TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (February)



    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Tuesday, Feb 6
    Tracking: No
    Calories: No idea. But not bad
    Exercise: Not really
    Just decided to spend most of the day chatting with my husband instead of logging or exercising. Will be back at it tomorrow. :smiley:

    Spending quality time with your spouse is never a bad idea!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    SAHNinja wrote: »
    Mini UAC Feb 6

    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no. Took little ninja to get her shots today and then had a movie and cuddle/ play day.

    Sounds like a lovely mother/daughter day!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Rielyn wrote: »
    Tues Feb 6
    tracking y
    calories y
    exercise n - I really need to try to fit in exercise before work or it tends not to happen

    Wed Feb 7
    tracking y
    calories y
    exercise n - I woke up with a cold and it's gotten progressively worse all day. Gah....I hope it's a short one

    Workout Wednesday - I love crossfit, when I get to the gym it's great. I need to get back in a routine. I play ball hockey in the spring/fall and softball in the summer, those would be my favourite activities to do. I also love playing road hockey with my kids.

    Hope you are feeling better and that your cold didn't settle in for the long haul! You mentioned hockey more than wouldn't be Canadian by any chance?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    MUAC Feb 7

    Tracked: yes
    Carbs/Calories: under
    Exercise: no, I’m still sick.

    Hope you feel better soon!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited February 2018
    Mariec1978 wrote: »
    Week 1 Weigh-in
    Thursdays are my weigh-in days
    Beginning weight: February 1st = 185.0
    Today's weight: February 8th = 183.4

    It's a loss! Woohoo! Only about 40 more pounds to go!

    Yes, it's a loss...way to go!! One pound, or one half pound, at a time and before you know it....40 pounds lost!!

    Oh, no, you are sick, too! I hope you feel better soon!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited February 2018
    Tracking- yes
    Exercise- yes, cleaning!

    Some activity AND a clean house.... a win/win!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    holly2e wrote: »
    February 8
    Exercise-yes, nice long walk with the kids and dogs. Even though I just said our pace of walking isn’t very good exercise, some days it’s all I can make happen!

    You're moving...that's what counts!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Week 1
    Previous weight: 146.8
    Current weight: 150.4

    Major stress going on. No end in sight. I've got to figure out another way to handle the stress besides eat!

    So sorry to hear that you've got stressful stuff going on! We're here if you want to talk. Hugs!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: Tracie_Lord
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 250.25lbs
    Current weight: 248.00lbs

    2018 Starting weight: 270.25lb
    Weekly loss: 2.25lbs
    2018 loss: 22.25lbs

    TOTAL LOSS : 50.00lbs

    Back to heavy gym this week so expect it to hover for a week or so now which is a bummer

    Another nice loss this week...and quite an impressive total to date!! Keep up the hard work; It's paying off!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    lawyerette wrote: »
    Username: Lawyerette
    Weigh in week: February Week 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous weight: 200.0
    Current weight: 197.8

    Loss this week: 2.2lbs
    Overall loss for February: 2.2lbs

    January loss: 13lbs
    Overall loss to date with TBBT: 15.2lbs

    I missed introductions so here goes: I’m a 37yo married mother of two working full-time in a high-stress emergency management job. I’m tackling the first stage of weight loss with diet only (no exercise other than speed-walking office hallways to and from meetings and chasing kids given my 60h/wk job and homeschooling the kids). My hubby is on another team here (placed third on his team last month) which helps us keep one another honest at meal time.

    I’m starting my second month on the team feeling strong after a more than 6% loss in January. My February goal is a 10lbs loss (end weight 190lbs).

    A superb loss this week.....Welcome to Onederland!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: Coheednkimbria
    Weigh in week: Feb. Week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 156.5
    Todays Weight: 156.5

    I gave in to the Super bowl snacks; but I did get back on track Monday for the week to get back to the same weight. Hoping next week will be better!

    The snacks will be gone and you'll do great next week! At least you didn't gain this week!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    February 8
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous weight from January Biggest Loser month challenge : 189
    Current weight : 187

    Nice loss this drank your water (I am assuming!) and the weight came back down for you!!!
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Rielyn wrote: »
    Tues Feb 6
    tracking y
    calories y
    exercise n - I really need to try to fit in exercise before work or it tends not to happen

    Wed Feb 7
    tracking y
    calories y
    exercise n - I woke up with a cold and it's gotten progressively worse all day. Gah....I hope it's a short one

    Workout Wednesday - I love crossfit, when I get to the gym it's great. I need to get back in a routine. I play ball hockey in the spring/fall and softball in the summer, those would be my favourite activities to do. I also love playing road hockey with my kids.

    Hope you are feeling better and that your cold didn't settle in for the long haul! You mentioned hockey more than wouldn't be Canadian by any chance?

    Hahaha...umm yes, yes I am.
  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    Weigh in day
    Starting Weight: 208.2
    Current Weight: 206.6

    1.6 lb loss, yay!
  • Mariec1978
    Mariec1978 Posts: 86 Member
    Thursday February 8th

    Tracking: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes...a walk with the dogs. The weather is improving, so I'm hoping that means my snot will disappear right along with the cold winds. So far, no fever or body aches so keep praying it's just a little cold. If I am feeling better tomorrow, I'm gonna hit the row machine at the gym. My hips will hate me for it, but whatevs.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Rielyn wrote: »
    Weigh in day
    Starting Weight: 208.2
    Current Weight: 206.6

    1.6 lb loss, yay!

    I'll second that "yay" and add one of my own. Yay for you...nice loss!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member

    last week weight ? No idea I was on a plane
    Today - 164.2 :'(
    The good thing is that I had an awesome vacation and I am not going to let a bit of weight set me back. Its back to logging consistently and exercising and it will come back off
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    bizgirl26 wrote: »

    last week weight ? No idea I was on a plane
    Today - 164.2 :'(
    The good thing is that I had an awesome vacation and I am not going to let a bit of weight set me back. Its back to logging consistently and exercising and it will come back off

    Yeah, I knew you were in Mexico or on your way back. I just re-entered your weight from the previous week to hold your spot. I think it was at 159.4? I don't know exactly, but I'll see when I go to enter this new weight in the spreadsheet.

    So glad to hear you had an awesome vacation! A few extra pounds is always a good trade off if you are enjoying yourself! The weight will come off, but the memories will last a lifetime!
  • primekayprime
    primekayprime Posts: 253 Member
    Feb 8
    Tracking Y
    Calories N
    Exercise Y 10min walk + Leg Day

    I have felt very tired in the mornings. This is unusual for me because I usually wake up feeling well rested. I get a solid 8hrs most nights. I've been hitting the weights a little harder this week. I think I'm not getting enough calories or nutrients because I've been over eating at the end of the day and do not feel sated with my regular meals. I haven't felt unsatisfied during my journey before. I'm a little nervous. I'm going to try increasing my portions and see if I can get my eating under control.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Feb 8
    Tracking Y
    Calories N
    Exercise Y 10min walk + Leg Day

    I have felt very tired in the mornings. This is unusual for me because I usually wake up feeling well rested. I get a solid 8hrs most nights. I've been hitting the weights a little harder this week. I think I'm not getting enough calories or nutrients because I've been over eating at the end of the day and do not feel sated with my regular meals. I haven't felt unsatisfied during my journey before. I'm a little nervous. I'm going to try increasing my portions and see if I can get my eating under control.

    I am no expert by any means. Are you getting enough protein? Try upping that to help you feel fuller longer. Good luck!
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