Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello & TGIF!!! Hope you are all doing well, ready for the weekend!

    The gym being closed definitely threw me off my game. I went home last night and repeated Tuesday. My weight stayed the same this morning, glad I did not gain any more weight. I definitely gained this week. I am planning on working out when I get home and I am staying on track with my food. I thought about it, and I refuse to let a few days ruin all my progress. I might be able to drop a little by tomorrow, but I am up almost 4 pounds since last week, still in the 150's. I am ok with it, I know why and I know I can reverse it by next week. When I have a bad week, then get back on track, I usually have a big loss. This is life, and this is why there is no end to this journey. We have maintenance, but no end. This is living a healthy life, not a diet!

    Have a great day! Thanks for all your support! I am grateful for you all and this team! :smiley:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My team pledge yesterday was an enormous success. I vowed to make my lunch salad the night before. Oh I really didn't want to do that. But I did all my prep last night. We picked a movie we want to see. The Green something? Looks good. Molly and I haven't had a date in way too long. Looking forward to it and I am ready! Knocked out a hard yoga session this morning. I even put away the fall decorations last night.

    T.E.A.M. Pledge
    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    I am really loving starting my day with such "winning" momentum. My pledge is to plan again for tomorrows success.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    1) Enjoy date with sweetie pie tonight.
    2) Lay out yoga, work and walking clothes.
    3) Find out detail of parade I am in tomorrow afternoon.
    4) Finalize family time tomorrow evening. Dinner and movie at our house after parade. Trying to find "Willow" for the kids.
    5) pack my work bags for tomorrow. Include cleanse cookbook so I can plan my grocery list.
    6) wash celery for tomorrow mornings juice.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily log in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: Yoga Day 6 and 45 min cardio
    Steps: 9258

    Yay it's Friday! Yesterday, was day 6 of yoga and I did some cardio to get in additional steps. I didn't quite make my Team Pledge to get to bed by 10:30 yesterday, but was close! I did get to sleep in for an extra half hour this morning, so that helped. Tomorrow we are going to see Santa at my son's school and then to a birthday party for my niece. I'm going to pack some healthy snacks to eat in between so I don't arrive hungry and stay on track.

    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    Drink 8 glasses of water.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:
    Keep a water glass close by all day.
    Nothing else to drink until I've got my water in for the day.

    Way to go on all the weight losses this week! Many of you are having a very successful first week of December!

  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited December 2018
    @cyndiesstuff I really like your long post! Lots of truth in it.

    @Mrsbell8well enjoy your date!!! :)

    @Shirin_K nice plan! Parties can really throw things off, thinking ahead makes big difference:) enjoy weekend with family!

    @lennoncpa sorry you’re disappointed, it’s just not linear. My weight is all over the place too, that’s why I weigh max once a week. I don’t consistently lose 1.5 pounds projected. Some weeks I stay or gain a halfish pound, then next I drop 4. That was the reason I quit so many times. I’d be like “I’m doing so much and I don’t lose anyway so screw it.”
    Stay focused and keep up good work, next week you’ll have a nice drop I am sure.

    @DananaNanas @FieryVixsin nice loss!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Sorry everyone....I am so tired. I will read and reply in the morning. Day did not go as planned (what a surprise) . I ended up being out pretty much the entire day and now I am exhausted. Food and water were good. No exercise and low steps so that was not good. I am so sleepy I am not even going to try to catch up, I am just going to bed. Have a good evening everyone!
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member

    Early Christmas gift order to myself arrived. Let the meal planning frenzy begin!!

    Nice. ! Would like to know more about these books !
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    ljdanny wrote: »
    I joined a virtual race. I know it's nothing big but it will keep me moving and hopefully it will give me motivation to join a real race next year. I don't think the scale budged this week, we will find out tomorrow. I decided to take today as a complete rest day from exercise. Dr said the pins will come out of my son's wrist in 2 weeks and then he can start physical therapy on the wrist. He already goes for his fingers. Sounded like they won't be putting another cast on. Making progress.

