Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @shanaber I hope the walk helps and you feel better. I hate those down days. I saw where there were lots of mudslides where the fires were. They aren't near you, are they? I feel so bad for everyone who has to deal with them. Taco's sounds like a good idea to me.

    I'm having Tilapia tonight because I forgot to get anything else out of the freezer soon enough for it to thaw. I don't mind having it once a week or so. I have a really good recipe which probably isn't the healthiest out there. You top the fish with a mixture of mayo, sour cream, dill, red pepper, garlic powder, and lemon juice, then bake until brown and cooked through. I usually serve it over brown rice to which I have added roasted veggies.

    Mom didn't want to walk today because it's cold out. The sun is shinning, but it's not supposed to get much above freezing. After near 60 yesterday, it really feels cold. It didn't hurt my feelings to not have to get out either. So after a visit with her this morning (yes, I drove) I came home and walked on the treadmill. I did 2.0 miles at 3.5 mph pace. Actually sweated today.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @bearly63 I did try a sleep meditation last night. I think it might have worked, had I not already been hyper and fidgety. I didn't lay down until 12:30 am...wasn't sleepy then. But, I thought I might sleep anyway. Nope. I found the mediation to paly at about 1:30. My legs just wouldn't stay still, but I did relax a bit. It was after 2:30 before I went to sleep and then got up 3 or 4 times to pee. Hoping tonight will be better. Maybe I'll try the mediation sooner.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @shanaber - sorry about your hip. I'm with you, planning on running until 80+! That said I have not been running much with Peloton, ever since Holiday Streak ended. The bread - yum!

    @quilteryoyo - weird, I also tried a sleep meditation the last couple nights! Mine was on Peloton app. Saw you did 3 one mile walks.

    @swenson19d - Amazon is quite addicting and I recommend never reading those articles that show up with titles like TOP 30 ITEMS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! (at least on my Apple news feed) . I am sure they are written by Amazon employees. Don't think too much about your new friend - just hang out and be like you are here, hilarious, supportive and honest.

    @bearly63 - the under desk cycling device is something I got about a week ago. It's not the most comfortable thing because of the height of my desk. But I am enjoying it. On Amazon, lol.

    Welcome to the new people!

    I ate 4 Thin Mints, 2 PB Patties and 1 caramel girl scout cookie all between about 1-5pm. I forgot @avidkeo's mantra of "I never regret something I didn't eat!" I think my calories are still okay but obviously all that sugar isn't good. I've brushed, flossed and water picked (SP?) my teeth and won't eat anymore tonight since aligner is in. Next Tuesday I finally get the caps on my two tiny teeth and I'll be done with Invisalign except for getting the final retainer! I'll make a before/after pic.

    The last couple days I've had this weird thing where my stomach feels really bloated especially after eating. Dr. Google suggests all kinds of things - one of them is "did you gain weight?!" LOL Yes, by George, I did! I need to watch more closely and log everything!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @shanaber "The last couple days I've had this weird thing where my stomach feels really bloated especially after eating. Dr. Google suggests all kinds of things - one of them is "did you gain weight?!" LOL Yes, by George, I did!" That's hilarious! My mom always brushes her teeth right after dinner, so she won't eat anything else. I should, but never got in that habit. I tend to be a late night snacker. I look forward to the before and after pictures!

    It was cold here today, so I did 2 miles on the treadmill at 3.5 mph. I worked up a sweat.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @shanaber tacos are the go-to here with ground beef or chili. Perhaps a bean chili with the meat?

    Omg 2 more of my favorite runners! @noblsheep @eleanorhawkins ! Jump on in, you know how this group works! What are you eating? What’s going on in your life? Because the two are related. Lol!

    New friend
    Ok I know I am not a people person. Closeness is not easy for me, and I love this girl so far, she texts me at 4AM before class and seemed a little weary that I didn’t respond this am. I mean I was not awake and I’m not a people person and I’m had 3 hours of sleep, I hurt all the time... it just takes a lot of energy (introvert) to do people. I tried to convey that I was running late, because I won’t get up until the last minute but still seem to come of as snubbing her. Anyway, that’s where my “friendships” go awry. I just “fail” to meet the other persons needs, and it’s not that I don’t want too, it just doesn’t come naturally to me. I was going to being her breakfast but McDonald’s wasn’t open yet. Oh well. I’ll keep trying.

    Has a vet appointment tomorrow! Thank baby Buddha. We had a incident with poo today in clinical and I come home to more poo and ugh, I’m pooed out. I can still smell/taste poo now an again. Showered and changed of course.

    Stupid bathroom toilet shelf
    Dh is offering to replace the toilet so the shelf will fit! Haha! It’s a 60$ Amazon buy. But if he wants to put a bidet in there... although, it’s more poo. (A running theme for the day). It fits the wall and width of the toilet, I never thought to check the small cabinet shelf as a potential not fitting between the wall and toilet. Poop.

