Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏Wow!!! Great job team Weigh No More!!
    So proud of you all! Awesome job Cassie👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    @eyesopennow my husband's favorite thing to do is smoke food on the grill. We have 3 grills. 1 gas grill, 1 smoker and 1 is half gas half smoker. He has the ridiculous setup outside and when it's the nice weather there are tables added to this scene.

    @Navydaddjtc my steps should be all caught up.

    I did my Zumba class and went for a nice long, cold walk today. It's cold here in New Hampshire. I went food shopping yesterday and did some meal prepping today. I plan on getting up early tomorrow, fingers crossed. If not I will work out when I get home.
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    OKAY, hard as it is counting calories and sticking to them sometimes, harder creating recipes and trying to figure out how much a whole meal is, but then choosing how many servings it will be. BUT the harder part is trying to create a meal with my Aunts help and the extra stress she adds to me when I'm trying to do good and weigh my food and figure out all of the calories...She REALLY asked me if Vegetables even have calories...So WHY did I need to weigh them...🤦‍♀️ Took everything in me not to start an arguement with her tonight, we really usually go at each other, but she doesn't want to send me into a spiraling depressive episode or send me off to Rehab again, and I'm sick of it to, so we argue less, but sometimes I still just snap, but whatever! Okay, rant and story over.

    I understand you completely. I try to shop for the simplest things so i can make it easier when preparing my foods. Hang in there. You'll start to get it once more time passes. Congratulations by the way!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @amsandos nice day! Although I hope 95 calories is a typo. Nice loss too! Do you want to log your weekly steps too?
    @Mandi5512 congratulations on being the 3rd highest with pounds lost! Great job!!! Idk how I missed you on there! Looks you had a great day Sunday too!
    @ljdanny sounds like a good day and a good plan for the week
    @cassiegetsfit2013 Good restraint with not arguing with your Aunt. That wouldn’t do any good. You are doing so well, maybe she will start learning from you. Keep doing what you are doing. You have been doing awesome!
    @lenka1 that is a big milestone! I have a ways to go before I get to that point. I know I have it in me, I just have to get there! You had another good day! You have been doing awesome!
    @Lyssysho26 now I have to know about the shower! Lol! Sounds like a nice weekend!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 so proud of you Cassie!
    @Lyssysho26 proud of you too! I am so glad your checking in.
    Great job team.
    I’m down to my last 2 days of cleanse. Moving a bit slow. I’m still catching up on posts. More later.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily log in for: Sunday
    Logged: Yes, over by 200 cal
    Water: 40 oz
    Exercise: 30 min cardio
    Steps: 9312

    Congrats to the Team for doing so great last week! Let's do it again!

    My weekend flew by! It was so busy that logging and yoga got overlooked a bit. I didn't log Saturday, but didn't overeat so think it was close. Yesterday I was over about 200 calories. What I really missed was my yoga! Making time for it today! Back to my routine.

    @sleepymom5 Your Christmas decorations look really nice! I just love the feeling of a home decorated for Christmas!

    I will catch up with the posts today. Have a great Monday and week everyone!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Sunday
    Logged: yes, and under
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise & Steps Leslie Sansone 40 min (I found a 20 min video!) and 10,317 steps
    Day 8 in my string

    Good day yesterday and no reason not to have a good one today. I had to order my Beck Diet Solution book in a real book form. It was a pain on the kindle. I wonder if there is anyway to return a kindle book...hmmm....I also got the workbook. I kinda stalled in the hunger exercises so I am excited to get back to it. I have a busy day today too. Hoping to get caught up with everything so I can enjoy the holidays instead of rushing through them.

    @MrsBell8well Good luck on your last 2 days! You are doing awesome!

    @shirin_K You are doing great! It get's busy this time of year so sometimes the days get away from us. It is funny how you do miss the exercising. I hope you get the yoga in today!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Sticking with this pledge. Usually exercise isn't too hard for me to fit in. With everything going on, I am having trouble fitting it in.

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    I will exercise for at least 45 min and reach my 10k steps.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    I will exercise before I get involved in anything else
    I will make sure I get at least 500 an hour today.
    I will do a walking tape if I notice I drop off in steps too far
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Weekly Weigh In

    12/10/18 - 152.6 lbs

    Clothes are fitting so much better and I actually look slimmer...yay!!!

    Weekly steps: 82,874 steps

    Yoga - every day this past week. Saturday due to the party I only did some quick stretches but yesterday back on track with Adriene!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for:Sunday
    Logged: mostly, ate to maintenance
    Water: 36 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 7543

    Had a good day yesterday. Got all mine prep cooking done. I made chicken tortilla soup, salsa verde chicken enchiladas, veggie bags, deli rolls, homemade good for you ice cream sandwiches, and enough chopped up vegetables for a stir fry at some point during the week.My refrigerator is stocked and ready for a great week.

    @pacsnc6 just a small gain. Probably water. Keep going you got this.

    @lennoncpa I need that sign too!

    @phoebe112476 good job on that yoga. I know it makes me feel better too.

    @sleepymom5 great job staying on track yesterday. Impressive string. Remember consistency builds momentum.

    @Mrsbell8well I have done that a million times. Makes me so angry.

    @nstephenson01 you know I was just asking myself that almost exact same thing yesterday. Why is it so hard to take the weight off but so easy to put it back on. I don't understand except that it is the way it is and move on.

    @ljdanny I love walks in the cold! It's a mind set. Perfect for meditation cause everything else is frozen!!

    @Mandi5512 you are right weekdays are so much easier.

    @lenka1 it certainly is a state of mind. Keep telling yourself that being at your goal will taste a whole lot better than that 10 minutes of eating that cookie. It is absolutely true.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 first off congrats on winning the weight loss challenge last week! You are doing awesome girl. Look at you weighing your food. That is amazing be proud of yourself. I understand what you're saying though about people that are trying to help but really don't understand what you're doing. You just keep doing you girl you are very important you're the most important person in your life.
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