Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @swenson19d - you really need to get the Merlin app (not that I mind the bird pictures at all) but the app is fun to try an ID birds in your local area. If it can't find it exactly it will give you ones it thinks it might be.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    ....and I mentioned our roads are really not driveable. We were eating our post rucksack run victory hotdogs and noticed people outside screaming and cursing at each other, and various car noises including a loud slam like a car hitting something. My husband ducked outside to see what it was and my one-over-from next door neighbor had backed out of his driveway and that was the end of that. He couldn’t get the car to turn to go up the road. He couldn’t even get it back into the driveway. And when he finally did get it to move it slid sideways and into the other neighbor’s car. Husband quietly went back into the house without letting anyone know he was watching.

    So yeah, us walking to the Home Depot instead of trying to drive was probably the better part of valor.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @bearly63 good to hear you're doing okay. I have a niece with 3 kids in grand Prairie with no electricity for 2 days now. Her biggest complains the effort it takes to make coffee. Well least on FB it is.

    @rheddmobile yay! A walk and bird seed! My dh went and bought 2 bags and a bag of meal worms. Birds are going to be happy tomorrow! Glad the crazy neighbors weren't too crazy!

    @shanaber thanks for the app suggestion. I saw the Cornell web page had an app too. I enjoyed sharing the birds here, I can look them up too.

    I do okay most the day then don't. I ate ice cream again. I knew that was a risk when dh went to the store. Oh well. Tomorrow I can try again. Perhaps this summer I can force myself to exercise through some pain and get stronger and lose some weight, no lie, I'll probably cheat and make a cool sculpting appointment soon to get that dern right fat arm pit that bothers me so.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Thank you everyone for the comments! I an not an emotional person outwardly so most folks dont even know underneath the surface is a hurricane of sadness.

    @shanaber I am back in Cali, got lucky to be stationed in the same state as my mom this time. Very grateful that I am this close and not trying to handle everything from overseas. I was on half her accounts, but she had a couple small ones where I was not. I did hire an attorney to assist me with transferring everything (including a ranch...oof).

    @swenson19d So sorry about your son, it has been such a horrible year. I equate it to the Ghost Busters movie where all the negative slime was running under the city LOL

    @avidkeo I am so jealous of your race! I was watching youtube videos this morning of peoples races LOL

    Well yesterday is a day 2 of getting back in the saddle success. I came in a little higher in calories than I wanted but still under and I even got in a 3 mile hill run. It was rough convincing myself to get out there after work bc the wind was a bit strong, but I avoided most of it. Felt strong on the run too, didnt break any speed records but didnt die either. I really miss being strong and fast. Earlier last year I could crank out mile repeats all day, this year...maybe 400 meters LOL

    Still no word on if I can transfer, unfortunately our personnel office is in San Antonio, so I imagine they are backlogged. On the Mom front, trial has been delayed another week. We are still in the pre-preliminary stage. BofA is a PITA and I had to go get 3 different signatures notarized, why couldn't I have just done it at the branch in front of them...but no. Citibank Visa has been another arsehole. Once they figure out someone is dead they automatically close the account and send it to "Ascensions Point" which while they claim to handle deceased members affairs, bottom line is they are debt collection agency. Now I imagine some people do pass with large credit card debt, but in this case Visa owed me money...and so when I called...super sketch, they sent me a regular statement showing the credit, but when I called the citibank customer service number to get a check sent, they had switched it out for the collection agency number...I hung up twice thinking I had dialed wrong number. Finally talked to them after listening to their whole debt collection rant...only to be told citibank will send me a check in 60-90 days. :neutral:

    Today has been a bit challenging with "kid" (I call my young Airmen kids....most cant even drink)...dirty rooms, ditching out of work issues. le sigh...sometimes I wish I could pay them by the hour to make a point how good they have it. By baby Lt had a flat tire so we had to go out and do car repair 101. I am in the military right? Not just a babysitter? LOL I really do love what I do though.

    Calories should be coming in maybe a tad over (I had a reeses cup), no exercise planned but I saw an advert for the apple+ exercise app ($9.99 a month) and you pick a body part and a time frame. My great dislike for anything strength related attention span may be able to handle that.

