

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I completely understand about the mixed feelings on your “anniversary” with MFP. I would suggest looking at it as a journey that doesn’t really have a final destination. We’re learning so much about ourselves and this whole healthy lifestyle ride along the way. That lifestyle won’t end just because a scale gives us that magical number that we’re hoping for. Every day is an opportunity to put some good nutrition into our bodies and to do something healthy for ourselves. Each walk along the lakeshore or hike in the mountains is a memory that we’ll cherish when our bodies can no longer take that walk. It’s about the journey! AND....you’ve made some amazing connections with people along the way that you never would have without your seven years on MFP! I, for one, am so happy to have connected with you! :)<3

    I cleaned out the very last little hidey whole in my basement today...the dreaded closet under the stairs!!! It was full of luggage and bags from over the years. I still had my baby blue set of luggage that my parents gave me for my high school graduation in 1979!!! Hahaha! It feels good to have accomplished something.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Suzy - yes for sure I'm considering part of that time gave me a lot of knowledge; it was just frustrating to see YEARS on that darn message lol. And that email is definitely going to be an inspiration now rather than the "bite me" initial reaction! ha (aww and right back at ya with the connections - definitely a gift!)

    Thanks for the laugh on the luggage... I tend to hang onto things on occasion.. my luggage is a pink lamp i bought .. sometime in the 80's??? To go with my grey and pink couch if i recall.. it has moved from room to room and is currently in the sunroom doing .. nothing... i never use it but i can't bring myself to throw it out or donate it because it still works LOLOL.. i did a huge throw out of stuff last summer; closets, cupboards the whole 9 yards.. but the lamp.. remains. Every so often my sister will ask me... did you throw out the damn lamp yet?? But perhaps i should pass it on to someone who will at least perhaps use it or repurpose it :)
    well done you on the hidy hole cleanout!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Don't get me started on clearing stuff out! I find it very, very difficult. I've been watching the Marie Kondo programme and am really impressed with how other people can do it. Although, mostly, I think they have lovely homes to start with! But needs must, as I have lived in this house a long time, and stuff has built up, so I am making the effort. I don't want somebody (my son) to have to sort through so much stuff if/when I die (hate to say it, but it's 100% it's going to catch up with me at some point! Lol!). I have possessions that I have had since my teens too. The longer I hold on them, the more I feel I need to keep them! Well done on finishing your clear-out, Suzy! So funny about the lamp, Snooozie!

    Snooozie, I understand the seven years being a shock, but what it doesn't show is what the alternative would have been. That's seven years of caring about your health and your body, and preventing the consequences of doing nothing. I know none of us have been perfect with our diets over the past few years, but I think just logging into MFP shows that we are keeping it in mind and trying. I hope you're not being too hard on yourself, and I love that you have come round to see it as inspiration instead!

    Actually, the thing that struck me about the seven years (I'm coming up to that particular annivesary too!) is that unfortunately it's seven years of getting older too! And at a particular time of change (over menopause). Everything is likely to have got worse - I'm sure we would expect to see worse blood results, possibly weight gain, definitely muscle loss, decreased fitness, increased disease risk, etc. etc. just as the natural course of things. Anything we've done to fight against that, including just maintenance, is a bonus! Some things are going to get worse regardless (I'm told my kidney results will naturally get worse with age), but we've maybe slowed progress of some of the worst of it.

    Suzy, I love your point about knowing what XYZ tastes like, to saving the indulgence for something else! I'll try to keep that one in mind!

    Milove, I hope the work stress eases up a bit. It's so difficult when you have that going on, and I feel it does affect your sleep, your eating, everything.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail thanks as well for the reminder that I didn't waste all of those 7 years; and I think part of my wallowing moments was also realizing the age part..that I was 7 years older too! and of course with that getting older have come more of the icks associated with plain old aging, let alone the joys of menopause and the other goodies you mentioned lol... but you're right that no matter what, we've done something over these past years to try to slow the progress and some is always better than nothing! And doing more.. is my focus now! I have to fast after dinner tonite til 2pm tomorrow when I have a gastro test my doc has scheduled to see if they can find out why my iron levels are so low... they had also scheduled a colonoscopy but after seeing the endo doc, she decided to wait on that as I had one barely 3 years ago which was fine.... so since the fast/test also happens to be on the last day of January, I am ready to jump into February with both feet, ready to work hard at getting what I want for myself this year!

