

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters - well after all the squash talk picked up an acorn squash for dinner tonite along with some fish; being a lazy cook I can just cut it in half and toss it on the cookie sheet with the fish; maybe i'll slice a small potato and throw it on there too.. yep the height of lazy ha!!

    I've been doing pretty well with making better choices; still have had a few moments in the evenings of mindless munching but realized last nights was strictly from boredom. There were a million things I could have (and should have) done around here but I didn't - and even tho most of the munching were "better" choices (the orange) I found a handful of Hershey almond kisses still left around... good news is they are gone from the house now o:)
    I'm not at all miffed at myself tho as i made the choice to eat them and i'm fine with it.. there are gonna be some days where i choose less healthy options and that's ok; i am just working on making sure when i do those will be actual mindful choices, and not mindless ones :)

    I read an article last night about losing weight after 50 .. we've all read so many and heard so many ideas and reasons why it's harder, and of course the infamous "we're not snowflakes" its no different after 50.. but this article was simply pointing out that as we age and our metabolism slows down from menopausal hormonal changes and just aging itself, and that we get more aches and pains after 50 which tends to make us move less instead of more.. that NOT changing anything after menopause (either calories in/out or not moving more) can easily add 10 lbs a year simply because our metabolism has actually slowed.. and we haven't changed any of our routine to accommodate that slower burn. It talked about the DOT idea (DOT = do one thing) (as an example, if you have a couple of soft drinks every day, drop it to one a day, saving about 200 cals a day = 1/2 lb a week loss. I guess it just made me realize that I really do have to take in less calories a day now if i want to even just stay at my current weight.. and/or increase my physical activity in bits and pieces, without upping my food intake to see a loss. And yes i know we all know this stuff lol... i guess reading it just made me realize that i still eat pretty much the same "amount" of food as i always have and that i'll have to look more at actually eating less.. not going hungry, but as we've discussed, hunger is somewhat a stranger to me to be honest.. i commonly just eat because its time for breakfast or lunch or dinner, not necessarily because i'm hungry. And i still tend to think of dinner as the biggest meal - while lunch may be a salad or sandwich, dinner is usually a full plate in my world still. So i guess it all boils down to it was just a good reminder for me that my body is changing and i have to change some habits along with!

    We had a gorgeous day yesterday; about 50F and the sun was shining so hit the lake with a friend and walked for an hour; a good mental health break in the winter! I will head down later today when it warms up a bit for another stroll but I need to tackle some housework around here today.. blech.. but at least i'll burn a few calories as we all know housework beat out the gym rats for calories burned! lolol have a good day hatters!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Something you wrote really resonated with me. I’m still eating the same amount of food. I’m really going to cut back on my portion size at dinner time. My husband could benefit from eating less, as well. I know we’ve discussed this here before but it just didn’t stay in the forefront of my little hungry mind. I have two sizes of plates so I’m going to start using the smaller size.

    I also need to get back to a weekly exercise routine. I have a friend (same age) who is extremely active and very health conscious with her eating. She isn’t overweight by my standards but she wants to lose to a certain weight. She hasn’t seen any results for years until she really changed her workouts. She has always been an exerciser so she had to up her game considerably. I need to wrap my mind around that. I’ve never been a big exercise junkie and can’t see myself doing hardcore workouts. I need to find something that works for me.

    I’m feeling good about this journey. I’ve passed up some nighttime snacking by remembering that I want to see what happens if I don’t give up!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I'm like you Suzy - it kinda hit me reading it too that my meals are still pretty much the same size as always even if they are better choices, but my body doesnt need as much food period to even just maintain my weight.. let alone lose some unless as you said, the exercise gets kicked up. I'd like to do that just for the purely physical benefits, having been sedentary most of my life i am only just starting to realize my parts are seizing up more and more now... im going to start doing some of the online classical stretch videos again to start slowly trying to get everything used to moving more... so that's on the agenda for sure but for the moment i'm going to focus more on the amount of my plate each meal.. and thru the day.. if i'm simply eating it all to "finish the plate" or because i'm actually still hungry...

