

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019
    suzy i'm so happy for you - sounds like you absolutely made conscious choices to what you wanted and didnt want, and what you did choose sounds scrumptious.. holy moly 7 miles.. lol um ya id say id be ok with that day too!! so happy for you - well done, WELL DONE!

    It better be true that shivering burns more calories.. we had our first major snowstorm over the weekend so driving in and out of the city was not the most fun i've ever had!! but the freezing cold temps.. its -38C tonite.. I think that's around -22F ? that I just can't get warm... all I want to do is sit.. which of course leads to eating!!

    BUT.. I have been very good at not eating any crap... sticking with meat and veg and one cookie a day... I made a shepherds pie for work lunches and dinenrs.. and scooped out the roasted acorn squash I had done and spread that on top instead of potatos.. (it was very good btw lol).. and tonite I did a pork tenderloin in the crock pot and had fish for dinner.. but I am eating more thru the day.. which is ok I guess as i'm expending more energy at work than when I get home.. because I literally go from home to work and back again and climb into my flannel jammies!! I can't do any pickleball on days as its all 9am-12 or 12-2pm so i'm not moving once i'm home.. I have been taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator tho and walking around the building as often as possible... so I doubt if i'm gonna show a loss this week but I am happy that I am eating "well" if too much - i'm not giving up on me!!

    off to turn on my electric blanket so when I crawl into bed my teeth chattering wont keep me awake!! ha...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Fantastic choices, Suzy! And the asparagus and shrimp sounds nicer than the baked potato anyway. Your choices sound good too, Snooozie. Mine have been OK - I had some greek yoghurt with linseed and cardamom for brunch, then a kale and quinoa burger (no bun) with stir-fried veg for tea. (The burger was a readymade one - I'd been meaning to have prawns but forgot to defrost them!).

    I can't imagine driving in a snowstorm! Be careful! Maybe your car is better prepared for snow than mine is - lol! -38C sounds unbelievable cold! My heating packs in if it goes much below freezing. I hope you're warm at home :).
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    OMG!!!! Anything below 40 degrees and I’m freezing! I can’t even imagine going out in weather that cold. My husband bought me an electric throw for just sitting in my living room because I get so cold. It was in the low 40’s when we walked yesterday and I was second guessing our intelligence for being out in it. Hahaha!

    Vail, I’m so impressed with your food choices. I wish I knew how to make more interesting meals with veggies and healthy grains/proteins. I need to spend time looking up recipes but I get so overwhelmed and give up. Plus I have so many projects on my to do list that by dinner time I just want to make something easy. I need to make it a priority...just look up one or two recipes a day or something. I’ve had a box of quinoa in my pantry for months and have no idea how to use it.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i wish we had a "hahahaha" button along with the others - cause suzy your quinoa story made me laugh!! I bought some of that .. arboro rice? I dont even remember what its called exactly.. kind of a pearly small rice? ...but the box of THAT is also sitting in my pantry til I figure out why I bought it in the first place!! I think it was for a risotto once upon a time LOL..
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Doing well,

    I enjoyed the above read

    I was doing stretching and planks. Resources say not to do crunches anymore, just stick to the planks.

    I was also taking stairs at work instead of elevator as much as possible.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done, Milove! I do think stairs are really good exercise - and they've got to be a kind of strength exercise too, as you're lifting your body weight. If I'm really stuck for what to do sometimes I just go up and down the stairs a few times, lol!

    So funny about the arborio rice and the quinoa. I tend to do that too. I've had chia seeds hanging about for ages, and barely used them. I also have quinoa - I HAVE used it, but I'm not a big fan. I find the seeds/grains are too small for my liking, and a bit bland. But I feel healthier having it in the cupboard, lol! :D

    Don't be too impressed by my food, Suzy! I'm completely with you on meals needing to be easy at the end of the day! I didn't make the burger - I bought a freezer pack of them. So not much cooking or imagination involved! Tonight I'm having a fishcake, which I admit I bought readymade (wanted to eat some fish, and was looking for the cheapest options!) with salad. And earlier I had a pizza craving, and made one with a wholemeal flour tortilla - just spread it with tomato puree, and added some salami, spinach, cheese garlic, oregano and stuck it in the oven. It made a passable thin and crispy pizza for not very many calories (I had half of one) and the minimum of effort.

    I do like new recipes sometimes, but I tend to get flustered if there's a lot of ingredients and instructions, so I tend to adapt things I already know.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hahaha! Feel healthier having it in the cupboard!!! Very funny!

    Great idea on the wholemeal tortilla for a crust! Why haven’t I thought of that?! I’m going to try it!

    I’m making chicken and veggie enchiladas for dinner. I sauté red bell pepper, onion and zucchini then brown some ground chicken with it. I use fat free cheese and corn tortillas. It cuts down on calories and I can eat three for about 600 calories. If I don’t have enough calories left for the day then I eat half and a small salad. I’m so hungry right now!!!! I got busy and forgot to eat lunch.

