WAIST AWAYS -- February 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    I have a new project with a composer and a bunch of combat veterans that I hope will turn into some powerful music. It will combine the stories they cannot speak of hidden by morse code in the instrumental lines, their feelings and the open parts of their stories in the harmonies and vocal lines, and each one will get a personal piece of music performed by an eclectic mixture of jazz, classical, and rock musicians.

    That sounds AMAZING! is there any kind of webpage about this project? (or will there be in the future?)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,234 Member
    I think we have really kicked things up a notch with the daily ideas and the fantastic sharing that is happening. That feeling of going from tight large size to comfy much smaller size is amazing @LiLee2018 - then it is sometimes sad! I had a dress I really, really wanted to fit into - kept in hanging in a prominent spot in my bedroom. Then it fit!! I was so excited! :) Then it got too BIG! I was so sad :/ it is still too big, but I kept it anyhow. Getting rid of things that are too big is important (NOT going back), but I still can't part with that one. I'll try to get ambitious one day and alter it.

    I'll let you all know if my project gets a web site eventually - it is still in the discussion, finding people, and then finding funding (ugh) stages.

    I'm looking forward to stories from the people who don't post often - hoping everyone gets inspired!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I know it's not talk-it-out-tuesday but...
    I am baking and find it so difficult to resist when the whole house just smells of heaven...
    I've already eaten 2 nut-caramel pastries and they just stare at me and beckon...

    @Perla4686 next time the urge hits, track the food item on MFP and when you see what it will do to your daily intake it might make you change your mind and not given in to eating. It has worked for me.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,305 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    @micki48 How much does the grandbaby weigh? Doesn't picking her up count as upper body? Could you do reps with her - make it a game? Might be slow but it would be something.

    Yes! She weighs 20 pounds and I sometimes do curls with her and make her “fly” overhead, bounce her on my legs, and just generally carry her around. I found an exercise in the data base for walking carrying a 15 pound baby. I use that and usually choose 30/45 minutes in a 10 hour day. I’m not really sure how long it is. It’s not consecutive. I have a feeling it’s probably longer than 30/45 minutes that I’m carrying her over the course of the day.

    Good news is I have gotten a Fitbit to work that my niece gave me. It’s so cool. It has definitely motivated me to move more each hour (as you all have also motivated me). I went to the gym last night before dinner, took a walk today after baby storytime. And I’m thinking of going to a short Zumba class tonight. A little nervous as I haven’t done it in about 8 years. Lol

    Steps 2/12 6,552 I’m already almost at 8,000 today. 😊

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,234 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Why Wednesday - I joined Fitness Pal a few years back and have done some challenges before. But I just joined this group in January. I have been frustrated and feeling like at my age (54) I couldn’t lose. Well, it’s definitely not as simple to get off pounds as it used to be. The group I was in felt stale to me. This was just the group I needed to get myself back on track and more importantly, moving. Seeing some of your stories, I realized that I was using my age as an excuse for not losing weight. But I am happy to report that I am down 7.7 pounds as of my last weigh in. I really don’t care about a number on the scale, but I do care about how I feel. And I was feeling old. My mom died at 69 as well as my grandmother. And my sister died at 65. That will not be me. I want to be healthy, fit, and active. I am learning that my body is not too old to learn new things. You all are awesome and I am loving being on this journey with you all.

    NSV - These tight size 18s are now looser size 18s. I am getting in more steps and drinking 80 ounces of water a day.

    That's the spirit! 7.7 pounds is a LOT of old-feeling gone, gone, gone. It must be both inspiring and a bit scary that so many close family women died so young - please do continue to break that trend, step by step and bite by bite. I know that using age as an excuse happens - I did it for years. There are several of us older folks in this team, and we'll keep telling you it's possible!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited February 2019
    micki48 wrote: »
    cory17 wrote: »
    @micki48 How much does the grandbaby weigh? Doesn't picking her up count as upper body? Could you do reps with her - make it a game? Might be slow but it would be something.

    Yes! She weighs 20 pounds and I sometimes do curls with her and make her “fly” overhead, bounce her on my legs, and just generally carry her around. I found an exercise in the data base for walking carrying a 15 pound baby. I use that and usually choose 30/45 minutes in a 10 hour day. I’m not really sure how long it is. It’s not consecutive. I have a feeling it’s probably longer than 30/45 minutes that I’m carrying her over the course of the day.

    Good news is I have gotten a Fitbit to work that my niece gave me. It’s so cool. It has definitely motivated me to move more each hour (as you all have also motivated me). I went to the gym last night before dinner, took a walk today after baby storytime. And I’m thinking of going to a short Zumba class tonight. A little nervous as I haven’t done it in about 8 years. Lol

    Steps 2/12 6,552 I’m already almost at 8,000 today. 😊

    Good for you!! You sre doing grest and the fitbit should help get a little better idea re the movement involved with the baby.

    My fitbit doesn't track what I do particularly well (horseback riding drives it crazy :smile: ) What I do like about it though, is the reminder to get up and move and get a minimum of 250 steps each hour. That's not that much, but far better than just sitting. I also like the sleep monitor as that is something i'm trying to.improve.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks for the thumbs up everyone!! Definitely some good advice there...