    We are still in the middle of a polar votex here, bitchin cold temps (between -4 and -10F) but after spending yesterday holed up during the snowstorm that also hit, I'm going to venture out to pickleball this morning.. and I'm going to take a lesson from Gail and start doing the stairs in my building every single day.. no matter what shift I'm on I have to start moving much more than I do now,.. its a simple thing but I have to start somewhere, and I already know how little flights i can do without having to stop and rest.. so it's measurable. So better hit the shower and get my *kitten* in gear!! Rock on Hatters!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Snoozie, I totally get how you feel about the seven years...it's eight for me....but I like to think about where would I have been by now if not for MFP!! Cause I would eat whatever I wanted with no thoughts to its content...now I am more selective. I still go deeply bad , but I come up for air and eat healthy more often...and it's thanks to you all for your support.

    Great choices made by you, Suzy and Milove ........I couldn't throw out the chips for sure. and Suzy, I would have found something equally bad if what I wanted wasn't around, congrats on your loss !!! ...so kudos to you girls!!

    Vail, I fall hugely in the overeater's anonymous group. I can't stop at night until I am so full, I wish I could be bulimic...just a little bit.

    Brrrrr.....it's cold here...we just got a sprinkling of snow early yester'morning. I had Hubby wake me up to see it snowing...so pretty! especially since I knew it would be gone by suntime...
    Gotta get busy .

    Have an awesome day y'all!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Gail, I’ve got to admit that when I have overindulged and am feeling so full that I’m miserable, the whole bulimia thing crosses my mind. But if there’s anyone out there who hates hugging that porcelain bowl more than me then I just haven’t met them yet! I could never be bulimic for that one reason alone. Hahaha!

    I’m feeling a bit under the weather today and it’s dangerous territory. In the past, I’ve thought that the right combination of bad food would make me feel better. I’m trying to restrain (there’s that word again, Snoozie) myself from making bad decisions.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well, I can honestly say I'm so glad I dragged myself out into that -28C cold this morning; had a great time at PB and I played awesome - I can say that because on Monday I was terrible lol.. and while its absolutely more about moving and having fun, I admit when I play well there's a certain added satisfaction; today was the first time I've actually seen my progress from when I started and I had a blast.. i'm a little stiff cause I shouldn't have played the last game - I was pretty wiped after 2 hrs of almost non stop play but I was on a roll.. pride goes before a fall tho and the last game I sucked lol... but was still a hoot.

    As part of my recommitment to myself, I've decided i'm going to log my food for a while again; so I can get a more accurate idea of how much i'm actually eating. I've added the PB to my exercise but only at 50 calories for 2 hrs because I don't want to eat back my exercise calories.

    Suzy - I used both the "wanna see what happens" and the "restraint" word on my way home; I was starving even tho I had a good breakfast and I had pretty much convinced myself I would just grab something at a drive thru... but... there weren't any nearby lol... and altho I confess I actually considered driving out of my way, that's when I used the two reminders and I came home and had leftovers instead. I'm sorry you are under the weather today... that sucks. And I totally agree with you about the porcelain god... that's the one eating disorder I will never have to worry about because I HATE throwing up lol.. I know it's gonna be hard when you're feeling like crap to not think about bad decisions.. .but you've done SO great this year.. don't let the icks derail you if you can help it - you've been consistent in your choices and the results have been spectacular so hang in there!!

    Gail - how's your beautiful little grandbaby doing?? and I totally agree.. I dont even want to think about where i'd be if I hadn't come here "all that time ago"!

    ok off to shower and keep moving...!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    She's doing wonderfully!! already up to 8.7 lbs 21 inches that's a 2.2 lb gain and almost 2 inches in a little over a month. I am so lucky they are in the house still...so I can see her regulary ...it's going to be tough when they move out in the next 5 years or so.....hahahaha
    It's so amazing how much you can love something that much....
    and (it breaks my <3 when I read about the New York abortion decision....) : (

    I'm so glad you have found such a great outlet as your pickle ball games ... stress relief, energy expended...total goodness!

    Yea, I'm not one to want to throw up, If I even think I' m going to ,then I won't eat anything....come to think of it...it would be a great diet for me ...so I wouldn't eat anything. lol .....if they could bottle throw up feelings in a pill or something( don't they call that Ipecac Syrup or something close to that)

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited February 2019
    I’m looking forward to being a granny someday...in the future...years from now. Hahaha! My daughter has been married for almost five years and is thinking about getting pregnant this summer. She’s a teacher and she wants to deliver around spring break next year. I just laugh and tell her that you can’t always plan these things to that degree.

