WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited April 2019

    4/24 Wednesday Team weight no more

    @GingerPwr 90 minutes and 10000 steps - Triple and double
    @Mrsbell8well 30 minutes and 6219 steps - single
    @carlsoda 13409 steps - Double
    @Julie8468 30 minutes and 7565 steps - single and single
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2019
    steps 8461
    exercise 30 min

    What a day you had! Prayers for you and your mom and dad. Good luck with your doctor appointment today.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @cyndiesstuff prayers for your mom and family. Take care of yourself today and ask for help if you are too tired.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 187.4
    Cw 185.4
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    @cyndiesstuff sorry to hear about your mom. Thinking of you guys.

    Well the scale moved, I wasn't expecting that, maybe it's broken. I have been working out and eat pretty good. I didn't workout yesterday my hips we're killing. I'm going to try to type my paper at work today, if I have time because after work I have a dentist appointment, yikes. Then I have to go drop off all my notes on my paper to my professor, never heard of that before but ok. Then hopefully I will make it home to workout. That's my plan for the day. It sounds so good in my head.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: Good
    Exercise & steps: 30 minute dog walk; 10,457 steps

    Steps were a little low because I was mostly on my knees trying to lay weed barrier fabric in the wind What a mess! I hope to finish the gravel today so that project is complete. Today's food is pre-logged and I'm just trying to stay focused to get into the 160's.

    @cyndiesstuff So sorry to hear about your mom. You are in my thoughts.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    @cyndiesstuff - so sorry to hear about your mom - sending prayers your way.

    Wednesday Check In:

    Food - ugh we won't talk about it
    Water - really good
    Exercise, 13,000+ steps, yoga and started a 30 day plank challenge. My core is pretty darn weak :)

    Well food was bad yesterday, just craving carbs and sugar and of course gave in. My body is starting to hurt all over too which is telling me I need to get off it. I was so tempted to pick up something sweet for breakfast but I talked myself out of it, instead I stopped and picked up Lara Bars. They are sweet but a much healthier choice to have then say a donut! Time to reel in the sugar dragon. I was too lazy to pack a lunch today but I think I'll go to subway and get a tuna salad. The fat and protein from the tuna should keep me full.

    Hoping everyone has a great day!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    edited April 2019
    Daily Check in: Wednesday
    Food: Logged and on track
    Water: at least 80 oz
    Exercise & steps: 2 walks-40 min and 20 minutes. 11,204 steps

    Overate last night. Unexpectedly went out to dinner and ordered healthy but had some of the appetizers. That actually wasn't the whole problem, I ate less than I would have of the appetizers but then I ate my entire meal and was stuffed. I guess I have been doing a little better with this hunger thing than I give myself credit for because I haven't felt stuffed in a long time. Not a good feeling. I feel like I still don't have a handle on the hunger thing and it was suggested in the podcast to stop at 75% of your meal and evaluate how you feel, I am going to give that a try. That might be easier to remember for me. Oh well, not an exciting day. Going for a walk and then back to cleaning. I also am going to a wedding tomorrow and have to figure out what to wear. Hope everyone has a great day! It is almost the weekend!!

    @julie8468 We all have days like those. I love that you automatically saw what you needed to do and made a plan for today. Great job!!
    @twyla77 It is hard to fit in exercise with busy jobs and lives. Nice job making your walk home longer. Sometimes you just have to fit it in when you can.
    @GingerPwr It must have been a beautiful day to hike! I am so happy spring is here! Fitbit can be frustrating with the synching. I usually have to reset mine to get it to synch. I have an old fitbit one clip on so I am not sure if that will work for you. You don't lose you data if you reset.
    @cyndiesstuff I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! How scary! Sending prayers and hugs. Nice loss BTW! Glad things other than your Mom seem to be looking up.
    @Shirin_K Hope things are going well. I know you are busy but remember we are here for support if you need us. Hugs!
    @ljdanny Nice loss!! No the scale is not broken!! Lol! Give yourself a pat on the back girl! Whatever you did, keep it going. Hope you get in all you have planned today.
    @nstephenson01 Nice loss!! Almost out of the 170s!
    @carlsoda Give yourself credit for recognizing what was going on and trying a healthier option. Glad you figured out a healthy option for lunch today since you weren't able to pack one. Not sure if you like salads but our subway makes any sub into a salad. I was surprised but it was pretty good. Hope today is better.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello all! I hope you are doing well! Sorry I have not been on here much, been busy!

    This week is going well! I should have a decent loss on Saturday. I have been on track this week, I am feeling good! I increased my fasting from 16:8 to 18:6 and it seems to be working. When I eat my first meal, it keeps me full for quite a while. I thought it was going to be hard to extend it by 2 hours, but I feel good. So far so good!

    I just wanted to touch base. I will try to catch up with everyone's posts.

    Have a great day! The weather has been great! :smiley:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    @kirsten11872 I am happy to hear you are on track and having a great week! You always do so well with the IF!
    @lennoncpa Sorry to hear about your friend's grandfather. He sounds like he had a good life up to the end. He is inspiring. I want to be independent and productive for as long as I can be too.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @lennoncpa that is amazing! 102 years old, God bless him!
    I agree, we need to take care of ourselves. Some things are hereditary, but we can control so many things by eating right and staying active. I never plan to stop working out. As long as I do it every day, I should not have a problem being active for the rest of my days. My mom is in good health, she is 74 years old, but she has no muscle and it is hard for her to do certain things. She still works a full-time job, but she has no strength. She always tells my sister and I to keep working out and stay in shape so we can feel good when we are much older.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    check in for Wednesday
    Logged: yes, under
    Water: 12 cups
    Exercise: 30 min strength, 15 min plank challenge, 75 min hot yoga (120 min)
    Steps: 3,756

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff sorry to hear about ur mom. Any updates?
    @lennoncpa I love that story. I want that to be me.
    Ran my longest run in over 30 years. Too hot but I did it. 3 hills and a good pace.
  • hkfleming
    hkfleming Posts: 146 Member
    User ID: hkfleming
    Weigh in Day: Thursday
    Week Number: Week 4
    Previous weight: 181.6
    Current weight: 182.2
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,449 Member
    @hope002 Fantastic day!
    @Mrsbell8well Congrats on your best time in 30 years!
    @hkfleming That is just a small gain, don't let it derail you. You have been doing awesome!
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