Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso LOL! I too try to get away from "guys", I had students that were offended by it. I was so puzzled because it is gender neutral to me. So ya'll was second best, now its "folks". that's such an old person word to me but I say it now. Or just try to be a little more proper in my choices. Love seeing you here.

    a tiny rant before I delve into my work for the day.
    My group just isn't with it. for real. We have his huge assignment that is broken in to baby bits and they are struggling. A section is due today and OMG it is chaos, I am herding young adults. Worse, ya know, it isn't a topic I would have chosen and I'd expect the one that pushed for the topic to be all over it and heading it up. but no... children please. LOL!

    Day 3 on antidepressants
    As much as I hate taking these, I think it was the best move. So far no extra jerks or any other neuro concerns, perhaps it was a fluke or not related at all. My back is finally letting up. No more feeling like I got wacked in the mid back. Mentally I am hanging in there. @shanaber I started back on DHEA for some hormonal support in case there is a menopausal component. And I filled my weekly pill organizer to make sure I take the turmeric daily.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    Sounds like you have a great plan @RunsOnEspresso ! I am Southern and say Y'all all the time. I also use the term "guys," but not as much as I used to.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso we've missed you. You got this!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber I hope the antidepressants help. You are frequently on my mind.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I always thought of guys as gender neutral as well but I've been reading more about it. We think of so much as neutral but it's all male- based.

    I tried folks but yah, too old timey for me. Writing y'all is definitely easier than saying it lol
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Well, I'm partially panicking. I've last minute picked up work in town 1hr away from home for the weekend. So I'll be staying overnight for 3 nights. I know what my will power is like on occasions such as this. Though because I had such a big blow out only 2 weeks ago, I'm somewhat hopeful for better strength this time?

    I'll leave home Saturday morning, work for 4hrs, then stay in this little unit next to the hospital entrance (it's about 30 yards away from the entrance to ED. Think tiny rural hospital). I can't remember what cooking equipment is there, so I'm going to take a few basics. If I remember correctly they have 2 small pots, a microwave and that's about it. Hopefully if I go prepared I'll be fine? My thoughts are if I have yummy food planned, rather than boring pre packaged food, I'll be able to stick to plan.

    And no going to the supermarket while there. Tempted to take my bike. When I'm on call I can go up to 30 mins away, that's a decent bike ride.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    You can do it @Avidkeo ! I have faith in you!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    Today has been different. My cousin is doing better, mentally, but his blood pressure went really low yesterday. They had originally planned to discharge him today, but said they wouldn't know for sure until after the doctor's made rounds this morning. Also, on Friday, the social worker submitted a claim for EMS transportation to see if the VA would pay to take him back to the assisted living, or if I would need to drive up and take him myself, if discharged.

    I called this morning and the doctor's hadn't been by yet. Ok, on hold. Called the social worker and had to wait for a return call. When she did, she hadn't heard about transportation yet either. So, the day was spent waiting on phone calls to determine what I was going to be doing.

    I decided to tempt the fates by going down and doing a treadmill walk. If anything would make them call, it would be being in the middle of something, right? Wrong. I walked 2.75 miles and still nothing.

    Finally, at 3:12, the social worker called to say that the EMS transport had been approved. YEAH! But, his blood pressure had been a little bit low again today, so they were going to keep him at least overnight.

    Today, I did basically nothing but wait on the phone to ring because I didn't want to be in the middle of laundry or something I couldn't stop if I had to go get him. I gotta say, I hate this type of day. It was only made worse by the fact that it was rainy and gloomy. But, I am happy that Gary is doing better and hopefully will get to go "home" tomorrow. Also, I guess I can say the waiting gave me an excuse to be very unproductive today. That's a plus, right?
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    @quilteryoyo Starting a project is always a good way to get someone to call... or go to the bathroom LOL

    @Avidkeo It is so hard when you travel. I drive 6hrs down to moms and stay in a travel trailer on the ranch...I got really comfortable with food delivery so I signed up for a premade meal delivery service and take down some of those with me.

    Today was really good. I got up early and went to the Goodwill outlet, I have a slight thrifting problem LOL. I had to go down there to pick up old kitties meds and figured since it’s a 50 mile trip anyway, I should have some fun since the outlet is right near the vet. I didn’t get home until nearly 3 PM! I told myself I wouldn’t buy any more stuff until I sold what I had already collected. Oh well.

    Calories are good, quality of food is poor. Got home just to witness the postman launch my new shoes from the sidewalk to my porch. While I was happy to have my shoes, the delivery was lacking. My other shoes are stuck somewhere between California and Tennessee. So while I had been on my feet all day, I naturally had to take my new Citroen yellow shoes for a run. And hot dog! I had fun. Those things have so much kick and spring, it felt like I was cheating.

    I am now sitting on the couch hoping that dinner magically appears. 100% not likely, but I can dream. I think we’re having shrimp taquitos, if I make them. I am so hungry though I don’t have the strength.

    After dinner, I need to sort my new found thrift items. Think I might watch one of the IronMan championships for entertainment.