    Aim high folks!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    ... and we’re under a boil water directive. Reservoir is frozen and several water mains have burst so city pressure has dropped below safe levels. I found this out after drinking a large glass of water from the tap to hydrate first thing in the morning. Now trying to calculate how to brush my teeth.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    ... and we’re under a boil water directive. Reservoir is frozen and several water mains have burst so city pressure has dropped below safe levels. I found this out after drinking a large glass of water from the tap to hydrate first thing in the morning. Now trying to calculate how to brush my teeth.

    When I was in Iraq the first time we had this issue. You had to close your eyes and mouth when taking a shower and we brushed our teeth with bottled water. I survived...came home 15lbs lighter but I found them all :wink:
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @rheddmobile I am sure we will be under a boil order soon too. Our pressure is lower but we do use bottled water already because it tastes terrible and before we moved, the water rarely passed quality checks. So I just have to curtail the shower water drinking habit. I think you can brush your teeth with it. Perhaps Listerine after?

    finally UPS got out!
    Now I am waiting for it to unfreeze before I activate it. Dh says I'll hate it and it is difficult to figure out. maybe. I tend to think I have enough neuroplasticity to figure it out... as long as I can access my Apple account and get to all my passwords... what was that password now? er... ohno.. LOL!
    @CMorning99 Sounds like a trying day. But I embraced Alex problems after he died, it was like I was helping him or something. There weren't many with creditors, er any. I just emailed his accounts and told them he passed. He had no assets and nothing in his accounts anyway. I was okay for a few months then just unwound into an emotional being. I digress, today is a hard one for me.

    I think the neuro referral is messing with me.
    I am trying to balance school work and networking with some MS folks. Prepare for the possibility.

    few today... What happened? I had so many yesterday.

    ...has no manners. He will steal the food off your plate if you sarcastically set it down and say "go ahead". He stole pizza off my plate yesterday. That's fine- it had soy in it anyway. He likes canned dog food. He doesn't seem to mind the snow either. Just a nut. He's about to get renamed. Not sure to what yet but hes a fruit loop.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited February 2021
    @rheddmobile I love that you walked to Home Depot just for bird feed. I know the birds appreciated it! Glad you made it there and back safely too. Hope cooler heads prevailed with your neighbor's and everything got worked out between them. Yeah. Good call on the walk.

    @bearly63 I hope you make it home and everything is ok when you get there. I feel for the TX and other southern folks dealing with the snow, ice, and power outages.

    @swenson19d Yeah for making good food choices most of the day! That's a great start. Keep trying. You'll get there. Sorry today is a bad day for you. Hang in there.

    @Avidkeo I'm glad that your mom's operation went well. Brains are weird. Like you said, you do need to try to eat more this week so you can be fueled for the HM. Maybe add nuts...I think that is what you guys suggested to me when I was afraid I was loosing too much. Not an issue at the moment. :lol:

    @CMorning99 Slow and easy is the best way to get back into running, even though my guess is that your slow is my fast. I hope your transfer goes through. Taking care of financial affairs is hard. Hugs to you. And, as for the airmen, yeah, your pretty much a babysitter/mom to them. It's probably the first time most have been away from home and have no idea how to do the most basic things. BTW, I was in the AF for 15 years - took an early retirement they offered electrical engineers. I loved it. Thanks for your service.

    @rheddmobile You know you can brush your teeth without toothpaste. It was originally used just to make it "taste" better with no real benefit. So, for a few days, you could do it. Or boil a bunch and safe some for that purpose. If you think you may lose water service, fill a bunch of pans/buckets with snow to melt and use that to flush the toilet. Also, is you lose power, you can put pans of snow in the fridge to keep the food cold and put frozen stuff outside somewhere while the temps are low. I hope things get back to normal soon for you.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited February 2021
    @swenson19d Hope you enjoy your new gadget.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Had my follow up appointment this morning. I got the answers that I pretty much expected, but still excited about some of them.