    Praying for a speedy recovery for your son !
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    Check in : Thursday and Friday
    Food logged : yes
    Water : 100 oz per usual
    Steps : 1200
    Exercise : Swimming

    I'm feeling pretty great. Thursday i literally dragged my body out of bed to swim. I was very tired all this week. I'm blamming the weather ! When it gets chilly i feel so sluggish! But I'm feeling motivated. Today i went to the doctor for medication. I'm really feeling better since I'm getting new meds for my mental disorders. ! Gave me a confidence boost. Only thing im having problems with is what the hell to buy when i go gorcery shopping! Lol. I have to look up more recipes so i can do more cooking but honestly I'm really simple when i ate and i like ready to go foods. Sunday i will go grocery shopping so maybe I'll just wing it. I have a list already of what foods i know i need and I'll just go with the flow. Hope everyone has a great weekend !
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @lennoncpa it is so annoying when you know you are trying your best but you don't see it on the scales. Keep up that fighting spirit though you will see it eventually. Sometimes if you don't see it on the scales you might see it in inches or you get a bumper loss the following week. Your body doesn't know that it is weigh in so unfortunately does not graciously calibrate its loss to our weigh day. It should though!

    Tracking for yesterday.
    food logged on target
    water under (bit dehydrated today need to drink more)
    exercise rowing machine 30mins 117 cals turbo trainer 15mins 102 cals

    So I had a bust up with my daughter and went into work feeling crap. Then the day got worse as there was a crisis. Most of us pulled together and it was great to be part of such a tight team but there were a few drama queens creating bad vibes it was hard. I found dealing with customers while it was going on really draining. However I am really proud of myself because usually dealing with that level of crisis I would have hit the biscuit (cookie) barrel hard. I only had two and I logged them so I know that in in my allowance. When I got home I had a girls evening with my daughter so we could make up but I was so drained I was in bed by 8pm. I passed out without doing my tracking so I am catching up now.

    I am so tired all the time and struggling to find the energy to work out. I seemed to find this when I am calorie counting. I think I should probably be eating more but I am wary of eating more without working out first. Wondering also if I should take a multivitamin. I do get anemic.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: yes, under
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 15230
    Day 10 in my string

    Good morning Team. It is the weekend! Yesterday I went in early to work and I spent most of day packing up my whole building, not just my office. All next week, we will have contractors in replacing our flooring and paint our walls. So I spent the day moving all of the sensitive information to the back room, that won't get updated. The boss shows up at 10 and said, you should have waited for me, i would have helped. I wasn't suppose to be doing it at all but it had to be done. When I left at 4:30, he still hadn't done his office. What a jerk. So next week I have to go to work even tho we will not be open to the public. I have to babysit the contractors. The boss is going to South Carolina. I am going to tell the painters to paint his office pink! lol just kidding.

    I did it yesterday! I honored my pledge to the TEAM. I had diet soda, no beer. I had a huge greek salad, i had one bread stick and 2 slices of pizza. yes! I have some serious motivation going into the weekend. I have been tracking my food, drinking my water and getting my steps in. I am not going to let the weekend undo all the hard work I have done all week.

    @lenka1 I am glad you liked my post. I work hard trying to find information that I think is relevant to the Teams progress. The more you learn the more successful you will be.

    @sleepymom5 Sometimes we are just tired and thats ok. I am glad you just went to bed. you must have needed it. have you preplanned for today? I would hate for you to bust that string.

    @Lyssysho26 a trip to the doctor can really help. i am glad your doc is chaning your medicine. remember it is all trial and error. if this new medicine doesn't work right, go back to the doc and try something else. work at it till you get it right. it is not a failure if it doesn't work, it is a failure if you quit searching.

    @amsandos How old is your daughter? I hate days like that. When it starts out bad and then just gets worse as the day progresses. It sounds like you handled it really well. It good to have a team that will pull together even if there are a few outliers that feel the need to have drama. what is it you do for a living? Great save with your daughter too. There is no sense continuing a situation, just end it and love up on her! Now as for your tiredness, do you monitor your macros? Sometimes if they are off you can feel tired. Do you know what your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is? When is the last time you went to the doc and had a total blood work up? And a good multivitamin couldn't hurt.
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