    I’ve discovered a “senior” hiking club in my area. All people around my age (I refuse to consider myself a senior yet!). They hike twice a week (Wednesday and Friday) for 4 to 6 miles. I’m planning on joining them starting next week. I’m pretty excited about meeting some new people and getting out there.

    I went over my calories total today. Oh well. It’s less than 100 calories though. I made a big pot of beef stew and it was so good that I overate. It’s what we’ve been talking about. I did stop myself from finishing my huge bowl, so I was pleased with that. Unfortunately I’m recording my weight tomorrow and am not expecting to see much (if any) loss but it’s been pretty steady so I’m not going to stress on it.

    We’re hoping to actually go hiking this weekend and I’m so ready to get out and push myself!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - great news about the hiking club!!! my friend joined a nordic walking group and got some new friends out of it along with the exercise!! And I know what you mean about the "senior" thing... at PB they at least call it "older adult PB" (55+) but everywhere else it's "senior" this and that... don't they know the new 60 is 50, etc etc ?? lol there's nothing for us "in betweeners" under 65!! I hope you really enjoy and keep us posted!! As for your weigh in, I think you may just see a loss - but if not, as you said you've been doing so awesome and keeping it steady, You'll know your doing great and the next weigh in betcha the woosh factor will kick in!!

    You may have gone over your cals, but if it was beef stew i'm assuming it was full of veggies too - so you got extra of those!! I had to fast for 24 hrs - and no liquids for the last 8 and weirdly when i got home from my gastroscopy i wasn't at all hungry.. i was "jonesing" for a coffee tho lol... i had a small piece of leftover fish from last nite and a 1/4 of a potato left..then about an hour later i WAS hungry so i had a bowl of oatmeal. But figures - i just started logging yesterday and today it told me it wouldnt post my completed diary cause it was too low in cals and it "tsk tsk" ed me lol... but that's ok i know i logged everything.

    I just made up a shepherds pie with a bit of lean ground beef and a lot of frozen veg - that will keep me going for the next 2 days back to work. I figured if i made it up tonite i could maybe hit pickleball tomorrow morning before work .. but its still so freaken cold out i dunno; i'll play it by ear and see how i feel in the morning i'm pretty wiped tonite. Thankfully they put you under completely for that test; i woke up in the recovery room and asked for a glass of wine but all i got was gingerale... :'(

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Ugh, well at least it’s over with. I hate any kind of medical test or exam but the ones where you fast and get put under are not pleasant. Be kind to yourself tonight and let your body catch up.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    100 calories over with healthy food sounds like a success to me! When I was calorie counting, I felt that the calorie limit was a ballpark figure rather than a line that must not be crossed! If you're aiming for that as an average intake, then likely half the days will be under and half will be over. Also, if you have a deficit of say, 500 calories, then you still have a deficit of 400 calories if you eat over by 100. You are doing fantastically! I'm wondering if I should copy you and start counting again. Although I do think it's an absolute pain if you home cook everything. All that weighing and measuring.

    The hiking group sounds great. There is one here too, and I've been debating whether to join - actually there is more than one and I'm looking for one that is on a day that I can do and the least challenging. I don't want to hold everybody back! It's difficult to tell with a "senior" group (it's not called that, but it's for retired people, or semi-retired like me). I see people who are a lot older AND a lot fitter than me, but also others who are struggling with mobility and health conditions but want to get outdoors. I've also joined an app for women hikers, but again the same dilemma, as most of the people seem younger. Maybe I'll just arrange an easy walk myself and see if anyone comes along! Anyway, I would love to know how your "senior" group goes. You are a very experienced hiker, so I imagine you don't have to worry about the ability level! And I suppose if it's a bit below your level, it might still be fun.

    Love the news about your granddaughter, Gail. It must be lovely (if sometimes hard work, I'm sure!) having her so close. Lovely for her too :).

    I hope your gastroscopy was OK, Snooozie. Funny that you weren't hungry after. I've found that with fasting - it really does seem to be true that if you don't eat at all you stop feeling hungry. It doesn't make any sense, but there it is. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Maybe it's the anaesthetic making you tired?

