Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    oh @quilteryoyo electo-optics sounds awesome!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Tha ks guys.

    She's decided not to come, and I'm supporting that decision. The guilt I'd feel leaving her behind would be awful. I'd feel the whole time that I'd have to do what ever I could to keep her and my friend happy. And that sounds exhausting.

    We are doing another holiday in a few months to the snow that she will come along. Its an annual tradition (well will be hahaha) and she came the first time, and knows exactly what it will be like.

    Had a good day today. Another day sticking to goal. Also rode my bike too and from work. Whew.

    Early morning tomorrow, as I'm working in ED (ER). Busy busy
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    You are doing so good, all the way around @Avidkeo !
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    I did three different walks today, each one a mile long. That is the furthest I have intentionally walked since the surgery. I felt fine while walking, but have been really wiped out since I ate dinner. I'm hoping that means I will sleep good tonight. (I slept a lot better last night.)

    I did get my letter to the IRS in the mail today and got the credit card to waive the late fee they had charged me. One of my walks was to mom's to visit with the friends who stayed with her while I was having my surgery. After they left, I helped her get firewood on the porch. After I got home, I called a dear, older friend, and talked almost an hour. I'm trying hard to do better about keeping in touch with people - especially people like her who are by themselves with very few visitors. She'll be 90 in July, still lives alone, and still mows her lawn in the summer. She's super sweet.

    I don't feel like I am getting much accomplished, but seem to be staying busy enough. I still need to write the thank you cards for some of the flowers/cards we received after dad passed away. I keep putting it off. I just need to pick a day and get them all done. I hope to do that one day this week.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hello Ladies:

    I have been out of the loop but just read all the past weeks posts. Work has been a series of firedrills as there is an offer on to buy one of the properties so I am doing a lot of disclosure work. This is usually a slow week where I can do clean up work from year end but not so far.

    Also found out that my husband's golf partner from Saturday tested covid positive on Sunday so he is quarantining here. He's masked and staying in his office and our bedroom or 8 feet away from us. No symptoms yet and has a PCR test appt for Thursday. Not too concerned since they were outside and not too close together but we are being safe.

    DD just got her second vaccine yesterday and is feeling a little off today.

    @quilteryoyo so glad your recovery is going so well and your weight is back down. I wish you could sleep better. I am the same way....not a back sleeper. It's hard when you can't get flat either.

    @swenson19d cute kitty pics!!

    @RunsOnEspresso AFter the Equifax breach I just locked down all of my credit at each of the places. Seems to have worked but its a pain if I want to apply for credit. I am sure my info is floating around the dark web somewhere.

    @ddmom0811 what is this about cycling under your desk.....fill me in hahaha

    @shanaber congrats on your weight and running etc. And its great that you got the vaccine. I heard Cali is reopening?

    @Avidkeo You are doing so well with the tracking....all of you guys are.

    Food: starting to get back to tracking but learning more about I am focused right now on getting more lean muscle. I probably have a few lbs of fat to lose but need to gain muscle so I guess I am more at a maintenance level of cals but I need more protein....I just read an interesting post about how to set your goals to control where workout calories go can choose what macro to increase from workout calories. I need to research more.

    exercise: I did a fun running challenge where we took a running class from every instructor, in order, no stopping. Some were walking or warm up runs or intervals. A few were called the extra mile where you try to do a mile in 8 minutes. I am jog is about 5 MPH (12 min mile) I had to basically sprint at about a 7-8 min mile to get there. I got one. It felt good run - the treadmill is so much more cushioning than the road. This will definitely help me increase my speed.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @quilteryoyo - that is interesting about the electro-optics. I figured it might have something to do with lasers. My dh and I sometimes talk about how much IT has changed over the years. The systems we originally worked on were much smaller than what is in our phones today but they were able to process all the banking information for millions of people.
    I think you got quite a lot accomplished, especially with three walks. I hope this time with the IRS finally gets it resolved!
    Hi @bearly63! CA has lifted the extended stay at home order but the county wide restrictions remain. We are in the worst level and basically everything is still shut down. The restaurants can open with limited outdoor seating again though.
    Strange that your dd had a reaction to the 2nd dose. Did she sign up for v-safe to log and get support if needed for the vaccine reactions? My dd was adamant that we sign up and provide feedback. She said it was really important, especially if we had anything more than a sore arm (we didn't).

    Bread update and pictures:
    Both the sourdough and the sourdough maple walnut bread are delicious. The maple bread isn't super sweet which I like. It also didn't brown really well in the machine but it was super easy to just put everything in and let it go. Even clean up was easy. Hilde wants me to make all of our bread now - ha!

