Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,016 Member
    @CMorning99 I'm sure you will be great at what ever you are assigned to do. You sound pretty organized, so I'm sure that will help with the Traffic Management job. And, you have a great attitude about it. That can make all the difference in how you handle things. Good luck with everything. (Are you in intel now?)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I am so tired.

    Beary and Cori's new cat nip came in today. They love it. DD said it looks like pot and was some primo cat nip! LOL! They were both very silly on it. I think Bear is still coming down, he's awfully chill. Cori has the gumption to try to play with old beanie. She wants to play, but is grumpy about it and has a come here go away vibe with an undertone of scratching your eyeballs out.

    Nothing else fascinating here to report. Classes have slowed a bit with spring break approaching and I am adjusting easily to that lighter demand. But after SB it will get crazy again. I signed up to work the COVID vaccination clinic Thursday, sticking people. Just doing my civic duty. @rheddmobile Want me to pocket you one and mail it LOL! DH said there are left over vaccinations and the turn out isn't heavy. But I imagine in this second wave there will be a larger response.

    I had a subway sandwich today. I'm hungry but no idea what to eat that isn't bad for me. I think DH went to the store so I'll probably have my pick from cheetos and or ben and jerrys. for reals.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,016 Member
    Great news @rheddmobile ! You're husband is a hero!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Yay @rheddmobile your husband rocks!

    @quilteryoyo thanks for the encouragement. And I'm like that with sweet food. Savory, meh. Sweet food I'm like homer Simpson.

    @swenson19 love cats on catnip! I need some for my guy lol.

    I rode to work today and got absolutely soaked on the way home. Had to happen eventually. I'll need to start taking my rain jacket I think.

    Netball again tonight. And it's a late game, starting at 8:25pm! That's almost my bed time. I'll probably have a sandwich when I get home. Whew. Big exercise day today.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,016 Member
    @Avidkeo It's good to know I'm not the only one. Sorry about you getting soaked riding home. I hope it was warm, at least. Hope you enjoy your netball game.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @rheddmobile - wow!! I'm impressed with your husband!
    @cmorning99 - what is an alcoholic hot chocolate!?!?!?! I want to make myself one! Aren't we supposed to pick up good habits here!?

    @avidkeo - As long as there is no lightning and you didn't get hurt riding, the wet is just a pain! Netball - fun!

    On track yesterday and of course today I'm starving! I lifted weights this morning which I mentally tell myself means I shouldn't be hungry. On the days I ride Peloton and run I think to myself, it's normal to be hungry.

    Tried a new breakfast thing for me - overnight oats. Trying a few variations. Just weird to have cold oatmeal to me. But it has mini chocolate chips in it. :wink:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Sometimes I hate having celiac disease. We ordered food last night, get it, and even though the receipt says sub gf pita, they used a wrap. *Sigh* So they refunded us and I ate some of the nachos DH had ordered. I also ordered what was on the menu as a gf brownie ice cream sandwich with berries but came as a small, pre-packaged brownie. I added my own ice cream but ended up not eating the brownie because it was disgusting.

    So I had some cereal and gf red licorice because I was still hungry.

    @ddmom0811 @CMorning99 I have peppermint vodka that I add to hot chocolate at Christmas time.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Zero motivation today. I'm starting to feel a bit burnt out out I think. It's dark till 7am and the daily grind of getting up at 545am to do exercise is getting to me. Winter is on its way. I get a lay in tomorrow which will be good.

    I'm also out of town again tonight. This constant changing is getting annoying. I have no idea what I'll have for dinner. Toying with the idea of takeaways, but I don't want to ruin progress. OK one night won't ruin progress I know that. Sigh.

    Period is definitely due. Damn it
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @swenson19d - This in your post 'She wants to play, but is grumpy about it and has a come here go away vibe with an undertone of scratching your eyeballs out.' made me laugh... sounds like some people I know 😂
    Don't be too gleeful with the needles and getting to stick people, they may not let you stay. Did you get your vaccine already, I don't remember? Here they are so short on people volunteering they are offering vaccinations if you volunteer to help.

    @CMorning99 - I am so sorry about the promotion! It is always hard when you are so expecting it and then it doesn't happen for whatever the reason. Hang in there!

    @rheddmobile- yay for your DH!! I had just read this morning that T1-Diabetics are supposed to be prioritized per the CDC but less than half the states have them prioritized.

    @ddmom0811 - one of my favorite things (discovered by accident at a Packers Game at Lambeau Field) is hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps! Mmmm so good.

    @RunsOnEspresso - That would be so frustrating! With all of the options and availability of things to make gluten free why are so many still so bad? I have had GF cookies and brownies that are delicious and others that honestly taste like dirt and that is a compliment.

    @avidkeo - is the travel part of your regular job and they are sending you to help in other locations or a side job? I would go for the take away - sometimes you just need to do something unplanned. Maybe you can find something really yummy that doesn't wreck your plan?

    Good news - the City/County agency that provides medical transport for Hilde got her a vaccine appointment! WhooHoo! They are picking her up to take her tomorrow and the nurse actually comes onto the van so she doesn't even have to be unloaded. Also means I don't go with her. I just hope she hears and understands all their questions.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo Love the updated avatar! hang in there and make the healthiest possible choice and call it a win while you are out of town. It's gonna happen and learning to make better choices when the choices are not great is still progress.

    @CMorning99 Sorry about the promotion too. Little things like that turn out to be a blessing later. You just don't know yet that you dodged chaos.

    @shanaber I have not had the vaccine yet. The numbers drop here in the summer and today was already 80. If the vaccine is only lasts 3-4 months, I'll wait until fall. And I want to have a conversation with the neurologist before any vaccinations. I am still enjoying a reprieve from the overwhelming pain and stiffness. The jerks have not returned to the level they were when I stopped the antidepressant... yet. It's moments like this that make me think all is well and I dont need a doc. I am going though in a few weeks regardless of how well I am doing. Glad Beanie made you laugh, she is a mess.

    @RunsOnEspresso You know it's going to take a large lawsuit to get some of these folks on the ball with dietary restrictions. We had GI disturbances a few weeks ago, course work, and I was so perturbed that oats are not GF... I am like YES they are... DUH... but the book swears they are frequently contaminated with wheat... well, Oats are still GF. grrr. textbooks even. grrr. of course then when you take a test it says hey dummy, oats don't contain gluten.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,016 Member
    @ddmom0811 I don't think I would like cold oatmeal either. I have one recipe that has you fix them overnight with water and then add milk in the morning to heat it up...also add sautéed apples, pecans, maple syrup, and cinnamon. It's pretty good.

    @CMorning99 Sorry you didn't get promoted. That does suck. Hope the run helped get rid of some of the stress. Hang in there. Hugs to you!

    @RunsOnEspresso Sorry your order was messed up and you didn't get to eat it.

    @Avidkeo Love your new profile picture. Had to look twice to know it was you. LOL We all have days where we aren't motivated. Hang in there. You are doing great. I think a day off will do you good. And, you're right, one day isn't going to ruin your progress. You're doing great!

    @shanaber I understand your concerns about Hilde. I went in with mom for her mammogram and was so glad I did because she couldn't understand half of their questions. Her hearing is bad, even with hearing aids. The masks make it so much worse because she depends on reading lips to help understand what people say. It's hard. I hope she understands and answers correctly.

  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    @swenson19D You know, I have thought the same thing. Getting promoted brings a whole other level of expectations and duties. I currently do exactly what I would be doing if I had got the promotion, but no one expects it so they love it LOL It would be nice to get paid for it but meh.

    I still have not been offered the vaccine even though I volunteered for it. It is a very interesting situation in the military regard it. Since it is no FDA approved, the military can't make it mandatory so there are folks who are declining. There is now a whole culture/conspiracy of if there will be covert reprisal if you don't. Each base is different. My current base is very level headed, and while they do put it in your medical records you declined (they have to document it somehow I guess), they are really trying to promote informed decisions and not restricting travel. My new base is not so much and are constant posting videos of "interviews" of Amn who got the vaccine and they all say "so they can see family"...meaning that the base restricts allowed travel to 1 hr from the base if you do not have the vaccine. I get it, I see both sides. We allow travel, but the member has to ROM for 10 days if they fly or go to a high risk area, and our folks know that they need to take into account how it will affect their far for the most part, everyone is fine with it...there are a couple folks do obviously abuse the system...but that is when I assign homework during their 10 day ROM LOL

    I did not run yesterday and I went out for a birthday lunch for a coworker. When I got off work it was 40 degrees, raining, and windy. I do have a treadmill but I needed a good freakout sesh.

    Today however I have made the decision that freakout sesh is over, decisions have been made, and time to commit to my actions (whether or not I know they were the right ones or not). Tracking calories today and have a 4 miler planned. The weather looks good so no excuses!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    I survived 4 of the 6 hours of the vaccination clinic. I called it quits once the hip got sore enough that I couldn't ignore it any longer.

    Then come home to having to clean the cat boxes. I think @shanaber has jinxed me on those. They never were so bad but cori is absolutely unmannered. Just a mess.

    So of course now my hip and knee are so stiff and sore to even move.

    I didn't get the vaccination. The news showed up to cover it. So maybe we'll have a photo for a covid scrap book.

    I have new neighbors. They are busy making tractor noise... I hear y'all, maw and paw accents. No idea where that is. Deep South?

