Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @rheddmobile Thank you! I doubt they will ever know what caused my cousin's confusion. It's so weird. Thanks for the info on the heart too. I figure since I'm having episodes of almost passing out that I really should get it checked out. Yeah for the boil water alert being lifted!!!!! That will make life so much easier.

    @shanaber Thanks. Haven't seen @HonuNui 's comment yet. Heading over there in a minute.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @rheddmobile Thank you! I doubt they will ever know what caused my cousin's confusion. It's so weird. Thanks for the info on the heart too. I figure since I'm having episodes of almost passing out that I really should get it checked out. Yeah for the boil water alert being lifted!!!!! That will make life so much easier.

    @shanaber Thanks. Haven't seen @HonuNui 's comment yet. Heading over there in a minute.

    Oh, definitely get it checked out ASAP! Just don’t lose sleep over it yet, there are bunches of things it could be and not all are a big deal. PVCs make you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster or a dropping elevator, it’s pretty grim, but won’t kill you. That’s what most people perceive as “skipped beats,” even though the heart isn’t actually skipping beats.

    I just walked into my kitchen, turned on the tap and drank! Yay!

    My hip flexor is so sore today and yesterday. It was fine after smashing myself under a barbell but really hurts now. I can’t tell if it’s an overuse thing or an injury from the lifting or a little of both.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @rheddmobile Thanks. I hope your hip feels better quickly.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    @quilteryoyo The body is such an amazing and complicated thing, Most times I don’t even try to understand why things happen... so many relationships and interconnection. Glad your cousin is able to relax.

    @swenson19d The duck story had me laughing so hard!!

    I guess I missed a day yesterday. It was a telework day for me so I was in meetings all morning. DH felt bad and brought me breakfast, the 1200 calorie one Doh! I find when I eat that much in morning, it does not end well. Yesterday was the second day in a row where I was 2-300 cals over maintenance. I also did not run. I had a 4 miler on the books, but I told my coach I have a medically documented mental block about running on Friday’s... this one slipped through I guess.

    Today I slept in till 8:30!!!! Holy cow! Just had some toast and coffee and need to get dressed for my run. My new shoes did not show up as promised yesterday and that makes me sadder than I would like to admit LOL.

    Would like to stay busy today and stay under cals to offset the past 2 days. Hopefully I can get down to my non-chaffing weight before summer and I don’t have to wear 2 layers of shorts.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @CMorning99 I tell ya, the duck story was not funny yesterday when DD and I were just dumb-founded at the ducky move! Today it is a bit entertaining.

    I forgot to say thanks @shanaber Yes the group text issue was on my computer, the android was fine with it, apple not so. I got it figured out, I think I just needed to designate it as a group contact in my phone and its all good. This new Dell laptop is still acting stupid, I am hoping it dies so I can get an apple laptop.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @swenson19d Have you thought about the possibility that you have some neuro aftereffects of Covid? Your “wall of dumb” just sounds an awful lot like how Covid long-haulers describe their issues, and it comes up months after the infection.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @swenson19d - I too laughed at the duck story. I had something similar with dh yesterday and all his dishes left in the sink. I finally asked if there was a reason they were left there and he said something like 'um, no just waiting for them to go in the dishwasher'. My first thought was wondering if he really thought they were going to go there on their own. I love your thought, I may even use it. 'No dear the kitchen elves are on vacation 😂'
    Have you given any thought that the dullness could be related to peri-menopause? I have been listening to that Hit Play Not Pause podcast and brain fog and sleep issues seem to be recurring problems that women bring up. I have been jumping around and not listening in order but yesterday I listened to the 1st episode and they talked about that and some of the things that help. Just a thought to consider.

    Also on that same podcast they mentioned two things to help with sleeping and getting to sleep. First was not eating for at least 2 hours before bedtime and 2nd was having a glass of cold tart cherry juice right before bedtime. The not eating is because digestion and sleeping are both parasympathetic processes and the body will prioritize digestion. The tart cherry juice doesn't have much sugar and so does not need the digestive process and helps similar to melatonin without actually needing to take melatonin.

