Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Lyssysho26 I am thankful that you have had a positive weekend. You need that momentum to start helping you feel better. I'm glad you're on the right track

    @amsandos yay... I'm doing the happy dance great job girl you just keep that up it looks good on you.

    @Shirin_K you will find that a routine will really help you build consistency and momentum going forward. It really feels good to be on track and that's the motivation to push you. You're doing awesome.

    @sleepymom5 yeah I have the hard copy as well. And I did order the workbook. The workbook I didn't find that useful but the hard copy to be able to look at it highlighted write in the margins really makes it drive home the point.

    @carlsoda yay. Clothesfeeling looser is an amazing feeling. It is proof that all of your hard work is beneficial to having a healthy body. Good job.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Okay team wait no more. I do not have a actual computer all week. I am doing this from my phone. So I am hoping that I talked to everybody. And if not it wasn't intentional. I look forward to our continued progress this week. My office is shut down because we are getting new flooring and new paint on the walls. So I've got no computers no phones no nothing and I'm sitting here in an empty office. My boss has decided that he was going to use this week as a vacation. So I will be here all week with the contractors. Wish me luck! I'll catch up with you later
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 your house looks beautiful! So festive! You really go all out! Love the blanket, so cute! Enjoy it all! :smiley:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 here are my step counts for the week. I am not sure from what date you want them, so I will list since 12/1:

    12/1: 10,179
    12/2: 18,907
    12/3: 15,796
    12/4: 11,284
    12/5: 14,255
    12/6: 12,289
    12/7: 13,471
    12/8: 11,808
    12/9: 10,318

    The gym is open, so my counts should be higher this week! :smile:
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello and welcome to a new week! Great job team, we took 1st place! Sorry I was not a help with my gain, but I should have a loss this week.

    We went to NY yesterday to try Wahlburger's, but the one in NY closed, so we went to a pub/restaurant. It was good. My calorie counting went out the window. I ate light in the morning so I could not worry too much when we went out. I got a quinoa-veggie burger with sweet potato fries, it was really good. We also split some apps, there was 6 of us. Everything was delicious! We were so full for the entire day, I just had a cup of tea when I got home. It was very cold outside so we did not walk around too much, but we had to go to the NHL store, my older son is obsessed with hockey and the NJ Devils. He is definitely a fanatic!!

    I called the gym this morning, they are open for business! I'm definitely having elliptical withdrawal, lol, I can't wait to get back on it. Monday is not normally a gym day, but I am going tonight. Looking forward to getting my good elliptical sweat, calorie burn and step count.

    Thanks @cyndiesstuff & @sleepymom5 for the encouragement! I am feeling like this week should be a good one!

    I have a Christmas party on Saturday, so I really want to have a good week, so if I go over a little on Saturday, it won't be too bad.

    Have a wonderful day & week! :smiley:
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    This weeks Group challenge is brought to you by Team Trimstones. Thank you for the challenge @mulecanter and @jessicakrall8!!

    For this weeks challenge....make up an Acronym for the word HOLIDAY!

    Click on the link below to join in the fun. REMEMBER: BE CREATIVE!

  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member
    Username: jedaschultz
    Week 2
    Weigh-in day : Monday
    Previous Weight: 205.2
    Current Weight: 207

    Steps this week: 33,668 I was hoping for around 50K. Will try better this week.

