

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    You can do it, just plan to wear the same pants a few times with different tops! one dress, Two pairs of comfy shoes, one good for walking...and 11 pairs of undies! .and .you have got it!! just enjoy!!

    yes,my phone shows I get about 10,000 steps in daily.

    Hope you feel better soon, Suzy!! Kudos on getting back to your weight before.

    Vail, hoping you get your motivation back soon!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited April 2019
    Thanks for the encouragement, Gail! I'm still up and down, but at least not completely giving up and eating everything in sight (which is what I'm wanting to do - lol!). Well done on your 10000 steps! You probably do more than that too, when you don't have your phone in hand.

    Congratulations on your weight, Suzy! I hope you feel less tired soon, and that the bloodwork is either OK, or at least shows something that you can do something about! It's great that you are still getting the exercise in, despite the tiredness.

    I'm excited about your Italy trip, Snoozie! I love to plan holidays, so would feel I was missing out, but I have to say that I mostly enjoy going with the flow, and the best holidays are the ones where I haven't had to think so much but just turn up at the right time, lol! I haven't been to a single place in Italy that I didn't like! I would recommend all the places I've been, but would really love to see more of Tuscany, Pompeii, over to Sicily, Napoli, so many places that I think would be wonderful! Obviously the food is fantastic too! Not to mention the wine! I love the idea of travelling light, and train travel is my favourite kind of travel (that's what I did the first time I went).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters! Popping in for a quick note as they are testing the generators in my building later this morning which means power interruptions.. so i best shower and get humanish for work a little early!

    I braved the scale this morning; fortunately thanks to an overindulgence of beans which i paid for yesterday, it wasn't too bad LOL.. as it's only a few ounces below my last recorded weigh in here, i'm leaving it as is for now. I start evening shift today for the next week and this morning i googled a 1200 low carb meal plan - not no carb just lower but only to use it as a guide for planning meals... i swear that's my worst prob is not planning out food for work and then i plunge into the crap because i can't be bothered with all the prep work or decision making. so i got some ideas from the meal plan of food i'll actually eat and i have at least the next 3 days worth of stuff planned out which should help...

    I am restarting everything - i had my blood work done this week and the results next week for everything including blood sugar yada yada, but i'm not gonna worry about what they might say.. i consider the tests bench marks along the way... letting me know where i need to work harder and where i might be doing well.. if it's good i'll take it as continued motivation; if less than stellar will use that to assist with the restart and refocus :)

    I have set my sights on losing 10 lbs for now... 10 will get me comfortably into the summer clothes i bought last year and i believe its doable by the time summer gets here - we are having a last blast of winter today; -2 and snow and ice pellets... and tomorrow going up to 13C lol... ah well we'd have nothing to talk about in Canada if it wasnt for the weather!

    Vail - i read an article the other day that said maintaining weight is just as important as losing it to start with.... so the fact you're not gaining, just wobbling a pound or 2 either way is great!
    I had to laugh at you loving the planning part of the trip - i think we'd make good travel partners - you can plan it all and i'll just go with whatever you plan!! I'm not going to lie part of the appeal of this trip - besides going with my sister and cousins, is that i dont have to do anything - and who knows when that opportunity will come along agin!! (At this point they havent finalized the actual itinerary of where yet.. but we DID book our actual flights the other day in a group call LOL.. and i believe we are now flying into Venice and eventually leaving from Rome .. i'd have to look at the email cause it was the other way around at one point! But the 3 of them will be planning the where we go and where we stay part - i'll just be forking over the $$! And yep i've been watching a few videos on travelling light from Rick Steeves site and a few others... some good tips and I think i'll be fine - it's not like they don't have stores in italy after all... and if my souvenir turns out to be "these are the undies i bought in italy" so be it!

    I've managed to hit the lake a few times this week but had to skip PB cause of the parts all hurting.. but things are improving so hopefully will get in a few sessions this shift!

    I hope everyone is well - oh and Milove - one of the videos said if you're going to Europe, ALL the women wear bikinis!!! you won't see a one piece on the beach apparently - whether you are 12 or 85 everyone wears a bikini!

    Righto - best get my butt in gear; will check in later to see how everyone's doing!

    oh and read i great line about menopause in an article in readers digest... to explain it they said "just think its like every single one of your hormones being put in a blender.. and someone hitting CHOP!" yup yup yup
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    ( it's 9,725 in case you're wondering LOL)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s awesome! Years ago I ran across something that calculated how many burpees I’d have to do to work off a small order of French fries. I hate burpees with a passion. I no longer eat French fries. :D

    I managed to show a one pound loss last week. Sometimes I feel like all this logging of meals and walking and hiking just isn’t paying off but then I think that if I wasn’t doing all of that then I would be much heavier and in terrible shape and health. The goal is a healthy life; the side benefit is losing weight (if I’m lucky).

