Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    I braved the scale this morning and was up 5.8 pounds from pre-surgery. I would think after a week it would start subsiding. I peed enough last night. LOL I'm going to not worry about it and just try to start eating better. I know not being able to run for a while is going to make it harder for me to lose.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I braved the scale this morning and was up 5.8 pounds from pre-surgery. I would think after a week it would start subsiding. I peed enough last night. LOL I'm going to not worry about it and just try to start eating better. I know not being able to run for a while is going to make it harder for me to lose.

    Yep all fluid! You are doing awesome. You'll be back running before you know it!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @quilteryoyo I think it took me 10-14 days before I was fluid free. Once I started peeing it was a few days I think.

    Dh went for a run and stopped at the shelter. He wasn't called to take any of them home. Oh well. I think there is one I am interest in about 20 miles away (shelter), I may drag him to when he gets home and cleaned up.
    IDK bear is okay as long as you are with him 24/7. He never sleeps with me but did last night, I still think he's sad and lonely. There should be a "dating" app for cat matches. haha!,
    "I like laying in the sun, watching the birds and leaves blow by. I enjoy 8 egg yolks a day, cat-nip and being held, not petted. My back feet smell like Fritos and I have the cutest fangs. I don't like sharing my food and will gladly eat yours before I eat mine. I groan when I stretch and it is adorable. I have lots of room to run inside and out, I even have my own bedroom. My room mate is 11yo female and she is grumpy with a poopoo butt and won't play much. My cat mama thinks I am the best, so you can't love her any".

    Uh oh... Dh is bringing home an 8 month old male all black. It's about to get lively.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    Thanks ladies. I know I have also eaten poorly, so won't be surprised if I am up a couple of real pounds.

    @swenson19d Love Beary's description. Good luck with the new kitten.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    I've done pretty good today. Was sleepy and looked at my HR. Resting at that moment was 38 bpm. The surgeon put me on Metoprolol, which I know can lower your HR. I'll keep an eye on it the next couple of days and discuss it with him on Thursday.

    I took a shower, did 2 loads of laundry, and walked for 2 miles on the treadmill. May do a little paperwork, but I think that is all of the activity I'll have today.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    Meet Cori (short for coriander, pound name and his brother was oregano).
    He's so little compared to that big ol' bear. Cori likes lasagna, getting behind the dryer, jumping up on everything, smelling everything, chasing toys- he's not a fetcher but I hope Bear will teach him.

    So far Bear is not keen but curious and grumpy. They played a bit so I think they'll be best buds within the week. Beanies hasn't noticed at all. She's been asleep on the bed. DH got Beanie up, I don't think she understands Cori is not Bear. What a doo doo bird.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @swenson19d Cori is adorable. I hope him and Bear become the best of friends.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    Meet Cori (short for coriander, pound name and his brother was oregano).
    He's so little compared to that big ol' bear. Cori likes lasagna, getting behind the dryer, jumping up on everything, smelling everything, chasing toys- he's not a fetcher but I hope Bear will teach him.

    So far Bear is not keen but curious and grumpy. They played a bit so I think they'll be best buds within the week. Beanies hasn't noticed at all. She's been asleep on the bed. DH got Beanie up, I don't think she understands Cori is not Bear. What a doo doo bird.
    Aww, I love him! Playing already is a good sign.

    I need another cat, mine has never been an only cat before and he’s making us all nuts - Siamese voice at all hours! I’ve been looking around but it still feels too soon.

    @quilteryoyo One factor in the fluid retention may be that any kind of heart stress will cause your body to put out antidiuretic hormones which cause you to retain fluid. So, in addition to the usual stuff from any type of surgery there’s that. I wouldn’t worry about it, you had some wiggle room on your weight going into this! I remember not too long ago you were worried about getting too skinny!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 corinis cute! Very alert eh.

    Well day 24 (I think...) and still going strong. Every time we pop to the shops mum is like "fancy some cookies, how about chocolate, ginger kisses?". My response was "no, nope, no thanks".

    Came home and I prepared dinner for tonight, and made enough for 2 meals so will have it tomorrow as well. I made a sautéed chicken, corn and carrot salad. Smells amazing. Should be good.

    Kids had swimming lessons, so I did 15 mins of lengths while they had their lesson. Then came home and got on the stationery bike for 39 mins, followed by a strength workout. Whew!

    So have had lunch (poached egg in toast with ham and Spinnach) and am now relaxing for 39 mins before I go to work.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited January 2021
    @rheddmobile This guy seems okay so far. I’m not sure what his name will be eventually. I think it’ll be nice for your cat to have a mate, but that can take some cat-sitting and stress. It was a difficult decision to go ahead and get him. Even at the pound, dh had given up and decided to walk away. I guess he decided otherwise before he made it to the door (probably because I suggested going to another pound). I think you are good with animals and could successfully integrate a buddy.

    Dd seems to have warmed up to him, he has Goober like qualities. He’s vocal (gets alone and fusses a bit), purrs and is lovey instantly. I’m gald he’s old enough not to need constant attention. I did spray them both with cat calming stuff when they both got a little too stressed. I might get a plug in diffuser that has calming cat pheromones.

    He has a mousey little face and a very large *kitten*. (eta that should not be censored- it is a proper name for a body part) a n u s . Lol! Er maybe he just won’t put his tail down. Bear was mr Balls before he was fixed (Santa clarita diet) so I might just overly aware of their behinds, dh was very offended that I was offended by the budding testicles.
    Bear is a stalker

    Half the day cat-sitting and not enough studying. Now a new week of assignments!

