Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    He's definitely still being weird. I just got home and had to use the restroom.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am trying to get away from using 'guys' too. Also read an interesting bit on the origin of 'Ms' - came as a shortened form of Mistress and was first proposed in 1906 (!) I think and came from wanting a term not tied to identifying a woman as married or not especially when it wasn't known.
    I have been really really behind here. Hobbes got really sick Saturday night/Sunday morning and I honestly thought we were going to lose him. Spent the day at the vet on Monday and they did X-rays and tests, mostly worrying about a blockage or pancreatitis but it was neither. Finally took him home with meds once he hadn't thrown up there for a while. He didn't eat for over 3 days but was drinking water and if I didn't let him drink too much it would stay down. He seems to be coming back, still not 100% but so much better. Unfortunately they have no idea what caused it all and are calling it nonspecific gastroenteritis.

    @swenson19d - oh Beary... so spoiled! Guess he thought he was going to show you not to scold him! Hobbes frequently talks back and grumbles. He is a bit like a 3yo who complains/whines when they don't get what they want. He will also pout and give us the side eye if we go away and leave him in his crate or don't take him with us. It doesn't last long though. The whining can last a while - as long as he thinks there is still something he should have.
    That was so sweet of you to get the jackets for your other class officers!
    Hope you were able to spend some of your wait time to get work done on your assignment!
    @rheddmobile - I laughed so hard about the raccoons! I could just visualize the one next to you shaking its head and saying "c'mon guys stop messing around!" I wonder if they will come back to 'play' on the trampoline some more.
    I too feel guilty on days when I do nothing or miss a workout and I find myself always trying to make up for it. It is probably not in my best interest and I am pretty sure contributes to my injuries.
    @bearly63 - I am so excited for you and dd! I hope she gets into whichever of the schools is her top choice!
    I thought about you when I read about your governor opening everything back up 100% with less then 10% of the state vaccinated and all the variants taking off there. Seems really crazy to me and I am glad I don't live in Tx, seems like people there have so much to be worried about right now!
    @CMorning99 - I use the Peloton app too no bike or tread though. I have done a couple of the strength training for runners and really like them. Right now with my hamstring though there was a lot I couldn't do so I bookmarked them with the thought that I will take them again when my injury allows. I also love using the outdoor runs and walks - they make the time fly!
    @avidkeo - I saw there was a huge earthquake off the coast of NZ with tsunami warnings posted. Hope you weren't affected. It does sound like you are well prepared for your work trip! Also love that you got some great kudos and feedback at work!

    My cat story is is from when my dd was younger and had a siamese cat with so much personality. I have to note that my dh is not a fan of cats, at.all...
    We all went to a conference in Florida and our neighbor was taking care of the house, cats and dogs while we were gone. Our flight home though was delayed due to a storm and eventually cancelled so we got home a day later than planned. We did not call them as we didn't think it would be so delayed and then it was too late to call. The dogs were just fine but the cat attacked Dh's leather chair in the family room, shredding the side and back. She didn't touch anything else, just his chair. We are sure that she knew precisely whose fault it was that we were not home to feed her!

    My weight is up a little but nothing I am worrying about. I am confident it will come back down again.
    I got the call yesterday from the ortho office that the authorization request for PT has been put in and as soon as the insurance gives the ok they will get me started. Hope it is soon!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    edited March 2021
    @bearly63 Sounds like you have a great plan going forward! I agree with you that the rolling back of the mask mandates are a little premature. They are doing that some around here too. I hope DD gets good news tomorrow!

    @Avidkeo You are doing great - meal planning for your trip is a great idea. Looking forward to hearing about how much weight you lose! I heard on the news about a large earthquake near NZ. Hope you are okay.

    @shanaber I'm glad Hobbes is doing better and hope he is back to his old self soon! Love your cat story too. I hope the insurance comes through soon and you get to start PT.

    I worked for 4 hours today at the daycare. I didn't have to lift any children - just served lunch, did the dishes, and sat with napping children for two hours. I'm scheduled to do the same thing everyday next week. I had taken a Super Hero Muffin for my lunch, so I wouldn't eat their leftovers. They had BBQ and baked beans. I was able to resist the BB!Q, but did have some of the beans. LOL

    I got to go on my first run after my surgery today. I did a walk/run of 4/1 minutes, just to make sure everything is going to be okay. I can tell already that running uses some muscles differently from walking. I hope I'm not too sore in the morning. I went 2.7 miles because today would have been mine and John's 27th wedding anniversary. Oh, and I wore my new shoes that mom and dad bought for me for Christmas - well, they paid for them and I ordered them in January. Picture below.

    It's looking like Spring around here, with the daffodils blooming.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited March 2021
    @shanaber That is interesting about the use of Ms. I do hope Hobbes recovers completely.

    My classmate and I had a good day, her interview went well. Then I took her to an Indian restaurant where she hit it off with the host. He seemed very flattered in her quest for some spicy goat, (she is from Nigeria) she enjoyed the food, said it reminded her of home. I may have to adopt her, she is lonely here.

    I am now ready for a nap.

