WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Wednesday Check in

    Food - good but over (very hungry day)
    Water - good
    Exercise - 12,000+steps

    Hungry hungry day yesterday. I think it's my mug muffins for breakfast. Maybe not enough protein? I'm going to switch back tomorrow to eggs, sausage and veg and see how I feel. What I can do since I love my mug muffins is still have one during the day, but cut it in half for snacks.

    Gosh, always learning something new!

    Tomorrow I'm taking a vacation day (yay!). I have some early spring gardening to do, new curtains I picked up at Target on clearance for $5.98 each to shorten. I found enough panels for my two eat-in kitchen windows and with the left over fabric I'll make a valance for the window by my kitchen sink. We also bought two panels for the upstairs hall window but left it long. Lucy likes to hide behind them and attack us as we come up. Funny thing is she doesn't realize we can see her feet as we're coming up the stairs :)

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in: Wednesday
    Food: Logged, over. Prelogged and ate according to plan but I'm sure wine put me over
    Water: decent
    Exercise & steps: 30 min strength training, 3 mile dog walk; 12,935 steps

    Pleasantly surprised by this loss. The last week was an emotional roller coaster finishing up odds and ends and getting Hubby packed and ready to leave. Steps should have been better yesterday as I was planning to keep busy by cleaning house but I couldn’t bring myself to erase my husband’s presence just yet. Silly, right? He made it to South Dakota last night and plans to reach PA on Friday. I’m always such a nervous nellie while he’s on the road driving cross country. After such a rough day emotionally I slept 8.5 hours last night and feel back in my groove today.

    Wow @hope002 great day and crazy good stepping!
    @gingerpwr awe man girl sending healing strength and energy your way. Hugs
    @amsandos Those are 2 of my triggers as well!!
    @mrsbell8well hang in there. You know better than anyone I know how to navigate life’s challenges and come out winning
    @ljdanny With everything you have going on a maintain is a win in my book
    @sleepymom5 I was hungry all day yesterday too!!
    @shirin_K that’s not bad considering you didn’t feel well. The scale will catch up next week
    @cyndiesstuff that’s my plan… use this time to work on me. You are unstoppable! I would not want to face the scale after surgery but look at you staring it down
    @carlsoda what is in the water? I was hungry all day also. Enjoy your day off! I’m planning some spring cleaning myself but still too much snow to work in the garden yet

    I'm ready for a successful April! Let's do this team!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    edited April 2019
    Weight loss goal for April...193...about a pound a week from where I started this month. That takes into consideration going away which I am aiming for a maintain that week.

    @Shirin_K You had a great week so the scale doesn't change that. Keep doing what you are doing and I bet it shows next week!
    @cyndiesstuff That is from the surgery. That will come off. Glad you felt well enough to back off the pain meds. Hope you get out for your walk too, especially if the weather is as nice as it is here. The fresh air will do you good. On another note, our team challenge is the 3rd week. I thought(hoped) they had forgotten us! Lol!
    @carlsoda It could be the protein...Can you add more? Or have it with protein? I know you were looking forward to that muffin! You can SEW too?! Wow! You are a multitalented lady! Enjoy your day off getting things done around the house!
    @nstephenson01 Nice loss! I can understand why you felt the way with the cleaning. I am glad he made it safely to South Dakota. I didn't realize he was driving. Wow! Safe travels to him today! I am happy to hear you had a good nights sleep and are back in your groove! Have a great day!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @cyndiesstuff welcome back. I hope you have a good recovery. Take it steady. Take care lady.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @carlsoda yea, hormones too i bet. my goal for april is 7.5 which i realize is high but i am assuming a lot of this weight will just go back away. What is your weight loss goal for april? omgosh, you sew? i am so not handy with a needle and thread.

    @nstephenson01 yeah!!! movement in the right direction. that is awesome. your gonna hit the 160's in april!! what is your commitment? and it was really tough to step on that scale. but it was an important measurement for me. My body does exactly what it is suppose to do. i am happy!!

    @sleepymom5 ohhh yeah! love your april commitment!! and i already have a plan for the team challenge week 3. we will brain storm it later, kay? it is about goal setting. I just ate had a BAS (big a** salad) for lunch. going to go put on some outdoor attire when i am done here!!

