Optimistic for an Outstanding October!



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    So last week I was tired every day no matter how early I went to bed. And I just don’t feel good. I know I haven't been very ETL, and my energy was totally gone. My mood was super grumpy. Not a good week... Time to change that!!

    So on Friday I spent some time planning. Bought some groceries. Then just relaxed on the couch and crocheted my daughter's mermaid tail blanket and binged some Game of Thrones. It was nice.

    Saturday it was GO time. I spent 90 minutes on the treadmill walking 3.5mph with an incline of 2. Yesterday I prepped all my breakfasts (overnight oats) and lunches (veggies and hummus) for the week. And then I went on the treadmill for 60 minutes walking 3.6mph with an incline of 3. Today's a swimming day and I WILL do at least 1.5 miles. Tomorrow will be another treadmill day. I WILL stick closer to ETL and I WILL make time for exercise. I miss the energy I used to have.

    Here’s a pic of my breakfasts for the week: Overnight oats (oatmeal, buckwheat, chia seeds, cashew milk and cinnamon) with strawberries, bananas, blueberries, raspberries and pecans. So tasty!!!


  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Having said that, I did lose another 2 lbs last week. So now I'm down 4.2 and at least that's moving in the right direction. I also bought 3 new outfits, some new undies, got a haircut and bought some new makeup, so my credit card is smokin' :lol: And it really helps the motivation when I'm looking better, so there's that...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Yum that oatmeal looks scrumptious Karrie! Do you just mix the dry stuff then add milk the night before and fruit in the morning or are you freezing the portions? Way to go planning and then getting to it! Great job on the treadmill, hope your swim went well. I bought some new makeup a couple weeks ago. It's the same makeup I always wear, pretty much the same since high school other than no blue eyeshadow now lol, but it is funny how just having fresh items can perk me up. I can totally relate to not feeling as good lately... I do great for 4 or 5 days then I junky carb out on tortilla chips or crackers or something dumb like that, and the whole vicious circle keeps going 'round and 'round. My blood sugar gets out of whack and I really need to watch that. There is history of diabetes on my dad's side and it's a danger for me being overweight again.

    Today was okay, just tired of the usual stress and craziness at work. I ate some kale chips, not real kale chips they are chips with kale, so not as healthy as they sound! Other than that had my oatmeal for breakfast and Dr. McD soup for lunch with an apple. That's working out well. I just have to stop giving in to the cravings for snacks. I never snack at home, it's just at work. Of course, I'm almost always at work lol. Anyway, I should go upstairs at the office and meditate for a few minutes a couple times a day instead of diving into snacks. Think that will be my goal the rest of the week!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    Carrie - I too would want to hear how you fix your oatmeal. I need to have some things prepared for my husband in the morning. He really is trying to just eat vegetarian for the next 6 weeks. Your workout schedule made me tired. I did walk dogs 3miles before playing 90 minutes of tennis. Congratulations on the weight loss. I love GOT...I got hooked on it late and binged watched several seasons.

    Milan - I hope you can get caught up at work soon. I have a friend who manages an insurance business in the north CA area. She has been swamped due to the fires. Work stress can take a lot out of you.

    Nothing too much new here. We were given tickets to see The King and I play. It was very well done. I bought vegetables today to prep tomorrow. It seems grocery shopping and then prepping is too much sometimes.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I mix 3 days' worth of oats at a time, cashew milk and all. Might be able to get away with a couple extra days too, but I don't want to risk having to throw it out. But 3 days has been perfectly fine. And yes, I add the fresh fruit in the mornings.

    I did somewhere between 1.5 and 2 miles in the pool last night. I seriously cannot keep track of my laps! My mind wanders and then I think "hmmm... was that lap 4 or lap 6?" So yesterday I told myself "musta been 4" and I always erred on the low end. So I might have done a bunch of extra laps, because I lost my count EVERY set of 10 laps. (And I did 6 sets of 10, so it's possible I did an extra 12-16 laps - oops!!) It's pathetic how little I can concentrate on the numbers!!! That's actually the reason I stopped running at the indoor track. I had NO concept of how far I had run. I'd rather just go somewhere outside and then back home where I can MEASURE my distance by the landmarks.

    But nevermind that, the point is that I swam nearly non-stop for 45 minutes. I only stopped to make sure I wasn't in the way of the other swimmers. I could gone longer, but I need to stay injury free, so I will continue to build my distance gradually. :smiley:

    And then this morning I did get up and get on the treadmill. I didn't want to, but I did it. Not quite early enough to fit in my whole 5km distance that I wanted to fit in, but I did get to about 4.25km, so I was close... I'm sure waking up early will get easier, so it'll come...

