Team WEIGHT NO MORE-December 2018 Team Chat



  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Late check in for yesterday: calories eaten 1385, 55 min walk and I think 17 753 steps I forgot the exact number

    Today is my weighing day:

    Previous weight: dec 1: 155.4
    Current weight: dec 8: 152.6

    I was even lower 2 or 3 days ago when I checked but my period is due this weekend so I’m very bloated already :neutral: but very happy with almost 3 pounds :)

    I have some lifting planned today in the morning, 20-25 mins of treadmill and later on we have a Christmas outdoor event (no cookies for me :) I’ll eat before we go)

    Oh and my step count for past 7 days (dec1-dec7) was ridiculous over 119 000. My best previously was like 105 or 106k so I really pushed myself this week mostly bc of the step team challenge lol :wink: I am competitive :smiley:

    But I prob won’t see that number in next couple of weeks bc it’s really cold outside and my jogs will get shorter and shorter. I am not a winter person.

    Have a great Saturday everyone and don’t forget to do your best to stay on track with food :smile:
    It’s an amazing feeling to be able to be proud of yourself for your dedication - to be better and more fit :heart:
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    I once heard that you burn more calories when you are cold. If that is true, I should look like a store manikin by nightfall! I am smoking 30 pounds of pork in the back yard to make barbecue (it isn't just for summer anymore) for the office holiday party. And the air temp is a balmy 21 degrees, or was when I started at 5 AM. (It is now a toasty 31.)

    The real problem with getting up that early is wanting a second breakfast by 9 AM!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday was good
    food - little over on calories
    water - I met my new goal - to increase the amount by 1 cup
    exercise - I was disappointed to find the gym pool closed so no water aerobics, but I did the Advent Calendar jump rope and lunges
    steps - 7242
    weight was 167.5 - up from Thursday but still down from Sunday
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Is there a spreadsheet for the step challenge that everyone can at least read? I just want to look at my steps versus other teams. (Okay, especially Greg. lol)
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:155.2
    Current weight:157.4
    +2.2 - not too bad, I’ll take it
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday!😊

    My workouts last night & this morning definitely helped. I dropped almost 2 pounds since yesterday morning. I had 2 bad days last week & the gym being closed definitely affected my week. I’m back on track and the gym re-opens on Monday, so I’m predicting a nice loss next week. When I’m getting off-track, I just need to remember how good I feel when I’m at or close to goal.

    Have a wonderful day & weekend! 😊🤗👍🏻
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Thanks @cyndiesstuff! I tend to go overboard when I go off-track, which I’m sure I’m not alone, that’s why we are in a Wright-loss challenge!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Friday
    food-Day 5 cleanse
    water 88oz
    exercise-rest day
    Yoga-Day 7

    Wifey and I had a great time last night. Went to see Green Book and really enjoyed it. I am sleep deprived today. Two days in a row less than 6 hours sleep. I am going to juggle my day today to make sure rest gets scheduled in. This also makes me think that a late night out the night before I work may not be the best plan. I will keep that in mind for next time. The cleanse includes 16 oz of lemon water an hour before bed followed by lemon balm tea. So that in itself keeps me up. It's only 9 days so I know I can do this. Plus all this moon juice research has me so excited it makes it hard for me to sleep. I stay up late reading her cookbook. I can't wait to start cooking from it. All my amazon goodies are starting to arrive including my dehydrator.
    About 3 weeks ago I had a slight detox headache for a few days. Then it settled into my sinuses and affected my tooth. Then it dropped into my ears this last week. Finally all that has cleared up but now my left eye is reddish. Could be lack of sleep. But I am intrigued how all the "icky's" are making their way out of my body. Each day I feel a difference. This liver cleanse in particular is supposed to affect the whites of your eyes by making them brighter. So it is interesting that mine looks blood shot. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better.

    I am working this morning. I have a parade I am in with Molly for my work at 4:30. It is going to be very cold. I need to leave here at 12:15, do some light shopping, do my yoga, eat lunch, do a 30 minute walk and find a way to get some rest???

    My 3 biggest guideposts that I try to pay attention to are:




    I think if we can get these 3 in alignment it helps us to cope with everything else we encounter.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: yes, and on target
    Water: 64oz
    Exercise & Steps none and 6,056
    Day 6 in my string

    I was going to say my string broke yesterday in the exercise department but I decided to keep it. The day didn't go as planned and I adjusted as much as I possibly could. I ended up being out all day and was exhausted. Did what I could do while I was out to get steps in but not enough to bring it up to 10K. I still ate well and ate my left of zucchini lasagne instead of having pizza. I still made a point to get my water in. I also didn't have a drink with my family when eating. I went right to bed (after checking in here quick) and slept almost 12 hours! I am feeling much better today. This weekend I have no plans except get stuff done here. There is no excuses to go off track this weekend! Enjoy the weekend everyone!

    I think we are done with the dice?

    I am doing the 8 min of meditation for the advent calendar.

    @eyesopennow Any loss is good! Your co workers are going to LOVE you! I wish I could get my husband to get into smoking meat. Lol! I do have a 26 year old son who I may be able to convince though....try to stay warm!

    @carlsoda Another good day! Enjoy your grandsons party today.

    @lennoncpa I knew that you wouldn’t be happy with your weigh in but maintaining is not bad. You have been doing great, just keep going. I am glad you are feeling good about the weekend, having a positive attitude helps! Hugs!