    My leg hurts so bad today. I tend to rub it and couldn’t stand to touch it, the skin even hurts. My hip has stiffened up. Bear and I took a baby cat nap and when I woke I realized I could see the hip surgeon before April. So I rescheduled it for next week. And thank you baby Buddha again.

    @ddmom0811 I have blockers so I don’t get the adds because I buy anything!

    Edited for clarity.

    @quilteryoyo glad to hear you got out today! Ooof, your insomnia sounds terrible. If I eat carbs it’s knocks me right out. I can eat 6 (ok 8) pieces of cinnamon toast and it knocked me smooth out better than any thanksgiving meal. No idea why, but it’s like taking 14 Benadryl’s.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @quilteryoyo - no mudslides by us. Where we live it is pretty flat. My BIL has a house up in the hills that burned to the ground a few years ago (he rebuilt and has renters in it right now) and we worry about it with the fires and mudslides every season. They came pretty close last summer/fall but it ended up ok. Worst we typically get is flooding in the streets but hey, I have a Subaru and should be able to handle most anything we would encounter and I won't dare drive into anything low lying and flooded.
    @ddmom0811 - so funny about the GS cookies! We got a form on our door for ordering online and I asked dh if he wanted to order any and was shocked when he said 'no, in light of controlling my diabetes I don't think it is a good idea'! So I promptly threw the form away! Maybe just maybe he is getting serious about making some changes! I hope so!
    So funny about Google... Makes me wonder if they really think people don't consider these common sense things before searching.
    @swenson19d - I think you just need to tell your friend what you told us. That you can't always respond in the morning cause you often aren't awake enough and it is a struggle to just get up, get ready and out the door, but that you really appreciate her contact. Maybe agree to text later in the morning or in the evenings instead?
    I'm sorry the leg is so bad - I can't imagine how you deal with that while trying to study and concentrate. I couldn't do it! I hope the hip surgeon will have some answers next week.

    I also have ad blockers so I don't see ads at all, not here or on the news sites or the weather channel (one of the worst IMO). I love it but I do get blocked on some of the news sites that won't let me read an article unless I turn it off. Sometimes I do that, read the article and turn it back on again. Also doe anyone else find it creepy that you look at something on Amazon and 2 days later you get an email with a bunch of info on whatever it was and all kinds of similar products? I don't even open them, just delete them... Or it pops up on your Twitter feed or on FB.

    No walk or run for me today. I am definitely in a funk and it is cold (for us) and windy out and I just couldn't get out the door. Thought I might do some strength training, nope not that either. I did do some work around the house, pulling wallpaper down and generally cleaning up and of course multiple loads of laundry so it wasn't all sitting. Tomorrow with the storm, unless it is much lighter than anticipated I will be cleaning and doing strength train! Have to get moving again.
    Dh decided to get take away salad for dinner and I opted for a grilled chicken sandwich with avocado. Tacos will be tomorrow or Saturday.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Ya, I told her most of the “ I turned off the alarm and fell back asleep” but it just felt like I was being a jerk, maybe I was, but jerk was my only option this AM. I can’t remember who recommended it, but I put that Facebook purity blocker on mine and it works great and I use Mozilla (no idea about safari) which blocks trackers and a badger something extension on it too that blocks stuff. I don’t see any more adds even on here and rarely get the odd email from something that looks sinister. I have mcafee that seems to block so much stuff from invading my laptop. I mean, they say they do and I can’t prove it, but I get “we just blocked...” messages all the time. You Dh sounds like he’s doing well on his diet change! Wow! I had to read “salad” several times to make sure it was the Dh!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @swenson19d I agree with @shanaber regarding your friend. Tell her what you told us. Honesty is important in any relationship. Beating around the bush or tip-toeing around issues will result in problems every time. I don't know how old she is, but I have found that the younger generation, which includes a lot more people than it used to LOL, thinks everything has to be instantaneous. It's good for them to realize that sometimes you have to wait and it doesn't mean the other person is mad, or not interested, or anything else. It is crazy these days. I'm glad I didn't grow up in the cell phone generation. I hope you are able to get some relief from your hip.

    @shanaber Glad you aren't near the mudslides. Glad you are safe about the flooded areas. You can get into trouble before you know it. I hope you feel better today.

    @Avidkeo Just keep in mind that a day or two of splurging is NOT going to totally derail all of your progress. The gain will mostly be water and will come off quickly....not as quickly as it went on, but relatively quickly. You did so good in January. Don't let a couple of days make you feel like a failure. You definitely are NOT. You've got this!