    I can drive! Yeah. So, on the way home I made an appointment to get a hair cut in the morning. It's out of control.
    I can sleep in my bed in any position I want! Yeah. Will report back in the morning, but wondering if I'll be able to sleep since I'm "used" to the recliner and will probably have in the back of my head that it will hurt if I lay on my side. We shall see.
    All of my minor issues/questions are normal healing. He did say that it can take up to 6 months to total recover.
    No running for 2 more weeks. I figured that one. He said to take it easy when I do and cut back/stop if it hurts.
    No tennis for 6 more weeks. Was a little surprised by this, but understandable. Too much pressure and twisting of the upper torso.
    Return to Daycare in 4 weeks. Maybe more. He said I can start lifting more, but to quit if it hurts. I guess I'll know when I feel safe picking up/wrestling with the older kids. I really think I could do the babies now, but not the older ones.
    No vacuuming for 2 more weeks. It'll be okay. Not my favorite thing to do anyway. I have been keeping the floors presentable with a little hand held vac.

    I think that's pretty much it. I will see them again in a year for another CT scan to ensure that the area "downstream" from the aneurysm isn't bulging. They will follow me for 3 - 5 years. If they see nothing, they won't see me again.

    So, it was a good visit. Being able to go where I want to when I want to is going to help my mental status a lot.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo congratulations on the doc visit!

    The iPhone is okay. I can't seem to customize it like the android but think that's a thing I can't do. My email is sterile, no color. Oh well.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Had my follow up appointment this morning. I got the answers that I pretty much expected, but still excited about some of them.

    I can drive! Yeah. So, on the way home I made an appointment to get a hair cut in the morning. It's out of control.
    I can sleep in my bed in any position I want! Yeah. Will report back in the morning, but wondering if I'll be able to sleep since I'm "used" to the recliner and will probably have in the back of my head that it will hurt if I lay on my side. We shall see.
    All of my minor issues/questions are normal healing. He did say that it can take up to 6 months to total recover.
    No running for 2 more weeks. I figured that one. He said to take it easy when I do and cut back/stop if it hurts.
    No tennis for 6 more weeks. Was a little surprised by this, but understandable. Too much pressure and twisting of the upper torso.
    Return to Daycare in 4 weeks. Maybe more. He said I can start lifting more, but to quit if it hurts. I guess I'll know when I feel safe picking up/wrestling with the older kids. I really think I could do the babies now, but not the older ones.
    No vacuuming for 2 more weeks. It'll be okay. Not my favorite thing to do anyway. I have been keeping the floors presentable with a little hand held vac.

    I think that's pretty much it. I will see them again in a year for another CT scan to ensure that the area "downstream" from the aneurysm isn't bulging. They will follow me for 3 - 5 years. If they see nothing, they won't see me again.

    So, it was a good visit. Being able to go where I want to when I want to is going to help my mental status a lot.

    Wooo hooo especially the sleeping positions! And 2 more weeks till running is a bit stink but what you expected. You are doing incredibly well!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Thanks ladies. I slept better last night, being in bed. The first time I laid on my side, I could "feel it," but it didn't really hurt. I did wind up most of the night on my back, but not because I "had" to. Seems so much easier when it isn't required. LOL

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo yay, good to hear you slept better! You need a Bob for your floors, one should come with heart surgery.

    DH is off to work today outside of the house. That means I have space to get some violin practice in. I think it is supposed to be just above freezing today. buh bye snow.

    no idea. DH made chili with the only burger he could find, patties. I forgot and didnt check the box. I suspect it had soy in it. The scale is down a bit, but I know it lies.

    no real complaints. I liked swiping my email to delete it and that doesn't seem to be an option. Which is fine, I usually delete it all from the laptop. It was incredibility easy to set up and organize. I need wall paper now. simple problems.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I took yesterday mostly off and didn't respond to anything. Mentally it was what I needed and as a result I slept so good last night! But now I am behind on responding...
    @bearly63 - hope you made it home from Chicago and that everything is good at your house!
    @rheddmobile - I hope you are out of the freeze and don't have to boil water, etc. for too much longer!
    @quilteryoyo - such great news from your doctor and I am so glad you slept better!
    @CMorning99 - yea, transferring property can be difficult. The good news (maybe) if you have to go through probate with the ranch is they reappraise it at today's value so if you sell it you don't have the huge tax hit.
    Take your time getting back into running and with the calories. You'll get there!
    @swenson19d - I am not sure what you mean about customizing emails with color but there really isn't anything like that on the iPhone that I am aware of. You can definitely swipe (right to left) to delete emails. If you only partially swipe it should give you 3 options I think and one os flag and the other is trash and I think the last is 'more options' but if you do a full swipe it goes to trash. If that isn't working look in settings/mail/swipe options to make sure it isn'r set to 'none' but I think trash is always one of the swipe left options. You can also use edit to select a bunch of messages to delete all at once. Maybe we need to have a zoom iPhone class 😂 seriously let me know if you need help.