    @Lyssysho26 I am glad you are feeling better with the new meds. Great job making yourself go swimming. I am the same way in the cold weather. I used to do the same thing when shopping but it is actually easier if you plan for the week and make a list for shopping. It actually makes shopping go quicker because you’re not browsing around either. Thanks for checking in too. I am happy things are going better

    @amsandos what an emotional day for you! Give yourself a huge pat on the back for not dealing with it by snacking! Anemia could definitely make you tired, so can not having enough calories. Do you plan your days out ahead of time? Maybe you can figure in a healthy snack somewhere that fits into your calories? Hugs! Hope you have a good weekend!

    @Mandi5512 . Nice loss!!

    @Mrsbell8well How exciting that Molly is joining you! That will make things a little easier. Rest is important too. I hit a wall yesterday, but feel much better after a good nights sleep. I agree with your guideposts- sleep, nutrition and exercise. So important. I also wish I got so excited over cooking! Lol! I have been cooking a more the past couple of months so that is a little step up in the cooking department!

    @cyndiesstuff it is awesome that you didn’t give in to eating as a way to cope with your pain. I am proud of you girl! Hope you had fun on date night!
    I LOVED your post about Motivation. Thanks for taking the time to post it. You made me lol with painting the boss’s office pink! Maybe you should ;) I am feeling much better today and ready for the weekend.

    @kirsten11872 you always seem to be able to figure out what is going on and get yourself right back on track. I hope the gym is at least awesome when it is done to make it worth being closed for a week.

    @FieryVixsin Awesome loss!

    @DananaNanas nice loss!
    thanks for checking in. I was wondering how you were doing. I am glad you are being proactive with your digestive issues. It is better to take care of things now rather than when you are older. Hugs!

    @Shirin_K Sounds like another busy but fun weekend! Good idea with the healthy snacks. Enjoy the weekend!

    Lenka1 Awesome loss! You have been doing so great! Hope you have a great weekend!!

    @pacsnc6 Another good day! You’re doing great!

    @nstephenson01 You got this! I am sure your week wasn’t as bad as you thought. Just get right back in on track like you plan to. I just can’t imagine how cold you are since it is freezing here and I am sure we are nowhere close to your temp. Lol! Stay warm!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    T.E.A.M. Pledge

    Today, every act matters. Every small step I take to reach my goal is a step towards a healthier body. My goal for today is to:

    I will exercise for at least 45 min and reach my 10k steps.

    These are the small steps I have taken to make the day successful:

    I will exercise before I get involved in anything else
    I will make sure I get at least 500 an hour today.
    I will do a walking tape if I notice I drop off in steps too far
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,471 Member
    @kirsten11872 and @lenka1 Do you want to give us your step count for the week to include on the spread sheet? I know you said over 19,000 @lenka1 but do you have an exact number?
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited December 2018
    @sleepymom5 sure 119 149 :). This includes dec 1-dec 7
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    @sleepymom5 Thanks for the encouragement! I am happy to have lost a few ounces, I hope the scales look kindly on me next week.

    Smoking meats (pork butts and hams, beef brisket, chicken, turkey, lamb, sausages) is a lot of fun for me. I suit-sit in meetings all day, so any excuse to relax in the back yard for 10-14 hours smelling the mix of hickory/apple/pecan/peach smoke (never mesquite) and the gradually roasting meat is a welcome diversion. And watching people's reactions when they first taste small-batch barbecue is a joy in and of itself. I retire in another five years, and am considering/trying to talk Wyfe into maybe setting up a BBQ food truck in our retirement. I am also nationally certified competition BBQ judge (less impressive than I try to make it sound) so yes, it is something I really enjoy!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    Yesterday wasn't so great, I refused to see my Clinician and she was worried about me, but here I am. Today I got up at 10:30, took my shower and we're supposed to be going to get our Christmas tree and groceries then bring both back to the house then go back out for some small shopping. Then when we get home after all that, find a spot for the tree and put it up, cook dinner, steaks and salads for meat eaters, salad with steakless strips for me, the Vegetarian. Tomorrow, Sunday will hopefully be getting out the decorations and putting some up. Our whole street is further ahead with their glorious decor, but we will catch up and not be left behind! I shocked myself two days ago, I almost hit 6k steps! Most I aim for is 3k, but thst day I walked someone's dog, aka Toby and I went to the mall with my Clinician then walled around the house while food was cooking. I've failed the Advent Calendar...Thinking each day I'll do everyrhing and catch up then I think, no that's to much at one time I know I won't do it all, but then I don't do any of it. Guess I can always do a few in one day then a few in the other to get caught up.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    @sleepymom5 Thanks for the encouragement! I am happy to have lost a few ounces, I hope the scales look kindly on me next week.

    Smoking meats (pork butts and hams, beef brisket, chicken, turkey, lamb, sausages) is a lot of fun for me. I suit-sit in meetings all day, so any excuse to relax in the back yard for 10-14 hours smelling the mix of hickory/apple/pecan/peach smoke (never mesquite) and the gradually roasting meat is a welcome diversion. And watching people's reactions when they first taste small-batch barbecue is a joy in and of itself. I retire in another five years, and am considering/trying to talk Wyfe into maybe setting up a BBQ food truck in our retirement. I am also nationally certified competition BBQ judge (less impressive than I try to make it sound) so yes, it is something I really enjoy!

    That sounds like a really meat idea! I mean NEAT. Lol. Seriously though, sounds cool. (:
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 597 Member
    lenka1 wrote: »
    @sleepymom5 sure 119 149 :). This includes dec 1-dec 7

    That's A LOT of steps!!
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