    Met with my pcp today and explained my concern that the issue with my hip as seen on the xray wasn't what I was experiencing as a problem. She thinks the hamstring pain is likely tendonitis as a result of the hip issue and is sending me to a sports ortho potentially for a cortisone shot and PT. She doesn't want me to go though until after I get my 2nd vaccine shot. She tried gently to tell me not to try running anymore and that running may become something I won't be able to do anymore. I am not ready to hear that or to accept it. She also wants me to 'lose a few pounds'...I'm trying, I'm trying...

    Food - we are keeping with the IF even though not managing the early hours (more eating breakfast later and dinner a little earlier). I have learned that if we don't have enough protein in dinner I am starving by bed time and then can't sleep. I have to make sure I have a protein drink or something if dinner is protein light.
    Dd also told me that we should not be having much carbs at dinner (for dh), basically keep it to protein and veggies. I need to work more on that. I didn't get in to customize our Hellofresh order for this week and the meals were all very high in carbs. One that we haven't eaten yet has 190 carbs per serving! Yikes!! I am not sure I will even make it. I won't waste the ingredients but I will make something else that is healthier with them.

    I listened more to the Keep Sharp book today and he was talking about the link between metabolic disorders (obesity, belly fat or large waist sizes, etc.) and dementia/Alzheimers. As he said more research is needed but there appears to be a connection; as obesity has increased so has Alzheimers but they don't know yet what the specific connection is. He did talk about the connection to insulin and having the brain cells become insulin resistant and essentially starve. I listened to this section 3 times today. I hope my dh will listen to it and maybe it will provide some incentive to get him up and moving. He is eating better so that should help too.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @bearly63 I hope your DH, and you, stay symptom free. Hope DD is back to her normal self today. Thanks, regarding sleep. Sleeping on the couch is helping, but for some reason, no matter how tired I feel, once I lay down I just can't go to sleep. It took me 1.5 hours last night before drifting off. It's better than it was, so I'll take it. I don't really track macros. Maybe I should. That workout sounds intense.

    (I had a post almost ready and somehow hit a button that deleted over half of it. Urg!)

    @shanaber Bread porn before breakfast isn't fair! It looks delicious. No wonder Hilde wants you to do a lot of baking. LOL I'm sorry you didn't get better news from your PCP. Maybe the sports ortho will be more optimistic and have a better solution. I find I need to have more protein in order to not be starving, and shaky, in just a couple of hours. It sounds like you are doing great though. The connection between obesity and Alzheimer's is interesting.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey @shanaber Your bread porn pics are amazing. I am such a sourdough fan. It became my pandemic guilty pleasure. One of the fun restaurants here is called Easy Tiger - a german beer garden with good sammies, sausages etc. To deal with the pandemic shutdown, they started making and selling their bread and starter at the local groceries and whole foods. The multigrain sourdough....better than anything. I finally stopped buying it after the new year.

    Your hip sounds like my hip....but my pain is right on the front - hip flexor area. I am in the same boat. xrays clear. MRI shows edema (swelling and inflammation) but no fractures. A few small labrum tears which are normal wear and tear for my age. So Sports med doc says I am fine to do whatever I on a treadmill, cycle. The pain is the annoying thing but it only hurts when I do strength, yoga, stretching that involves the hip flexor. PT was more about evening out the imbalanced strength from my compensating and also my slightly twisted pelvis due to tight hamstrings. hahahah.....what a mess. So back to square one. I am thinking one more opinion from a different PT/Doc and then pull the trigger on the cortizone shot to lose the pain and move on. Too many cooks stirring the pot!

    That book sounds good. The Book "Live Wired" touches a lot on brain health and aging. Highly recommend. And the Mark Hyman series I mentioned last week does too - he is all about how food is medicine and the links to disease. The series was free last week and over the weekend and now its for sale of course. I ended up buying it because I couldn't listen last week and it comes with a cool workbook with all of the details the experts mention in the podcast. I let you all know if anything is worth sharing.

    And same on the protein thing. I am focusing on getting my macros right. My method on MFP has been to set my minimum cals and add back and eat my workout cals as motivation. I figured out how to set my added back workout cals to different I am adding back more carbs and fat and little protein. I want to get the protein regardless of my work out days. We shall see. It only works if I actually track.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @quilteryoyo Have you ever tried meditation? I ask because I am starting to do it more - so much science supports it for brain health. But I have discovered sleep meditations on the Peloton app. I listen before I go to sleep and I never make it past 5 minutes in a 10 min one hahaha. They just are so calming and it forces me to turn off my brain and relax and breath. It's amazing. There are many apps out there and I am sure they have them too. Check out Calm or Headspace....they have free versions with a few sleep meditations. And also other ones for day time. They say its almost as important as eating right and exercising.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @bearly63 I have not tried those. I'll check it out. Thanks.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @bearly63 I did too but somehow one credit card still got through. Now I have it locked for a year & applied for the 7-year version for ID theft victims.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Morning all.

    Been on the edge of developing a cold all week. Last night I thought it finally was going full bloom but apparently not. Now maybe it will just go away.