    Not a good food week. Bad choices eating out and then more bad choices at a holiday party.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I survived the weekend without gaining weight. Now isn't that a shame that instead of enjoying my weekend I have to dread letting my eating get out of control!!! Maybe someday it will be automatic since I'm trying to pick up new goals each month. I'm still perfect with not eating any sweets and that is really hard! It seems like especially this time of year - everywhere I go people are bringing Christmas Cookies and I am spending more time in the mall where the smells of all the different food kiosks are driving me crazy. But I have not given in so I am very proud of myself. The portion control is definitely taking a lot of work and focus and I'm still not sure if I'm doing it perfect. Its not like with sweets where you either eat them or you don't. With portions its so easy to round up. The hunger drives me crazy too - but I'm using veggies to combat that. So then I wonder - well did I go over on my portion of veggies and is that a bad thing!?!? So its a constant struggle but hopefully I am learning something as I go along here. You'd think at the age of 63 that I would have learned something about eating by now! I feel like I've been on a diet my whole life. My mother was on Weight Watchers when it first came out in the early 60's. I remember some of the weird tasting concoctions she would make and let us try! Weight Watchers has evolved along with the times and I have a couple of friends who are doing great with the program and counting points instead of calories. Anyways, I'm not sure why I got off on that tangent but I am wishing everyone a great Monday!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Hmmm....I have to put some thought into that team challenge lol! Sounds fun

    @carlsoda. I am glad you are noticing a difference in your clothes! NSV!
    @cyndiesstuff. Sounds like you are off to a great start to the week

    @kirsten11872. I love NYC this time of year! Sounds like you are healthy even if you went over. Thank you for the steps. For next week just add together your steps from the week and post them with your weight
    Happy to hear the gym is over!

    @eyesopennow stay warm and safe!!

    @bmaison2014 it is a tough time of year. Get right back at it! You can hit your goal!

    @jedaschultz- just get right back on track. You got this!!

    @lennoncpa You are doing great! Portion control is hard but just keep at it. It seems like the people who are consistent with it do well. I need to work on the same thing. Have a great week!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Sunday
    day 7 of cleanse
    yoga day 9

    So I never did get to post my success for Saturday. I will just say that I never did manage to squeeze in rest time as I had hoped. After work I went shopping for groceries...2 stores, went home did yoga, made lunch and then it was time to go to the parade. I was sad that I didn't get to rest and didn't get in my walk. Molly and I usually ride in the back of my bosses truck for the parade. Molly suggested that I walk it and she jumped in the cab with boss. Brilliant idea. I was able to get my steps in and participate in the parade.
    After the parade the kids came over and we watched home alone 2. Really fun day. We have a Christmas chess set. It was lovely to see Skylynn and Josh playing chess. I taught Skylynn last year. We played once last week but she was already catching on. Smart kid.

    We had a lovely snow day all day yesterday. I love going for walks in the snow. But I gave myself permission to move slow. I had 3 nights with less than 6 hours sleep in a row. It's mostly due to all the liquids and the cleanse. I decided it was in my best interest not to walk. I kept it low key yesterday and even squeezed in an hour nap. It was truly a struggle to get in all my drinks and food yesterday. But I did it. I will be glad when this cleanse is over. Soon.

    I am committing to take it slow the rest of this week. I will continue with daily yoga but back off of the walking until my calorie levels shoot back up or I am feeling energized again.

    I have been researching "activating" seeds, nuts and oats, and how to ferment vegetables. I am setting up my game plan for this weekend and all the fun new "moon" launch activities my new path will consist of. I will be making coconut yogurt, kefir, granola, and fermented cabbage with fennel and green apple. Also some amazing cookie dough-raw, vegan, gluten free, and green juices. Also a deep chocolate moon latte on Sunday. All my goodies are lined up on the dining room table including my new dehydrator. This weekend I am completely revamping my pantry and getting ready for the new moon juice way of life. It does expand my diet to include a few more things than I have been eating. Hurrah...what fun!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Sweet gifts from a friend
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Today’s lunch
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Yesterday and today's lunch is cucumber "noodles" with spinach soup. I am not going to lie to you...I hesitated yesterday before taking a bite. A few sniffs and thought "oh well". It was DELICIOUS! I used my spiralizer to make cucumber noodles. The "soup" is a large handful of spinach, garlic clove, organic cherry tomatoes, 1 stalk of celery and fresh squeezed orange juice whirled in the vitamix. I topped it with a chiffonade of basil.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @eyesopennow Mike I can't bear to read your posts. Even though I am enthusiastically well on my way in this vegan health adventure...I am still human and your description of your BBQ makes me light headed and giddy just thinking about it. A far cry from spinach noodle soup.
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