    Snoozie, fingers crossed for good blood test results! You have the right attitude though. No need wringing our hands and beating ourselves up over the past indulgences, just move forward with healthier choices. I can’t wait to hear some details about your Italy trip. You’re going to have a wonderful time! When is the trip?

    Gotta go paint my kitchen! Maybe it will keep me busy so I can’t graze while I’m in there!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - i thought it was karma i saw that sign on FB this morning; cause when i got home from work laste nite i ended up eating two of the itty bitty halowee'en size aero bars.. and woke up to see that sign this morning LOLOLOL....

    and i absolutely agree that we have to keep in mind the whole time that our overall goal for all of us is a healthier being... part of that is losing excess weight we carry of course and its why we all came here too... but all the pieces are just as important at this stage I think - from realizing the importance of self care to understanding we may have to adapt some old habits or accept there may be some limitations in some areas now, but that its also a time when we can climb mountains too! :) I have come to realize in the past year or so that I have a tendency to resist change.. or maybe it's more I've settled into a "routine" over the years and sometimes I see I'm reluctant to "bother" doing something.. or I think about the "what if"s" too much... i think its just seriously considering retirement this year, and the recent bout of ouchies im in a period of redefining what i want and the attitude i want to have..and that includes looking forward to making some changes and taking new risks and new challenges and new adventures! And as you said, in changing more of the focus towards overall health - the weight will come off as a side benefit of that which i often forget. One of my goals too is to just worry less - don't sweat the small stuff kinda thing! I'm not a big worrier in general, but like everyone else sometimes i find myself thinking too much about the what if's .. a few weeks ago i found myself debating about buying a pair of shoes.. they werent exactly what i wanted.. but they were ok.. and i suddenly realized i had spent like a 1/2 hr wandering around trying to decide... (these were not like $200 expensive shoes btw...!) but i suddenly stopped myself and thot omg.. seriously??? lol... what are you doing?? this is not a life crisis decision... do you want them or not? and i thot nope they ARENT what i want so out i went..) Now that's just a ridiculous example - but its things like that i'm working on too... to stop analyzing the pros and cons to the extreme and just say yes or no.. and aim for a lot more yesses in some areas! I am seeing a difference and i am finding it;s less exhausting mentally when i'm able to not make everything into something monumental, and not stress so much over the little *kitten*.. or things i can't control... especially at work... if it's not my problem, i'm now able to say sorry i don't know.. (and the people go away.. omg who knew! lol) where i was always the one who would say i dont know but i'll find out and get back to you... )

    Anyway this has turned into quite the ramble - sorry!! But i'm definitely enjoying making some of these changes! And the Italy trip is the first week of October Suzy - we leave Sept 28th - I still have no idea where we will be going as the other 3 are doing all the planning of where and when - I told them to just think of me as a 160lb carry on bag; I'll just go where they go! haaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Okey dokey.. off to work... i cooked up a bunch of chicken yesterday.. then realized i had nothing else to "put" with it.. no salad stuff to toss it in or something prepped to add it to... so i better figure out something today - i'm thinking a wrap of some kind! Have a great day Hatters....
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I had a little personal epiphany last night and considering how long I’ve been doing this whole calorie recording thing I’m a bit disappointed in myself. So.... I sabotaged myself this weekend by overeating on Friday and Sunday. I exceeded my calories over the weekend by 1800 calories!!! Here’s my light bulb moment; I realized that I need to not just throw my hands up and say, “Oh well.” I need to cut that many calories out of my daily intake over the next week instead. Mind blown! Why did it take me this long to figure that out? I’m sure you have all said the same thing to me over the years but for some reason it kicked in last night. So I’m menu planning for the week and choosing lower calorie options like lots of veggies and turkey/tuna. We’ll see how well it works for me. Haha...took me awhile, am I right?!?!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy no matter how much we know and how much we continue to learn, we ALL have that light bulb moment when we think how did i not figure that out already??? So when that bulb comes on i think its fabulous and perfect idea on simply cutting some daily cals out to even things up .. lots of people on here actually go by a weekly calorie count instead of a daily.. so sounds like you have things well in hand!! proud of ya!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Sometimes I feel like all this logging of meals and walking and hiking just isn’t paying off but then I think that if I wasn’t doing all of that then I would be much heavier and in terrible shape and health. The goal is a healthy life; the side benefit is losing weight (if I’m lucky).

    I'm just catching up, and this just jumped out at me. SO true, Suzy! I've been relaxing a little recently, and wow, has my weight shot up! And I don't mean pigging out all the time, I just mean more treats, not being so careful. I think the awful truth is that all the effort we put in to "dieting" (or whatever we want to call it) is necessary just to stop us piling on the weight, never mind to lose. I know that's depressing, but it is actually kind of inspiring for me to hear you say that - it means that all that effort isn't for nothing - not gaining is a victory!

