

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm sorry, Suzy! What a shame. Look after yourself, and I hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks for the advice on logging. Yes, I do have quite a few foods in my database and it does help once they're there. But I often use different things, and tend to cook by adding in bits and bobs of things as I go. I have used the recipe thing before but I never seem to make exactly the same thing twice - or the ingredients will weigh differently. I find weighing much easier than volume usually. What I've done at the moment is set my calories quite low to give me a bit of leeway if I measure wrong (or forget to measure at all).
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh, and Snooozie, I meant to say, I had a similar problem with those exercises when I had an upper back injury the year before last. And even now, I sometimes struggle to do them because of arthritis in my hands. Your band work sounds like a good idea! I suppose the other thing is looking for lower-body focused workouts. All the ones for whole body seem to involve some sort of plank/press-up type exercise!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks y’all. I’m feeling a bit better today, just can’t get rid of this headache. I’m pretty pleased that I’m not trying to eat myself out of it, which is my typical reaction.

    Snoozie, you should definitely do the band exercises. My mother in law has a “frozen” shoulder because she just wouldn’t keep up with her exercises. Get that band out and work it, girl!

    Vail, good for you for doing that video! I think I need someone to come drag me out of my house and to the gym. Any volunteers? Hahaha! As soon as I’m feeling better I’m going back. Hopefully on Thursday. Wednesday is the hiking club so I’m planning to make that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    Sorry suz i can't volunteer if its to drag you to the gym cause then i'd have to be there with you lol. I hope you're feeling better today!!

    Vail - yes I remembered I still had a video I took of the kiniseologist at work showing me lower body ST using body weight, and i'm going to move all my physio paper exercise sheets, my band and my little weights into the sunroom since now at i've finally cleared it out, there's room in there to do it all, including the floor stuff (plus there's a big chair in there to help me get up off the floor LOL) .. and at least I can look out the big windows.. so i'm hoping having more of a specific area set up will help me get into a routine of doing all my physio exercises and some of the lower BW ones.. plus I can take my laptop in there to do any videos.. I am going to check out the "fit n fifty" site for videos as well thanks to your sharing yours! There was an interesting video on there called Tuesday tips for Fitnfifty.. about cutting back on fats so much causing dry skin, hair and brittle nails after 50! I've def noticed that and the speaker was saying finding ways to add back good fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts) will absolutely make a difference... I happen to have some walnuts at home so i'll def be trying that as I am finding my whole body is so dry I could be mistaken for a lizard most days!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Sounds like the perfect set up for you, Snoozie!

    I’m feeling much better today. Spent the day at my parent’s house cleaning out closets and taking dad to a doctor appointment. I’m definitely going on the group hike tomorrow and looking forward to it!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm glad you're feeling better, Suzy. I hope you enjoy the hike tomorrow! I can't wait to hear about it!

    Snooozie, that makes sense that we need healthy fats as we get older. I've never been a fan of low fat diets anyway. I'm not convinced dairy is that bad, so I do eat whole milk, butter, cheese, etc., although I'm careful with the quantities! And of course we're meant to eat oily fish. The meditteranean diet still seems to get good reviews for health and it does have some higher fat foods, like the ones you mention.

    I like the sound of your sun room with big windows! Can people see in? Or are you high up? Sounds like a nice place to exercise.

    I've been using my stairs for exercise recently. I only have one flight of stairs, but I was having a discussion recently about whether it's better when getting older to move to a bungalow or flat so as not have to deal with stairs, or if in fact, having to go up and down stairs every day helps with keeping you strong and fit. I don't know, but I can't afford to move, so I thought I'd make use of them, particularly as I haven't been going to the gym and using the stair machine there. Of course walking, or even running, up stairs is easy the first time, and then if you do it over and over it gets harder and harder - lol! But it should be good exercise, and the stairs are just there, and I'm sure even just a few minutes of going up and down when I can't be bothered to any other exercise will be helpful.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Y’all are going to be so disappointed in me because I’m extremely disappointed with myself. :( I totally wimped out and didn’t go on the group hike today. I don’t really understand why I was so chicken to go. Maybe it was because it was a 6.5 mile hike and I haven’t hiked a trail in months or, like Vail maybe I was afraid I wouldn’t be up for the challenge and would slow everyone down. Heck, maybe it was because I wanted to wear shorts in this heatwave we’re having (it was over 70 degrees today!) and I haven’t shaved my legs since winter started. I don’t know. I just feel like I let myself down. The next hike is scheduled for February 15 and it’s at a trail that I’m very familiar with. I’m not going to let myself chicken out again.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Here’s part of the email the leader of the hiking group sent. It kind of freaked me out and made me doubt myself.


    I’m not going to let it stop me next time. Surely I can keep up....I’ve hiked mountains! And if I am slow then they can just go on without me. So there!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    Suzy - i'm not the least bit disappointed hearing you opted not to go... cause some days its just not the day to try something new for whatever reason.. and I thought that before I read the email you got... and once I read that??