    @eleanorhawkins Stress does make it hard to manage food for us stress eaters. Maybe you are cutting back too much and your body is rebelling. Are you doing maintenance calories? Do you eat all of your exercise calories back? Have you tried adding more veggies to your meals. I find I can eat a LOT, when I have veggies, and still manage to be around my calorie goal. Hormones just add to it all. You can do this. Hang in there.
    Sorry life sucks too. You are doing the right thing, helping your daughter get therapy if you are concerned. You just never know at that age. I hope your dad does well with the chemo. We're here for you to vent, if needed. Hugs for everything you are going through.

  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @quilteryoyo thank you.
    I'm vegetarian so I eat my bodyweight in fruit and veggies as it is lol, trouble is I have a stupid relationship with crap food that means some stupid part of my brain thinks it needs me to stuff my face with chocolate, chips, cookies and candy whenever I'm feeling down or stressed or whatever. My maintenance calories are only 1400 per day, so yeah I add all my exercise calories back but vicious cycle means I run more to be able to eat more but then I get even more rungry. Hormones suck. Tomorrow will be 8 weeks since my last period. No wonder I'm a mess right now.

    Vent below in spoilers because I'm just getting it off my chest, you've all become my diary, sorry!
    What a nightmare of a Friday too. Daughter has her 3rd appointment with the therapist this evening. She's been moping about like the world ended all week. Told me she wasn't feeling up to going to the appointment. When I pointed out the entire reason she's going is because she doesn't feel like anything at all at the moment except locking herself in her bedroom and playing video games, she claimed the therapist told her she doesn't have to go when she doesn't feel like it. Sorry, what???
    Then she said as the teachers hadn't sent them anything to do she was going to play videogames instead. I put my foot down and said I wasn't going to let her spend time when she should be 'at school' (they do 3 hours at the school and 3 hours 'online' at the moment, except the teachers often don't actually give them anything to do at home) playng games. She has an exam in 2 weeks. "Why don't you study for the exam instead of leaving it until the last minute then freaking out about it all being too difficult and you hate school?" ....
    "Because I don't feel up to studying."
    "I see, so you don't feel up to studying or reading or doing anything productive during 'school' hours but you feel up to playing on the computer"
    "You don't understand me at all, you just want to ruin my life, you won't let me do anything, playing with my friends on the computer is the only thing that makes me happy and you want to take it away from me!"
    Door slammed in my face. Where the hell did my baby girl go? It's breaking my heart. Her father meanwhile says I'm too nice to her and she needs to be sent off to a military school or somewhere for them to 'knock some sense into her'.
    I phone the therapist, he phoned her, persuaded her to go by promising she can leave before her time is up if she wants to.

    So yeah, I would really love to stuff my face with chocolate right now, eat myself into a don't care sugar coma or something. I bought strawberries this morning. I'll go eat some strawberries.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @noblsheep any type of apple pastry thingy sounds awesome no matter what it's called! As far as life, hang in there and if there is anything you wanna vent about, feel free. No judgement here and well commiserate with you and offer support.

    @eleanorhawkins I always thought "DH" stood for
    erm d*** head, LOL! Cuz men are so difficult. As far as the teenager, I assume it's "normal" to have tension. I'd just suggest to try to keep communication open as much as possible. I wrote notes to my DD and still do, just trying to be understanding and available. But mine finally added me as a FB friend (she's 25) and I went back and looked at her life during times when I thought she was sad, lonely, and her life was horrible only to find she has lots of friends and seemed "fine" amongst her peers despite the troubles at home; she had unaddressed health issues- hypothyroidism, onset of mental health concerns- outgoing and secure turned to terrified of any interactions- agoraphobia, she refused to go to school, was threatened with a knife by an older boy-police report and the social blow back with that, it was perceived to be her fault by his peers and friends... just ugh ya know growing up is hard and with COVID and this lock down crap, the constant fear of death or losing your ancient parents (even though you "hate" them). I think therapy is good. IDK perhaps you to can start a communication journal you share back and forth with the agreement of whatever needs to be agreed upon written in the front. "with this entry I invoke rules 1-4", which are referenced in the front. So there is some safe space and communication. She can even be allowed to tell you stuff and you can not comment on it until she says so. IDK just be patient with her and that alone, hopefully, will teach her to be patient with you. Disclaimer- not a world class parent, hell not even bronze. ;). oh just saw the update-- sounds typical. BUT just because "you don't feel like it doesnt mean it doesnt get done" Perhaps you dont feel like paying the bills or cooking or taking her any where? IDk how to get them to understand the time of being a 10 year old is over. Welcome to adulthood. You'll get through this sister. Take whatever time you need yo go play with your friends! haha!