    love your new sign by the way! huge kudos on passing on some night time snacks by using our 2019 motto (courtesy of you!) and i bet it does indeed feel good!!! Well done you!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019

    just posting this here because we're on page 2 now.. and i wanna see it every day when we log in! :) I'm going to see if i can change our icon at the top of the group to this tho….
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Love seeing this icon! It resonates with me so much! I still eat everything on my plate whether I am full or not...even when I size down...I eat to be eating! not out of hunger...hardly ever.
    It's go to change!! If I am going to change. This evening I ate at 3:30, so I wouldn't be so full at bedtime. This sounds great, but when Hubby wanted to eat at the Hibachi place, I didn't tell him I had already eaten 'cause he would have just found something at home.....didn't want him to do that, so I ordered some small plates instead of a huge meal ….tried not to eat all of them as I usually would have. Not the best I could have done , but much better than usual... Usually I would have ordered the big meal and wolfed down a lot of the small plate stuff...so there is change!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    1 hour old
    Isabella Leigh!

    edited for : Sorry it is so huge….not sure how to downsize them
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    3 days old and taken Mimi's heart captive.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oh what a beauty!! Welcome to the world Isabella!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    She’s beautiful and such a blessing! Congratulations again, Mimi!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2019
    sooooo pickleball started up again after the holidays this afternoon; my tummy had been a bit off so i didn't eat before i went (had a late breakfast tho) however after 2 hrs of play (yep overdid it lol) it was 5pm before I left and I was starving .. I had to drive by 2 burger places on the short drive home and I swear I desperately wanted to stop and just grab a burger and fries.. I was tired and starving and starting to hurt lol... but I didn't stop.. I admit i almost did.. I even moved into the left turn lane to go in.. but while waiting for a break in traffic i kept thinking of our motto for this year (which i had been thinking about the whole way home while i was contemplating the stop... and trying to justify it to myself cause ya know, i was tired.. and hungry.. but then i said NO.. pulled back into traffic and came home and made fish and a small potato and some carrots .. IPOM!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie!!! That’s awesome!!! Good for you! I know how hard it is when you’re tired and hungry...especially after doing some exercise! I usually start rationalizing it that I “deserve” that treat. I’m really proud of you for not giving up! I have to admit that our motto has helped me a few times the last two days.

    Don’t give up! Never give up!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    @Time2LoseWeightNOW Thank you for the baby pictures, Gail! What a gorgeous little girl she is! I'm so pleased for you :).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning hatters

    Well, we're a full week into the new year today... how's everyone been finding it going with your goals/plans for getting what you want this year?

    I've found it a bit more of a transition week than I planned.. still working on some of the challenges I know I have. I'm pleased that i've definitely made better food choices far more often, and done well with cutting down on white carbs, and i'm still working on just eating less and waiting to feel hunger... (without getting to starving like last night as that's a real danger zone for me). It helps to have our motto on my phone and here as a reminder to really see what happens if I don't give up.. staying with it and staying consistent. It's also helping that i'm really choosing healthy foods I like rather than forcing myself to eat foods that are supposedly good for me... (yes kale raises its ugly head lol). I'm still struggling a bit with night time boredom eating and starting midnights tonite I will have to really work on NOT eating just because i'm up.. I don't sleep well most nights but sleeping during the day is worse for me lol.. i'm up and down like a yo yo and I know from experience that's when I tend to head for carbs and munchies.. so i'll need to be watchful … but even though I'm not technically losing any actual pounds, I feel better mentally and physically this first week and hoping recognizing that will help get me thru any rough spots. I may need to moan or vent a bit here tho as well ha...!

