Nutritarian New Year!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Those recipes sound great Carla. Hope prepping goes well.

    I'm making a batch of Eat Your Greens soup today so I'll have that for dinner for several days. So that makes the plan for today:

    L - hummus and veggies stuffed in a sprouted grain pita, grapes and a few pepitas
    D - Eat Your Greens soup, spinach salad with apple and walnuts
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Afternoon is my Friday Eve. LOL I am receptionist at Cadillac...should be a busy day today...last Sunday of the least I hope it is busy.

    at work:

    Green Smoothie, Carrot/Apple Juice, Joe's Mean Green, Grapefruit, Natural PB & J on GF bread.

    at home:

    Ezekiel corn tortillas with veg refried beans tostada

    Have a good day ALL!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Batching is all done for the week. It is starting to become part of our usual routine. I'm sure by the end of the year it will be second nature.

    Mihani, have you been having 2 meals a day pretty consistently lately? How is that working for you?

    Happy Friday, Magic! Any fun plans for your days off?

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi @Mihani - Yes, I did try the pickled onions, and I love them! It's a great way to change up the raw onions I put on my big salad. Each piece of onion is a little flavor bomb!

    @magic71755 , I have been enjoying the Marie Kondo series on Netflix. I have been through ALL of my clothes, and am down now to just clothes that I love and that fit or that I will shrink into. I had 6 too-large sizes of clothes in my dresser and closet. from having lost weight this past year. Now I am tidying up other areas of the house, bit by bit. Today was scrubbing and cleaning chairs.
    Oh, and your comments about moving the temptation in your desk drawer (other person "eats like a 12 year old with no parents around") made me laugh! Good for you for getting stuff out of your space!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Glad you are enjoying your tacos, Magic!

    Carla, I rarely eat breakfast now, especially not during the week. Seems to be working well, and I find I don't get the snack cravings mid-morning when I don't eat breakfast. If I feel extra hungry in the morning I'll have some oatmeal and/or fruit though. I have no real rhyme or reason to anything I do! So impressed with your prep habit.

    Little flavor bombs is a very good description of the pickled onions Austin. I find myself missing them in my salad now if I don't get them made.

    Today was an easy day:
    S - lara bar
    L - big ol' salad
    D - Eat Your Greens soup with a couple wasa crackers, an apple
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I think skipping breakfast would work out okay for me if it wasn't for the flax seeds, Amla, and cup of blueberries that I get in there. Definitely I should skip breakfast when I'm having a muffin!

    I'm going to have to make those pickled onions one of these days. I always like to have various flavor bombs around to keep my salads interesting.

    Last night we had the Tuesday meal instead. The chickpea tabouli salad is so good. Fresh and lemony. The Arugula Kalamata Pies rock my world. The filling is onion, olives, walnuts and seasonings. I'm glad we're moving on to another plan next week because otherwise I'd just end up making these pastry pockets all of the time LOL no control.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Salad looks great Carla. I really need to try some new things myself. I try to get my chia seeds in but I don't end up with them every day not having my morning oatmeal or smoothie. A lot of times I just sprinkle them on fruit after dinner or make a chia seed pudding.

    L - big ol' salad, couple wasa crackers, plant-based yogurt (doc wants me to eat a yogurt every day while taking an antibiotic for the next two weeks)
    D - cup of eat your greens soup, an apple
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I am having a good day so far, and hope you are, too!

    B - green smoothie (spinach, cashew milk, coffee, flax seed, pomegranate powder)
    L - steamed collard greens with herbs, fresh lemon juice, garbanzo beans
    D planned to be a cup of onion/shallot/garlic soup (vegan, no oil recipe from the Bravo! cookbook), huge salad, small apple and blueberry compote

    The onion soup was my culinary adventure for the day. It's made, and I am looking forward to trying it.

    I need to make some more dressing and some more pickled onions for that salad!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Sounds really good Austin! I keep forgetting to make another batch of pickled onions then I'm sad when I'm putting together my lunch salad in the morning.

