Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited December 2018
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 24 oz
    Exercise: Yoga Day 8 and 45 min cardio
    Steps: 10262

    Got back to yoga yesterday! I'm a couple days behind, so was on Day 8. @Mrsbell8well That's amazing you are getting close to doing the Crow pose! I was in awe that Adriene could do that!

    I really need to find a time to get out grocery shopping between kids activities and appointments to stock up. The fridge and pantry are getting low on healthy options! And I need to come up with a meal plan for the rest of the week... feeling like I'm behind on so many things! But I love this season, so trying not to get overwhelmed and do what I can.

    Have a great Tuesday!!

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily log in for: Monday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: lots, lost track
    Exercise: 4 mile hike with dogs; 14,820 steps
    Day 2 of my string

    Hubby needed my help on a fencing project so I didn't get a chance for yoga. Turned into another crazy busy day. Dinner was an amazing shrimp salad. Feeling back on track. Today our internet, landline and cellular service were all down for a while today so I'm way behind on many things including catching up on posts. Just received an alert from the Sheriff's office that 911 was down as well. Kinda scary how much we rely on that stuff.

    Hope everyone is doing well here. Maybe things will settle down tomorrow. For now I gotta run.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @mrsbell8well-Loved your post about living in the moment (you need to blog) It is a good reminder for all of us!

    @phoebe112476 I didn’t know you lost that much since 8/4! That is amazing!! Great job and nice loss this week.

    @carlsoda I got my daughter a diffuser with lavender for her anxiety. I hear it helps. Sounds like you have had a good few days!

    @code4food Glad you got back to the gym. It does improve ones outlook!

    @pacsnc6 I want snow so bad, but I really don’t lol! I am not a fan of the shoveling, especially the ice like you described. Good calorie burn at least!

    @ashleigh1178 You actually lost a pound! You weighed in at 188.4 last week. Great job!

    @shirin_k You are such a busy Mom! You have been doing great lately with balancing. Keep it going!

    @nstephenson01 Are you in a really remote area? I hope things are back up and running. On another note, that shrimp salad looks for amazing!

    @lyssysho26 Nice loss!!

    @mandi5512. Lol! The glamorous life of a mom! Glad you are taking the time to take care of YOU!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited December 2018
    Sorry, I haven’t been on much last couple of days. I had a rough day yesterday.
    I woke up feeling exhausted, cranky bitchy and hungry. I had a bit of mental & physical crashdown. I wanted to stay in bed and eat all day (not junk just food. Lots of food, I couldn’t get full which usually never happens anymore)

    Then I managed to try to work out later and while holding heavy dumbbells and doing lunges I pulled something in my groin area and was done. I cried and felt so frustrated with myself bc I knew I should have just been “lazy” that day bc my body needed a break and more food to recover.
    I still managed to eat under my calories and got decent steps but this was first time in 8 weeks I crashed. :/

    I woke up feeling so much better today. Still in pain when I’m trying to sit or stand but no pain when walking so I was able to take a nice jog/walk 7.5 miles and I’m over 26 500 steps in for today.

    It helped to clear my head and forget about bad day. It was a cold morning - 25 degrees I believe but those 2h of me being alone just walking - it felt amazing. Sooooo....
    Calories good, steps good, water good today.

    @sleepymom5 and @Mrsbell8well your Christmas decor pics were awesome!!

    @Mandi5512 I am a Sahm too, so I can relate to your daily routines a lot :)

    @nstephenson01 your shrimp meal pic! Aaaah looks delicious!!! Shrimp is the only sea food I love. I may make this salad soon haha yum

    Hope everyone’s week is going decent!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member

    This is me bundled for my long walk 😂
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @pacsnc6 way to go on the burpee. Those things are so hard.

    daily check in for Tuesday 11 December
    food on target
    water better but not all the way there
    exercise running 45 mins

    Ever have one of those days when the devils gets in you and you just want to hoover up everything. This is how i felt when I arrived at work and there are chocolates everywhere. I have had a chocolate options from the cupboards and a couple of rice cakes and I seem to have calmed down a bit.