    Good luck with the menu planning. I get your point about taking the calories off the rest of the week. To be honest, I never did that when I was losing, because I felt that as long as I had a deficit for the week overall, it didn't matter too much. And that worked for me and I lost consistently. But I understand if it's a regularly going over by a lot at weekends, it's going to wipe out the weight loss altogether.

    I am due for a rethink - whatever I was doing was working, but I've had too many occasions where I've done something like baking, or eaten something at work, or whatever, and it's shocking how easily that translates to a gain on the scales. I'm back to my usual maintenance weight, so it could be worse, but after thinking about what you said, Suzy, I've realised I really need to work to make sure I don't keep creeping up.

    One thing I am going to do is think about textures, because I've found that I really crave chewy things, and crispy things to some extent too, and I wondered if that's why I'm feeling the urge to snack all the time. I might look at rejigging my recipes to be more chewy/crunchy to meet that craving.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Snoozie, I can't help laughing about you analysing the pros and cons of those shoes! That is SO like me! In my case, I think it's actually a symptom of mild OCD (it helps me to put a name to it), but like you I have found it has got worse as I've got older. It takes me ages and ages to do any shopping, because I'm like this over every decision. If you see an anxious older woman staring at the vegetables or whatever and picking them up and putting them back repeatedly, that will be me. I tend to go to small shops if I can, because being in a giant supermarket with all those decisions to make is very stressful - lol! It's not just shopping either, it's everything. Such a waste of time and mental energy! Let us know how you get on with your changes. I would love to know what works! I'll try to follow your example, and learn to make snap decisions, and try not to take responsibility for everything - lol!

    I'm getting excited about your Italy holiday - Rome and Venice are both amazing!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, I’m glad that something I said helped you look at things in a new light. I know you have all inspired me in the same way many times. I get what you’re saying about textures. My hot button is salty/sweet but ooey gooey is always delish. :D I have no idea how I’m going to tackle maintenance when I get there. I accept that it’s going to be a constant struggle so I know it’s going to be just as much effort as losing. At what age do we get to say, “I’m eating whatever I want!!!” My mother in law is 91...I say any age after 85!

    I managed to show a loss this week after last weekend’s over indulging. I swear I was hungry alllllll week though. I’m going to make sure I don’t go crazy this weekend. I feel like losing that pound and a half was way too hard. Our daughter and son in law are taking us out to a fancy French restaurant on Saturday for our upcoming 36th anniversary. Hopefully I can find something that isn’t smothered in a cream sauce or cheese!

    Have a great weekend Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - your comment about being hungry was of note to me this week.. i've actually been a bit hungry myself.. i'm down one pound of "new" loss if you will - meaning it took over 3 to get me past my weight i was stuck at for so long; but i've definitely been eating less and been feeling hunger occasionally which i admit is not such a bad thing now and then for me!

    last night the only thing that saved me was not having anything in the house that didn't require cooking lol.. i swear i went thru the cupboards every hour from 8pm to midnite.. like i would miraculously find some kind of treat in there each time?? yet i had a lovely filling dinner fish and a few sweet potato fries and loads of veggies and wasn't hungry at all... i think i was just bored... not bored enough to tackle all the chores i could have around here... but there ya go!!

    As far as when we get to say i'm eating whatever i want - well truth is i think if nothing more, we'll always have to watch to make sure we don't gain as we age, but i don't think it means we have to go without those lovely social outings and occasinal indulgences like your fancy french anniversary dinner... its like you did last week, we'll just have to adjust the rest of the week to maybe 100 cals less every day and then it's guilt free for the evening... i think part of it is that "restrictive" feeling we get sometimes like we are going without something special.. and so we dive into some kind of "freedom" eating.. i think for me im really gonna have to work on knowing that there is really no "bad" food; and i do have free will in the end.. but finding that balance of incorporating an occasional choice of something less healthy is a struggle for me for sure. if i have a small bag of chips.. i want more... so i stay away from them totally and then feel deprived lol... so that balance is my focus right now.. that and the consistency.. i saw a thing on facebook about that joke about "i ate healthy today why didn't the scale move" and that's so me... so i'll be focusing on just one day at a time for a bit.. not looking ahead too much! and I hope you have a lovely anniversary dinner with your family - and happy anniversary !!

    Vail - i actually thot to myself recently holy cow am i becoming OCD lol.. but the shoes were a "light bulb" moment for me! I wanted to slap myself upside the head! and im somewhat like you i can't go into a Costco type store it freaks me out lol. But I'm definitely doing better in making quicker decisions on the small stuff and it's quite freeing ! And give yourself a pat on the back girl - you may have been battling some cravings and some different choices lately, but keep in mind you're managing to stay at your maintenance weight which is a HUGE win!! I completely flunked maintenance after i got to my goal weight and regained 25 lbs of the 60 i lost - so give yourself a "yay me" moment today Vail!!

