WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Baseball yesterday:

    Hit a single with 8,000 plus steps and fought off depression with every one of them.

    Today's goals: water water water, walk 2 miles, log food.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 beautiful picture of you & your girls!😊💕
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited April 2019

    4/18 Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr - strike out
    @Mrsbell8well 65 minutes and 10122 steps - triple and double
    @hope002 105 minutes and 13407 steps - triple and double
    @carlsoda 10502 steps - double
    @Julie8468 60 minutes and 16095 steps - Triple and triple

    4/19 Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr 8000 steps - single
    @Mrsbell8well 25 minutes and 7592 steps - single
    @pacsnc6 15981 steps - triple
    @hope002 rest day - bunt
    @carlsoda 11205 steps double
    @Julie8468 10080 steps - double

    @GingerPwr @Mrsbell8well @pacsnc6 @hope002 @carlsoda @Julie8468 Do you want to continue for the rest of April? please let me know, if you want to, i will take care of your postings.

    Still need @pacsnc6 for 4-18 and we will continue for the last two weeks in April. Play ball
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @pacsnc6 oh no, I saw your comment about the face-plant in front of the library in NYC! I hope you weren't hurt! I saw a lot of wipe-outs on this trip - one poor guy hit a rock on his skateboard and went flying into downtown traffic - thankfully it was at a red light so other than a bruised ego he was able to get up and hobble away!

    @Mrsbell8well that red polka dot swimsuit is the CUTEST thing I've ever seen! I used to love Archie comics and in one issue Betty had a bikini just like that and I ripped the page out and pinned it on my bulletin board so I could find one like it! (never found one, lol!)

    @sleepymom5 what a great picture of you and your daughters! So nice.

    I didn't get too many pics of myself in NYC but we took these ones of each other in front of the Law & Order building because we are Law & Order: SVU nerds! As you can tell by my hair flying everywhere and me squinting through a gust of dust, this was a pretty windy day lol.


  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @cyndiesstuff yeah, i'm in for baseball the rest of April
    @Mrsbell8well I love that retro red bikini! Smokin!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @cyndiesstuff I think it is brave of you to own your BED in a public forum like this. I hope that this forum helps you to work stuff through. You are not a fraud you are the same as all of us with our messed up relationship with food. You are taking the time and effort to figure it out. This is the work of a life time. Like a garden or a work of art it will never be finished. Sometimes were are winning and sometimes losing. I can relate to what you say. things will change and you will be back on the up soon. Re looking for my daughter...I am not sure what happened it should say looking after my daughter.

    @mrsbell8well wowsers. You look foxy in that red polka dot number. Go you.

    @gingerpwr Keep going. In the words of Winston Churchill "if you are going through hell, keeping going" you will come through the other side.

    I didn't make great food choices today and and I went a little astray yesterday. I am starting to get back into my training and have been picking up the bike rides. Not terrible but not great. In the UK Easter is an excuse to eat lots of chocolate. Thankfully our family have a children only chocolate pact - although I may get a Chocolate egg from my mum. In previous years I have put eggs in the freezer and eaten it little by little. So i am not too worried My LO has a treat box so she can save here chocolate for later. She is also on about the Easter Bunny coming so I may have to do an Easter egg hunt. I have been enjoying picnics these past couple of days which is why I was a little a bit astray today. We went for a bike ride and had an icecream too. Heck I am not going to feel bad about it just own it.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Sorry for my not so regular check ins-Monday I will be back on track! Enjoying my time with my family. Went on another long walk today. Haven't been the best with water. Ok with food but could do better...Hope everyone has a Good Easter!

    @hope002 What great tips! Thanks for sharing. I also think you may have needed a rest day as you have been Kicking butt with activity this week!
    @Mrsbell8well It was a real light bulb moment when I realized that. I have been doing much better now with stopping when I am satisfied. It is so funny to me what an easy concept that for some reason I just never grasped...
    @cyndiesstuff Sounds like you have had a nice Easter planned. I am really glad that you are going to see your counselor again. I think that is really important. Hugs!
    @zumba_luvah Nice loss! You will be back in the 180s before you know it!
    @Pacsnc6 I am glad you are home safely. Sounds like you had a great trip!
    @kirsten11872 Nice loss! You had a good week!
    @twyla77 I am glad that you are home safely and had a nice trip. You have to get pizza when you are in NYC Lol! Your steps were so high! I can't imagine if you didn't take the subway how high they would be! Love the pics too! I was wondering why you posed there! Lol! That's awesome! Sounds like you did well traveling on all your trips in the past few months. It is nice to know it can be done.
    @amsandos It is so much more fun having a little one on Easter. Sounds like you have been having fun with her the past few days! Enjoy!
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    edited April 2019
    @Mrsbell8well You look awesome! The red looks great on you

    I like that high waisted bottom! I ordered that type too, it hasn't arrived yet! :)

    @twyla77 & @sleepymom5 cute pictures :)

  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Week 3?
    Pw: 138.6
    Cw: 139
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Didn't sleep well last night, that was my husband fault, he was snoring. I finally moved to the couch still nothing. I decided to get up early and get things done. I did a walking video and 21df. I am going to get back into these I decided today. And I am only going to log them as one calorie in my diary. My plan is to try and not eat my exercise calories, measure and log every thing. I know I said it before. I'm doing a reset now. Hopefully it works. I don't want to pay for Jenny Craig or ww. And Dr is no help. Well happy Easter everyone!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I thought I posted my numbers for Thursday but here we go
    2,608 steps and 411 move calories - that was the day we rode an hour each way to visit my brother. I was resting because I haven't slept good in about a week. In bed between 10 and 11 and awake by 3 or 4. Ugh!