    I was supposed to go running this morning but I just couldn't get out of bed. I did a session of fast intervals on the treadmill yesterday so I am allowing myself to recover. Yes that is my excuse and I am sticking to it.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @sleepymom5 I know right. There are only 2 pics of me smiling whilst running. This is one of them. I usually look like I am going to stab someone in the head and then keel over and die in running pictures. Unsurprisingly I don't use those.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Twinkle twinkle little stars
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in
    Last day of cleanse 9 days
    Exercise no
    Yoga-day 11

    I am so happy to be here! In the 160’s. Cleanse is done! I will take 3 days to transition. My goal for December was 168. I would like to lose 1 more pound between now and end of year. That will put me at 35 pounds lost with 25 left to go. That seems like a big milestone.

    And...another phenomenal nights sleep. Last night was even better. I did same routine. Hot epsom salt bath. Rubbed bedtime essential oil on wrist and bottom of my feet. Within 30 minutes I was out. Both nights asleep before 9:30. It’s from healing solutions called “good sleep blend”. It has clary sage, lavender oil and something else I can’t read.
    If you try it let me know what you think.
    @sleepymom5 I was so impressed how you turned your day around. I know someone else did that too. I’m going back to reread posts. Good job all. Congrats @Lyssysho26 on your loss. Is this your lowest since you started?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes ate to goal
    Water: 66 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 16156

    Ok. So yesterday the contractors did not show till....... 3:30. So they had one hour to work and then i was locking up. So my office was closed to 2 days and there was no work done. I told them to get the two front offices done first so when the painters come tomorrow they can start painting. they said it was vehicle problems, for two days? come on... what kind of business are you running here. I got a lot of steps pacing my office. Weigh in day tomorrow for me. ughhhh

    @gottagetthisdown that is just a small gain. shake it off and get back on track. you can do this. you know how.

    @sleepymom5 I agree, it is so hard to lose weight during the holidays. but you have been doing awesome. i had a client send a box of chocolates for a gift for me. i deeply appreciated them but.... ahhh no. i cannot be trusted with a box of chocolates. i gave them to the contractors yesterday! they were elated!!

    @Mrsbell8well what is the name of that bed time oil? i would like to give it a try. you know how us ole ladies are... cant sleep worth a crap. omggggg you are in the 160's almost 2 pounds this week. that is wonderful. im dancing around the computer room this morning. the dog thinks im nuts.

    @phoebe112476 wooo whooo look at you go. great job. another pound bit the dust!!

    @carlsoda good job on getting that yoga in. i did mine in the office while i was waiting for the contractors!

    @code4food that feeling you got when you went back to the gym is called momentum! harness it! the more you are on track the more momentum you will have and the better you will feel. your doing great.

    @pacsnc6 30 minutes of ice removal! you torched some calories there. and then went and did burpees? wow. look at the new you go!

    @Ashleigh1178 maintains are good. Maybe do some deep cleaning on your time off. it is a great way to burn calories. lol

    @Shirin_K Adriene is sooo flexable. she has been doing this for some time. if you are consistant with your practice, it won't be long and you will be there too. make that grocery shopping a priority. you need health food in that frig for success.

    @nstephenson01 mmmm i love shrimp! i have shrimp stir fry a lot. you can eat a lot of shrimp for a little bit of calories and it is very high in protein. so a very good choice!! that salad is beautiful. soooo yummy. what did you coat the shrimp in?

    @Lyssysho26 yayay go you! down another 1.4! you are doing awesome. this is really hard give yourself credit today for sticking to it. i know it has been difficult.

    @Mandi5512 my life is pretty uneventful too. but you are doing such a great job. lol cleaning boys rears, i'll get the power washer, line them up!!

    @lenka1 we do need to listen to our bodies. now pick yourself back up and get back on track. your doing awesome. this is a hard undertaking, not for the faint of heart. you deserve a break. you look so cute all bundled up! good job....

    @eyesopennow that is awesome progress. thanks for sharing.