    L - big ol' salad, wasa cracker, non-dairy yogurt
    D - leftover soup, sprouted grain toast with natural peanut butter

    I also ate TWO lara bars today and a handful of walnuts. Definitely succumbed to stress/emotional eating for the first time since January 1st. Need to make sure I nip that in the bud!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    Austin, how did the soup turn out? You do great with your food!

    Mihani, I hope work gets less stressful for you soon. Fingers crossed you guys find someone to hire that's a good fit. I've had so many Lara bars that I think the unimaginable happened - they don't really appeal to me anymore! At least not when I see them in the package. (Now to deal with the other cravings for far bingeing on the others to get sick of them hasn't worked LOL).

    Joe's birthday is tomorrow and we are going out for dinner with his family. There is 1 item on the menu that at least is vegan, so I'll be getting that! I don't remember what all is in there, but it is some sort of curry that is tasty but has oil. I'm going to try eat only half and let Joe have the rest for lunch the next day. We'll have our batched Friday meal on Saturday instead.

    I love living out in the boonies for the most part, but I do miss our last place when it comes to going out for dinner. We're about 35 minutes from there now, and that extra time is just a bit too much of a drive for us, both ways, especially if its a week night.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hi @Carla_wfpb - I love the onion soup! And thank you for the compliment, Eating well has been a real evolution for me. It's nice to get a thumbs up from someone that it doesn't look odd to (I got to explain to a friend that I would still be a vegan on Super Bowl Sunday!)

    Today went well:
    B - coffee, spinach, flax seed & blueberry smoothie
    L - big salad with cucumber-kiwi dressing
    S - apple slices and a couple of walnuts
    D - steamed spinach and *No Pasta (zucchini) Lasagna* from the ETL Cookbook. The lasagna is very festive and fun, but I may be tired of it by the time I finish it, as it makes 8 generous servings! Will see if the rest of the family wants to help.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,338 Member
    I know I've been eating pretty well over the last month because my dinner out last night tasted very salty and i very much noticed the oil! Other than that it was good. I asked about vegan options and they had several things on the menu that they can make with steamed tofu. It is nice to have a flexible dining option nearer to us.

    Grocery shopping wasn't done this morning which makes for a long day tomorrow with shopping, washing produce and batching all in one.

    Austin, not odd at all! Spot on for ETL and a long healthy life. You are not alone having to explain things like being vegan on Super Bowl either. I had my mom trying to get me to eat meat for Christmas.

    latest colorway experiment
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,965 Member
    Hi y'all! Carla, I love that yarn! Good luck with all your prepping today. Austin, it's funny I've been vegan for over 7 years and was vegetarian before that, and it was several years before people seemed to totally accept this is for real, 24/7/365.

    I have been dealing with some upheaval in life the past week and having trouble focusing on anything, including ETL, although it is habit enough after so many years that I have not strayed far. I did eat a few things over the past couple days like some vegan cheese pizza and some snack chips, but I am nipping that in the bud. It won't fix the problems, I know that. Plan for today:

    B - sprouted grain toast with spinach, tomato and avocado
    L - big ol' salad
    D - sauteed greens topped with cheezy chickpeas

    Anyone have inspiration for a February thread? I was trying to think of something Fuhrman and February but that's as far as my brain got.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hey @Mihani - I hope things calm down for you soon.

    I got through Super Bowl Sunday and stayed with ETL choices for the day. Yay!

    Ideas for the Feb thread:
    - Eating for Excellence?
    - Forward with Fuhrman?
    - Following Fuhrman?
    - Vegan for Valentine's?
    - February Fitness & Fun?

    By the way, I got to hear part of a recent presentation by Dr. Fuhrman. The words he wanted you to write down at the start were "moderate calorie restriction in an environment of micronutrient excellence."

    On a food-related note, the no-pasta lasagna is aging well. It's a "make again!"