    WHAT THE HELL?? honestly.. that's a brutal email ... holy sh&t... not exactly welcoming, is it?? More like a warning!! And any email that has that many "you should/you need/you must/ ???? sorry.. I wouldnt have had any interest in joining THAT group personally …. they just sound MEAN.. !! and way too seirous…. for god's sake its a hiking group for "active seniors" - isn't the whole idea to encourage people to join them? I'm afraid that much overt judgement would have derailed me from even wanting to join that group... but that's me :) If you want to join them on the next go (and I have no doubt you'd be able to keep up btw... and probably will actually leave most of em in the dust as you have indeed climbed entire freaken mountains, girl!!) then I'll support you 100% !!! (But know if any of them ARE mean to you if you do?? I'm coming down there and personally b%tch slapping the writer of the email LOLOLOL)

    We had a terrible ice/freezing rain day here and I had to go to a funeral for a co workers mom out in a neighbouring burb, then backtrack and head downtown to work.. it was a white knuckle driving day but i'm home safe and sound.. i was well within my cals for the day but i didn't log today, but i'll be back on track tomorrow with it!! Off to beddy bye tho .. have a few days off now before the dreaded nites start monday..!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Aww, thanks Snoozie. You always have my back! I thought it was a bit over the top for a “seniors” group.

    It’s just crazy that you had ice and freezing rain and our high today was 71 (21c) and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 78 (25c)! Be careful out there! I’m sure we’ll get some more winter weather before winter is over.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Oh my goodness, that email sounds deadly serious! Maybe if you had that in your head, that's what put you off, and I completely understand why! I would have been put off by that email in my 20s, when I was fit and regularly hiking up mountains. It seems so unforgiving. Even when I was young, I could keep going for a good distance but could never keep up with a fast pace. And sometimes you want to have a little stop, even if very fit. Just to admire the view, rearrange clothing for the temperature, maybe take a photo or look at the map! And the "homework" of hiking 3 to 4 days a week - that's some serious training!

    Maybe they are more relaxed when you actually go out with them, and they're trying to put off people who they feel would hold them back. It sounds like you have made the right decision to have the first walk be one you are more familiar with, and then you'll have more confidence. I've been hugely impressed by some of the hikes you've done! I'm looking forward to you going along on the 15th and showing them how it's done - lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    vail said it best (and much nicer than me!) - deciding to try it on the route youre familiar with will indeed give you more confidence, and I liked her line about "showing them how it's done".. in my world that translates to looking forward to hearing about you kicking their as$ es lol... but same thing! know if you do go on the 15th tho, you'll definitely have your own cheering squad rooting for ya right here!

    Vail - saw your post about that December pound gone... wooo to the hoo!!!!!! I bet that felt damn good, well done you!!!

    I still havvent broken thru that "set" weight im stuck at, but as its only been a week since i started tracking and restricting cals im not at all worried or stressed - figure it will be a few weeks before things start to settle and By the end of Feb i'm hoping to have found the "general" calorie level right for me to start losing consistently, by that meaning i want to see a pound a week or so hpapening.. so im in a good place mentally - focusing on our mantras and restraint and consistency .... its the consisitency i know that by the end of the month will start to show results so it's all good!

    I hvae a hair appointment first thing this morning just for a cut, and i have two lovely huge pillow creases running down the side of my face this morning! like i don't have enuf of my own wrinkles to contend with - now i got pillow ones haaaaaaaa

    later, taters!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Luckily the pillow wrinkles fade, now if we could figure out how to get rid of the others!

    Thank you both for your words of encouragement. The more I think about it, the more miffed I get at this guy I’ve never even met. I’m going to choose to think like Vail and consider that he’s just trying to be real with the people who really have no experience with hiking hills or more than a couple miles. o:)

    Snoozie, sounds like your body is seeing if you’re really serious about this whole calorie thing. It’s gonna happen. You’ll see the whoosh! I just know it. Hang in there! Never give up!

    Vail, congrats on that stubborn December weight coming off! Good for you!

    Tomorrow is weigh in day for me. I think I’m doing okay. I’ve had a few instances of giving in to temptation but have not gone off the deep end. I haven’t gone over my calorie goal much. Here it is one week into February and I haven’t been working on my goal of this month being all about getting back to working out and strength training. I need to work on that.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Suzy, I Haven't read all the replies, but I know they might be close to mine.....
    No way are we disappointed In you !! ,
    but I am disappointed in her email... It Was not user friendly. She may turn out to be a lovely lady and just trying to deter people who have never HIKED, but I feel she could have worded it a bit differently.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! <3

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    OOPs, I read it too fast , I assumed it was a woman leader.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Gail. I’m in the “giving him the benefit of the doubt” opinion....for now. Ha! I’ll have to let y’all know after I meet him if maybe he’s just a jerk. :D
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    If every day was like today then I would lose 11 pounds in the next five weeks!!!! Oh MFP....you’re so delusional. :D
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol @ delusional suzy!! too funny.... I really do wish they'd eliminate that prediction from the page; I don't look at it but you really can't help seeing it once u hit diary finished.. and its so annoying cause its so ludicrous - nobody eats exactly the same amounts or things every single day so why it's there I have no idea! fingers crossed for tomorrow!

    I was stuck in a stairwell for 3.5 hrs at the LAC tonite.. they were filming a movie upstairs somewhere and didnt want anyone accessing the stairwell from the bowels of the parking lot.. so I sat all by myself... didnt see a human just froze my *kitten* off lol... I was so cold I even did wall pushups and all my physio stretches just to warm up lolol!! I was not impressed with that detail but never got stuck doing that before and at least I burned a few calories.. it was too small an area to walk around much but I did alternate sitting and standing every few minutes so I figure at least 50 calories burned lolol.... unless shivering counts?? yes iv'e decided it does!!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    So funny, Suzy!

    Oh, no, what an awful experience, Snooozie! 3.5 hours! At least you got some exercise in, even if it was only to avoid freezing! You'd think they'd send a couple of people to do that job, just for the company and to relieve the boredom.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That does seem extreme, Snoozie! Good for you for using the time productively though. Seems like they could have just locked the door.