    Lots of snow here too! I want to go out and stomp about in it, but have to wait in today!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - I totally understand your apprehension about not wanting to hold everyone back - i think it's something we all struggle with a bit. I felt the same way about trying PB.. I thought there is no way in hell i'm gonna be able to run around a court.. I can't run 20 feet without having to stop the breathe! No one was more surprised than me to find I could keep up tho.. and my Nordic walking friend felt the same way but found 2 of the group who walked at her pace and they just let the others go ahead.. and now she walks with just those 2 on another day of the week... so I hope you can find one that works for the right day and challenge you want to at least try it out :)

    And I'm not going to lie I am not thrilled with counting the cals again or logging, but i'm committed to it for at least a week just to see what i'm consuming. I'm holding onto the "restraint" and "I wanna see" mottos tightly as well ..

    And yep it was weird not feeling hunger - but once I ate something it started off a chain reaction lol. I did have some crackers and pb around 10pm but it was out of hunger not boredom for a change :)

    Since I'm up anyway I'm going to head to pickleball this morning; even tho it's still soooo freaken cold I know once I get there i'll be fine. The gastroscopy was fine; they did a few biopsy things..one in the upper bowel and one in the stomach I think... cause apparently you can't see bacteria (been a long time since high school science for me) so they have to do that and test it.. so I go back in a month to see her.. she did give me a prescription and wrote on the sheet "gastritis" which I googled... its an inflammation of the stomach lining and I don't know if the script is to treat that or something else.. but at the consult when I told her I had been popping ibuprofen like candy til the pharmacist told me to stop it immediately (cause it destroys the lining of your stomach AND also ups your blood pressure and blood sugar.. gak!) that's when she decided to just go with the gastro test and hold off on the colonoscopy unless needed later.. the script is for some form of antibiotic from what I could gather. Anyway i'll get that filled later today and fingers crossed that'll solve whatever probs in that area!

    ok.. time to get my butt in gear... keep up the good work ladies and Suzy.. fingers crossed for today that the scale recognizes your hard work - if it doesn't, slap it silly and shove it under the bed til next week LOL..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, it’s funny....after all this time, I still don’t consider myself an experienced hiker. I’m pretty slow, especially on the uphills. The group leader says that they average three miles an hour but do slow down on the hills. Hopefully I’ll fit right in and find some like minded people. I’m going on Wednesday.

    Luckily the scale did show a bit of a loss this morning, so I was pretty pleased. I sure don’t drop the pounds as quickly as I used to. Read another article yesterday about the importance of weight training and building/keeping muscle mass. I’m going to focus on that this month. I’m really going to try and get a good routine going for being more active. Snoozie, I’m so impressed with your pickle ball! Milove, are you still taking the stairs? Vail, I think you should try one of the groups. I’m willing to bet that there will be others just like you there. You just never know until you try!

    We’re walking tomorrow morning with our daughter and her husband. It’s going to be cold but sunny!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Have a lovely walk tomorrow, Suzy! Hopefully the walking will keep you warm! And good luck with the group on Wednesday. I'm definitely looking at my local groups - might just have to give it a go. I do have friends who walk/hike, but they all have walking partners already and I don't feel I can invite myself along - especially if I'm slow! Do let us know how your group goes.

    Talking of strength training, this is the strength workout I did today - I'll see if I can post it.
    I sometimes just do my own exercises, sometimes use kettlebells or weights (my days of lifting really big weights are over, I think). I have a few books on strength training too. But often I just look for a video. This one was new to me, nice simple exercises, with modifications if necessary, but I really felt I'd done something by the end!

    I'm glad your gastroscopy was OK, Snooozie. I have gastritis too - well, I would have if I wasn't on medication for it. And yes, it's medication related! But unfortunately, I have to be on the medication that causes it, so I'm on medication for the side effects of my medication - lol! Such is the world of the older person. I hope your medication - I know they give antibiotics if you have a particular bacteria (helicobacter pylori) but I think they also usually give something for the acid.

    I tried joining you ladies in counting calories yesterday. It absolutely drove me nuts! If you search for just one thing you get what seems to be hundreds of results. And loads of brand names, most of which I've never heard of! I just want to know the calories for 100g of whatever! But there are lots of different measurements - portion sizes, cups, ounces, etc. The app is supposed to make it easy, but it's so complicated! Oh well, I think I got a very rough estimate and believe I was at a deficit, which is the main thing.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I went to a baby shower today and was so proud of myself for NOT over indulging in all the yummy treats. I ate fruit and veggies, a few finger sandwiches and a very, very, minuscule piece of cake. I kept silently chanting, “I will not give up!”