    @amsandos So far my recovery has been steady. every day i am feeling a little stronger. what is your april weight loss commitment?

  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    @cyndiesstuff those pounds will come right off! It’s just prob post surgery water retain.

    @GingerPwr hugs! Hope everything will get resolved and turns out well in the end :heart:

    @amsandos that is a tough one! I hate wasting food and I used to eat after my daughter too bc she would literally took one or two bites and be done sometimes. “But I just made you those pancakes and now you don’t want them? Alright let me have it” I got out of that mentality. Don’t want it, goes out to squirrels... I sometimes feel guilty still. But it’s worth it. I plan my food in my head for the day and Most of the days I stick with it and log it as I planned. I guess you just have to start thinking: it’s a waste of money but it will be a waste of my effort..

    I am not participating this month but so far so good I’m on a day 7 of very healthy eating and working out.

    I hope to be back in May and June to drop those last pounds...

    This month I also started ab workout (I did some before but only 1-2 a week and now very organized )
    The app is called 6packin30days and it’s pretty tough. I picked the hardest level. Let’s see how I’m gonna like it. I’m not expecting a 6pack lol but I expect to see some progress.

    Today so far I ran 4.5km ( 2.8miles) and did upper body workout for 75 mins as well.

    Weather is getting good, Life’s great now! Hope everyone has a strong day!

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My daughter and I just had a nice lunch with a 2 1/2 mile run pre-lunch. It was one of the hardest runs I have endured in 12 weeks. My heart just seems off but I am doing it. I was so glad to get it done. The run prior was 3 miles and one of the easiest in 12 weeks. so you never know. I think I am going to start meditation for stress. I don't show stress much but I am sure it is taking a toll on my body. I was up 1/2 a pound this last week but I wasn't too concerned. Here is the interesting thing...I take my measurements the first of every month. For March I was down 4.2 pounds. My bust stayed the same, hips and waist 1/2 inch loss on each...but my tummy around my belly button 2 full inches lost. I was astounded. So I am obviously losing fat and my clothes show it. So I think some of this slower weight loss may be due to changes in our body composition.
    My daughter reminded me of my Happy Cow app. It lists vegan/vegan friendly restaurants when your traveling. Happily there are loads where I am going. So now I plan on going to a different restaurant every day that I am in NC. that is exciting. I am taking a rental car so I plan to take my scale too for Wednesday morning weigh in.
    I have to admit I am quite tired of "dieting". Yes this is all about my health but this last stretch is feeling sooooo long. But I don't care...I will stick with it. I was telling my daughter that I dream of a life that I live by intuitive eating and working out. Hide the scale and just focus on my behaviors. Well that is exactly how I lived in 2017. It truly was joyful. But by summer of 2018 my "intuitive eating" had me up 50 pounds. That's so funny and so sad. So NO, as a food addict I cannot just live "intuitively". That becomes an excuse for me to live in denial.
    I have to find a way to stay tuned but be realistic and yes a scale is a necessary tool for me to gauge if my behaviors are on target or not.
    I have spent 6 days surrounded by fast food, sodas, pizzas and all manners of Angelina "no no's". I have felt like an alcoholic working at a bar. It was so nice to spend the afternoon with my daughter. It can feel very lonely being the only one that is focusing on health and exercise with proper nutrition. I am so grateful for this team of like minded individuals. I was asked this morning if I ever "cheat". NO...I do not cheat. I have a vivid picture of puking in the toilet while trying to convince my body that it is ok to eat chicken, fish, and eggs. Really???...why would we put food and drinks into our body that are so detrimental to our goals and to our health? For me...I am one of the lucky ones that have a body that kicks and screams and rebels if I feed it junk or harmful substances.
    Back to work....love all your posts. And I was excited to see other team members that are also at their 50 pound mark or close to it. Great job TEAM! I deeply appreciate all the words of encouragement

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member

    It’s a new month, so it is time to set some new goals. By the end of April would you like to have lost weight, gained weight, or stayed the same? The number you see reflected on the scale at the end of the month is ultimately up to you, so make a commitment to yourself NOW!

    My weight loss commitment for April is to Weigh 145 at the end of 30 days.

