Like Minded Lushes - Spring 2019



  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Add me to the sprained ankle list, Gwen! Completely rolled mine as I missed a step...and I wasn't even drinking :p But I am now!

    The above pic doesn't even begin to show just how gorgeous the Laguna Beach coastline is.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    One more B)

  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gwen- Wishing your husband a quick recovery. Getting out on the water in kayaks sounds relaxing.

    Sydney- Nothing like the California coastline. I can see why you are drawn to it!

    We had a fantastic time at the ocean over the Memorial Day weekend. Making memories with our son and grandson means a lot to us.

    Enjoy the short week!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    That's what it's all about, Gary! So happy you're making memories with your son and grandson.

    Hobbled onto the scale today and I'm up about a pound. Could be worse. Since I'm unable to get any meaningful steps or exercise in, I'll try to reign in the diet a bit and see if I can get back to where I was. Pain is much better in the ankle. Hoping to be able to walk by next week.
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Syd, oh no! Sucks to hear about your ankle! That's how my husband sprained his and he's not mobile, either. Hope you heal quickly!

    I've been getting up at 6 am and driving with my dog to our small town (5 min away) and walking the town while no one is around. It's about 30 minutes of exercise and I'm pretty proud of myself that I've dragged my butt out of bed this week and did it on my own. Who knew I had ANY motivation? Been watching the calories this week. Zero alcohol since Monday and walking -- plan to get back on the scale next Friday to see if my new routine is doing anything at all. I found a really interesting podcast that's been motivational in the way to train your brain to handle cravings.. alcohol, food, shopping.. whatever it is that you're trying to reign in. It's been helpful.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Going for zeros this week. So far, so good. The weather here in the Pacific NW has been wonderful. I plan on spending a small part of each nice day doing some yard work.

    Hope all is well with you guys!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hope your routine is still going well, Gwen and that the scale rewards your efforts!

    Still gloomy down here, Gary. Glad to hear you're out and about in the yard. I had a O last night. Maybe another today. Ankle is much better and I'm able to put weight on it. Just a little soreness.

    Have a great week lushes!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Syd - sorry to hear about your ankle! That's kinda how I broke my foot last year, rolled my ankle but fell into a pool so my foot took the majority of the damage! Your pictures were beautiful!!
    Gary - going for all zeros myself this week! We can do this! :)
    Gwen - great job on the consistency! WooHoo!

    We were in St. Louis this past weekend, drove down to cheer on the St. Louis Blues - that didn't go so well! They lost 7-2 but rebounded the next game to win 4-2. Also caught a Cardinals baseball game and checked out the arch, it was pretty cool!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Ann, ACK at falling into the pool!! I actually sprawled myself all over a busy beach street on Memorial Day so it was quite embarrassing. Your trip to St. Louis sounds great but our household is die hard Cubs fans so I can't condone any Cardinals cheering ;)

    I'm more and more mobile. Busy organizing the son's move into his place. Tenants are out, he's putting in new flooring. He scheduled movers to pick up the big items but did it on Father's day. I'm sure his dad will appreciate that (totally clueless son, sometimes :anguished: )

    Finally sunshine here. White wine is on the menu :drinker:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Managed all zeros. Moderated Friday and Saturday. Perhaps going for a few more zeros next week.

    Rolled ankles suck! I have rolled my left ankle so much that it is no longer as stable as it should be. I have to be constantly aware of my walking surface.

    Syd, Exciting times for you and your son. Moving into your first home is quite the achievement!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gary, that's great! My 0s lasted 2 days :D
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, that's great about your zeros! I didn't fare as well -- but it's a new week. Imbibed all weekend and now it's time to scale it back for the week. Evenings (happy hour) are always tough as we are in such a routine so I'm going to have to change it up. Plus with my husband's fracture, we are pretty much housebound for a few more weeks. Attaching a picture of my latest as I think Syd asked me about my art a while back. More art = less drinking. That's a plan. ty0s6zxpk6h5.jpg
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    We spent the weekend helping our son and DIL move in to their new house. Its small but very functional. Moderated in the evenings. I felt I earned a couple drinks after all the physical activity. Back home tonight- there's no booze in the house so most likely will have a zero. lol

    Syd- exciting times for your son!

    Gwen- I love the colors in your painting! It would brighten up any room!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gwen, how pretty! I agree with Gary, love the colors!

    No booze in the house is one way to make sure you get a 0!

    I packed up a good chunk of my kitchen to give to my son in his move. Stuff I really don't use anymore and things he might need so win/win. Saves me from having to move it next year. So my kitchen is pretty streamlined now and it makes me happy. I celebrated with wine of course :)
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Nice job cleaning your kitchen for your son- win win for sure. Personally I find cleaning out unused stuff very therapeutic

    Managed the zero, no booze in the house helps + legal weed = WIN B)

    Going to break heat records this week. We expect 90 tomorrow which is unusual this time of year. Thankfully we have AC! Not sure how many zeros I want to get this week. I suppose more is better, lol.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Oh, BTW syd, I LOVES your profile pic! <3
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, good for you on those zeros! I have a wine cellar that is calling my name today. I did have a zero yesterday but today will probably be a cheater day. We're having our kitchen remodeled so I have no countertops or sink and my kitchen is in my spare room. Utter chaos! But thank you for the comments re: my art work! It's my happy place.

    Syd, I LOVE getting rid of stuff so that's pretty cool that you can also help your son out. And thanks for the artwork thumbs up. :)
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    So yesterday was a 2 -- and I woke up being pretty disappointed with myself, to be honest Today and tomorrow I'm aiming for zeros. Hope everyone's week is going well.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gwen- remember when we thought a "2" was being very good? Don't be disappointed! As for me, Mon, Tues zero but we are planning a fettuccine with a wine sauce, so most likely NOT a zero! :drinker:

    Father's Day coming up. My dad turned 90 this year, so each one becomes more important to celebrate.