    @quilteryoyo - I hope the medication change is the fix for your cousin and that he gets to go home soon.
    @CMorning99 - I am sure your body must have needed that extra sleep after a stressful day yesterday! I hate when you are waiting for new shoes (or clothes) that you want to wear on your next run and they don't come. So very disappointing. I hope it was a good run despite that!

    I took Hobbes for a pretty long walk yesterday that was pretty painful if I am honest. He needed it though as he had a vet appointment in the afternoon and I didn't want him to be totally crazy. This was a recheck on all his bumps old and new. The 'bump map' is crowded... she did find 2 that are of real concern. One that we have been watching on his belly and a new one on the back of his leg. So she took needle biopsies and sent them off to the lab. ☹️ Hoping we will hear back early next week. The vet who has done his surgeries in the past is out to have surgery himself so I am guessing if surgery is needed they will send us to the veterinary oncology center.

    I am waiting on my results too but not expecting to hear anything until probably mid-week or later. in the meantime I will do some walking and strength training and trying to keep my eating in check. So far I am still under 150. Not dropping much but I don't really expect to at this point.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Stupid MFP - I cannot edit my post. Wanted to say on my comment about peri-menopause:
    ETA - or the covid side affects like @rheddmobile suggests. I hadn't thought of that

    Anyone know why MFP won't let me save, or even cancel out of, an edit update? It seems to only be in this discussion group. I don't have a problem on any of the others I am in. Is it a setting or something I need to change?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @swenson19 re the knee replacement, a common comment my patients make who get a replacement (knee or hip) is "I wish I did this years ago". I've had many regular patients who tried everything else, resisted and resisted because "it's not natural" and sure as heck, they almost always say tha above once it's done. So my (very in scientific advice) is if they are suggesting it, go for it. My SIL is in the same position atm.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Am on call this weekend, so am mostly a zombie. Have skimmed and hugged.

    Weight is back down to about 1lb, 0.5kg above where I was 2 weeks ago. Whew. There was a lot of peeing over the last few days. It was getting a little annoying, but very satisfying when I stepped on the scale. I actually lost 3kg (6lb) of water weight in 3 days! No wonder I spent half my day in the bathroom haha.

    Today is rest day, so becomes a very light day for food.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    edited February 2021
    @rheddmobile Yes I absolutely thought it was COVID related. An instructor mentioned it in class and wanted to work with us if we experienced it. But honestly what are they gonna do? let me retest on a good day? I have a remediation appointment Monday but I don't expect any leniency. I guess I should look at how long this wall of dumb lasts. Today is a better day. I have been over eating and over sleeping hoping it is just fatigue. It's just hit and miss finding a good day.

    @shanaber menopause could also be part of the issue, I agree. I am almost 51... eek. I can not believe your DH puts his dishes in the sink!!! wow! Mine won't and even leaves trash on the counter or in the sink!!! *aghast my mama would have beat me sideways if I'd tried such a thing*. Today the empty dog treat bag and the empty cat food bag were in the floor, I inquired... "oh I thought we were just leaving trash anywhere". I am not kidding, all the trash is his.
    MFP. The only luck I've had is refreshing the page. Here, we don't mind the bumbles and 5 posts in a row :) Oh poor Hobbes. I hope they are nothing of concern, fingers crossed for him. I love cherry juice, but it won't love me back and I have terrible GI issues.

    @Avidkeo I agree, there aren't many stories about regrets on that hip replacement. The doc I found had amazing reviews so I am hoping he won't jerk me around. I know I've had a lot of issues and am thankful the first surgeon helped but... man I can't help but to feel he could have been a bit more aggressive, although I am in a good spot financially because of his timing, so I'll allow it. I wish I could pee out some weight. Mine is up up up...

    Thanks for all the support!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @swenson19d Sorry about all of your pain, the test, the mental fogginess... I really think you are doing good with everything you are going through.

    @CMorning99 2 - 300 calories over maintenance isn't too bad. It would take 10 days of that to gain a pound. Glad you got to sleep in. Hope your shoes came today and you had a good run.