    As to my face plant - I barely scraped my hands, just a little soreness really but I must have landed hard on one knee as it is still sore when I kneel down. I can handle that! It was very embarrassing especially when the man following me rushed over and tried to pick me up like you would a toddler. That was just not working and I struggled until he let me go.

    @cyndiesstuff you are doing great. You had a big change in your body ad your like with that surgery. Give it time.

    Happy Easter.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    @cyndiesstuff Saturday steps 13,478, exercise 60 minutes
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Daily check in April 20
    Logged: yes, wayyyyyyyyy over
    Water: yes, about 3L
    Exercise: 60 min spin class
    Steps: 7,551

    Evening plans for hosting family supper took a down turn. We had a power outage, nothing in the oven was cooking.. while we did have “sides”, my father called my brother who was in an area not affected by the outage to bring tons of Chinese food in.. so I lost control and ate Chinese food.. I tried to keep it light, no rice, but the noodle dish was so tasty.. worst thing is we now have a massive ham to cook and eat, all to ourselves. I think I will bring it to my aunt’s tomorrow. Oh yes power came back on, just as my brother arrived with the take out Chinese.

    Happy Easter everyone!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @DananaNanas That's not bad, basically maintaining.
    @ljdanny Not getting sleep is the worst! I have worn earplugs for the past few years for that reason. They don't totally block the snoring out but it's not as sharp. It is not as bad as you would think. I think you have a good plan for moving forward. I really think you would like those podcasts, just listen to one.
    @pacsnc6 I can understand having rest days to make up for not sleeping. Hope you are feeling rested by now.
    @Julie8468 Ugh! That stinks! At least your brother was able to bring food over. Good idea to bring the ham to your Aunt's tomorrow. Don't be too hard on yourself about the chinese food, you probably didn't do as bad as you think. Just get right back on track!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Saturday
    Ate: some better
    Water: not enough oz
    Exercise: none
    Steps: 7987 steps

    was a good day yesterday. menu plan, grocery shopping and prep is all done. i am set up for a successful week. i will be so busy tomorrow my first day back to work. i will need to catch up so it might me late before i check in. i have to get ready for the easter meal this morning. i am also going to pick my son Josh up early. He wants to get his laundry done before our meal. happy easter everyone.

    @pacsnc6 i am glad you enjoyed your trip. it sounds like you had a good time. and that gain will come right back off. you got this. we will be continuing baseball for the next 2 weeks. thanks for the update on the stats for baseball. and thanks for your kind words. you rock!!

    @hope002 we will be continuing baseball for the next 2 weeks.

    @GingerPwr sometimes that is what we need to do. just keep fighting. It will pass. but if it don't, don't wait to long to get help. i have fought depression all my life. sometimes i can get better alone and sometimes i can't. your brain is sick and needs to heal.

    @kirsten11872 now there you go. the scale moved in the right direction. good job. now lets get another loss in week 4!! you can do it. and finding the balance between joy food and fullness is a very valuable NSV!! good job.

    @twyla77 we are so glad you are back. you have been missed. and good job one getting your prep done. sounds like you are ready to get back to it. and wow, look at those steps. yay!! with all the exercise you got, the beer probably didn't hurt much. get drinking your water. the alcohol has dehydrated you. and you are not going to believe what i binge watched the whole time i was off...... law and order, SVU!! ohhhh i am in love with Stabler!!

    @amsandos thanks for your kind words. BED is no joke. and i know from previous episodes or flairs of the disorder that admitting it is where it begins. it needs to be exposed to the light. and i am in love with your words where you say, " This is the work of a life time, like a garden, it will never be finished." perfect words come from a beautiful heart!! thanks my friend. omgosh and i am glad your daughter is not missing. phew! that is a relief. we give our children easter baskets here in the US. full of candies, toys, and cookies. we have easter egg hunts. i am not big on the candy and such. but i do love a good dessert!!

    @sleepymom5 Happy easter to you too. thats ok. it is the holiday. no worries. i tried the ear plug thing but they hurt my ears if i wear them to long. it gives me an ear ache. my ex snored like a freight train. he would be sleeping in the back room and 80 feet away in the living room over the tv you could still hear him. it was terrible.

    @DananaNanas baby gain girl. now, what will you do differently this week to make the scale move in the right direction?

    @ljdanny i think daily activity is so important to weight loss. but not because it helps you lose weight. because it really does stimulate the brain. it releases feel good hormores that help provide motivation. i can't wait to get the release from my doctor to start back exercising. have you tried listens to some podcasts? if your interested i can give you the names of a couple coaches that have good ones.

    @carlsoda thanks for checking in!

    @Julie8468 ohhhh noooo. chinese food got you. mmm love me some sesame chicken and spring rolls. and as for the massive ham. make a soup with the leftovers. i make a ham potato, and broccoli soup that is delicious.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    4/20 Saturday Team weight no more

    @carlsoda 60 minutes and 13478 steps - triple and double
    @Julie8468 60 minutes and 7551 steps - Triple and single

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