    Milove, stairs are a great workout and kudos on doing the planks. Such a simple exercise that works the whole body!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I went through the entire day watching what I am eating. I bought lunch at work only ate half of it saved the other half for dinner and then I wasn't satisfied and what did I do ate potato chips right before going to bed. That is why it is so difficult for me to lose the weight.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    We’ve all been there Milove. Don’t look at it as a failure. It was a moment, it’s over, move on and stay positive. Look at it this way, at least you did well all day!

    I weighed in today and am down 1.4 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race! Unfortunately, my updates aren’t posting to the newsfeed. I’ve uninstalled, updated, used my laptop...nothing. Oh well. So I’m down 8.4 since the new year. I know I won’t be able to maintain this rate of loss but I’m pretty stoked anyway!!!

    It’s cold and I’ve been avoiding exercise like it’s the plague. I keep finding big juicy rationalizations for why I can’t make it to the gym. I’ve decided that I’ve been concentrating on getting my calories under control in January so February’s goal will be incorporating exercise. How’s that? Hahaha! But seriously...that will be my goal for next month.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019
    Suz - 1.4 down this week and 8.4 since the new year???? FREAKEN AWESOME woman!!! i cant believe the stooopid newfeed wont work JUST when you want it to???? craperoo keep trying!! because you have done so fabulous and so well it better show on there!!

    Seriously … you have done great.. and as we know, losing weight is 80% in the fork and 20% in the gym... and being consistent and committed... and you must be over the moon because you and your fork have been rocking it!! So happy for you - congratulations!!!

    Milove - as suzy said and to reiterate "there is no bad food" - maybe pop back and read the post when we started this years thread...about getting away from the head games we play when we eat something we think is not great...? all you did was have some chips... and just as a reminder from that post?

    "I I don’t need to atone for my sins at a gym. I don’t need to work off X number of calories or hit the pavement for 30 minutes longer because I ate a cookie or four.

    I don’t need to punish myself in any way. I don’t need to bash myself .

    We don’t have to feel ashamed or disappointed. We don’t have to feel guilty. We don’t have to get angry with ourselves because, again, we didn’t do anything wrong.

    Normal eating is flexible. Some days we’ll crave an apple. Other days we will crave an apple pie. Still on other days we might want both, and having both (or one) doesn’t make us a bad person or a bad decision-maker. We don’t need to earn the right to eat certain foods. We know what we want for ourselves and we know the choice is ours as to what we eat, but we never need to punish ourselves over any food. "

    So as suzy said - it was just normal eating -and yes if we want to lose the weight we do have to "moderate" the amounts of food, and aim for healthier choices, but there will always be days... but we never ever have to punish ourselves for any specific choice :smile:
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I made pizza again for dinner tonight. Someone had recommended using a whole wheat wrap for the crust. Was that you, Vail? Anyway...I did that tonight. 50 calories for the “crust!” It was absolutely delish! Chicken, mushrooms, onion, fat free cheese...very filling and all for under 400 calories! Awesome!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Milove, we've all been there. Or at least I have, many, many, many times. I think you should congratulate yourself on eating well all day, apart from the blip at the end! My weak point is the evening, and if I can get through that ... I have various strategies, one of which is (don't laugh) going to bed earlier - as I sometimes do very well up until the last minute, so if I get to bed and read before that last minute. But I really like what Suzy and Snooozie said above about "normal" eating, and of course it's perfectly normal to have a snack in an evening sometimes!

    Suzy, congratulations! That is seriously an incredible loss! I think this is where MFP is sometimes hard on us - it touts 2lb a week as a "normal" loss, when in fact it's very hard to achieve routinely. 8.4lb in less than a month is completely amazing! Love the idea of making calories your goal this month, and gym your goal next month. I think you may have a point about concentrating on one goal at a time. The app I'm using for habits does say not to have too many goals at once, just to concentrate on a couple of simple ones (so of course I keep adding in more goals and changing them, because I don't listen) and track it for, I think 66 days to form a habit. Anyway, I think for the weight loss, the eating is the main thing, and you've got that impressively under control!

    Yes, the wrap as a pizza base was my idea! I do make a great homemade pizza base, but I find variations on readymade bread work well - pitta bread, etc. - the best here in the UK is readymade naan bread. I think because it's cooked in a very hot oven it tastes more like pizza base. Anyway, a wholewheat wrap isn't quite as nice as naan, but it still feels like a treat, I think! I'm so glad you liked it!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m having my daughter and her husband over for dinner tonight to celebrate his 30th birthday. I’ve saved up enough calories to indulge in a cupcake. My husband was saying that he might have a beer and I thought, hmmmm...maybe I’ll have a glass or two of wine. Which would totally blow my calories for the day. But then I didn’t have any wine and I was saved! Yay! Close call!!! :D
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Lol, Suzy! Great planning too. I would probably have thought "Well, I decided to have the wine and there wasn't any, so now I can have x instead". Well done for avoiding that sort of thinking! I hope you enjoyed the evening :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019
    an interesting short video.... thoughts?

