Daily check in



  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    edited October 2017
    Checking in!

    Last week was up and down. It truly is hard to avoid the Halloween candy that spouse argued we needed (not).

    Goal this week will be to get back to goal diet, avoid sweets, do the minimum 30 min a day cardio with added sit ups and push ups. If I write it down then I’m more likely to do it.

    Thank you for the pep talks and inspiration. Let’s keep it up.
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Check in

    Redskins losing, so not much to say ......sniff sniff
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 3, week 5
    Happy Monday everyone!! I use to dread Mondays when I was working but in retirement I don't mind them at all. Haven't been able to get on the tennis court this week (my favorite activity) but I got to the fitness center yesterday (and the backs of my thighs are feeling it today) and did my shoulder exercises this afternoon. I did go to Village Inn yesterday morning for breakfast but I did use applesauce instead of syrup on my multi-grain pancakes. I made some beef stew yesterday from scratch (can't believe how much sodium is in beef broth, I am going to have to look to see if they make a sodium free one). I splurged on a raisen bran muffin this morning but didn't have much for lunch. Weighed in this morning and I was down a half of a pound. That's alright, better than going the other direction.
    crazychicken - nice thing about living in a 55 and over community is we don't get the trick or treaters so have no good reason to buy Halloween candy. Too tempting. Good to set yourself goals this week. You will meet them!!
    naomi - hope that you stuck to your guns and rested your body today. You have been kicking it on two a days and your calories.
    kbranch - love your choices of healthy calories full of stuff that gives you the energy you need to rock your workouts.
    mommabeare - doesn't it just feel awesome when clothes that were once tight fitting now feel loose. Nice to lose inches. I'm sure you did just fine on the court with Roz.
    intotennis - hope your weekend in Sedona was relaxing and fun!!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Make it a great day ladies!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in - Day 58 Tuesday

    Checking in early as I'm a little off today. Had a tennis match this am and burned lots of calories, ran around the rest of the day getting things done.

    Nutrition: Will start logging again tomorrow.

    Day 3 - Weekly 3

    Looks like Naomi retained her crown, Congrats!

    Tomorrow can and will be a better day, so let's bring it ladies! :)
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 9
    What a day! PT from 7-8 am, tennis doubles match from 9-11 am, 18 holes of golf from 1-5 pm. Best part was the ice cold beer at the end of our round. PT was good but tennis was off. The wind didn't help but my game wasn't quite on today either. Golf was no pressure just fun. But I have to say that I am exhausted and glad that tonight I can just relax on the recliner. Naomi, I don't know how you did two a days day after day. One day and my body is begging for a rest! And congrats once again Queen Naomi!
    intotennis - you're right. The great thing is that we can always look forward to tomorrow.
    kbranch - you made it a great day just by checking in.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Quick check in, got some tennis in then 60 mins of P90X stretching. Feeling under the weather so will catch up tomorrow. Keep kicking butt ladies! !
  • MommaBeare
    MommaBeare Posts: 49 Member
    Checking in. I am alive, am going to bed. :)
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 13
    Just got home from tennis in Scottsdale and too wound up to go to bed yet. Watching Best Baker in America and drooling over these desserts. Luckily I'm not there to taste them. Won our match tonight but our opponents didn't make it easy. Glad we were able to stay the course and play our game and win the last point of the match. I filled in today in my mother's wii bowling league. I think maybe I should do wii more often. I had a 621 series. Why can't I do that in regular bowling? Looking forward to a good day tomorrow and hope all of you get lots of good sleep and rest tonight so you also will have a fabulous Thursday!!!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 60 Thursday

    Had a 90 min tennis clinic and completed P90X Yoga.
    Nutrition: Ok, craved some protein so had grilled chicken wings for dinner
    Day 3 – weekly 5

    Mommabeare – Glad to know your alive, lol so what else is new?? Give me some details women! :”)
    Kathy – Excellent win and your a strong women to watch “desserts” on TV, I have to change the channel on all food stuff, lol

    What’s up with the rest of the ladies, hope all is well, 30 more days so keep pushing forward and make them count!!!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 17
    Seems like we need to light the fire in our bellies all my pushing forward comrades!! I'm hoping that not seeing posts does not mean that we are giving up the mission. You are all strong and can stay positive on this journey for another 30 days. It helps me when I hear from all of you and see what you're succeeding with. It's good to have a sounding board with people you can trust to have your back.
    Had a good tennis lesson today followed by 3 games of bowling. First game wasn't very good but picked it up with the last two. Did well eating today until dinner eating out and ordering their special chicken and dumplings. The plate came oozing with gravy all over the dish. I only ate half of it but it was really good and a lot more calories than I needed to consume.
    Kbranch - I found the pumpkin pie yogurt and it is delicious. I will have to buy more. Thanks!
    intotennis - your protein tonight sounded a lot better for you than mine was. Keep making good choices.
    Hope to hear from you all.
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I just finished catching up on this thread! Amazing
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 61 Friday

    I completed Eccentric Lower and Upper for today and tomorrows workout, I have a tournament tomorrow and could play up to 6 sets of tennis so wanted to get my Saturday workout done and it felt good to be lifting again!

    Nutrition: Lots of running around today so no time to snack, great day!