    @shanaber Sorry to hear about Hobbes. I hope the biopsies come back clear. Hope your leg feels better too and you get some answers soon. I've had that problem with edit here too. If the edit icon doesn't show up, I refresh and it is there. It is only on this thread that it happens. Not tech savvy, so I have no idea what to do about it. LOL

    Yeah for the weight loss @Avidkeo ! That is one positive to peeing a lot.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber @swenson19d - Just gotta brag on my husband - he may not be good for much else, but he does the dishes! Like, rinses them so well I can’t always tell if the dishwasher has been run, puts them in right after meals, and so on. His momma is maybe just a little bit obsessive when it comes to cleanliness and there was a brief adjustment period when we married and he had opinions about the way I did things and I may have suggested that if he felt the need to have opinions he needed to do it himself. So... now he does. Which works for me, since dishes were my job at home growing up and I would rather throw them out in the yard than do them now that I have my own home.

    @shanaber I hope Hobbes gets good news!

    @Avidkeo Yay for peeing a lot!

    I also seem to have had the same sort of water weight issue probably related to slamming myself with weights - I’ve been around 153 since Christmas, have been way up over 156 for the past three days, got a lot of sleep, today back down to 152.2 which is much more like it. I’m hoping that this indicates my hip pain will go away too. It’s not bothering me right now but I don’t trust it.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Lazy Sunday! Ok maybe not, I sat on the couch all day yesterday rewatching the 2016 women’s triathlon. Folks always ask me if I will do a tri... don’t tell anyone but I can’t ride a bike...😆 But I told myself I would get my moms 2020 taxes done (They should waive them 🙄). Not likely to happen but will get a few things accomplished today.

    I have been sleeping too much and now my neck hurts and I have that overslept grog. I got in a lovely 3.5 hill run today, even wore a running skirt. Really want a PBJ for lunch.

    Calories are looking ok today, seem to have gotten the munchies out of my system... maybe... DH brought home Ruffles again.

    Just a check in! Enjoy that vitamin D today!!!
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @Avidkeo I love that your dh is tight with money. Mine isn't responsible at all, well he kinda is but wont hesitate to take on large purchases, like he got dd a car, fixed the foundation some, paved the drive way... I just think he buys too many chips and cookies! It's all fine in the end here since it's just us and no kids to save for.

    @CMorning99 A tri would be hard... Maybe a sprint tri or a duathalon?

    I'm tired. Just barely caught up on school work the last minute. Following through with the antidepressants. Mentally i am doing better. I've about had it with studying cardiac drugs though.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,094 Member
    @rheddmobile Yeah for your DH. My husband had lived by himself for a few years before we got married. He was much neater than I am. We shared chores. I cooked. He took care of the dishes. I cleaned the baths and dusted. He vacuumed and mopped. He didn't go to church with me, so would do the laundry on Sunday mornings. We both mowed and did the things that needed to be done outside. I think I was lucky. He would not be happy at the state of the house right now. LOL Great job on the weight loss and I hope the hip stayed pain free!

    @Avidkeo Glad you can brag about your DH. Laughed that he is in full competition with you on the food and weight. I think that's wonderful.

    @CMorning99 Glad you had a good run - in a running skirt. It was warm here today too. I don't swim very well, so a tri would not be for me.

    I had my normal, busy Sunday morning and then lunch and visit with mom. A friend of mine had gotten mom some potatoes - had a get one/buy one free, so wanted to give the free one to mom. She was going to bring it to her, but mom thought we should at least go get them. They were going to be home at 3, but it was so nice out today, I hated to not get to take Tippy for a walk and get my walk in. So, we opted to go to my friends at 4.

    I did get in my 2 mile walk and sat outside for almost an hour. It was partly cloudy, windy, but 76°F! That's a record high for this day for us. I was glad I worked it out so that I got to spend a little time outdoors. I needed that.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Hey everyone! February was a hard month for me. I really struggled the first couple of weeks.

    I need to keep tracking my food (even when I binge) and get back on weighing and measuring myself even if I won't like what it says. I didn't weigh in or measure all of February.

    I ended with 85 miles for February, most in the last two weeks. I think I had 9, 16, 27 and 32 miles. At least I built up lol

    Plan for March:
    •track all food
    •measurements this weekend
    •weigh in weekly
    •prep/train for Yeti Challenge in 3/27
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Adding: I want to check in with this group at least once a day. Y'all are my favorite here.

    (I know I'm not southern but I'm working to replace "guys" in my vocab. Y'all is the best alternative I've found so far)