    @Avidkeo LOL! Your mum and those sweets! Your meals sound so good! I have a fridge full of veggies and need to make some.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 those eyes! It's like he knows someone is about to pounce!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @swenson19d. He’s so cute!! Omg I was howling at your cat-match post.

    @avidkeo. You are doing so great!!! Amazing! It’s so mental isn’t it. When your head is in it, anything can be passed up!

    @quilteryoyo. You are doing great. As the others said it will come off soon!

    @shanaber. So glad you got your vaccine. I want mine but so far in Fl it’s just 65+. Oh! I got confused on the video series! Lol.

    Weight the same for me. I ordered a little under the desk cycling thing. It was inexpensive and hopefully will help me burn more. My Garmin tells me my burn and like I said a few days ago I’m shocked at how low it is now. It used to be if I looked at night it would be around 2200. But now it is 1700 or so. And I eat way more than 1700 in a day. Burn, baby, burn!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    @rheddmobile Thanks. I was a little concerned because I want my weight to stay below 140. It was 142.4 yesterday, but only 140.8 this morning. If I can get it back below 140 this week, I'll be happy. I don't think I am going to have to worry about getting too skinny anytime soon. Not running is going to make maintaining a little bit more difficult, I think.

    @Avidkeo I'm so proud of you and how well you are doing with your mom tempting you at every turn. You've got this!!!

    @swenson19d Glad the cat integration is going well and that DD is warming up to him. It's adorable how Bear is wondering why that other cat is getting all of the attention.

    @ddmom0811 Sometimes I am shocked at how few calories Garmin says I burn. I think a lot of it is a low RHR. If I don't really exercise, I only burn....humm, let me check. I am burning between 1700 ad 1800 per day, since I got home from the hospital. It's the running that kicks it up enough for me to lose/maintain easily. Hang in there and let us know how the cycle works.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    All is going well in the cat room this morning.
    Frankie, Bear, and Beanies
    Beary needs wormed today. I hadn't noticed how dull and coarse his coat was until the newbie. Then he drug his butt on the blankie in the picture. I folded the skid inward and will wash it later. ugh. animals. He is always wormy no matter how I keep the flea stuff on him.

    Enough catin' around. I have work to do and need to run to the university to get a course code. They goofed getting the right materials and now my assignment from it is due tomorrow.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Fell off the wagon this weekend but I see it and gonna hop back on today.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hugs @runs_on_espresso I was there last month. You will get there.

    So was on point again yesterday. Actually was under by 70 calories. Not a big deal. Today I'm going out for lunch with mum and the kids again. Already planned what I'm going to eat, and have already got dinner sorted for work. The planning in advance really does make things so much easier!

    Today is a fairly relaxed day. Been for my run, going to go look at a house for mum before going to lunch (she's going to move here soon, so house hunting). Then relax before work.

    I'm looking ahead to the weekend already. Mum and I are having a weekend away, sort of. I'm going out of town for work again for the weekend and mum is going to join me. I've already told her I'm sticking to my goals while away. I'm planning my food - like last time - and we will go out for dinner one night. I've already looked at the menu for that and have decided what I'll have. Trying to think of easy meals to make while in a motel room is a challenge. It does have a couple of burners and pots and pans, and a microwave. So simple cooking is the way of the day.

    I do have a 13k run on Saturday, so that helps a little. Sunday will be the challenging day.

    I sometimes regret food I have, I never regret food I didn't have. That's going to be my motto.

    ETA all that said, one day of not sticking to goal isn't the end of the world, and actually a day of relaxing, and enjoying a few of my favourite foods doesn't sound too bad. And the reality is that 1 day like that in 1 month will delay my weight loss by 1 day. That's it. So I'm going to stick to plan. And I will not beat myself up if I end up giving in for 1 day. Because its 1 day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,040 Member
    You can do it @RunsOnEspresso ! At least you kept the wagon in site.

    You are doing great @Avidkeo and I love your moto and attitude. Enjoy your weekend away with your mom.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @avidkeo - that is an amazing motto! I love it. It's like the you never regret exercise. But perfect for food! Thanks for sharing. I need to write it up and remember it!

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @ddmom0811 now I actually have to remember it haha.

    Had a good day yesterday. Still on target despite going out for lunch.

    Today is cross training day, so exercise bike, then strength. Mum is trying to buy a home in the town I live for when she gets a job here/retires, which ever comes first, that she will rent out in the meantime. Its been an interesting few days of open homes etc. The housing market in our town is crazy. We found a perfect house and put an offer in today, but the vendor is asking for a huge amount, way over what's its actually values at. She offered less than the ask, so now it's a case of wait and see.

    Last night on shift for a bit. Whew. Been ok this time around. Hope tonight is good too...

    I'm doing 9-530 tomorrow, so more sensible hours. I've got lunch already planned out, will make it when I get home tonight. And of course a 7k run is due before work.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hows everyone doing?

    @runs_on_espresso catch the wagon yet? Thought it doesn't matter if you haven't, that wagon can be annoying sometimes.

    @swenson19 how are the assignments and violin going? How's Cori going? Bear accepted him yet?

    @quilteryoyo you are doing incredibly well! Hope you managed your daily walk!

    @ddmom0811 How's the under desk cycle going?

    @rheddmobile how are you doing?

    I have finished all my late shifts for the week. Am working 10 - 630 today. So made a quick muesli and yoghurt lunch last night, and will probably just have an omelette for dinner. Then tomorrow off to the next town. I'm planning on making up a lunch for Sunday (spaghetti with Pesto, corn, peas and ham) and make my breakfasts in advance (overnight oats). That will just leave dinner. One night we will go out, the other we will probably get takeaways.