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I think it’s spot on, Snoozie. We talked about this idea of remembering how it feels to be over full and this is along those same lines. Restraint is being able to remember that feeling, realizing how you’ll feel/what will happen if you over indulge. I’m really working on the ability to realize when my hunger is satiated and stopping right then and there. If that means taking home half my meal or throwing out half my plate then so be it. I’d rather waste food then have it go to my waist!

    People who are in control of their weight and who have a healthy relationship with food don’t eat until they’re uncomfortable....or at least I like to think they don’t.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I think it's true that you have to be able to control your intake.

    Funnily enough, I don't tend to eat until I'm overfull. It's very, very rare that happens, and I don't like the feeling. I tend to cook myself small portions. I think my problem is more with "incidental" eating. I'll pick at things while I'm cooking, for instance.

    I have been having the dialogue in my mind that the video talks about, particularly in the evenings! I've been thinking that I could have whatever it is, but if I don't, I'll be glad that I didn't. I have to admit, the feeling of being glad that I didn't might not quite match up to how much I'd enjoy that food, but it's something ... and makes me feel that I'm started off the next day on a better foot.

    It's like I used to say about drinking - you never ever regret NOT having that extra drink! You don't wake up the next morning and think "If only I'd had one more glass of wine"! It's always the other way round. So if there's any doubt, err on the side of not having it - lol! The next day you'll be glad you did! So I'm trying to apply that to food, I suppose. Of course it's tempting and I want it, and there's almost a compulsion sometimes as if I've got to have it. Even to the extent of feeling I want to rush and get something before I change my mind! But although it feels like it's the right thing for me to do now, it won't in retrospect. I will never look back a couple of hours later, or the next day, and think "I wish I'd eaten that while I had the chance"!

    Of course, occasionally, I might. I went out for a posh meal last weekend, and I now really regret not having a dessert because it was a one-off occasion and I would have enjoyed the experience. But that's rare!

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I threw the bag of chips out, why buy a big bag of chips if you are going to be tempted. uhh

    Such a stressful day at work, Vail, I took that second glass of wine. No guilt on that last night nor this morning. However usually I do feel guilty.

    I am a little weak right now with food, I lost the battle yesterday but I will go back in the ring again today and start back the fight. That is all I can do.

    I found below read interesting: I hope it goes to the page if you want to read it.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I agree Vail. I rarely regret not eating something but then mentally beat myself up when I do give in or overindulge. When faced with a temptation, I’m trying to tell myself that I already know what XYZ tastes like so save it for something you’ve never had before.

    Milove, good for you for throwing out those chips! Stress is a trigger for me as well. Choosing to have an extra glass of wine isn’t that bad. My problem with wine is that after I’ve had a glass or two, I throw all restraint out the window and start grazing.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019
    I liked the video myself and it was a good reminder as I too have had the "compulsion" moments.. i've even gotten dressed at 11pm and gone out for a bag of chips (not to mention paying the earth for them at a convenience store).. so the behavioural aspect in recognizing I do actually need to use "restraint" for those moments was a light bulb moment.

    Today I got this in my e-mail:


    and for a little while it plummeted me into a big old funk... alli could think of was 7 friggin years here.. and im still not where i want to be weight and health wise. SEVEN YEARS. omg.. honestly it was not a good moment for me when i opened it cause of course i associated all the negative emotions i could find to it.. guilt, remorse, feeling like i wasted all this time, the "if onlys" yada yada yada....

    however, after allowing myself to wallow for a bit... and admitting to myself that i have no one to "blame" for not having achieved what i wanted in that time, except me... and I decided I need to take it as a positive wake up call instead. Like the wake up call that brought me here in the first place 7 years ago. I'd forgotten that.. and i allowed the drive to get what i want when i started, to slide into complacency over those years. But I haven't given up - I'm still here!! And I appreciate you guys being here and listening (and letting me vent lol) and supporting me all this time more than you know.. !!

    Suzy - score on the wine save :) and well done you on working on the "satiated" moment; eating just til the hunger is appeased. Vail - i'm like you if i didn't have any wine i probably would have tried to talk myself into having x instead!

    Vail - i liked your line about comparing it to the drinking - altho i rarely indulge in any alcohol anymore (just because i rarely make a real dinner which is normally when i'd have some wine) i can remember that feeling of excess.. and the tummy overfull uncomfortable feeling too! Wish that came in a perfume bottle so i could jsut take a sniff when i was tempted and then have it all come back to me to say no!

    Milove- sorry youre having a stressful time at work - and there is nothing wrong with a second glass of wine as a choice.. that article was interesting for sure!