WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    In case anyone’s interested these are the 12 categories we came up with.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @Mrsbell8well I’m so sorry your cat passed away!

    @hope002 I have no idea how you manage to get so many steps in day after day! You asked for suggestions on non-food rewards, do you walk outside? Maybe for your 195 goal, some new sunglasses, or cute sandals that can take you to your stepping goals? I also love my AirPods and recommend them, but are expensive, not sure if you have Bluetooth earbuds?
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    edited April 2019
    Daily Check in: Friday
    Food: logged, over
    Water: lots
    Exercise & steps: Hike; 18,376 steps

    Took the dogs for a 6 mile hike. It was the longest one we have done this year so far because of all the snow we've had and it really wore me out. Can't speak for the dogs but they were pretty mellow rest of the day. I was pretty hungry throughout the day and made good decisions mostly until dinner. I was too tired to cook the healthy dinner I had planned and threw fish sticks in the oven instead. I didn't stick to the 1 serving size of 5 fish sticks either. Oh well, today's a new day. My first yoga class in a really long time and meeting new people... yikes LOL.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Woo hoo @kirsten11872. Nice loss!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    4/25 Thursday Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr strike out
    @Mrsbell8well 80 min exercise, 11,597 steps-Triple/double
    @pacsnc6 50 min exercise, 7,200 steps-Double
    @hope002 77 min exercise, 10,926 steps-Triple/double
    @carlsoda 11,754 steps- Double
    @Julie8468 - strike out
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    4/25 Friday Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr strike out
    @Mrsbell8well 20 min exercise, 5355 steps- strike out
    @pacsnc6 85 min exercise, 6426 steps - triple
    @carlsoda 12869 steps- Double
    @Julie8468 -
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    Daily Check in: Friday
    Food: over
    Water: at least 64 oz
    Exercise & steps: 60 min walk and 9713 steps.

    Beautiful and fun wedding. I did well with eating, not so well with drinking. My 3 drink rule wasn't as easy to do as we went to a few places before, I had a drink at each place so that screwed me up. I was thinking about this, next time maybe I will have a water if we are hitting a few bars. I don't know why that didn't occur to me yesterday. I didn't drink a lot at the wedding itself though. I think about 2 drinks, I didn't want to get drunk or have a hangover. So from about 3pm until 11:30 pm I had about 5 drinks. Not that bad but more than I planned. Food wise, I did well! I am very proud of myself although I am not going lie, I may have had more dessert if I didn't have to walk upstairs. My feet were killing! So not exactly to plan but not bad either. Bad thing though, my youngest ended up in the ER with chest pain. The ER nurse thought it was just anxiety and the ER doc thought it was pericarditis and anxiety. I was an ICU nurse and I am not sure why the ER doc would think that without doing more tests or keeping her. I didn't find out in time to head over or even talk to the doctors so we will have to go to the doctor's on Monday. Now to add to her anxiety she thinks she has a cardiac problem too. I just hope the doctor can either confirm that it was a bit of a stretch of the doctor to suggest that diagnosis or order more tests to rule it out. She has one more week of school and exams coming up. I am sure that is adding to her stress too. Hopefully we can get a hold of this anxiety during the summer and get her the proper treatment and medications. What has helped her the past few years seem to not be working anymore. My poor baby. Oh well...I better get moving. I hope everyone has a nice weekend!

    @carlsoda Give yourself credit for reevaluating what you were doing and making a new plan. I think it is amazing how you can see the difference in how you feel with Dairy especially. I can pretty much eat anything and don't really notice a difference when I stop. Although I can tell when I eat junk that I am hungry quicker. I guess that is a start Lol! I really liked the Beck Diet Solution. I got the paperback because I thought it was a little easier to go back to different things. I hope you like it, it was a game changer for me.
    @hope002 Nice loss but I am not surprised! You have been doing awesome! I hope your back is ok. Hugs!
    @cyndiesstuff . I love that analogy! Thank you for posting. As you know, I am really trying to form new habits. Slowly but surely. Lol! Loved that little Meme-save me a seat, I am going there too! Lol!
    @kirsten11872 You really kick butt when you put your mind to it! Awesome loss!! Glad you are back on track!
    @nstephenson01 It is nice to see how much stronger and healthier you are just by doing things you wouldn't or couldn't have done before. Awesome NSV! The yoga class sounds interesting. I hope it is something you enjoy and continue!
    @hope002 It is fun thinking of rewards for weight loss. Do you like movies or reading? How about a movie night or a new book? Idk how much you want to spend but maybe a massage or facial? You do deserve it, you have been working so hard.
    @Julie8468 I am sorry you had such a stressful week. Breathing is so important. My youngest daughter suffers from anxiety and it is amazing when she isn't breathing correctly doing attacks how her body reacts-dizziness, numbness in hands and feet, that is usually her cue to start deep breathing, she even looked like she was having a seizure at one point and I was told that that was from low oxygen. So..in my long winded way, take care of yourself, breathe and carry on. Don't beat yourself up over how the week went. Make the changes you think you need and give yourself credit for making it through your stressful week. I hope the coming week is better for you. Hugs!
    @Cafelelia No worries about the later weigh in. I am not even sure you were late lol! Nice loss! How exciting about your trip! Have fun!
    @Mrsbell8well I need to screen shot that post as a guide for me. I need to do all that but for some reason it is all jumbled in my head, I guess I get overwhelmed thinking about it and I just need to find a place to start. I just love how you see a problem or see a goal and make a plan and go for it. Loved the story about Minnie. Beautiful too from your pic. I am so happy she spent the last few weeks of her life with you and Molly before she passed. Hugs!
    @GingerPwr I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Hopefully that gives you a path for getting treatment. My daughter suffers with it. I never realized until her how bad it could get and how disruptive it can be to your life. I am glad with everything you are going through that you still find time to check in periodically. You have always been such a supportive team member so I am glad you are still here. Hugs!
    @Zumba_Luvah Nice loss! I am glad you are making a plan to hit your goals! Awesome job!
    @DananaNanas I was relieved you weighed in. I was nervous you were going to disappear . Hope all is well. Hugs!
    @ljdanny Ugh! Hang in there girl! Hope that you get all done that you need to for this class and you pass. I would hate for you to spend all that time and not get credit for the class. Cleaning can wait or be delegated. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Hugs!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 glad you had fun at the wedding. Sorry to hear about your daughter. Yes I too get overwhelmed trying to figure out where to begin. Much easier to tackle small goals to focus on.
    Molly and I did our Personal financial plan this morning. It’s the same one I do with clients. It’s a balance sheet that includes all our assets and liabilities. It was pretty interesting. We’re really excited about how far we’ve come this week.
    Spent the afternoon helping my daughter pack. I am pooped and my right knee is sore. I packed my granddaughters room and my daughters office then scrubbed all 4 of her bathrooms.
    Tomorrow should be more relaxing.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    @cyndiesstuff baseball 4/27: 10,305 steps
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Daily Check in: Saturday the 27th
    Food: logged, under
    Water: 3L
    Exercise: 60 minutes spin class
    Steps: 8,022