    I have to go grocery shopping; i've been kinda looking at menu plans here and there simply because they give me ideas of what to have; and i swear sometimes thats my biggest obstacle is just trying to decide WHAT to eat.. that's laziness at the extreme!! so best get my butt in gear ....

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, congrats on the loss! There’s such sweet victory in seeing that scale move! I did the exact same thing last night without the healthy fish dinner.... I had pizza. After eating an additional snack of a peanut butter protein bar and a small bowl of my husband’s sugary cereal, I finally got a grip on myself. It dawned on me that I’m going to have to cut some calories this week because of eating things that weren’t even that good or special. I decided that I don’t want to feel hungry all week because of junk snacking. If I’m going to go through that then I want the extra calories to have been for something really worth it. I find that with me recording my “official” weight on Friday morning that I tend to overindulge that night. Oh the mind games we play with ourselves!

    Vail, I think you’re doing great at maintenance. You stay on top of it. Yes, you may go up a few pounds but that’s just life. I think everyone fluctuates like that. The important thing is that you don’t just ignore it and let it grow to a gain that’s unmanageable. When I think of what maintenance is going to be like, that’s what I imagine.

    The OCD thing is real, y’all. I do the same things. I waffle and obsess on what color pillow/sheets/paint/shirt/whatever to buy all the time. I have to tell myself that it’s not like it’s an absolutely permanent fixture in my life and to just pick what makes me feel happy. You should have seen me trying to pick out a couch!!! Or my countertops and backsplash!!! I ended up deferring to my husband and he did a great job. Lol!

    Gotta run...my list of things to do is enormous!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done on your losses, Snoozie and Suzy! Especially with both of you being hungry all week. I wish I could say the same i.e. that I have let myself be hungry without giving in, but I would by lying - lol! But it's encouraging to see you getting results.

    Thanks for the comments about maintenance. When I say maintenance, I didn't really have a goal weight but ended up stopping at a weight that I felt I could maintain at. It's still in the overweight range. So I think for some people who have lost and regained some, they were trying to maintain at a lower BMI than mine. I've kind of made it easy for myself by stopping before I got to a weight that was too hard to maintain!

    I think I've mentioned before, in one of the many, many diet books I read, one was based on calorie counting and said that if you stop losing on 1500 calories, then just leave that as your maintenance weight, because it's very difficult to maintain on less than 1500 calories for life. I can't imagine there's any real science in that, but it still stuck with me. I'm at around the 1500 maintenance mark at the moment. If I ever reached my "goal" weight (i.e. my previous healthy weight) my maintenance calories would be around 1300 which just seems so little.

    This has been an ongoing dilemma for me for a long time now, but as I have nevered managed to successfully lose much more weight, I haven't had to worry about it! I lose a little and then I creep back up to maintenance. And then keep going if I don't stop myself - Suzy, you have given me a reminder of that, and I am at that point now, where I am a pound or so above the maintenance weight and I need to take action now!

    I think I'll take on board your tip, Snoozie, about only having food that has to be cooked/prepared in the house. I need to stop snacking, and that seems a good way to do it.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, I think you hit the nail on the head. You have to be realistic about your goal weight and pick a weight you feel comfortable with...not what all the charts tell us.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    No loss this week. I’m bummed but at least it wasn’t a gain. I’m not sure if it’s past indulgences catching up to me or water retention or just my body hanging on to this weight but it’s frustrating. We’re off to the mountains tomorrow for five days to do some hiking and backpacking. The day we get back home I’m picking up my nieces from the airport for girl’s weekend. We all know how badly I go off the rails when I’m out of my routine. I’m really really really going to try and stick to eating healthy, as much as possible.

    Have a great weekend Hatters!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Quote: [ The important thing is that you don’t just ignore it and let it grow to a gain that’s unmanageable. When I think of what maintenance is going to be like, that’s what I imagine.]

    Yay to no gain!! It is actually harder than losing. So in a way you are already at maintenance some weeks....if you look at it a little sideways. :/
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I hope you have a wonderful trip, Suzy 😀
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hello Hatters! I need help!!! I’m in desperate need of a pep talk. I don’t know if you remember me saying that I was really tired awhile back? Well, it has hit me again. It’s almost like I’m having hormone issues or something. Anyway, we’re in the mountains and I’ve got to rally because we’re going hiking tomorrow and then backpacking overnight on Tuesday. I just don’t feel like I have the energy to do this but my husband has been looking forward to this for months. Ugh. I’ve GOT to do this.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Update: I came clean with the hubster and confessed that I really didn’t want to go backpacking overnight. He said he’s cool with it but I feel like I kicked his puppy. We’re adding some day hikes and staying at the condo instead. I can do this. Sorry to freak out on you. All’s good in Suzytown. :D