    Also, with my better eating yesterday, the scale rewarded me with a 1.2 loss. Yay!! So far, it's a good day. I hope you all have a good day too! :smiley:
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited October 2017
    Seems like everyone is doing great! Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I'm struggling with depression right now and it gets really hard to participate in anything, but I've enjoyed reading about all of your successes!

    Karrie, you need a stitch counter ring for your laps!

    Here's one of our amazing Maple trees from my kitchen window. Fall is my favorite season.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    Carla the maple tree picture is beautiful. I am not seeing much change of colors here in Texas. The colors were so beautiful in Italy. I am sorry you are struggling with depression. Life is so hard sometimes.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    I did somewhere between 1.5 and 2 miles in the pool last night. I seriously cannot keep track of my laps! My mind wanders and then I think "hmmm... was that lap 4 or lap 6?" So yesterday I told myself "musta been 4" and I always erred on the low end. So I might have done a bunch of extra laps, because I lost my count EVERY set of 10 laps. (And I did 6 sets of 10, so it's possible I did an extra 12-16 laps - oops!!) It's pathetic how little I can concentrate on the numbers!!! That's actually the reason I stopped running at the indoor track. I had NO concept of how far I had run. I'd rather just go somewhere outside and then back home where I can MEASURE my distance by the landmarks.

    But nevermind that, the point is that I swam nearly non-stop for 45 minutes. I only stopped to make sure I wasn't in the way of the other swimmers. I could gone longer, but I need to stay injury free, so I will continue to build my distance gradually. :smiley:

    Hmm... another thing I thought only I did. I count fastidiously, I literally recite what lap I'm on, with every breath. So, three strokes, breathe, and that's 1, 'cause I'm on lap 1... 3 more strokes, breath, and that's 1, 'cause I"m still on lap one. So, while I'm swimming, my mind is constantly going... 1,2,3 breathe, 1. Lap 2, 1,2,3 breathe, 2. Over and freaking over. My mind does occasionally wander, but, if I'm going 'up-lane' I'm on an odd, and 'down-lane,' I'm on an even. So, unless I lose count for a considerable amount of time, I can figure it out. I sometimes do 'penalty' lanes for forgetting, as well. Like added time in soccer. :)

    If I swam non-stop for 45 mins, I'd drown. :huh:

    And truth be told, I haven't swum in a while. My back got sore, and I literally have done next to nothing for a couple of months. I think I'm on the mend, and am at least, thinking about it, again.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Carla, soooo can relate, sorry. I love the fall too, and usually it's my most high energy time, but this year I am not feeling it at all. Sigh. Hope you are feeling better soon. *hugs*

    Way to go Karrie! I'm impressed with how great you are doing. I have made cooked oatmeal for several days worth, but haven't tried overnight oats that way. I don't know why I was thinking it would be weird. I think I'm just weird!

    Scott, I like the concept of penalty laps for losing count. LOL

    Donna, did you get your prep done?

    I am really floundering on diet and exercise. I need to get my act together! Indulging in alcohol is part of it. It makes me more tired and hungry than usual. A lot of social things going on lately, hopefully I can get back to my hermit existence soon, although it won't be long before all the holiday events start. I would like to get a solid few weeks of eating right and regular exercise in before Thanksgiving, and hopefully keep the momentum going. Sometimes it seems like the whole time between Thanksgiving and New Year is one long party and an excuse to indulge. Not this year!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    Milan - I chopped up veggies and made a big batch of vegetable soup.

    Dr's appt yesterday...was disconcerting...very thorough young internal med. dr. Time for the annual colonoscopy, mammogram, blood work and flu shot plus diabetic screen...Having a lot of abdominal pain off and on after the big salads with greens, cabbage and beans. Dr. thinks it might be diverticulitis. I did not get any sleep last night (grrrr) from pain and felt lousy today. Combination of flu shot and abd pain. I had a great day yesterday, playing tennis and walking dogs. I felt so healthy. I made a big healthy salad last night and then I was up all night. I am sticking to soups,fruits, smoothies, cooked vegetables and very small salads until after the colonoscopy. Good news, my scales were right on at Dr's office and my BP was 107/73.

