Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 10,108 steps and rest day

    I will take any loss! It actually wasn't my lowest weight for the week. I am hoping it is because my carbs were on the high side the last two days. I was so exhausted yesterday that I decided to take a rest day but still wanted to be sure to get my steps in. I did ok with that. Today, I am hoping to do a quick walking tape, may only be 20 min. I have a lot to do before my "brunch" tonight. I still have no plan, I may just have a little of everything and then GET RID OF THE LEFTOVERS! That is usually my biggest problem. I doubt I will have a chance to get on later so I will post the weigh in information this am.

    I hope MFP is fixed tomorrow. But as @carlsoda reminded us-it is free. I am so glad we can still get in on the community pages though. I would be lost without you all! xoxo .

    @mrsbell8well You have such productive days! It must have been nice to have another person notice your progress!
    I am also going to think of my No No’s and yes Yes’s. I know one big No is peanut butter. And one yes is my Greek yogurt. I like the no’s are more a caution than a flat out no.
    @lennoncpa Nice loss!! glad you got through your business lunch. I am so bad about speaking up but it seems like when you do. It is no problem and it seems like a lot of the times you get something really good!
    @bbcbw I can’t help with the smoothly but maybe with the 3 miles. Do you get Youtube over there? There are Leslie Samson’s walking videos. 3 miles is 45 min. She goes quick, it is a fun, easy way to get steps in.
    @mandi5512 Sometimes you don’t have control over where you end up. You did great picking healthier options instead of giving in and having the usual fast food.
    @cassiegetsfit2013 it sounds like everyone is having problems. I was hoping it would have been fixed today. Hope all is going well.
    @amsandos. I think the important thing is to stop yourself from spiraling. You had a bad day on Wed, just don’t let that bring you down until Sunday. We are human. These things happen. Just get back on track. Make a plan for when your family is here. Watch your portions, skip the bread basket and dessert or just have a small portion. If you get off track, don’t beat yourself up, just pick yourself up and get right back at it. You can do it!
    @carlsoda you are doing awesome! I had to lol at your response to Mrsbell-I often wonder why it took me until my 50s to start figuring it out. Lol!
    @eyesopennow-nice loss!
    @cyndiesstuff-another great day! And ugh! And it is Friday. What happens if they don’t finish?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @bbcbw My favorite detox smoothie is from Medical Medium. It is a heavy metal detox. It's not for everyone but I love it. 1 cup frozen wild blueberries, 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup cilantro, juice of 3 oranges (I use my citrus juicer), 1/2 teaspoon barley extract, about 1/8 to 1/4 cup dulce (seaweed) and 1/2 teaspoon spirulina. I drink this when I am coming out of a cleanse or just a pick me up. I drank this yesterday and this morning. I can just feel the goodness flooding through my system.

    My morning starts with 16 oz of filtered water with 1/2 or lemon or lime. This itself is a great detox. And when I am serious I follow it with 16 oz of fresh celery juice. It usually takes 1 bunch of organic celery.

    These potions are for those seeking some serious detox and renewal.

    Hope you all are feeling better.

    If I feel cold symptoms I immediately start a zinc lozenge program. It really does help to stop or shorten the symptoms.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes, and under I hope. Hubby cooked one of his pinterest finds
    Water: 86 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 4 mile hike with dogs; 15,440 steps
    Another day in my string

    Yesterday was a pretty good day. Was able to take the dogs on a decent hike despite the ice and snow. Felt like I was active enough to compensate for hubby's pinterst find... Reese Witherspoon's Cornbread Chili. It turned out quite tasty. He added extra veggies but it was really heavy. Got a horrible night's sleep and weight was way up this morning. Glad today isn't weigh in day.

    Planning for a successful weekend. Today is short walk day then I need to head to town to run errands. I have a light dinner planned for us. Tomorrow night is our neighborhood Christmas party. Never been to their house so I have no idea what to expect. I'll stick to healthy food if they have it. Plus I'm kinda funny about eating at social events when I don't know the people very well... I get all self conscious and make up a very small plate. Guess I'm trying to fool people into thinking I'm dainty LOL And I have Reese's cornbread chili leftovers waiting for me if I come home hungry :smirk:

    Happy Friday Team Weight No More!! Make it a great weekend!!
  • bbcbw
    bbcbw Posts: 53 Member
    @sleepymom5 yes im a big fan of Leslie and currenlty doing the same 3 miles walk.
    @Mrsbell8well thank you so much. I will give it a try. Although im not a smoothie person. @cyndiesstuff thank you.
  • Lyssysho26
    Lyssysho26 Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry you guys been a very busy week. I'm just gonna do a breif update of this week. Monday and Tuesday i had doctors appointments and physical therapy. My physical therapist wants to decrease the amount of days i go so my insurance can continue to cover it. And also he notice I've become stronger. So that's a big plus for me. But it's still only temporary relief when i go. Wednesday i went to see my therapist and it went well. We just talked about staying busy and being active which i have been. And then i went the mall and walked atleast the equivalent to 2 miles. I was over 4000 steps above my usual goal. Then on Thursday i helped my best friend move into her new place so that's another work out!!! So now I'm looking forward to enjoying my weekend ! Hope everyone enjoys theirs !
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    We all have bad days @amsandos . Spend some time and refocus.
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Week 2

    Previous weight 152.6
    Current weight 151.8

    -0.8 not enough but I’ll take whatever. :/

    Weekly steps including saturday through Friday - dec 8 - dec 14 -
    129 791. A lot lol

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in for: Friday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 72 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 30 minute dog walk; 10,132 steps

    Fitting into size 12 jeans yesterday was a major moral booster. Steps were a bit low as I needed a part rest day but otherwise on track. Scale was kind this morning... 175.2 which means 45 pounds lost! Yea Baby!!

    @cyndiesstuff That's my plan plus extra hydration throughout the day to make up for the couple glasses of wine I'll no doubt have. Definitely don't want to show up with an empty stomach. I will give some thought to your new habit post. Right now keeping it simple and sticking to the basics seems to be working during this busy month. Today is strength training + dog walk. Full day planned so gotta run.

    Happy Saturday team!!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    I get alerts from the bell that someone liked my posts that is automatically added when diary is conplete, so their page must be fixed. Mine isn't, "newest post" is 3 days old. This sucks! When is it gonna be fixed!? It's just annoying me, lol. Firing up my irritabliness, is that even a word, idk!
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