Like Minded Lushes - Spring 2019



  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, way to put it in perspective. I appreciate that very much! It's Italian night tonight -- we play bocce ball on a team at the local pizza place - but they have crappy wine so it's club soda and lime for me! I hope you enjoy your fettuccine, I might order that as well!

    Happy Father's Day to your dad! Wow. And to you, too Gary!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I hear ya Gwen. I got on the scale this am and was not pleased :| I know part of the problem is I just haven't been able to move as much but that has nothing to do with my ability to shut my pie hole to extra calories.

    Thanks for the profile pic compliment, Gary! B) We've had super warm temps down here too but back to 70s tomorrow which will make the son's move easier.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I love all of your new profile pics! I think I need to go update my profile picture! No zeros here BUT I have kept the consumption very low - 1/2 of a beer on Monday and just one vodka/mineral water yesterday, so not bad.
    Happy Father's day Gary and to all the lushes husbands!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Thanks for the Father's Day wishes Ann!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Hope everyone had a great week! Syd, I hope your foot is healing up!

    Went to the doc this week for a bone density test and apparently, I have the bones of a 20-year-old! So there's that. Focusing on the positive. Healthy body is good. It's important to remember that it's not all about the number on the scale. I walked 30 minutes every morning this week. Ate healthy. Slept great. And two zeros this week. One more than last week so.. woohoo! It's Friday so my husband - who is still recovering -- will be building a big campfire tonight and there will be cocktails and burgers. Happy Friday all you beautiful lushes!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Happy Father's day, Gary!! I know from the personal stories we've shared that you are a fantastic dad! Enjoy your day <3

    Gwen my ankle is about 80% there, thanks for asking! And AMEN to focusing on the positive. Good health is everything!!

    Focusing on the positive has been my mantra all week. We had a water leak scare in the son's new condo but it appears to just be seepage from bad caulking around the shower/tub. Welcome to homeownership, son.

    We're spending Father's day moving. I'm going to try to moderate this weekend, had a 0 last night!

    Enjoy the weekend lushes! :drinker:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Thanks for you nice words Syd! Glad to see your ankle is on the mend but I had hoped you would be at 100% by now. Ligaments take time to heal.

    Good report from the doc Gwen! I had my physical today and lets just say I have some work ahead for me!

    Got three zeros this week, and will moderate over the weekend.

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Move went well. Spent today setting up the son's kitchen while the husband put together his couch. Bed was delivered today but he's still sleeping at our place tonight because he has a work event near us tomorrow very early. (All his clothes are still here too) I love my son but I swear I feel like this move has been going on for eternity! :o

    I actually had 0s on Friday and Saturday. 1 glass of wine yesterday. I've had 2 already today (and well deserved :smiley: )
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Our Japanese DIL will be having her aunt and uncle visit from Japan starting today. It will be their first time to a western country. Her parents died years ago so they have taken the role of being mom and dad to her. Understandably she is nervous and wants to make their visit a good one. We will meet them for a lunch on Sunday. The cultural misunderstandings will no doubt make an appearance. I just found out that if I need to blow my nose, I have to excuse myself and do it in the bathroom. Shoes in the house are barbaric.

    I am assuming they will understand all of the insults I unintentionally give them, but she is stressing out and wants everything to go well. If nothing else, it will make a funny story, international insults included.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gary, you'll win them over with your charm! ;)
    Husband's bday is tomorrow so there will be libations.
    Hope everyone's week is going great :drinker:
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, can't wait to hear how it goes!

    We're in the middle of a kitchen remodel and it's been one problem / mistake / headache after another. Doesn't help that my husband is still in a walking boot and so most of this is landing on me. They finally arrived to install the new quartz countertop yesterday and I had high hopes of having a sink to wash dishes in today but when they took the slab off the truck they noticed it has a big chip out of it... so.... back to the shop it went to start over. Ugh. No countertop or water this weekend. First world issues, I realize, but needless to say, I've been having a hard time with zeros this week.

    Monday - 2 glasses of wine
    Tues - 1/2 glass of wine
    Wed - 1 martini, 1 glass of wine
    Thurs -- to be determined. It's not happy hour yet but I'm feeling the pull...
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- Hope the birthday boy had a great day!
    Gwen- remodels are a pain, kitchens have to be the most stressing. Quartz counter tops sounds amazing.

    I will let everyone know how it goes with the new inlaws.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Syd - Happy Bday to your hubby!
    Gary - that actually sounds exciting, meeting the aunt & uncle from Japan - looking forward to hearing all about it!
    Gwen - The kitchen will be beautiful when it's done, I'm sure - you'll make it thru and that is why alcohol was invented! ;)

    Quiet weekend here I'm really hoping! We've been so busy lately, just want to close myself off for the weekend! Stepdaughter and her fiancee have been trying to secure a new home (well, new to them anyway) and somehow we've become a part of this. They are young and never done any of this so our expertise has been helpful, hopefully!
    There will be alcohol, just not too much!