Daily check in



  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Short post since late and so tired.

    Everyone is doing great! Keep posting! Took two walks today, but didn't eat much since I wasn't hungry. Here's hoping that continues!

    D 4, W 12.
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Quick check in - Day 63 Sunday

    Scheduled rest day but played 18 rounds of golf, food is good watching portion size. Plan on golfing tomorrow too so hoping I can squeeze in my P90X once I get home.

    We have lots of post but, not many of you are keeping your tally points so it looks like Naomisds is the "Queen for the day!", keep kicking that consistency butt!

    Monday is a new day, so make it count!!! Cheers MFP!!!! :)

  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    We are all awesome. It doesn’t matter how much or how little we eat or do. What matters is that we push on and try again tomorrow. Today I had a bit of a craving. Will make up with some exercise.

  • kbranch75
    kbranch75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi ladies. Keeping in moderation. Made healthy chili with lean ground turkey and chicken and chili and extra tomatoes. Been keeping in moderation. Jogged 4 mi today. Doing okay. Plan on strength training a little more this week if time allows. Everyone is doing wonderfully. Thanks for the support. I'm trying to keep up with you ladies.

    Good night
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Did my shoulder stretches and strength exercises today. Hey, must be a chili day because I made a chicken chili in the crock pot today also. Just through in what I could find: tomatoes, red beans, celery, green pepper, tomato sauce and spices along with chicken breasts. I must say it turned out pretty good! Weekends do not seem to be the best for me with workouts and food. I'm thinking maybe I should switch my weigh in/measurement day to Friday instead of Monday. Will see what tomorrow shows.
    crazychicken - I like your thinking! Also proud of you for throwing away the Halloween candy.
    intotennis - enjoy your golf. I'm watching some on the golf channel right now.
    naomi - wish I had the will power to not eat like you seem to have. Do you put a lock on your frig and pantry?
    jperdomo - sounds like a fun B-day party. Enjoy!!
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    Will try to write more tomorrow. Very tired after tennis, a walk, and housecleaning, so it is bedtime. Ate some junk today, but worked it off. Sounds like everyone is doing great. Keep going!

    D 4, W 4.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Good Morning! Man, I'm exhausted from our weekend visitors! I did not eat the greatest, but I didn't go crazy either. I did walk 11 miles between Saturday and Sunday though, so that's a good thing! We were gone all weekend so I wasn't able to prep at all for this week, we never even got to the grocery store. Since tomorrow is Halloween, I signed up for a Pound class tonight to make up for missing my class tomorrow night. I'm already regretting it, I'm so tired I just want to go home and go to bed, but I'm going to keep my reservation and give it my all. I hope everyone has a great week!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 64 Monday

    Played 18 holes of golf. Once home my back was sore and I was pooped so didn’t do P90X. \

    Nutrition: Should be under calories

    Day 2 – weekly 4

    Crazychicken – so true, we’ll all fall but, we pick our selves back up and keep on pushing.

    Kbranch – Chili sounds yummy! Super job with your moderation and consistency!

    Kathy – Your chili sounds yummy too! Love your consistency with your exercises and I’m with you on having my weight in day on Friday!

    Naomisds – Sounds like you had plenty of calories to burn so enjoy your treat!

    Giglqueen – Great job keeping things in moderation and excellent with the 11 miles. Awesome job on pushing and getting your workout done. Do your best and forget the rest!

    You ladies are rocking it, Keep pushing!!!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Day Check 64!

    Naples was a blast! We were partying like rockstars- yesterday dedicated to my boys - no internet- no excerise- just family time! I always feel guilty when I leave my boys to have fun but parents need down time. Woke up this morning and everything hurt lol not motivated at all... but tomorrow no excuses getting it done ✅

    Nutrition: good clean eating today
    Water: need to increase goal
    Exercise: None 3,500 steps on Fitbit which is not good

    Giglqueen: 11miles!!! Bravo
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Good to hear good things from all of you. You are making forward progress. Let's keep it up.
    I finally got in some tennis tonight for 2 hours and that felt good. Calories were down today thanks to my dentist. My mouth was too sore to eat much. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.
    gigiqueen - good job at finding a way to get a workout in when your schedule is disrupted. Having visitors can be fun but also difficult to stay focused on you.
    jperdomo - sounds like a great weekend and so much fun! Enjoy your time with your boys. Include them in some kind of activity that will burn calories too.
    intotennis - sounds like you are burning up the golf courses and watching your nutrition.
  • Naomisds
    Naomisds Posts: 59 Member
    I keep saying I'm going to post more when I'm not so tired, but I also keep waiting until really late in the day to post. Not good! I was going to do another two-a-day today, but when the alarm went off this morning, I was too tired to get up so I went back to sleep for about another hour and a half. However, I made up for it this evening when I walked for about 90 minutes. I didn't make great food choices today, but I did come in under my goal. I'll try to make better choices tomorrow. It sounds like everyone continues to do great, and one of these days I'll say more than that to congratulate everyone!

