WEIGHT NO MORE -- February 2019



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member

    2/12 - 10,015
    2/13 - 10,286

    I think MFP is having some issues. On my computer at work I have no home screen - won't load. And lately when I post steps at night on my iPad, it's not posting even though it's showing it did. Frustrating but hey it's a free app, what can I say!

    Also, can I change my WI date from Monday to Friday? Please? I think posting my weight on a Friday may be more motivating for me to stay strong over the weekend. I at least want to give it a try!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @twyla77 I am afraid of getting into your situation. I don't particularly like races but if I sign up for one it keeps me training and running. I just signed up for a 5k trail run for March 16th. That is the same week that I will be through with my 10 week C25K training. I just watched a great documentary "the human race". It is inspiring me. I have historically had problems with my right knee and my lower back. All the yoga and pacing myself with my running program have really made a difference. I seem to be in good shape. Maybe signing up or putting a date on the calendar an event that would require you to be in shape. Bike event, hiking etc.
    @phoebe112476 I am so glad everyone is feeling better. Those pants your wearing look pretty baggie :).
    @cyndiesstuff what ever your doing it's working! Especially the positive attitude and new Cyndie. I liked the old one too but I think the new one is a kinder version. At least she is to you.
    @shirin_k great job girl! Almost in the 50's!!!
    @bbcbw congrats on your loss!
    @sleepymom5 love all your posts. Your life always sounds so fun!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited February 2019
    2/13 Steps: 11,629
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check in for Wednesday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: enough
    Exercise: 3 mile Leslie Sansone video

    Been on track for a couple days but the scale is not reflecting it. Sorry team... I'm not helping our percentages. I'm now up 2 pounds this month when my goal was to lose 4. Just call it Failure February. Trying to hold on by my fingernails until better weather arrives. Even the news is calling it the winter that will never end. Woke to more snow this morning and more predicted tonight. Off to shovel...
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member

    Feb 13: 12 066
  • bbcbw
    bbcbw Posts: 53 Member
    @cyndiesstuff @Mrsbell8well @sleepymom5 thank you. Honestly im not doing well at all. If the scale is moving its just because of IF and breastfeeding. But i set very realistic monthly goals for me and by far i have met them successfully. I have to work on my snacking.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @eminater great job on getting in those steps and working the challenge. look at the new you go!!

    @Shirin_K thanks for checking in!! and that is a great loss. good job and sticking to your plan. consistency sure does help.

    @sleepymom5 lol, mfp changes swear words to kitten. so funny. good idea about the veggies I think I will try that. I have my book with me at all times, just in case I get in the mood. lol. and also there is a good chapter in there about saying no to off plan eating I like to read. it is really hard to be done for the day on a job that isn't finished. I know exactly what you are say.

    @carlsoda yeah, mfp sure does have some glitches some times. but like you say, it is a free site. I will ask the powers that be to change your weigh in day. it's no problem, I will let you know when it is done.

    @Mrsbell8well I am doing a ton of head work. I don't know if I will be successful forever but I know I can be successful today. after all, it is just one day. do you think the headache was trigger by the whole scale thing? seems kind of coincidental. some times you just need a break. breaks are not bad as long as the break is not a free for all. you have been working so hard. I think you really deserve a little rest. this weekend couldn't have come at a better time.

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,112 Member
    2/13- 13,408
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,112 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 187.2
    Cw 186.6
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,112 Member
    Not much of a loss this week but it's a loss and I'll take it. I really didn't expect anything with the weekend of cheats I had. We have Valentine's day parties going on all over the school and I managed to have a couple of cheese and crackers and a parent made a special chocolate chip cookie using almond milk and such because her child has allergies. This cookie fits into my diet so I gave it a try and it was actually pretty good and I only ate 1 go me. I also didn't eat my own snacks that I brought today, so I think that's a huge plus for me. I was actually looking for the veggies to be honest but there was none, can you believe it. The afternoon party will have some so maybe I can snag a few. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @ljdanny dont minimize that loss girl! with the week of stress you had, that is awesome. you keep passing on the cookies and eating veggies. you are doing great. and yes, for sure, go you!!!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily Check in for Wednesday
    Food -Logged & under
    Water 1 l
    Exercise - physio & 5066 steps

    Happy Valentines Day everyone!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Oh those headaches are so nasty. If you look at the diet protocols on what to avoid...I avoid all things that should trigger it. That's why they are particularly annoying. The scale is stressful for sure. Yesterday we had big wigs at work helping to pack up this branch getting ready for closing...so that is somewhat stressful, we are using a ventless gas fireplace...that caused headaches for the previous owner, I can feel that my intestines seem off the last few days...Maybe any of these could be a cause. I also had a smoothie with spirulina and barley extract. They are known to detox and cleanse heavy metals out of the system...so perhaps that is what is going on??? It is similar to a caffeine withdrawal when they hit. I will probably do a juice cleanse in the next week to see if that helps. They scare me when they hit. Overall I am not a stressed out person. I usually handle stress pretty well. But who knows. The peppermint oil and laying still are my best treatments along with a hot bath. I made a vow to myself to not let it get that bad before I leave work.
    on a brighter note...Great job on all your successes this week! Your very inspiring and a great captain!!! You too @sleepymom5.
    One of the moderators mentioned how helpful it is to log often. I agree. Sometimes I use this as more of a journaling tool that is interactive. It really helps me to have such a great support system. Sometimes I feel a bit "hoggish" on how much space I use here...but it really works for me to be so accountable. I encourage everyone to be as active as they can.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I feel for you about the headaches. I used to get migraines a couple times a month, had one last ten days! It was awful and nothing really helped. It has been a few years since the last one and i am soooooooo glad! Being retired and not having job stress has helped I guess.
    It is so frustrating when kids don't want to believe what you tell them. But they will think you are much smarter when they grow up. Mine actually started taking my advice after turning 30 I think. It really is funny when you think back on it years later. But they need to go through the denial stage to learn. And when they start raising their kids the way you did with them it's a nice pat on the back for you.
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