Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Eep I agreed to play indoor netball. I haven't played in years. But from what I can tell most of the others have never played.

    And I'm going to be the fittest member of the team.

    This will be fun!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @quilteryoyo Great news! That makes a lot of sense about the medication.

    I skipped leg day today. My hip feels fine after my half run/ half walk preview of the 10k trail course yesterday, but it was definitely feeling achy during the last half of the run, and it seems to be more lifting than running based. Did a warm up set of body weight squats and while nothing hurt, my muscles still don’t feel right! So I’m gonna give it a couple more days on the lifting. The pain has been in the top front of my hip - which is also clunking, a thing it does off and on - and I feel like it’s tendon inflammation.

    So now I am all guilty and weird feeling over skipping leg day. When I was a sedentary fat person no one told me it would be hard to not exercise!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs @rheddmobile hips are annoying!

    Back from netball. It was so much fun! I set my watch to tracking it, using the cardio setting. We played for 40 mins. Apparently I burned 430 calories. Not totally outside the truth I think, I did a LOT of running. Average heart rate was 158! So now munching on my favourite snacks. Still have calories left but it's almost 90m and I want sleep. I'll use them tomorrow if needed.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    When I was a sedentary fat person no one told me it would be hard to not exercise!
    :lol: You wouldn't have believed them anyway!
    It sounds like missing a couple of days is the smart thing to do.

    @Avidkeo Is netball what we call Volleyball or something else altogether?

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    When I was a sedentary fat person no one told me it would be hard to not exercise!
    :lol: You wouldn't have believed them anyway!
    It sounds like missing a couple of days is the smart thing to do.

    @Avidkeo Is netball what we call Volleyball or something else altogether?

    Ohhh haha. Netball is a bit like basketball without the bouncing or backboard.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo Grief is so interesting and the weird way it manifests itself. When DH car was totaled and they didn't give the jumper cables back I freaked out because my dad gave me those. I mean, really? They aren't expensive. They were 10+ years old. I never thought about them until they were taken from me. The repair shop took away my chance to get rid of them. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it does. I dunno.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso That makes perfect sense to me. It's not the item itself, but the attachment to your dad and you needed to be able to get rid of them on your time frame.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I think those thoughts are normal with loss. I try not to even think about where all of Alex's stuff is and what has come of it. When that though creeps in, I think it all went to someone in need and Alex's caring nature is looking out for them. I have a picture of him in a hat and wonder where that hat is, if he was wearing it, did the ME dispose of it, does someone have it. But I gotta let it go while holding on to the memory of him. I think it must all be part of the transition- not letting go, but adjusting to the new normal and holding on. DH knows not to discard the smallest item that is Alex related. I found 4 pennies in his dresser drawer and have saved them with my Alex shrine of stuff.

    @quilteryoyo I am glad you go to get it out. I think that is the best any of us can do. Perhaps those little uns will lift your spirits. Nothing like a little snot, poop and drool to keep us focused on the things that matter! LOL! Least it's all cute snots!

    I have a classmate that needs a ride tomorrow.
    She has an interview at the heart hospital for an internship. Score! It will be an all day deal, 7-8 hours. I am looking forward to it but also dread the time out of the house. I am happy to help but really just want a very long nap. I did not apply for any internships because I am lame.

    I am procrastinating after a long day of class, being available to sell class jackets and even had tea with a classmate at lunch time who bailed on coming to class to work on stuff. Perhaps tomorrow in my wait time I'll get some work done.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    @swenson19d I was thinking the wait time would be a perfect time for a nap.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @swenson19d I was thinking the wait time would be a perfect time for a nap.

    eh, I better just fond a coffee shoppe with wifi and get some work done!

    I made Beary so mad
    He is taking it out on Cori by being a bit aggressive in play. Since Goober went missing in the evening I won't let them out past dark. Well, I got "busy" and Dh didn't think to shut the door and they were outside. I tossed Bear in the house and went to find Cori. Then Bear ran back out and did the "you can't catch me game". His chunky little butt even tried running up a tree. When I finally got a hold of him, I held his back foot while he was on my shoulder, firmly... very firmly and he knows that means he's in trouble. He is soooo mad right now that it's funny, but I had to call him of Cori who is hiding next to me now. ohhh that little stink. I save him from the coyotes and hes an angry vindictive jerk about it. Poor Cori is now wedged between the wall and futon with Bear getting him. (yes, I stopped to save poor Cori). I don't think I've ever seen Bear this mad about being scolded! Ya welcome ya fat coyote snack! Jeez children, where's the love.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited March 2021
    I had DH give Bear a snack and rough him up (man play) and then I played with him. He's over being scolded. Man, I don't think I've ever seen an animal get so bent out of shape, you? He's napping now.

