope they keep the numbers down in a rural area.

    Same birdies this AM. We are out of bird food but I hung a large feeder on the back porch that they wont eat from, so I will feed them that today.

    @shanaber Smart idea on the single serving cake/treat. Yes our temps are just as cold, where cold is just cold no matter the number. It is currently zero and the high today is 21F/-6C. The low was -6 last night. My youngest niece is using plastic bags for a toilet because her pipes are frozen, and Eric ran some hand warmers over to her in case her power goes out for her pet snake. We had one electric flicker, I have been careful no to run too much sticking to basics; heat, internet, cat water pagoda and set the air purifiers on auto.

    I put on ski pants yesterday to go out to the outside cat and was a sausage. So I think today is the day I set a goal and start tracking my calories again.

    Where's @bearly63? how are your temps? hows your hip? did you see the ortho yet? we we get new hips wanna take a "hippie" vacation with me? LOL!

    me pain
    doc tomorrow. If this is just arthritis pain, I am a jerk for thinking that it is no big deal when others have mentioned arthritis pain.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 thanks lol. Im currently growing it out but who knows when the mood to cut it off strikes again.

    @quilteryoyo yeah I'd get new people. The situation is ridiculous.

    My tooth is a bit sharp where the filling is. Will see how it goes, but I have to go back in a couple of weeks for 2 fillings on the other side so will get them buffed a bit.

    Weight is back down again. Trend still looking good. However it's a weekend away at my mums house. Eep. I'm taking my scales, and will do all the cooking so that will help