    @quilteryoyo I noticed our first hyacinth (the tiny ones) had bloomed today. It was 77. wow, from zero a week ago! I also saw a snake in the in the road this afternoon, sun bathing. Love the shoes and glad you enjoyed some baked beans!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited March 2021
    @shanaber thanks for thinking of us! Yes there were a couple of strong earthquakes this morning with subsequent tsunami warnings. It was fortunately on the east coast and I live on the west, though that said, NZ is a lot skinnier than the US haha, so didn't affect me. But was a bit nervous for a few family members. Fortunately people followed the instructions and moved to higher ground, and at about 2pm it was all clear. Such a relief to see early warning systems working!

    Thinking of Hobbes, I hope he improves fast for you, poor thing.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 that's such a great pic of Bear! Really living up to his name haha. Such a cuddly one lol
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d So glad the classmate's interview went well. You are a great friend for her. Wow! 77! That's really warm. It is only going to 49 today and breezy. I may not get out much. After 62 yesterday, that is going to feel cold.

    @Avidkeo Glad you and your family weren't affected by the earthquakes. I was worried about you.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @bearly63 YEAH! CONGRATULATIONS to your DD! That's awesome.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I read the earthquake may cause tsunamis near Hawaii. Hopefully, it won't be too bad. I remember watching the tsunami that hit Thailand in 2004 on the news. I can't imagine going through something like that.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso my first thought was the Pacific Islands. I assume they are fine since no news of them, and both socially and at a government level, we are very close to them.

    @bearly63 wooo hooo congratulations! Enjoy the champagne!

    I'm up early, going for a 14k run. I really really want to skip but am too dedicated.

    Weight is back to where it was 2 weeks ago. Woo hoo. I won't be weighing in for the next few days, not taking those scales with me. I Will be following my meal plan, can't make hubby buy me all the groceries at 9pm and not eat it. So that's part of my motivation lol. And I want to see a good result on the scale in 4 days time. That will make it worth it
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I have arrived. I've put all my food away. Made my flan for tonight. Set up my sewing machine and will head into work in 10 mins.

    I'm feeling pretty relaxed now. I have my plan and I'm following it. It feels good. I've enjoyed making this my home away from home for the next 3.5 days
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @bearly63 So proud of your DD!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I plan to weigh in tomorrow. It will probably be bad. I've been going over calories but I'm so freaking hungry!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso i over ate today too. And yesterday. Chili's, Ben and Jerry's x2 and Indian food.

    Dh bought the boys some Meowijuana Meowi-Waui - Primo Kitty Weed from Amazon. So funny, I can't wait to give it to them.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    @shanaber I hope Hobbs rebounds! It is so stressful not know how to help them and they can’t talk.

    @Avidkeo I hope you have a good weekend away from home! It is such a treat to be away for a few nights these days even if it isn’t a vacation.

    I had the day off, probably one of the best things about the military... we work hard but we also get more days off lol.

    I met up with a friend for an easy 3 mile run and gorged on breakfast while we sat on the floor stretching. So fun. The rest of the day I worked on my reselling business. As I worked I played the recaps of old Ironmans... wowzers!

    It look like my transfer may go through. It is very stressful and so many unknowns. DH won’t go with me since we don’t know how long I will be there. Maybe only a year. I had a hit of a melt down the other night because I am so directionless. I am so confused on what I want and what I think my mom would want. I just have to keep reminding myself to take it week by week and see how things play out... too many unknowns right now.

    I have a 5 mile run tomorrow and then more reselling work.

    I have a desire to clean... I always get that way when I think a move is impending.

    Nearly 9pm and I am whooped! Goodnight!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @bearly63 - that is so awesome!! Congratulations! to you and your dd!!
    @avidkeo - I love that you have everything so planned out! You are going to do just great with your 3-4 days away! I am so happy that such a huge earthquake had so little impact on anyone especially you all!
    @swenson19d - oh Beary is just too sweet. I am pretty sure he and Hobbes are brothers from a different mother! Hobbes will not allow me to go into the bathroom unaccompanied. He also grabs a toy or whatever he finds immediately when I walk in the door. The other day it was a tangerine from the bag by the back door. And yes, he brought it into the bathroom to deliver it into my lap!
    @RunsOnEspresso - even if it is bad it is ok - another starting point on the road to doing better! You got this! Besides it may not be nearly as bad as you think it will. You have been killing it with your runs and maybe just maybe your body id needing a bit extra to support your activities

    Thanks for all the well wishes for Hobbes. He is doing better, not 100% yet but getting there. At least he is hungry and letting us know the situation with no treats is unacceptable 😁 Hoping next week he will be back on his regular food and schedule.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys. End of day 1 and so far success. Changed the plan a little but easy as.

    Now relaxing watching oceans 11 (never seen it). I have plenty to keep me occupied and that's helping a lot.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. Lost .4 from my last weigh in at end of January. Some measurements were up, most the same, and one down. I want to recalculate my calories and macros since I'm not lifting weights anymore, just running.

    Todays plan is 4 miles in the morning then 6 hours later 5 miles.