    Logging calories is definitely not a science, Vail. I tend to look at all the possibilities and pick one that’s in the middle of the ranges listed. You can change the unit of measure and I do that a lot. For example, one cup of zucchini means nothing to me; I always find one that is in ounces or grams. I know it’s an estimate at best. That’s one reason why I don’t eat back my exercise calories and try to always come in under my daily goal.

    We’re hoping to actually go hiking tomorrow!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wow, Suzy, you've really got it in hand! I find social occasions more difficult - partly feeling I need to eat to be polite, and partly using it as an excuse to eat - lol! I will have to keep that mantra in my head too. And be careful I don't say it out loud. You are so right to be proud of yourself! I'm proud of you too!

    I did pretty well yesterday and was logging (roughly), but I ended up staying up late as I had to pick my son up and having a snack late at night - absolutely no need for it, and I used the fact I was up late as an excuse. I know I did. I will keep "I will not give up" in my head next time! Today will be a better day!

    Yes, I know the logging is never going to be exact, and I did find it useful years ago. It's just that the MFP database has expanded so much since I first started using it. I agree about the cup, and who can be bothered to chop it all up and push it into a cup anyway, when you can just stick it on the scale? But as an example, I've looked up zucchini and these are the first ones that come up on my app:
    • Cooked, 1 squash
    • Steamed 1 oz
    • Zucchini spaghetti 0.3cup
    • Ameriserve 0.5 cup
    • FitzVogt 0.5 cup
    • Sauted 0.5 cup
    • Fritter 4 pcs
    • Roasted 0.5 cup
    • Baby raw 1oz
    • Bread Alladin 1 slice
    • Grilled Alladin 4.0 oz
    • Muffin 1 muffin
    • Roasted Sodexo Healthcare 4.0 oz
    • Frozen 0.8 cup
    • Lasagne 1.0 piece
    • Joey's 100g
    • Sliced 1.0 cup
    • Fritters Sodexo 2.0 fritters
    • Fresh 100g

    So, it's about 20 entries before I get to the straightforward one, and that's an "unverified" one. I don't even know what these Alladin, Sodexo, Joey's, Ameriserve, etc. mean. I suppose I could google but it's a pain for every entry! I just want to be able to stick my raw zucchini on the scale and find out the calories for the weight! Actually, I did use a zucchini yesterday, but I looked up "courgette" and I think there were less entries!. And after all that, it didn't have a huge amount of calories anyway - will definitely be eating more courgettes! Mushrooms are another one that tend to have less calories than I expect.

    However, I might continue for a little while as it's so long since I've tracked calories and it would be good to get an idea of what I'm eating and how close it is to what I think I'm eating - lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    hi guys! sorry i meant to post when i got home from work but i was wiped and dozed off on the couch instead lol.

    vail - thanks for the video; I watched the whole thing.. unforuntaely even with the modifications I can't do any of the ones where you are using your hands/arms to support yourself with my current shoulder prob... but I can do the others.. altho when I tried some of them I realized just how pathetic I am! I am going to start doing my resistance training with the band for the arm/shoulder again tho… I remember now my goal after physio was to be able to do a plank (and to lift myself out of the bathtub with my arm/shoulder!) so your video reminded me just how far I have to go with that, and how important it is that I start ANY ST.. so thank you!!

    As far as the logging ingredients stuff... the problem is that everyone enters their "own" ingredient and nutritional info.. without ever searching the database.. and once they do, it becomes one of the database entries.. even a stupid egg has something like 20 different entries... so I totally agree with the frustration level..

    one thing I did was use the app to scan bar codes for packaged products; way easier and no searching but of course you cant do that with any veg.. so I did somewhat the same as you; I googled "nutrition content of zucchini" say.. got the correct info.. then went thru the ones on the database and checked each one's entry (you can click on the button next to the quantity etc to see the nutritional info before choosing that one) once I found the one that was "right" I entered it in my diary.. even if I didnt eat it that day... because once its in there, I can use the "frequent" or "recent" tabs in the diary and just click on it from the day before or week before or whatever.. saves me ever having to go back to the database hunting as I kinda tend to eat most of the same things veggie wise..