    I have a 19 page assignment to do... lord I hope I find the time tomorrow to work at it.

    My class officers didn't have the money to spend on class jackets so I bought them all one. One silly girl cried, it's just a jacket and you can't be an officer without a jacket! LOL! (yes... stalling again).
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    It’s always a good day when you see a raccoon on a trampoline.

    Heard strange noises, went outside, saw three raccoons exploring the neighbors’ children’s trampoline. It has a net around it and the poles supporting the net curve inward, so it was easy to get in, but a little confusing how to get out. They heard me coming and tried to scramble out, one slipped.... bwoing! Raccoon on a trampoline! Then it turns out the pole is flexible and slim enough that it bends under their weight, so the other one is hanging on for dear life whipping around in the air. The third one is standing in the bushes right next to me, not even bothering to run, just staring at his buddies and chittering with this look like, “Guys... guys come on, I think we’re gonna get in trouble...” It took them a while but they all eventually got free of the trampoline and scampered around eating the seed that the stupid squirrel spills out of the bird feeder, then left. Unfortunately way too dark for photos, but quite a sight to see!

    I have a family of raccoons living in my storeroom still, but these were different ones unknown to me. It seems to be mating season, lots of chitters and screeches outside late at night.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    HAHA! love the raccoons!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    swenson19d wrote: »
    I had DH give Bear a snack and rough him up (man play) and then I played with him. He's over being scolded. Man, I don't think I've ever seen an animal get so bent out of shape, you? He's napping now.

    I have a 19 page assignment to do... lord I hope I find the time tomorrow to work at it.

    My class officers didn't have the money to spend on class jackets so I bought them all one. One silly girl cried, it's just a jacket and you can't be an officer without a jacket! LOL! (yes... stalling again).

    LOL at the cat and raccoon antics. My cat likes to walk around on the rim of the bathtub when I'm sitting in it and meow loudly. I imagine he's yelling at me to 'get out of the durn water what is wrong with you'. Welp one time he fell into the water completely and then spent the rest of the day mad at me because of course it would be my fault.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    Hahaha at all of the cat and racoon stories. Too bad it was too dark to video the racoons @rheddmobile ! Sounds like it was a sight to see. The only time I can think of that Tippy gets mad at me is when I leave in the truck and she doesn't get to go with me. She will vocalize a LOT, which she rarely does. I think she's probably using some not so nice words!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    I totally missed yesterday, perhaps I was still in a bad mood about doing strength LOL

    Love the stories about the kitties and raccoons. I have 2 old kitties, both with a variety of health issues, but they still bring a smile to my face everyday. I make sure I cherish each day I have with them.

    Yesterday I got busy and tracked calories but that was it. I worked all day on small projects and my boss asked me to "brain dump" everything I know into a document just in case I do leave the unit in the next couple months. I asked about the status of my transfer request and I was asked to "be patient" and "they are actively working it as fast as they can"...sounded like a bunch of BS to me.

    I invited a friend out for an easy 4 mile run after work, I feel bad. I didn't realize how thrashed my legs where from my "heavy lifting" AKA 20 mins of beginner workout, and we ended up walking /jogging the whole time.

    It is a rest day today and I am going to take it super easy, although I am entertaining a possible upper body easy workout, my core needs work.

    Back to work! We have the day off tomorrow so need to get stuff done!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 ohhh good lu k for tomorrow. So so exciting! If she wants to do an international internship later let me know lol. We would welcome her here in NZ I'm sure.

    Yesterday I made a meal plan for my work trip. Tonight after work I'm going to go get all my groceries. Its a pretty exciting plan, lots of tasty food. Looking forward to it. I am going to come back lighter damn it! Haha.

    Friday morning so 8k run for me. Was a hard run, DOMS setting in after the netball game the other day. But was a beautiful morning and so lovely to be out.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @bearly63. Yay! I was wondering how it was going with your dd! I hope she get placed where she wants.

    Bear is pretending to be my friend so I'll let him out. It's almost dark.
    We had a fluffy cat show up at the window about 5am and bean went nuts over it. I wonder if this cat is female and not spayed. All mine are fixed, but he could be acting odd with some hormones in the air.