    Your stories are truly inspiring and MFP is definitely helping me keep on track (and a little addictive too ;) )

    Why Wednesday- I'm really new to MFP (2 weeks grand total) so I haven't got a long story like some of you here. I've been overweight my whole life and so has most of my family. I hate my body and tend to wear mostly black tents!
    My mum, who has lost weight in the last couple of years, has aged badly and suffers from countless ailments (urine infections, neck pain, arthritis, shattered knee caps etc etc)
    I'm hoping that by getting fit in my 30's, I'll age better and continue to enjoy life a little longer (rather then pop daily painkillers)
    Also, I absolutely hate the side effects of being big in the summer (think chafing legs...) So I'm hoping to lose a bit more before summer kicks in...
    And of course, I want to be fit and healthy for my kids and set a better example.
    And I want to look good too...
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @Perla4686 What a,wonderful gift you are giving yourself. Doing this in your 30s is not only easure but will eliminate so many negative effects your mom has had to deal with. Just keep chipping away. This is challenging journey, filled with ups and downs, but in the end soooo worth it. You are doing great. Don't give up!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    These tight size 18s are now looser size 18s. I am getting in more steps and drinking 80 ounces of water a day.

    You're off to a great start for Thirsty Thursday! Keep that water intake up!
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Feb. 13----steps
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Getting this up early, because I may turn in extra early tonight (might have a cold coming on ... hope not!)

    Thirsty Thursday - why your body needs water (can include UN-CAFFEINATED (herbal) teas like peppermint or camomile - DE caffeinated isn't the same thing. Caffeine is a diuretic and will cause the body to lose more water.)

    Here's a graphic of the % of water in 10 of your major organs.


    There are different theories of how much water a person needs to drink. A good rule of thumb to work up to is:

    (current body weight in pounds) / 2 = number of fluid ounces water. (8 oz = 1 fluid cup)

    So for me, for example,

    140 / 2 = 70 oz (70/8 = just under 9 cups or 2.13 litres)

    If you don't drink that much yet, work up to it slowly. Aim for 6 or 8 cups per day to start.

    Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be cold water. I actually have been better at drinking enough water through the winter than through the summer, 'cause I have been using the recently-boiled nearly-hot water in the office kettle as a substitute for tea or coffee to keep me warm.

    Do you add a touch of flavour to your water? I like a spritz of lemon or lime juice ... orange juice will do in a pinch.

    Do you have a picture of your water bottle you could share? How much does it hold?

    Does anyone use an app (not MFP) to track your hydration intake? What's it called? How do you like it? (I know they exist, but I don't put apps on my work phone so I don't have any names for you)
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Username: kkmark
    Weigh in day: wednesday
    CW: 161.3
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    So good to hear from everyone. I missed tirade Tuesday but Wednesday seems as good as Tuesday for venting. I am a very slow looser (weight wise) and always struggle with my food more than the excercise. It seems I can’t eat normal food and loose weight. I have been trying to get rid of this baby fat for 5 years now and it keeps increasing rather than decreasing even while I am active. I have an IUD and that seems to make very hard for me to loose weight. Food struggle is real and as a vegetarian don’t eat eggs either my protein intake is not that much. So after 2-3 months I kind of only loose 7-8 pounds and then I give up again and gain it all back. Hoping to stay with it this time. This is the fabulous group I have found. So inspiring and motivating.
    I love to do cardio funk which is dance based workout and I do it 3 times a week. I also started weight training more seriously so hoping to accomplish something. I also do fitbit challenges and have awesome team to motivate me there.

    My target is to fit into a nice matching dress with my daughter on her birthday in June. Hopefully size 10 or less. I wear 12 -14 now.

    Any tips on increasing protein intake (veggie source) are appreciated. Can’t do protein powders though.
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    User id- kittu125
    Personal challenges:
    Step challenge - 10k steps weekdays
    Monday- 2/11- 17668

    Weight train- yes-3 times this week
  • Blackbeautysue
    Blackbeautysue Posts: 37 Member
    Name: Blackbeautysue

    Weigh in day: Thurs
    PW- 227.8
    CW- 225.8

    Steady loss but need to do more Zumba!!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Happy Mid-Month!! The one good thing about February in cold, grey Indiana is that it is only 28 days long!

    So ... now that we are at the half-way point, how are those of you doing who committed to a personal fitness challenge this month doing? Report in and tell us how it is going.

    My Challenge: I started a 30-day plank challenge at the first of the month. I had never done planks before and was not certain how it would go. So far, so good. I have done planks every day and twice a day on those days that I don't do weight training. I do a set of 3 planks each time. I started at 45 seconds and yesterday did two @ 1:45 and 1 at 2:00 for each set. (2:00 was my goal).

    My reflection on Planks: Definitely the hardest single exercise I do, but an incredibly good total core workout. The good news is that I am totally done with them in under 10 minutes (I do some mild stretches between planks).
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day to my extended virtual circle of friends!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    Kittu125 wrote: »
    So good to hear from everyone. I missed tirade Tuesday but Wednesday seems as good as Tuesday for venting.

    Any day can be a vent day if you need one.
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