    Also things I eat frequently, say a tuna sandwich.. I go to "meals" and put all the stuff in; the bread, mayo, pickle, tuna, etc) and lump it all as one meal called "tuna sandwich" .. that way I just have to click on the meal itself to enter it.. saves a lot of time and I can edit if I didnt add the pickle or whatever easily .. but you could easily do the same with just a veg.. enter "mushrooms" when you get the one you want as a meal... and courgettes...

    And last but not lleast… the recipe thing is pretty good if you have some that you make a lot.. you can enter it just by the link if it's an online recipe, or build it yourself ingred by ingred.. I just entered a recipe I made this morning called wine chicken.. just plugged in all the ingreds and quantities and voila.. it didnt take long as you dont have to type the amounts.. just chicken/dry sherry/etc.. and it matches the ingreds and u choose the amounts etc. and again once its in there... way easier to pull up .. also if you click on my diary for example and click on my "wine chicken" entry I think it will take you to the recipe itself that I created... and you can import it into your own (not to say you'd want to with this recipe lol.. I just mean if you see a recipe on someone elses diary you want to try or make, you can easily import it directly into yours.. just be careful tho as I sometimes dont bother to correct MFP's entries for the spices.. I noticed they resort to 1 tsp all the time and if its' a spice I dont bother changing it to 1/2 tsp )

    like the rest of you, I know it's not exact but I have found that ones that have been "verified" by the MFP peeps have green tick marks next to them in the list when you search an ingred.. so I tend to go to them first... and also for me I know its not perfect but im using it to get an idea of how much I am actually eating... so I assume a 200 cal differential most days :)

    ok.. i just went back and re read your post and realized you said on your "app".. i did all the stuff above on the desktop version of MFP on my laptop... so i went to the app (cause i use it on my phone) .. and searched "egg" .. but i see there is no green tick next to any on the app.. as well i can still choose from my meals and my recipes on the app, but i dont see how you create a meal or recipe on it... so all the stuff above may be of no use to use lol.. altho im sure there must be a way to do it on the app as well..

    Suzy! Awesome score on the shower choices!! well done you!! woo to the hoo! hope you get good enuf weather to get out for that hike tomorrow!!

    ps. Vail - i "googled" nutritional value of 1/2 cup raw zucchini" and got this back.. so i would try to find one in the database of mfp that matched this and then just enter 0.50 for the quantity.. and once you've done that it will reappear in your "recents" all the time so no more searching ... dunno if that would work for you but maybe if you just took a few minutes and did it with most of the veg you regularly eat would save you some headaches down the road... :)

    Zucchini - 1 cup, chopped raw

    Nutrition Facts
    Serving Size: 1 cup, chopped (124grams)

    Amount Per Serving
    Calories from Fat 3.6
    Calories 21

    % Daily Value*
    Total Fat 0.4g

    Saturated Fat 0.1g

    Trans Fat 0g

    Cholesterol 0mg

    Sodium 9.9mg

    Potassium 324mg

    Total Carbohydrates 3.9g

    Dietary Fiber 1.2g

    Sugars 3.1g
    Protein 1.5g

    Vitamin A
    Vitamin C
    * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
    Nutritionix App

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Yes!!! To everything that Snoozie just said about logging! I do it all on the app on my phone. I rarely use my laptop for MFP anymore.

    I woke up with a raging headache and sore throat, so no hiking for me today. I think all those days of headaches and feeling under the weather finally came to a head. I’m taking it easy and working on vacation plans on my laptop today. Meanwhile, my hubby went hiking without me. :( Even though I’m not feeling well I feel guilty that I’m not going with him. I know that’s silly but whatevs.

    Hopefully I’ll be 100% tomorrow.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    There's no "sad face" option for your post Suzy - but i'm sorry you're feeling under the weather... and honestly I think just chilling and giving your body a chance to boost its immune system which is obviously under fire is a good thing! Remember rest and relaxation is just as important to us at this stage of the game for our mental/physical health!

    i didn't have enuf food to bring to work so i had to grab a 6" turkey sub on the way in.. but i loaded up the veg (spinach, tomato, cucumber,green peppers) and mustard instead of mayo and was still only 4 cals over so i can live with that. Unfortunately my turn signal lights went out on the way in so i'll have to hit the mechanics in the morning instead of pickleball. boo hiss lol. :smile: