Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    It’s from healing solutions called “good sleep blend”. It has clary sage, lavender oil and something else I can’t read.
    If you try it let me know what you think.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    11:00 am and finally checking in - boy work is crazy these days!

    My family is all getting sick but luckily (touch wood), I am ok so far. Husband sick to his stomach and 101.5 fever - he NEVER gets sick. He is drinking ginger ale this morning so he's on the road to recovery! Daughter started up at 2:00 am this morning. I only feel pokey in my eyes, but that's allergies not virus :)

    Other then that I had a good day yesterday. Food was great, lots of water, steps galore and 20 minutes yoga!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    lenka1 wrote: »
    Sorry, I haven’t been on much last couple of days. I had a rough day yesterday.
    I woke up feeling exhausted, cranky bitchy and hungry. I had a bit of mental & physical crashdown. I wanted to stay in bed and eat all day (not junk just food. Lots of food, I couldn’t get full which usually never happens anymore)

    Then I managed to try to work out later and while holding heavy dumbbells and doing lunges I pulled something in my groin area and was done. I cried and felt so frustrated with myself bc I knew I should have just been “lazy” that day bc my body needed a break and more food to recover.
    I still managed to eat under my calories and got decent steps but this was first time in 8 weeks I crashed. :/

    I woke up feeling so much better today. Still in pain when I’m trying to sit or stand but no pain when walking so I was able to take a nice jog/walk 7.5 miles and I’m over 26 500 steps in for today.

    It helped to clear my head and forget about bad day. It was a cold morning - 25 degrees I believe but those 2h of me being alone just walking - it felt amazing. Sooooo....
    Calories good, steps good, water good today.

    @sleepymom5 and @Mrsbell8well your Christmas decor pics were awesome!!

    @Mandi5512 I am a Sahm too, so I can relate to your daily routines a lot :)

    @nstephenson01 your shrimp meal pic! Aaaah looks delicious!!! Shrimp is the only sea food I love. I may make this salad soon haha yum

    Hope everyone’s week is going decent!

    This sahm stuff is exhausting! Sorry to hear abt ur pulled muscle! A little r&r will do wonders! Good luck! 😉
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    @cyndiesstuff yes lining them up is not the worst idea lol
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    Mandi5512 wrote: »
    Logged yes and on track
    Steps 8721
    Exercise treadmill 30 min 3 mph

    I have a very uneventful life. As a sahm my daily activities include cleaning, cooking, organizing and cleaning little boys rears. Mfp is a highlight of my day 😂

    Just remember you have the MOST important job in the world!! Might be uneventful but oh so important!!

    That is a great way to look at it. I know one day ill missnit, but some days... whew lol
  • Mandi5512
    Mandi5512 Posts: 61 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    11:00 am and finally checking in - boy work is crazy these days!

    My family is all getting sick but luckily (touch wood), I am ok so far. Husband sick to his stomach and 101.5 fever - he NEVER gets sick. He is drinking ginger ale this morning so he's on the road to recovery! Daughter started up at 2:00 am this morning. I only feel pokey in my eyes, but that's allergies not virus :)

    Other then that I had a good day yesterday. Food was great, lots of water, steps galore and 20 minutes yoga!

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Fingers crossed you stay healthy.. we just went thru that last week.. now everyone is healthy and cull of energy and i have it! Ahh the life of a mom lol
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone. I was sitting in a tax seminar all day so I’m glad to be free! I have part 2 tomorrow!?!? Anyways I wondered how you deal with the lunches they serve at those types of events. They had salad but the dressing was already on it. I skipped the mashed potato’s, stuffed cabbage and dessert and ate green beans ( which seemed to be soaked in butter) and picked at a piece of chicken that had breading on it. (Obviously I avoided the breading). I was proud of my portion control but upset at the crappy food choices and thought that maybe I could have been more prepared without looking like a neurotic weirdo. I was with 2 coworkers and wanted to be social but also wanted to eat healthy. I am hoping they have better food choices tomorrow. They also had tons on pastries for breakfast but I did eat at home before attending so I skipped the breakfast and had a nice cup of tea!!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily log in for: Tuesday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: all darn day
    Exercise: 6 mile hike with dogs; 18,011 steps
    Day 3? I think of my string

    Yesterday I was really tired and wanted to spend the day in my jammies. Took the dogs for a walk and while the pace was slow we got in a decent hike. Wasn't able to do my yoga because of technical difficulties in our area.

    @sleepymom5 we live on 25 acres and are 20 minutes from the nearest town. I guess that may be considered remote to some. We have a few neighbors but I can't see their homes from my windows. One of our neighbors had a medical emergency last week so I was a bit worried about them in the event of another emergency. Everything was back up and running last night fortunately.

    My former yoga teacher posted a similar shrimp salad on FB a few years ago (she's an amazing cook) and I've adapted it to our tastes. I like lettuce with a little backbone so I use romaine and cabbage as well as spinach and mixed baby lettuce. Pecans toasted in maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Avocado, sliced jalapenos... honestly I feel like I have wings when I eat it. LOL. @cyndiesstuff I briefly marinate the shrimp in a tamarind paste, OJ and ponzu mix. I add siracha and sambal oelek to spice it up. Hubby and I like spicy food. I prefer to smoke the shrimp but its too damn cold for that nonsense so I just sauteed them.

    Been snowing and windy all day so finally catching up on everyone's posts. Enjoyed reading how everyone's been doing. So proud of this team!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    I really had a great day at my friends. I felt really good after we left. She seemed like her old self. I know that it is going to take more than a day with your friends decorating for Christmas but at least she had a fun day yesterday. I am pooped! I will check in tomorrow morning.

    @Shirin_K It’s so much easier when you plan! I learned that kinda late but at least I am doing it now. You have been doing so awesome!

    @carlsoda oh no! Hope you don’t catch whatever your family has! Hope they feel better soon. Great job still doing well with crazy, busy work and your family getting sick! Keep it going!

    @Mandi5512 What a nice NSV! It’s motivating when someone notices. I was a sahm too. I worked weekend night shift but was home other than that. It is hard work but it goes so fast. I am at a crossroad as my youngest just started college. It’s weird having free time. (I hated when people told me it goes fast lol! And here I am saying it to you)

    @lennoncpa I rarely go to those things. The breakfasts I do the same as you did, ate at home and then just had coffee. I don’t know if it would be weird if you brought your own food so I don’t want to tell you that. I know @Mrsbell8well has had a least one event like that.

    @nstephenson01 Sounds so cool where you live. I am in the suburbs and everything is within walking distance. I am glad everything is working today. Nice job getting yourself out and for a hike. 6 miles is more than decent lol!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    I did post the Weigh-in's for last night but now it is gone! I guess I messed up...

    Thursday's weigh Ins

    Friday's Weigh Ins

    Late weigh-in's
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Wednesday
    Logged: Yes ate to goal
    Water: 82 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 13695

    What a long day yesterday. I can't wait to get back to my normal day. This week has been tough. We bottled our homemade beer last nite. I didn't really like the process. I think I will just go to the store and buy beer. Mom is sick again. She is going to the doctor today. and one of may favorite clients got out of the hospital but he is being sent home with hospice. He will be gone soon. Cancer is a b****.

    @ihp2015 You can keep the hot weather. I like a comfy 72 degrees year round! But there is no place like that so here I am in Michigan. LOL

    @sleepymom5 wow day 10! that is super. Sorry to hear about your friend but she is truly blessed to have friends like you. you did a good job with your friend. even if it was just one day at least there was one less day for her.

    @Shirin_K you can do this. 169 is totally doable. Lets just make it thru the weekend. Agreed.

    @carlsoda ohhh nooo, i always hated when the whole house got sick. that hasn't happened in a long time but it's just me, the old boy and the dog. Children are little lovable virus factories!!

    @Mandi5512 yay, I love nsv!!!!! How many chickens do you have? Are they just chicken eggs or do you have duck eggs too?

    @lennoncpa I have those kind of meetings 2 to 3 times a year. Tables full of junk food and little in sight that is healthy. For me, I would feel totally weird taking my own food. So I just eat very small portions of the stuff that is the closest to being healthy. have healthy snacks in your bag and in your car so if you get a break or on your way home you can have something good. Good luck. and remember, this is one of those things in life that can't be avoided so deal with it the best you can and move on.

    @nstephenson01 Some times our bodies just dont want to cooperate with what we want them to do! Glad you got your walk in any way. Activity is great for the mind and body.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @lennoncpa yes I have been through similar. I too ate my own breakfast first then served myself fruit. I was nervous at first then one cares!!! At a huge company fancy dinner...I called ahead and told them I had dietary restrictions. They made me a wonderful meal...better looking than what others were eating. And there’s times I have taken my own lunch and didn’t think twice about it. I have events 4-6 times a year. And this year 3 times I have sat with the biggest of the big wigs. It can be done. I noticed they themselves barely ate. So again who cares??? I will also pack fruit and nuts to hold me if I need to. It’s not easy but it can certainly be done. Btw...I care and that’s all that matters.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 186.6
    Cw 186.4
    Steps 71,129 (fri-wed)
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @bbcbw nice loss! You are doing great. Your in onederland! Celebrate in health!

    @Mrsbell8well you really are a go getter. Your right tho people really don't care what u eat. I know at my venues you couldn't tell them about your dietary restrictions. So I just adapt to the situation!! How's was your cleanse by the way?

    @carlsoda your right to be Leary of that slippery slope. You did awesome with allowing some holiday fun and still staying on track. That is what the goal is every day. Still live life and be healthy.

    @ljdanny every bit counts! You are headed in the right direction. Good job!!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    User ID: Shirin_K
    Week 2
    Weigh-in Day: Thursday
    Previous weight: 171.6
    Current weight: 170.4
    Week Step Count: 61530
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