Over here !!!



  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    Alright guys I joined this group to cheer you on. I have access to PIYO though beach body on demand so I am going to try and do it once in a while so I know what you guys are talking about. A couple months ago I told my husband my mind wasn't right and it would help me a lot if he would workout with me. He has been an angel and we have been doing workouts on beach body but I'm thinking of not pushing the PIYO with him. Right now we are doing Hammer and Chisel. I am obsessed with being on myfitnesspal and I will be checking in on your posts often!!!! Go Piyoritas!!

    Awesome Jamie !
    Welcome to the PiYoritas !!

    I did Hammer and Chisel last year around this time for a little less than a month. It is good and hard, like we like it right? It is definitely an option for @bianca616 and I’s next step in January. That, or Body Beast or Chalean Extreme (although I have done that one completely already). Any thoughts ?
    I already have the DVDs but if I didn’t I’d totally go Ondemand.

    Exciting !
    Goooooo strength training !

    I love the feeling of getting stronger, tighter, and fiercer by working my body hard.

    Arghhhhhhh (double flexing) lol
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »

  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Up this week:

    Mon: Core
    Tues: Buns
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench

    I AM READY!!
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    Alright guys I joined this group to cheer you on. I have access to PIYO though beach body on demand so I am going to try and do it once in a while so I know what you guys are talking about. A couple months ago I told my husband my mind wasn't right and it would help me a lot if he would workout with me. He has been an angel and we have been doing workouts on beach body but I'm thinking of not pushing the PIYO with him. Right now we are doing Hammer and Chisel. I am obsessed with being on myfitnesspal and I will be checking in on your posts often!!!! Go Piyoritas!!

    Thank you @Jamie6636!! That is so great that your husband works out with you. My husband has been procrastinating on working out and will only weight train, no workout routines. How is hammer and chisel? @KrystinaMTL and I have been discussing which exercise series we should move to after PIYO and would love any input you may have since you have access to them all. Since we are talking about incorporating weights or bands we were looking at Chalean Extreme. How do you like Beach Body on demand?

    Well here is my beach body story:
    I bought the original p90x when it first came out on an infomercial. I never got through the whole thing but I was very close. It is much too time consuming. I have never regretted buying the program. The workouts are excellent and I still use them often.

    I bought Hardcore 22. I absolutely love it! We got through 2 rounds before my husband became bored. I loved that all the workouts are short but it really kicks your butt. All the workouts are great cardio. Disadvantage is that it is a lot of burpees, pull-ups, pushup so not that great on the body if you have any knee/ shoulder issues.

    I did the free trial for beach body on demand and then cancelled. I was doing other things at the time. More recently I resubscribed. I paid $99 minus 5$ because I used ebates. It is about $9 a month. I could spend the $95 taking my family to Applebees one time so I think it is totally worth the price for the year. The amount of workouts I have access to is awesome and they are so easy to access.

    Hammer and Chisel is OK. A ton of strength training. I have found that I need more cardio so I have been hopping on my elliptical after my workout. You also need a bench, pull up bar dumbbells, ect. The workout is about 30 minutes and it goes fast. My husband thinks its perfect. He just wants to be sore after a workout. He is a janitor so he gets plenty of walking for the day.

    I am the most uncoordinated person I know. Any thing that has dance and coordinations moves are not fun for me at all. I think PIYO may even be too hard for me. I have not tried anything with Chalene yet. I look forward to trying out PIYO, Insanity and maybe even p90x 2 and 3. There is a lot to choose from which is fun.

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi guys !
    Alright, a new week, let’s get this done !

    @Jamie6636 I just saw you replied about the B.B. programs. I’m running out of time so I’ll read it carefully and reply later....

    I am off work today and it’s a rainy November day.
    I am off to the Movies (going to walk to the subway station, about 45 mins there) and then I am having a small popcorn. Yes I am cause it’s gonna be burned off my getting there and back. I call it balance.
    But before I get out the door, must get the Piyo done ! Of course

    Core. In 5 minutes.
    Later PiYoritas !
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »
    Up this week:

    Mon: Core
    Tues: Buns
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench

    I AM READY!!

    Me too!
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member

    I use my Fitbit to track my calorie burn during a workout and it says I only burned 61 calories for the half hour. Have to believe that the muscle I am building will burn more calories when I am not working out!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited November 2017
    Core done!

    This time around I was at least about to complete, NOT the best form though. Each time get easier, yay baby!!!!

    Mon: Core (Finished completely better form next time)
    Tues: Buns
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited November 2017
    bianca616 wrote: »

    I use my Fitbit to track my calorie burn during a workout and it says I only burned 61 calories for the half hour. Have to believe that the muscle I am building will burn more calories when I am not working out!

    We WILL see flat abs, :)
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    Just got off, going to the park to get in my cardio for the day then home to do Lower Body
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    40 min walk and Define: Lower Body Done!!
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    40 min walk and Define: Lower Body Done!!

    Go Girl!!! Did Buns today and was drenched by the end. We got this!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    40 min walk and Define: Lower Body Done!!

    Awesome Drea !

    I'm at work and going to do Buns when I get home.
    We've got this !
    Love having the team aspect to it !!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    40 min walk and Define: Lower Body Done!!

    Outstanding getting a walk and Piyo done, you got this!!!!!!

  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    edited November 2017
    Today's agenda is Torture by Tyler (Going to my trainer) and either Sweat or Define: Upper dependent on what he kills on me prior!! Lol
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited November 2017
    Core done!

    This time around I was at least about to complete, NOT the best form though. Each time get easier, yay baby!!!!

    Mon: Core (Finished completely better form next time)
    Tues: Buns (I REALLY didn’t feel like doing it today..... Thanks to this group I did and it felt AWESOME)
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Core done!

    This time around I was at least about to complete, NOT the best form though. Each time get easier, yay baby!!!!

    Mon: Core (Finished completely better form next time)
    Tues: Buns (I REALLY didn’t feel like doing it today..... Thanks to this group I did and it felt AWESOME)
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench

    Same here Jackie !
    Buns done ! And it was harder than I remembered but I got through it with you guys in mind !

    Bring on Sculpt tomorrow
    Arghhhhhhh (flexing both biceps of course)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,436 Member
    edited November 2017
    Core done!

    This time around I was at least about to complete, NOT the best form though. Each time get easier, yay baby!!!!

    Mon: Core (Finished completely better form next time)
    Tues: Buns (I REALLY didn’t feel like doing it today..... Thanks to this group I did and it felt AWESOME)
    Wed: Sculpt
    Thurs: Drench

    Same here Jackie !
    Buns done ! And it was harder than I remembered but I got through it with you guys in mind !

    Bring on Sculpt tomorrow
    Arghhhhhhh (flexing both biceps of course)

    Girlfriend, it kept me from eating bon bons like Peggy Bundy, WE CAN DO this!
  • DreaRN15
    DreaRN15 Posts: 453 Member
    DreaRN15 wrote: »
    Today's agenda is Torture by Tyler (Going to my trainer) and either Sweat or Define: Upper dependent on what he kills on me prior!! Lol

    Sweat it was....he did my upper body. And wouldn't you know as soon as I finish, my daughter walks in my room with a bundtlet from Nothing Bundt Cakes!!
    OAN: Does anyone else's bones snap, crackle and pop while doing PiYo??