    My husband was down 2 lbs and sticking to vegetarian diet.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla, that tree is truly stunning. Gorgeous! I'm sorry you're struggling right now, I've been there too. Feel free to reach out to me anytime on Rav for a lengthy rant about it. I'll be there for you. ((HUGS))

    Donna, you and your hubby are doing great. And truth be told, you might just be having a reaction to something in the salad. Maybe the cabbage? I can eat it just fine UNLESS I'm pregnant or nursing. During both my pregnancies and until I weaned my babies, I got sick every time I ate cabbage and I broke out in a rash, to boot. But once they were weaned, no problem whatsoever. It's totally weird and it took me a little while to make the connection to cabbage, but it happened with BOTH of my babies... So maybe try eliminating one thing at a time from your big salad (I'd start with the cabbage :wink:) and see if you can figure out which food is bothering you. My mom feels lousy every time she eats red onions, for example. Took her some time to narrow that one down too.

    I fell into a big chiabatta bun and a bag of veggie chips last night. Oops... I can't be left alone in the kitchen. :neutral:

    Didn't get up this morning because tonight is swimming and flyers, so I'll be getting plenty of exercise. I'm going to see how my back/shoulders feel, but I'm going to try to do 45 minutes again. Scott, sounds like you and I are the same swimmer!! I usually repeat which lap I'm on in my head too. Over and over! But I play with my breathing rhythm. I start with breathing every 6 strokes, then when I get a bit tired I go down to 4 and then down to 3. Sometimes I do 5 or 7 too. So I'm all over the place there. But Monday I was totally in the zone and I was breathing pretty easily and the strokes were just rhythmic and mind numbing and so my mind started to wander. A lot. And because it all felt the same, I just couldn't seem to remember the number I was supposed to be on. Carla, your idea of a row counter is brilliant! So simple it would totally work. I need to figure out where I could put it and not lose it...

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Carrie,

    Thank you for the excellent advice. That salad had a lot of red onions, cabbage and beans...I think I will try a salad today with only simple lettuce mix, red pepper, mushrooms, sun flower seeds and beans. I feel like a new woman today...maybe it was a combo of lack of sleep and the flu shot.

    Going to go walk dogs and maybe get a bike ride in.

    Hubby is doing great, can't believe his positive attitude with this diet. I think having one of the guys he respects (who is really buff) talking to him about a vegetarian diet helped. He is 3 lbs since he came back.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Busy busy day, just finished laundry and dinner (tofu scramble with lots of veggies yum yum) and heading to bed. Will catch up tomorrow.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Yesterday was crazy. I barely sat down at all until about 9:30. Crazy, I tell you!!

    I paid very close attention to my laps yesterday and I swam 60 (or maybe 62 - I did lose track once) laps in 36 minutes. So I did at least 70 laps on Monday, maybe more. And yesterday after I did those 60, I just kept going and did another 20. So I most definitely did 80 (or 82) laps yesterday. Yay me!! :smiley:

    Before we got to the pool, my son and I delivered flyers to the first 5 blocks of his route (it's all we could squeeze in). Then, after swimming, while the rest of the family ate, I ran out and did 4 more blocks of his route by myself. (I just grabbed a vegan bar for supper 'cuz there was no time). Then just as I was walking into the garage, my hubby was there and we jumped in the car to go look at 3 houses. 1 good sized one but with a weird layout, 1 that was just beat up and in rough shape (sad, 'cuz it's pretty new), and 1 that was absolutely gorgeous (to die for), but too small for us. That made me so sad, because that was the one I was most excited to see. Only 2 blocks from the kids' school. It woulda been perfect if it just had at least 1 more room... :cry:

    Anyway, after the houses, we got home just before 9 and then my son and I ran out and did the last 4 blocks of his route (the ones farthest from our house). By that time it was raining. So we ran a bit... We were back in the house by 9:10. Quick!! But then I had to get them their snacks, tidy up the kitchen, etc, etc.

    I don't like days like that with no downtime. Literally. NONE.

    I could not wake myself up this morning for the treadmill, so I'll have to do it tonight. Fortunately, I have no guitar lesson tonight because my teacher is out of town, so I'll have plenty of time.

    I hope you all have an outstanding day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,952 Member
    Did you try some different veggies in your salad Donna? How are you feeling? That’s really great your husband is on board. I was going to ask and keep forgetting, are you taking any B12? I know you aren’t totally vegan, but there are no food based sources of B12 in a vegan diet and you might want to look into a supplement. I take the TwinLabs vegan B12 dots at least a few times a week, and D in the winter.

    The flu shot could definitely be the culprit too. I didn’t get one last year, which is dumb, but the year before I had a really bad reaction to the shot and it scared me. I woke up in the middle of the night shaking and shivering, ended up curled up in a chair with lots of blankets and the furnace blasting all night, still freezing, aching, my teeth chattering. I couldn’t even go to work the next day, and I never call off sick! By the following day I was completely fine, but yikes.