    Day 4 – weekly 9

    Kathy – My hubby loves chicken & dumplings and I can easily pass on that but give me Chocolate cake and I’m in trouble! Two months ago would you have eaten the whole plate? I’d say you did awesome for only having half! Keep killing those workouts too!

    Jperdome – Sooo great to have you check in, we are living the real life here, we have some downs but many more ups!

    The last 3rd of any journey is the hardest, so let’s keep checking in and pushing forward! I personally need you all to help me stay accountable and I would think the same is for you! PUSH!!!! B)
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Kathy - As promised, I did rest on Monday. Great job on your tennis win on Wednesday!

    Sheri - You're killing it with all your P90X. Keep it going!

    I resumed my two-a-days on Wednesday and Thursday, BUT after an extra long tennis match Thursday evening, my heel / ankle pain really flared up, so I rested this morning and I'm taking a walk just this evening instead. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and be able to resume my two-a-days again. I would like to do them as many days as possible for the rest of the challenge. I am also doing well on food choices and calories, too, I believe.

    D 4, W 8.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    day 4, week 21
    jperdome - how is it going? Good to see you post.
    intotennis - so do you have a good recipe for chicken and dumplings? I'm sure if Jeff loves it you must make it homemade for him. I'll have to see if I can find a healthier recipe on the internet. Sounds like you were very ambitious today working out. Tomorrow will be another good day for you.
    naomi - glad you took your day of rest. Remember to rest when your body tells you to so that you can make it to the end meeting your goal. It doesn't have to be every day. My PT today told me that strength workouts should only be done at the most every other day, so your muscles have time to recoup. Of course that may have applied only to seniors not someone young.
    kbranch - it must be beautiful at 5 in the morning. Bet you've seen some gorgeous sunrises.

    Started the WVWT league today and came off the court with a win. Yeah!!! Then celebrated with the team and had an ice cold beer. Yummmm! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello ladies. Today marched out 5 miles in decent time. Knee is sore but feel good. Didn't eat great but didn't pig out at work. A large department catered in Rudys BBQ and LoLo chicken n waffles for about 75 people. I had smoked turkey, peach cobbler and some other stuff on my diary. I could have made a better choice and resisted the sugar stuff, maybe needed more water today. The sugar kinda has me right now. Need to watch it. Been consistent with a workout every other day.

    Kathy glad you found the yogurt.

    Everyone posting is doing a really super job. I comment or like posts often. I appreciate these messages too.

    Tomorrow is Saturday, so eat in moderation or maybe try something new to add to your diet.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Hi guys! This last week has been ridiculously crazy. Too much work, too much of a sick dog, too many headaches for my little man and trying to get the house ready for guests this weekend. Ugh... I did pretty good this week. I went to my TurboKick class, helped my friend decorate for her Halloween party and only slipped a couple of times with my food. Now we have some visitors and we’ll be running all weekend, eating out a lot I’m sure. Good choices and lots of steps is my goal!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Check In- Day 62

    Nutrition: a bit off as I have to travel to Naples
    Water: need to stay more hydrated
    Exercise: 5 mile walk
    I’m heading to Naples with Hubby for some much needed R&R - it’s my best friend 40th Birthday and we are celebrating Halloween style “Witches Ball” themed. I’m excited to dress up with Hubby we are going as the Purge couple, if you never seen the movie The Purge google it. I’m getting hair and nails done and believe me I’m soooo looking forward to today.

    Intotennis: Thank you because that’s exactly right, we do need each other and nice workout yesterday

    Naomi: hopefully you feel better today, that’s great that your listening to your body.

    Kathy: all is well thankfully. Your PT is correct it should be done every other day - the perfect workout is 6 days a week one day cardio, one day strength- 1 day rest but some people need 2 days rest depends on their body, I try to aim for 5 days with a combo of strength/cardio.

    Kbranch: I’m a sugar lover too, I find that what helps is to lower my sugar and not completely eliminate it because then I’ll binge and that’s worst! 5 miles bravo!

    Giglqueen: those are my same goals! Lots of steps this weekend bc working out impossible so my aim is 5 miles daily. Do you have a Fitbit watch?
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 62 Saturday

    Had a tennis tournament and played 3 sets of tennis so should have a good calorie burn, plus no time for lunch, just a couple of bananas. Super fun experience!

    Nutrition: mixed up but should be a good day overall

    Day 3 – weekly 12

    Naomisds – Smart lady to listen to your body & not over do it, we all need to rest to recover. Excellent job with your consistency on nutrition!

    Kathy – Actually, my hubby's favorite is Biscuits and Gravy which I “tried” to make from scratch, come out paste and hockey pucks, lol But, he ate it! <3 Congrats on your win!

    Kbranch - I’m not sure I can do 5 miles, so awesome job! Listen to that knee and take care. I know you’ll kick sugar’s butt so strong and steady!

    Giglqueen – Sounds like a crazy week, awesome job still getting in your Turbokick class and we all slip, I’m sure overall you did great, keep pushing!

    Jperdomo – Love Naples!! (can you say Jealous,lol) The ball sounds awesome but, I’ll have to Google Purge! I’m sure you’ll be moving and grooving on the dance floor so enjoy!

    You all are doing great, keep kicking butt!
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Food consumption is healthier lately. Added a bit more exercise too. Threw out Halloween candy. Was thoroughly exhausted Thursday from tennis match night before. Really need to work on stamina. Hoping to make last 30 days of fitness challenge impactful.