    Look forward to hearing how everyone else is doing !
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited January 2019
    I’ve been doing pretty good. My eating choices have been healthy ones: skipping pasta for roasted veg, sugar free chocolate pudding instead of sweets, carrot coins instead of chips. I had a cookie last night instead of the pudding but was still under my calorie goal. I’m not eating back my exercise calories because it’s just been walking. When I start hiking again (weather and knees permitting) then I’ll eat back some of those...it’s much more strenuous. I’m eating oatmeal every morning for breakfast and wondering if those carbs will be detrimental to my efforts. You just hear so many good things about oatmeal though. Any thoughts?

    I’m putting away Christmas decorations and the tree today. I know I should go walking or to the gym but I’m still going to be running up and down stairs all day. That counts...right?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Remember housework beats gym workouts overall for calorie burns suzy.. so yep it will absolutely count!!

    Great job on making better choices - well done you!! And absolutely nothing wrong at all with a cookie or whatever now and then as we know!! As for oatmeal well i'm a big fan.. altho i'm cutting back on white carbs, oatmeal in the winter is kinda a staple for me so I won't be giving that up.. altho for me will probably try to have eggs a few times a week as well. But i'm a big fan of it personally speaking! I had a piece of whole grain toast with pb this morning as im taking a friend out for lunch for her birthday - but I already know i'm gonna have an omelette and skip the home fries - they aren't that great here and its just not worth the cals or carbs for me - whereas the one potato last night with a bit of butter and green onion tops mashed in was def a preferred choice for carbs - so delish! I am trying not to do potatoes as much of course, but when I do its gonna be only when it's worth it! :)

    I watched a really good documentary on processed foods and the crap that's really in it last night... they differientiated between different types of processed food.. i.e. cooking an egg (not processed) in a bit of butter (processed food but low processing) is fine.. or boiling a potato (not processed) compared to say Pringles.. which when they showed what was in it (I lost track of all the ingredients including red dye #401!) but pringles being a fully processed thing (not food)… and actually containing only about 0.5% potato!! but theyre potato chips supposedly!! only they actually only contain potato flakes! and the rest is a litany of chemicals and stuff,,, and yes we already know that but it was a very interesting show about cooking more using less fully processed foods and as well, showing about how the fast food places trick us into more.. the upsizing, the combos, the amount of the food, and how every town has a "restaurant row" … anyway it was just a real eye opener ..
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thank you, Vail, Suzy, & Snooze! She is something special. As are all our children.....but a grandbaby opens up a whole can of emotions.

    Snoozie...... IPOU!!!! and we are so alike!! I don't know how many times I have done that in the past.......... again , Soooo proud of you!

    Excellent on making the better choices, Suzy and they taste better than some.

    I had to quit my oatmeal , it was like my coffee...too many extras in it! lol I am learning to like it plain though, just no time to fix it in the morning. I have thought about having it for Supper sometimes.
    Off to work ,
    enjoy yourselves
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Yes, my mom called them rutabagas and that is the name in the store down here in the south. But up in Jersey it was called yellow turnip. BTW I just bought one to cook. My mom use to peel it before cooking it. I let it boil for hours and when it is tender enough I peel it and cut it up then boiled it with a little salt and butter and a few tablespoons of sugar mmmmmm
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    I also agree Gail, I like my oatmeal with the works, milk and sugar.

    Snoozie interesting read on the pringles

    Suzy, I think running up and down the stairs count, I try to do it at work as much as possible.
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Gail, your grand baby Isabella she is so beautiful and precious!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve been eating Quaker 100 calorie instant oatmeal and adding a small amount of walnuts and low sugar cranberries. I’m using unsweetened almond milk instead of milk. I’m totaling about 320 calories for breakfast. I just like something warm in the winter. I may start alternating with eggs but only a couple times a week. We’ll see how it goes.

    My daughter got tickets to see Justin Timberlake for Christmas from her husband. Great seats, too! Ka-Ching!!! He doesn’t really want to go though. So she asked me to go!!! I’m really excited! The concert is tomorrow night. Yay!!!