    Karrie, I sure hope you got a little time to recuperate today! Sounds like a really crazy day. I didn’t know you were looking for a new house. How exciting! Too bad the one you really loved wasn’t right for you though. A house is such a huge investment and it’s not like you can take it back to the store if it doesn’t work out the way you thought, so it's scary. If I had it to do over I wouldn't have sold my old place and bought my current house. I love the house and my neighbors, but it's too big for one person and with work I don't keep up on it like I should. I see a condo in my future within the next 10 years. Would there be any way to put an addition on the house you loved, to make it more what you need?

    I was a bad ETL’er today… had a lara bar and a few crackers. I need to get my act together here. I think I will go back to my more hybrid E2/ETL plan. If I can have all the potatoes and rice I want, I don’t crave the bad starches. Hitting the grocery this weekend and will do some food prep. Tonight I’m making yet another batch of the glowing spiced lentil soup. I love that stuff.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    I will respond more later but Need to rant. I met a friend at a cute place called Kneaders. A bakery soup, salad sandwich dessert place. I order green avocado salad (no dressing) with a side of broccoli salad. Come home, look it up, they add sugar to the broccoli salad. The little side of broccoli was almost more calories than the green avocado salad. I need to be more assertive and ask how foods are prepared. I hate going out. We are going out again tomorrow for lunch :(. Looking at the menu now.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I did the treadmill workout last night, but I wasn't done until after 8pm. I prefer mornings...

    Going out is tough. And it's worse when you end up with the only thing on the menu that is vegan and it's not even tasty. There have been so many times I would have preferred just bringing my own food; especially to work (catered meetings). Just tell me up front that my options stink and I will happily bring myself something delicious instead!!!

    You're right, Mihani, we are having a lot of trouble finding the perfect house. I'm still mourning the loss of the little bungalow because it was so beautiful. The finishes were exactly what I'm looking for. But the entrance was a bit too small, the bathroom was too (because of the placement of it right at the entrance; I'd move it and solve both problems at once). The master ensuite doesn't have a bathtub (I want a tub and a stand-alone shower) and the kids' rooms would be in the basement, and they're just a few years shy of being comfortable with being that far from us. But I still love it. :cry:

    Oh well, I keep telling myself it wasn't meant to be and when we see the right house we will know...
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    Milan - Thank you for the suggestion for B12. I will buy some today. I have been feeling great all week. Even with the sugar snafu in my Broccoli...it was still a better choice than a sandwich or adding a salad dressing with high fat content. Every one of their soups were cream/cheese based so I avoided that.

    My 6 weeks is over tomorrow and I was down about 3 # this week! For a total of almost 14 lbs over all. Hubby in one week was down 7lbs and waist is down 1.5 inches....I think a lot of that was from water/bloat but he is doing great and such a positive attitude. Having his PT test in November gives him strong incentive.

    Karrie - take your time house hunting. I had my list of must haves: window above the sink, fireplace, master bedroom bathroom and walk in closet...plus if it was at or above my price range then the house needed to be freshly painted, no carpet and at least 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms. We looked and looked and finally found a great house. No carpet, fresh paint, beautiful custom made shutters inside on every window and the best part, 0.5 miles from a 1000 acre park with walking and bike trails. I love my house and it was worth the wait. Not thrilled about moving to San Antonio after living in Italy but the people are so nice.

    Having blood drawn this morning so no breakfast....yikes. Think I will take a peanut flour/banana smoothie with me for after. Then a dermatology appointment and we drive up north 1 hour for lunch and outdoor art show.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Karrie, we went through a similar thing when we were buying a house. There were a few that really had me by the heart that got sold out from under us or weren't just quite right. There are a lot of highs and lows with house hunting! You will find one you love. Your day of non-stop action sounds exhausting! I bet you crashed and slept well.

    Donna, congrats on the 14 lbs! That's fantastic! Your husband is rocking it, too. Hopefully he decides to continue on after his test. It makes is so much easier to stay on plan when you are both on board. Your new place sounds great! Have fun at the art show!

    I can never decide what to do about flu shots. It's pretty hit or miss for me. If I happen to be somewhere where they are being offered and it's convenient, I'll get one. Like if I'm at the doctor's office and they ask, they kinda give me the hairy eyeball until I agree.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited October 2017
    the hairy eyeball

    ha! that's funny. I don't usually get the flu shot. At least not yet, anyway. Maybe when I'm older. I don't tend to get sick too often. (now I'm gonna go knock on some wood...)