    What is your commitment?

    So True!!

    I wrote down my goals/commitments. During lunch I FINALLY listened to Phit n Phat for the first time. Thanks @phoebe112476 and everyone else that recommended her. I found it very interesting and agreed with or have said many of those same things in my head. So after listening to it, I changed up my goals & commitments slightly.

    For April:
    - Pre-plan meals and pre-log daily so I know what my calories/macros look like ahead of time
    - 10,000 steps/day
    - 30 minutes exercise 6 days/week
    - Practice portion control and learn to eat mindfully. I really need to get my overeating under control to lose the remaining weight. I don't listen to my body.
    - I'm not setting a specific # of lbs to lose but I will be in the 160's by the end of April
    - Dedicate time to reading (or listening to a Podcast) :smiley:
    - Takes steps to improve my quality of sleep
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @Mrsbell8well where in NC will you be? If it's anywhere near Charlotte I'd love to meet up for a healthy meal!
    @cyndiesstuff welcome back! I love your commitment and I'll set the same goal for myself.

    Thanks so much for the sweet messages, everyone. I'm going to keep focusing on things I can control, and food is one of those things, so MFP and work are gonna be my anchors for a while.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @gingerpwr I’m in Winston-Salem. Oh I would love to meet up. Maybe we could meet 1/2 way. I think your an hour away?
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 1
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 139.4
    Today's weight: 139.2
    Steps: 51,127
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @hkfleming and @lennoncpa nice loss ladies!
    @nstephen01 I think I’m the last hold out for phit phat. I will ck it out on my long drive Sunday. Thanks Nancy for your words of encouragement. I’m sure it’s hard having your husband away. It’s always nice to have quiet time again but your husband is gone for soooo long. You will be hiking again soon. Nice loss on the scale too.
    @cyndiesstuff I always admire your courage. You always lay it out with no apologies. It is what it is. We can all sympathize. I am so glad your over the surgery. Your health is the most important thing right now. The rest you will figure out. Just give yourself plenty of time to heal. And welcome back!!! You have been missed.
    @lenka1 glad your finding your groove. It feels so good to be back on track.
    @amsandos your doing so much processing and figuring out what works and what doesn’t. I admire your dedication.
    @sleepymom5 your very specific this month with your weight loss goal. I think it helps to focus when u know where your going. I’m so proud of you for sticking it out with your short charting career lol. Your doing great and I’m so excited its shore time again. I live vicariously through your lovely days on the shore. And Pam thank you so much for leading the team when Cyndie was in surgery. I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.
    @carlsoda how fun to have a vacation day to do what you love. I love days like that. Enjoy!
    @shirin_k I’m glad you had a good week. I usually see a bigger drop on next weigh in when the scale is slow to budge. Hang in there you are doing great!!! Hope your feeling better.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    So yesterday afternoon my 3 teammates ordered in Chinese food for lunch. It’s been ages since I have had Chinese food. I love the stuff. But I really try not to think about it. I had posted my MFP, ran with my daughter and enjoyed a healthy lunch. About 3:30 my co-worker comes out of her office feeling miserable. All 3 of them are popping stacks of antacids and complaining about bloating and feeling gross. One looked at me and said I guess that’s why you don’t eat this stuff. She said it does this to her each and every time but she loves Chinese food??? See what I mean? We eat and drink harmful food and beverage items, and usually the experience lasts less than 30 minutes, then we endure the suffering, weight gain and mental anguish cuz we’re off our game again.
    Ok enough ranting TGIF!
    Molly called me after work to tell me she was getting a manicure. I joined her and got a pedicure. My nail guy said my feet showed that I was under stress. Lol...okay I will start back my yoga today.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My feet may be stressed but they look pretty 😁tulip colored toes in honor of Spring. Molly took me to Chipotle for Sofritos afterwards for dinner. Nice evening.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    edited April 2019
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @julie8468 nice beginning to our group. Nice loss! Welcome.
    @GingerPwr Casey I’m staying near Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem if that helps. Depending where u are in Charlotte it’s about 1 hour to an hour 15 minutes. But I’m willing to meet 1/2 way. I can probably meet you somewhere about 6 pm.
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