    Perhaps some ice cream will help my leg-o.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,016 Member
    @CMorning99 Sometimes a freakout session is necessary in order to move forward. Hope you got in a good run today.

    @swenson19d Sorry your hip is bothering you so much today. Hope it gets to feeling better.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hey guys. Just checking in.

    Thanks on the new pic. I felt the need for an update.

    Re: Woking out of town. We need to make sure we have xray service 24/7 including a satellite site that's 1hr away. There are 2 radiographers who live there but with leave, illness ect occasionally we need to go and cover. That's what happened last weekend. They were both on leave and the person that had been arranged to cover lost her dad to cancer in the week prior. So I went. Same with last night, holiday leave and I volunteered to cover. Its good pay, we get paid for being on call but rarely actually work. We also get an away from home allowance for each day, so overnight it's 2 days worth.

    I ended up getting Chinese, which was pretty good. I went over calories but dont care. It wasn't badly over. It was nice not stressing. And the motel didn't have cooking facilities anyway.

    Today's been busy, I got lucky and got a vaccine appointment, as a healthcare worker. They had a few extra doses and I was lucky enough to get a spot. So got that done. @swenson19 stink you waited so long and no joy.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo I worked the COVID clinic, wasn’t hanging around for a vaccine. We had people in and out in 20 minutes with the 15 minute post vaccination wait time. With the doc thinking that I have neuro issues I opted to wait.

    @quilteryoyo there is no more ice cream and I was forced to make due with yogurt. But that’s fine, saved me a few calories.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    good morning!

    I am feeling pretty good mentally and sorta physically today. I am slowly wrapping my head around that I am about to pull chalks and start all over...again LOL. A couple years ago we were going through another tumultuous time and I was listening to a motivational speaker/guru and he was talking about the old though process of thinking in lack...kinda like that saying about if you pray about, you bring about if you are always thinking, praying, etc about how you dont have enough money, you are always bring that energy to you. His advice was to sit and think about a time in your life or a memory that without a fail will bring you a smile to your face (physically), and while you feel that joy, be grateful in your prayers. I am so grateful for the money I have and will receive, I am so grateful for the work being put in to smooth my retirement, I am so grateful for the people who will come into my life to help me. I did that and I swear it worked, so many things just worked out. But it takes time, you have to do it for months/ I always make it a practice on my 10 min drive to work to speak out the things I am wanting in my life.

    DH is starting to show some stress with the move, I am asking a lot of him. He has built a little empire at his current work area and the pay is amazing. He is going to stay here for awhile and think about it. I am not adverse to retiring up here for the job, but I still have a bit of an emotional dream of living on the ranch.

    I got run it, had a cup of coffee at 1:30 and that helped the afternoon slump. I sprinted up the final .5 mile hill to try and beat the national anthem that plays at 5 pm...oof!

    I got on the scale today and it seems my body was ok with a few days over cals.

    Time to get to work and start a to-do list to get out of here in 45 days!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited March 2021
    @CMorning99 I love your attitude. Your share/post couldn't be more opportune in my life. I am in that slump of negative thinking and will try to apply your motivational change. I have to say that perhaps you dh needs to be eased in to changes, like myself. Mine is back on the "when are we moving to hawaii", although I'd love too, change is not comfortable to me and I live in the fears of what if... to me the known is easier than the unknown. He'd pick up tomorrow if i just said "now. lets go". Even if it takes your dh a few years to wrap up his life's work, I am sure he will eventually transition to the retirement ranch where he can putter and take on new challenges.

    I got in trouble yesterday. er wednesday.
    We are not allowed to work on assignments during class and I got busted working on stuff. LOL! I apologized and was a "cry baby" over it citing that I was trying to incorporate class material with the assignments. I really was, but also was in a time crunch and was trying to make up lost time spent killing zombies and eating ice cream. So, I have special permission now to work on said assignments during class. I am not sure what to think about that. My story is a bit of both honesty and "cry-baby my world is sad and I cant deal". I am tearful today and was yesterday, I missed my antidepressant yesterday because I left out in a hurry and mistakenly thought I had some in the car. Perhaps after the neuro (that really seems to me messing with me), I'll relax a bit.
    Dh is off to a funeral today for a cousin and he has one tomorrow for a friend of his dad's (who's past). I think all that is triggering too. I need to go to the cemetery and check on Alex's grave. I keep thinking something is amiss. Just to clarify, I did not actually cry to the instructor, I was just in a "me-baby mood".

    @quilteryoyo How are you holding up? How's your mom? I wanna hug your dads jacket, maybe he's reigning in my wayward son.

    Hugs all.
    G-d I hope this antidepressant kicks in soon...