    D 4, W 8.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Enjoyed a fun and competitive doubles match with good friends BUT the friends on the other side of the net stayed strong and did not let up. It was a beautiful day for being outside. Then enjoyed lunch out at Culver's. Should be finishing up chicken chili tonight for dinner and that should keep me under my calorie goal for today. Anyone getting dressed up for Halloween tonight? I saw a witch driving a golf cart this morning. It will be pretty quiet in my neighborhood tonight. Didn't buy any Halloween candy so let's hope no one rings the doorbell. I can't believe it's been 65 days since I first started this journey. It has been so worth it! WE GOT THIS!!!
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 65 Tuesday

    Played a 3 hour tennis match and played about 30 games with lot’s of deuces, lot’s of running!!! Had to play against a teammate & one of my favorite tennis partners (Kathy) so it was hard at first to think of her as a opponent but we had lot’s of fun!

    Nutrition: Hubby and I took our boys to Modern Round for their bdays, it's a large TV screen appx 10ft by 10ft that you play video games on, super fun! Had a very late lunch so will be under calories.

    Day 3 – Weekly 7

    Jperdomo – So glad you had fun at your party (pics?) and I’d say if you were sore then you must of been moving and grooving! Excellent job on the clean eating too!

    Naomisds – doing your two a day routine is a heavy toll on the body so good thing you listen to your body and got that extra rest. Staying under calories is half the battle so great job!

    Kathy - Excellent playing today, it was a tough win for sure, you had me running!!!! Enjoy your chili, you deserve it! We've had lots of really cute kids in costumes coming by but, the left over candy is going home with my son!

    Keep pushing ladies!!!
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    I am going to check in now. Just got home from hitting some balls with the ball machine to try out a new racquet and now I'm just relaxing before a big match tonight. Everything seemed kind of off or slow but I am going to say it's the fault of all the dead balls in the ball machine. I binged a bit between breakfast and lunch today. I don't know why but I think it was because when I stepped on the scale this morning I was down 1.6 pounds. That is crazy because that should motivate me to stay strong not reward myself with a sweet that has not nutrition. They were mini cinnamon cheesecakes that were beginning to dry out. Good thing is that they are all gone now so they won't tempt me again. OK back on track after a little hiccup! Hope you all have a lot of successes today.
  • crazychicken2017
    crazychicken2017 Posts: 33 Member
    Felt good about tennis despite loss. Ate enough food for two days. Will eat lighter manana.

    Good night all. Sweet Dreams.
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our fearless group leader on Nov. 2. Have an awesome day!!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check in Day 66

    Nutrition: under calories
    Exercise: Walk and DVD 30 minutes

    Hello Ladies! Thank you all the party was a blast! Not sure how to add pics to the thread lol. Halloween
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Check in – Day 66 & 67 Wednesday & Thursday

    Crazy week! Played a tough match on Wednesday night and had a tennis clinic this am. Got some moving and grooving done but, no P90X3 sorry to say.

    Nutrition: all over the place, both my boys bdays and then mine, no excuses. I’ll be enjoying tonight and then back at it hard for the last 25 days!

    Day 2 – weekly 9

    Kathy – Glad I didn’t read your post before our match, lol You played great and we’ll get them next time! Thank you for the bday wishes too!

    Crazychicken – Great job on tennis, I know you’ll be back at it with nutrition!

    Jperdomo – Wish I knew how to post a pic, I’m sure they would be awesome! :) Super consistency on nutrition and getting your workout done!

    Keep rocking it ladies, there is light at the end of the tunnel!!!! <3<3<3
  • kathyNKCSD
    kathyNKCSD Posts: 88 Member
    Great day today!!! Did so many of my favorite things. "Sound of Music": These are a few of my favorite things - tennis lesson with Vince and my buds, bowling (scores weren't great but had fun and I won one hand of poker), 18 holes of golf with a good friend (we don't even keep score so we just enjoy being on the course and we finished up the last hole with the moonlight guiding us, super cool). With all going on I didn't have time to snack at all and so my calorie count was under goal as well. Big day tomorrow too so I should get to bed. Have to be at blood lab at 6 am (routine no worries but that is when they open and there is usually a line of people).
    Played a great doubles match last night and then watched some great matches. Way to fight crazychicken and susan and my doubles partner Sheri. Where there's a will, there's a way and we will find that way next time!!
    jperdomo - Looks like you are doing well with nutrition and exercise. Keep it up!!
  • jperdomo79
    jperdomo79 Posts: 59 Member
    Check Day 68 Friday!!!

    Nutrition: Eating clean today
    Water: still need to work on this