    Cori- Vet
    Diagnosis- bacterial overgrowth in the GI. Interventions- antibiotics, yogurt, dry food only. No improvement by Monday, we'll switch the abx.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey all. @quilteryoyo tha k you for the encouragement. And yes you are absolutely right. Already back on the wagon.

    Fortunately I didn't gain as much water weight as I expected. Sleep last night was still crap - when I eat over maintenance and especially when it's mostly high sugar foods I find my heart seems to pound at night, and my RHR definitely increases. Its really interesting.

    I started today with breakfast, and a 13k run. Feeling much better already. And kinda excited about the February challenge. I did January do well, now for Feb!

    Still on track!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,071 Member
    @eleanorhawkins I have trouble with crap food too. I try to just not buy it. If it isn't in the house, I can't eat it and have to find a substitute instead. That's pretty easy for me to do though, since I live alone. I know it's harder when there are other humans involved. Hormones do suck and make things worse. Sorry. That will get better, eventually. I hope DD gets the help she needs. I hear the teenage years are tough. Not having kids, I really can't relate. Hope things settle down soon.

    @swenson19d I hope Cori gets better before Monday.

    Yeah @Avidkeo ! You rock!

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry about your shoulder. You don't really realize how much you use any particular part of your body until it hurts to do so. I hope it starts feeling better soon and the rest gets it well.

    I didn't do much today. My great niece was at my brother and sister-in-law's today, so mom and I went over there for a couple of hours, in the middle of the day. Seems like the day was gone when I got home. It doesn't help that I didn't get up until almost 9am. I did sleep a little bit better last night, but have felt more tired today. Maybe my body knows what sleep feels like now and wants more. LOL It was chilly today, but sunny, so I did my walk outside today so I could get some fresh air. I did 2 miles in 34:53 minutes.

    My brother had gone to town and came back with mom and I a Burger King Whopper. That was nice of him, but not what I had planned on eating today. I was surprised that I am still under my calorie count for the day, but bet my weight will be up due to the sodium. Oh well, at least I know that will pass.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry to hear about the shoulder. I hate to recommend a steroid shot, but it could help if it gets horrible. I had the one bursa that required surgery.

    @quilteryoyo A burger king gift is nice! Eric just left to the sore to get Cori yogurt, I'll bet you he comes back with 200$ worth of chips and cookies.

    @eleanorhawkins OK my daughter drama and she is 25 not working or in school...
    Leaves a request for drain snakes on the grocery/need list. So Dh is about to go and he asks about it. I explain her drains are clogged with her long hair. He's decides no snake may be needed and goes to plunger her sink and bathtub, in my house, where she is not contributing to the wealth of the family and is a dependent as munch as a 10 yo with a drivers license.
    DD hears the commotion in the bathroom:
    "what is he doing"
    me: clearing the drains before deciding to get the snake
    DD: Why couldn't I do it
    Me: *pondering the reason "drain snake" made it to the list.... puzzled, I reply reiterating "so he knows if we need the snake or not
    DD:*3 eyeball rolling emojis* yup bc I'm so ret***d that I dont know when the drain is clogged *thumbs up emoji*
    Me: understanding... oh shes in a mood but I can't be gruff or abrasive or direct because I might make her cry...and I love her and don't want to hurt her, so i offer. "the snakes can be a pain, and the drains are clear now"
    DD: he probs got s**t germs everywhere and made a mess.
    *parental sigh* as a parent, I mean... what's wrong with "thanks" since he pays your car, phone, house, food, medical, filled your tank and gave you $20 so you could get to the CT that cost me $565. Sheesh, you could work for that ya know. One day there will be no daughter drama, right?

    Anyway, happy cats?

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @swenson19d oh man, my head is spinning just imagining what my dad’s reaction would have been if I ever acted like that. Starting with, “You’re right, you could have done it yourself, you were too dumb to know when the drain needed a snake, and next time get your rear in there and do it!” That’s if I was lucky and he was in a good mood! She has no idea how lucky she is to have such a patient mom.

    My husband has the world’s most drain-clogging hair - after years of clogged drains we finally got one of those drain covers with the mesh and now, no more problems. Definitely something to consider.

    Good to see all three cats getting along!

    @eleanorhawkins @noblsheep great to have you here! We hang out and talk off topic a lot.

    My weight is going up for the past few weeks, can’t tell yet if it’s because of less walking due to the cold, or if I need my thyroid meds adjusted again. I will have to crack down on my logging and see if it reverses.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry to hear about the shoulder.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @rheddmobile I think that's the problem with her, her dad was never like that and Eric is the step so he has no idea how to talk to her.... and she has a hair catch thingy still in the package from a year ago when we had these same issues.. I need your dad! Perhaps he could make some extra money being a virtual dad, just a Zoom and he'll straighten your teen out! haha! gah, that'd be awesome. "don't make me call rhedmobile's dad!"