    @ihp2015 happy dance. that is great irene! you are back on track and lookin good. ohhh my your coming to the states. florida in the summer? it's reallllllly hot.

    @amsandos you know i think we all know that devil personally. i literally out loud tell him to shut up and then punch him in the face. the physiological benefits are great. i look a little crazy tho.

  • ihp2015
    ihp2015 Posts: 221 Member

    @ihp2015 happy dance. that is great irene! you are back on track and lookin good. ohhh my your coming to the states. florida in the summer? it's reallllllly hot.

    I guess it's a good thing that I like hot weather, especially when I'm on vacation. I'm sure Palm Desert is going to be even hotter B)

    Sorry to hear about the workers not coming when they should! I totally agree that car trouble for two days does not sound very professional.

    Away least you managed to get a lot of steps in. ;)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Tuesday
    Logged: yes, and under I forgot to hit complete last night so it's not in news feed.
    Water: 72oz
    Exercise & Steps Gym-stretching, full body workout and 27 min on the stationary bike. 10,096 steps
    Day 10 in my string

    I am very excited that I am stringing all these good days along. Seems like far away but I need these habits to be ingrained in my brain before I am at the shore this summer. Today I am going with another friend to help a friend decorate for Christmas. She is about 10 years older than me, she lost her husband 3 years ago and has had multiple health problems lately and is pretty much homebound. She is miserable. She is mad at her husband for leaving her. Her sons live far away but will be visiting with their families next week, that is why we are going to decorate. She is fighting with them because she wants them and their families to be there on Christmas. I hope she doesn't scare them away. She is one of my co workers in the ICU and she was always so happy and fun. She is suffering from depression I am pretty sure and also having problems coping with how her life is going. She was invited to her son's for Christmas but won't go. She thinks she can't travel. She is only 63 years old. Her health problems are back, knee and hip problems and she just had her 2nd back surgery in September. She is very heavy, heavier than ever before so that doesn't help. I hope by spending the afternoon with her that she will feel a little better, even if it is only for a couple of hours. I am also going to make a point to reach out with her more. Although I would miss her, I think she needs to move by her sons. Oh well, I need to get moving if I want to exercise and get over there on time. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    @lenka1 It sounds like you still did well even with having a bad day. Except the groin pull part. Glad you were feeling better yesterday. I can’t believe you stayed out so long! It must have been cold based on your bundled up pic!

    @eyesopennow that is amazing! Great job setting a goal and not only keeping up with it but hitting it early!

    @ihp2015 Nice loss! I am glad you are doing so well even with being busy! What a great vacation to look forward to too!

    @amsandos Lol! I would have the latter look in all the pics! Hope your having a great day!

    @Mrsbell8well Nice loss! Yes,35lbs with 25 lbs to go is a big milestone! That is certainly an obtainable goal and realistic with the holidays. I know you will do well with the holidays too, you have worked so hard with the cleanses and dietary changes that I am sure you won’t want to undo all that hard work!

    @cyndiesstuff Wow! You must be so frustrated! I am frustrated and I am not even involved lol! Good job with the chocolate. I would have had to do the same. Once I crack the seal on something like that it’s bad...hope you have a better day and some progress in the flooring department!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 32 oz
    Exercise: Yoga (day 9) and 50 min cardio
    Steps: 9486

    I'm feeling back on track! I'm determined to get to 169 by the end of the month!! This weekend I will plan ahead so I stay under calories and have time for exercise...

    @Mandi5512 Yes! I'm a sahm too, and I feel the same way much of the time!

    @Lenka1 Great job on all the steps and the long walk - so nice to get some alone time once in awhile. Hope the injury continues to feel better!

    @sleepymom5 Way to go on your string! You have been doing so great even with how busy you are!

    @Mrsbell8well Woohoo! You made it to the 160s! Fabulous!

    @cyndiesstuff I was trying to decide whether I would make time to exercise last night or get groceries...and my husband was awesome and did the grocery shopping so I could do both! Healthy food is now in the house and we have a meal plan for the next 4 days. I need to get into the habit of planning better on weekends like so many of you do!

    Have a great Wednesday!
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