    So as I mentioned, I took yesterday off. Our cleaning people came (1st time since October) and we like to be out of the house for them. Even though I go out to run or for a walk most days I don't think I realized how not going anywhere for months has affected me mentally. It was such relief to get out! We just drove down and picked up our wine club orders from last quarter so not really hanging out much and the 2 wineries were pretty empty. Everything has to be done outside, social distanced, etc. We did sit for a bit at the 2nd winery and shared a glass of wine while they figured out our order which was lost in their new system. Glad I brought a print out of the email.
    Food was ok. I ate my usual Greek yogurt breakfast before we headed out and we stopped at Starbucks for a protein box on the way home. I ordered a panini and chips (which I rarely eat but sounded good with the sandwich) and when we got there to pick it up they didn't have the panini. So I ended up with just chips. I had a few, but nope, not so much without the panini. Dinner was salad with grilled chicken from Panera after we picked up the pup.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    @quilteryoyo yay for sleep!

    @swenson19 I've heard that's one big difference with the iPhone and android is the customisation ability.

    Well let go yesterday and ate all the carbs lol. I tracked everything and was 1300 calories over goal. Eep but definitely worth it. Today's run felt great. Today I have another carb loaded day planned. I'll go over goal, but not that much hopefully. Again it doesn't actually matter, I know.
    Scales reflected the extra food by only 1lb! That was a surprise haha. Expected more.

    I keep looking at toys to buy, because I can. Not because I need them. My phone is 2 years old, but still works great. Watch is 18 months old, and still works great. But I want new toys. Sigh.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning folks!

    @quilteryoyo A fellow AF veteran! I joined the AF to be an electrical engineer b/c my dad was one...but alas the recruiter lied to me LOL. But I have been doing what the AF has needed me to do for 22 years and love everyday I come to work.

    @shanaber Luckily nothing went to probate since I was on a few accounts and no one else was mentioned in trust so it was a matter of just signing an affidavit to transfer non probate. I still have all the ranch equipment I need to transfer with the DMV but meh...I will do it eventually.

    Yesterday was another successful day...3 days in a row! Calories were spot on and I was only head hungry. No exercise since I am still easing back into things and don't want to pull anything. But I was researching new running shoes, Nike quit making my favs (Nike Epic React) and the new model had weak reviews so I ordered the Nike Pegasus 37s...folks said they were a solid trainer with the flexibility to throw in some speed. In my rabbit hole of YouTube reviews, I stumbled upon some race reviews and I could feel the energy running throw my veins. I also signed up for the Peloton (I don't have one) workout app for their strength and stretch classes. It is $13 a month and has tons of categories. I even did a 5 min hip stretch workout last winning all around :)

    Today I have the office to myself and reviewing performance evals...they are sorely lacking. I feel like there are so few people out there who understand what a leader is and what it means to be in a management position. They don't want to be bothered with taking care of those entrusted to them. Then they get all pissy when I lower their performance evals for being lazy. Needless to say, I am not popular amongst the slackers at work LOL Had to have a long talk with a young Amn about how you should keep your room clean (kid had a narrow path from the door to the bathroom and the rest was covered in clothes, stuff, and trash bags). His response was, well I am going to get married so I don't have to live in the dorms...which led to a whole other conversation about landlords and fast marriages...sadly I don't think I got through to him.

    Today calories are looking on track. I have another 3 miler scheduled this afternoon, my motivation comes and goes but I will get it done after work.

    Probably not going to log on too much during the weekend, will try to track calories b/c that is usually where all heck breaks loose!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber Thanks for the iphone help. It will only allow me to select more, archive and move. I went to the setting to change that, but no option for trash. annoying. And I am stuck with my camera being accessible even locked and the dern flashlight on the home screen. oh well. minor far. and it does not like to be paired with my dell laptop for any lengh of time. The android allowed me to text and access files via the dell mobile connect app. Apple is hit and miss so far. It has been fine with my Garmin. though.