    Steps yesterday, 26th: 7,556 just a single, no exercise

    @sleepymom5 thank-you for your kind words. I think nurses are invaluable, and based on my experience, can have the correct answer. Meanwhile, having 2 boys, I can understand you must be worried, I do hope your daughter is ok, and that she finds a way to relieve her anxiety during the next weeks at school and exams.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    4/27 steps 10,395
    Yoga 13 minutes
    Does packing and cleaning 7 hours count for anything?
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Sat 4/27
    steps 7260

    Was on my feet almost all day 8 - 6 working at a chicken bbq fundraiser. I was helping dishing out food as the orders came in and keeping the dessert table stocked. I was able to sit and eat lunch so not quite 10 hours. The food was delicious and of course there were lots of delicious desserts to choose from. I tasted several - mostly the crumbs on the plate after cutting and placing everything on plates.
    I made a new recipe for a "blueberry cheese coffee cake" which was good but I thought the cream cheese chunks would melt a lot more into the cake.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    Daily Check in: Saturday
    Food: didn't log but I am pretty sure I was under
    Water: not enough
    Exercise & steps: none and 1,987 steps.

    I can't believe I rushed and got all my exercise in Friday and then sat on my butt yesterday. I was trying to justify it by saying it would be good for my hip but I really was just being lazy. I did eat well. I am not sure, I may have been too lazy to eat too. Lol! I was just tired. Today I am going to the movies with my son and his fiance. It is that Avengers movie so it is over 3 hours I think. Then Game of Thrones tonight so more sitting. I am getting right up and out this am to get some exercise in. This week is going to be uneventful. I have some doctor's appointments for my daughter but will mostly be cleaning. My niece is still here. She is very closed mouth with what her plans are. I think she is being unrealistic about what things cost in this area. She has an online part time teaching job until June(to children in China-english as a second language), she is also reading tarrot cards online and put an application for a part time job at a thrift store in Philly. From the way she talks, she has nothing saved. She is not the most considerate guest so my patience is wearing thin. We tried to have a talk with her about it yesterday but she just talks around your questions. She also doesn't really shower and our second floor is starting to smell...Ugh! Hopefully soon she either finds a place or moves on.

    @Mrsbell8well YES! That absolutely counts Lol! I am not sure about for baseball but definitely for exercise! Packing is a lot of work. I hope they aren't moving too far. Thanks for your kind words about MaryKate. I think we have a long road ahead
    @Julie8468 Doing well through the weekend so far! Great job! Thank you also for your kind words about my daughter. I pray we get it all figured out.
    @pacsnc6 What a busy day! Doesn't sound like you did too bad just having tastes of the desserts. That is what would have sent me over, sweets are a big problem for me Lol! I don't get the cream cheese in recipes. I can never blend it enough so I always assume it will melt a bit too. I am sure it was delicious though!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member

    4/26 Friday Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr strike out
    @Mrsbell8well 20 minutes exercise and 5355 steps-strike out
    @pacsnc6 85 min exercise and 6426 steps- Triple
    @carlsoda 12,869 steps . double
    @Julie8468 7566 steps single

    4/27 Saturday Team weight no more

    @Mrsbell8well 13 min exercise and 10,395 steps-double
    @pacsnc6 7,260 steps-strike out(so close)
    @carlsoda 10,305 steps-double
    @Julie8468 60 min exercise and 8022 steps-triple and single
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Yesterday was a much better day. Played a full round of golf - so 4 hours of activity! Also had a little over 11,000 steps.

    Ate well too.

    Today, we're having brats at our in-laws. I already put in the meal, plus I'm making a drunken java chocolate cake for my BIL's birthday. That's almost all my calories right there. I'm going to have to eat nothing but fruits and veggies in the morning to even everything out. And try to get in a run.

    Happy Sunday! I needed the rest for spring break but I'm ready for the structure of work again.
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 206.6
    CW: 205.6

  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

    As a whole we lost 73.7 PDS OR 0.28% .....!!

    1st Mission Slimpossibles
    2nd Workout Warriors
    3rd Shrinking Assets

    1st Mission Slimpossibles
    2nd Workout Warriors
    3rd WaistAways

    1st SSUMMERLIN80
    2nd COLLEEN312
    3rd JESUSGIRL62

    1st Coleen312
    1ST Ssummerlin80
    2ND jlbtnc
    3rd. JESUSGIRL62

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