    Really hoping next week to find out if I got the transfer to Vandenberg, and maybe on Friday I might get wind if I get promoted. If I don’t, the clock begins to retirement.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    AHH the group pulled through. I cannot wait until the last minute to get anything done, they all thought I was mental. *yas, i know*. We all went for lunch afterwards, awww friends.... and violin went well. I am on the cusps of considering myself as knowing how to play rather that just learning. Although I still have along way to go, but maybe a year from now I'll be awesome at something fun.

    @RunsOnEspresso Our whole world is male dominated. I had a student ask if all the instructors just got divorced or what? There is the move to use Ms. rather than Mrs. and I explained the difference. When I was in high school 1986, I had a teacher that was mad over the Ms. and was decidedly not a manuscript. *shrugs* LOL! I've always used Ms. when it was professional any how. Breaking the chains of male oppression! LOL!

    I have a lot of hair on my face. it is annoying.

    Dh made hamburger helper type dinner with mac and cheese and left over chili. I mean... ew. I ate a corn dog.

    I came home and bear had lost cori again. "ok buster, lets go look" we walked the woods calling and calling and no cori. ugh I sure hope we didn't lose him already. We give up and head back up to the house, it's getting cool and the sun is going down. Turd is on the porch. I don't think I've ever seen an animal so smitten with another animal in my life. Maybe I should just tie them together so Bear won't lose him again. LOL!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @swenson19d I think I'm Miss because never married. 🙄 Funny how men get one (mr) and women have 3 to show our status. So dumb.

    Logged everything yesterday including the afternoon chocolate I had instead of my picky bar.

    No run as it was a planned rest day. Missed my morning walk but made sure I went in the afternoon.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    @CMorning99 I use the bathroom trick to get service people to show up when they are late. LOL Yeah for new shoes. We need pictures! I hope the transfer and promotion come through.

    @swenson19d Glad the group pulled through and you're doing so well with the violin! So fun!
    Glad Cori was just playing with you and not lost.

    You are doing great with logging your food @RunsOnEspresso . I have gotten lax the last couple of weeks, but am maintaining my weight. Still, probably need to start logging everything again before it gets out of hand.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso Nah all women are Ms. It is the equivalent of Mr., no marriage designation.

    I was so happy early this AM when I realized it was tuesday and not wednesday with an 8 Am class, despite the itchy firey rosacea flare. I have a patch that is about laser worthy. I need to be more diligent with the medicine.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Just a quick update since it is a work day and not very exciting. My young Airman isn't so keen on moving out of the dorms under the pretense of marriage when I told him he had to actually LIVE with the girl, otherwise he was defrauding the government. His signed and approved application has been sitting on my desk for 4 days waiting for him to pick it up and start the process.

    Calories are looking a bit high, might need to trim down my afternoon snack since no run is planned. I did come across strength for runners on the peloton app, might try that....or not...sounds horrible LOL. I do know I need to drink WATER today...yesterday I didn't have to pee till after I got home (8 hours?!?!)...not good. Going to go for 1/2 a gallon today.

    Sent off an email to the personnel center to see what the status of my application to move was, it has been 3 weeks for something that is generally urgent.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo I HATE those days. Just incredibly frustrating. I'm glad Gary is doing better and hope they get his BP under control.

    @CMorning99 that's a good idea. I know the local supermarket has some similar box type meals that might work. I'm going to take my scale and look for some new recipes I can try out. I won't be doing much since I'll be on call when not working so may as well try something out! Yay for new shoes, hope the other ones get delivered soon. Fingers crossed in the transfer.

    @swenson19 yay for group pulling through but oh the stress. Love how much Bear loves corgi. That's so cool! I'd love to get another cat but DH would kill me. It took 18m to get Leo after our last cat died.

    @runs_on_espresso yay for logging everything.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    Congratulations on the ego boosting comments @Avidkeo ! From what I see on here, it doesn't surprise me in the least! What is 21C?

    Just got back from the trip to Johnson City and the cardiologist. He is of the opinion that my body is getting back to my pre-op normal and no longer needs any additional medicine. So, I am stopping the metoprolol and see how it goes. He said if I get dizzy/faint again to call and he will order a Holter monitor. He feels once I stop that medicine that things will even out and I'll be okay.

    He did say I should be fine to run on Thursday, as long as I take it easy. He said once I am 3 months out, that I should be able to go for it and run as much as I want, as fast as I want/can. :)

    He also told me that my EKG shows that I have had a heart attack in the past. I have heard that from other doctor's before. But, he said, "I have seen your heart. You have NOT had a heart attack. You have no blockages and your heart is healthy." I asked why the EKG showed that and he said it has to do with the way my heart is laying in the chest cavity and where they put the electrodes. I know we are all a little different, but I am still amazed at the variability when I hear things like this. (Years ago, Dad's gallbladder surgery took a lot longer than normal because they couldn't find it. It was not at all where it was "supposed" to be.)

    It was a bad food day. We stopped at Zaxby's on the way home and got take out for dinner. I had their chicken finger dinner. I don't think I'm going to log today. I'll start tomorrow.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,069 Member
    Oh, I forgot, Gary is back at the assisted living facility. I was there, paying his bill, when the EMS dropped him off. So, I was able to say "hi." He looked good and said he was feeling good.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 789 Member
    @quilteryoyo That is great news on all fronts! So glad to hear it!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @quilteryoyo woo hooo that's amazing and such good news. And yay for Gary. Such good news all around.

    2IC =2nd in charge