WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Shirin. I'm 39, married, and a stay-at-home mom to a 7 and 3-year-old. I live in Minnesota. I joined this team in September 2018 after deciding I needed to get serious about losing weight for good. I had been gaining weight ever since having my second child. I was also self-conscious and feeling guilty that I had avoided pools and beaches all last summer even though my kids love them. This summer will be different!

    My starting weight (August 2018) was 192 pounds. I’m now at 160 pounds, so 32 pounds down. My goal weight is 130, but I’ll be incredibly excited to get to a normal BMI again (141 at 5’3”). This team has helped me be accountable and I always appreciate the ideas and support from other members! My mindset has really changed over the last 7 months… I know I will get back to a healthy weight!

    My April goals:
    • Log all of my food, every day
    • Get 10,000 steps per day
    • Exercise – strength, cardio, and yoga
      • Strength training: Workout DVDs/YouTube videos (2x week)
      • Yoga: Adriene’s Yoga – “Act” April 2019 program (2x week)
      • Cardio: Walk outside or cardio workout videos (2x week)
    • Drink 64 ounces of water each day
    • Weight goal by end of April: 156 pounds

    I hope everyone has a successful April! We can do this!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Welcome new members.
    I'm Tracy, from New Hampshire. I'm 46 years old with 2 kids, 24 and 21. I will be married 24 years in April. I struggle with losing and gaining the same 5 pounds, it's very frustrating. I have been to the Dr and I will be seeing and ent next week, hoping to get some answers. If nothing outrageous is found I may try Jenny Craig for a bit, but we will see.
    I did follow through on goals last week. I walked over 10,000 steps every day except for 1, I did log my food daily, except 2 and 1 day I forgot to finish my diary. I plan on doing the same this week.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Happy April, everyone!

    Yesterday was okay. Didn't log but I was under on calories and did weights and walking in the morning.

    Hey new members! I'm Casey, I'm 42, and am a teacher in North Carolina. I joined this group in late December so I could start the new year with discipline and accountability, and boy am I thankful I did! Down 16 lbs so far!

    Okay, April goals:
    1. Log all food every day (I've been getting lazy)
    2. Round 2 of 100 ab challenge (anybody else want to do it with me?)
    3. Substitute tea for coffee twice a week
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member

    Come over and say hi!

    @Shirin_K It is nice to get out and walk in the fresh air! Sounds like you ended last month on a high note and are ready to have another awesome month!
    @jedashultz That is not bad at all, basically maintaining. I am glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. I know you will get right back on track!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr yes I will do the ab challenge with you. Can you please post the link again?
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member


    As a whole we lost 68.4 lbs or 0.15% !!!


    1st - Mission Slimpossibles- 0.39%
    2nd - Shrinking Assets- 0.27%
    3rd - Waist Aways- 0.26%


    1st - Mission Slimpossibles - 15.7
    2nd - Shrinking Assets- 11.1
    3rd - Waist Aways - 9.2


    1st - @DreaRn15 - 2.70%
    2nd - @ChrysalisCove - 2.09%
    3rd - @SaraMakingChanges - 1.83%


    1st - @DreaRN15 - 7.8
    2nd - @NuggetBrain - 4.8
    3rd - @ChrysalisCove -4.2



  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    User ID: NuggetBrain
    Week Number: Week 1 (Monday)
    Previous weight: 252.6
    Current weight: 253.6
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! Welcome to April! Welcome new members!

    My name is Kirsten, I am 47 years old, married for 20 years this June, I have 2 sons, 18 & 14 and I work full-time in the financial industry.

    I have always struggled with my weight, I was really too overweight as I child, but I was never skinny. I joined WW for the first time when I was 14 years old and have been off & on since then. I am currently a Lifetime WW member, but I am currently over my goal weight, trying to get back on track. I was at my heaviest when I was around 18-21 years old. I was in denial until I would see pics of myself. Right before my 21st birthday, my friend asked me to be a bride's maid in her wedding. I decided I did not want to be the fat girl in the wedding and that is when I got serious about losing weight. I gave up red meat, pork etc, I only eat seafood & poultry and I think I could give that up, but I do not think I could go Vegan. I also added a lot of exercise into my life and dropped a ton of weight over 6 months. I have pretty much kept the majority of it off other than my pregnancies and was able to lose it after each pregnancy.

    I have a tendency to fluctuate. I try to stay around 150 pounds, but it has been difficult. I was 155 in December, now I am back in the 170's, but almost out after this weekend. I had a great weekend, especially yesterday with my food and exercise. I am really going to make every effort to really get back on track in April. I am determined!

    I weighed myself this morning and I am down a little over 3 pounds, so this week should be good! I am really trying to remind myself how good I feel when I eat well & exercise and that eating crap is not worth how bad it makes me feel!

    Have a great day & week! Bring on the Spring! :smiley:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Congrats to last weeks winners! @NuggetBrain for second place over all and first place for our team. @sleepymom5 for second place for our team (wow! I never place Lol!) and to @ Mrsbell8well for 3rd place for our team!

    @Mrsbell8well I know you will be feeling better soon. I am sure that getting back to your plan will help. I know you will be in the 140s before you know it!
    @NuggetBrain You did have a big loss last week. Hopefully you are still on track and that is just fluid or hormones. Hope all is going well!
    @kirsten11872 Looks like you are already making progress! Wtg Kirsten!!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member

    Monday Weigh Ins still due

    Tuesday's Weigh In

    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
  • gottagetthisdown
    gottagetthisdown Posts: 122 Member
    User ID: gottagetthisdown
    Week Number: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous weight: 164
    Current weight: 166
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