    Scales finally going down again after Sundays binge. Went as high as 1.3kg over Saturdays weight, down to 800g over. I'm working out of town again tonight, so Hopefully back to last week's weight Saturday. Will see. I've got all my food ready for the next 2 days again. So not worried about food.

    Did not sleep well last night and am experiencing some DOMS from Tuesdays workout. Might have some retention from that.

    Just generally down today.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @Avidkeo Hugs. Sorry you are down today. I'm glad the cold chose to leave rather than go full bloom! You're doing great with food and your weight.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @shanaber that bread looks so good! It took me about a year (then losing Alex) to realize I'll never run again. I was thinking today that perhaps I'll be able to bike but haven't even tried to get on the bike with all the cranky back pain.

    I bought an over the toilet shelf and thought I was careful in the measurements and dang if it does not fit. Terribly embarrassing after dh accused me of spending too much money. I also got the floating shelf for under the TV and it looked horrible so I put it in the cat room and it works great for accumulating the stuff I am working on that day.

    Cori and Bear
    Cori is still chief running butt and has a vet appointment friday. We all agreed on a diet plan for him since it could be food. And I found out (er, sort of... internet chatter) that cats can't have raw eggs. oops. Bear has been eating them like a hungry aaig suckin' snake. LOL! I'll ask the vet friday to be sure, but think I have to cook them so it won't interfere with his nutrition. I thought cats naturally ate eggs. Cori isn't playing as much as Bear wants him to. Bear is whiny and cat calls(?) to him in a whiny voice, "Wheeeer aaaareee yoooouuuu?", all dang day. or the little incessant chirps "play. play. play". Gah he's lucky he's so lovable. I let Bear out to see the birds and took Cori out. He's a do-do. Just goes out the front and back in the garage, out the front and back in the garage. Well, now what that the garage is closed? oh he'll just wander off to the back yard and get scared of the dogs and run off. Meanwhile, Beary is trying to get him to follow him around like it's a grand tour. LOL! I may need to get Cori a harness and leash for a bit.

    new (and only) friend
    I am a bit overwhelmed. I can do the day 1 intro stuff beyond that I am not good at engaging others. She bought me coffee today. First coffee in 4 months? my guts are still unhappy. Thank goodness for text messages, perhaps I can fake know how to be friendly long enough to cement a friendship. LOL!

    ugh behind.

    ugh so behind. and she's stepped up the complexity. Which is great, but I struggle to find the time to get everything done. Dh is going to a meeting later, so I will have the house to practice, IF i get some other stuff done.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d I'm not surprised you have a hard time getting everything done. You have so much on your plate right now. Prioritizing is the key, I think. I hate it when I am so careful about measuring something and then it doesn't fit. Sometimes I think they measure from a different point or something. I hope Bear gets better. As far as the friend goes, just be yourself. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to engage. Asking questions about her background and finding some common ground is a good way to start. Good luck.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 585 Member
    Hi all. Mind if I hop on this train?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    You are more than welcome to jump on this train with us @noblsheep ! If you've read through the thread, I'm sure you realize there's a lot of "life" discussions on here, as well as some food thrown in for good measure. LOL But hey, life issues is why most of us have food issues, huh?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    Hahaha @eleanorhawkins ! You're also welcome to hang with us. LOL
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @avidkeo - it must have been something in the air yesterday. I had a down day too and had a really tough time even getting out for a walk. I did feel a bit better though after I getting out in the sunshine a bit.
    @swenson19d - I am not ready to accept the idea of no longer being able to run, I mean my plan all along has been to run until I am at least 80 or until I seriously can't move like that any longer. I don't think I am there yet. Besides I need to still be able to run for agility with Hobbes the Vizsla. Once I get in to see the new sports/ortho doc I will see what he says. He is BTW very young and was an assistant team doctor to the Lakers, Dodgers and Kings here so hopefully he is pretty good. His ratings are very high too.
    You could write a book on the adventures of Cori and Bear!
    I also agree with @quilteryoyo regarding your friend - just be yourself and expect normal give and take.
    Not to enable your shopping (please don't tell dh!) but have you ever shopped at WayFair? My dd loves it and has found so many things there that she likes!

    Welcome @noblsheep and @avidkeo - we really aren't hiding out over here. I think we just feel more comfortable having those life conversations here than in the bigger group.

    We are supposed to get really heavy rain and thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow. I figure tomorrow in the rain will be a good time to go for my knee xray since I don't imagine too many people will be going out if they don't have to. I may get out for another walk this afternoon since tomorrow will likely not be a great running/walking day. I am still feeling down in general and will have to push myself to get out. So much easier to just sit here.

    Food - has been ok... yesterday was better than normal, today not so much. I need to figure out what to make with the ground beef I have from the HelloFresh meal we aren't having. I am thinking maybe tacos. Anyone have any better ideas?