WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Username julie8468
    Weight week 5: 140.8
    Steps for Friday was 8,167, no other exercise.

    Do I keep posting for baseball? Is today the last day, if yes, do I post here or the new thread?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    edited May 2019
    Daily Check in: Friday
    Food: Logged, and on track
    Water: over 80 oz
    Exercise and steps: 2 mile walk and 11,007 steps

    I have a few good days under my belt. Productive at home and staying on track with diet and exercise. Today is no different. I am being a little lazy after the 5K but time to get moving after this. The 5K was fun and a little muddy. Lots of hills and uneven terrain that I am not used to. I should have taken a pic, 3/5 of my kids, son in law, future daughter in law, 2 nieces and one nieces hubs, 2 great nephews and 3 dogs. It was fun seeing everyone and doing this together. It was in a different park this year and we had to loop 2 1/2 times. A lot of people doing the race dropped out after the first loop but we stayed in it to the end. The rain held off until the end which was nice. I stayed away from the food tent, just had a banana and water. I did have a good lunch when I came home. Ok, time to move along. Have a great day everyone!

    Remember-tomorrow we are on the May thread! Post over there tomorrow, head over anytime to introduce yourself, reflect on April and make some goals for May.


    @hope002 Another awesome day!
    @amsandos Wow! That is crazy! I hope you are able to catch up quickly from all of that. How frustrating . I am impressed with all that going on you were able to stay in control and eat to a two. Be sure to give yourself credit for that. I have actually started to listen to another podcast (in addition to PNP) The Life Coach School with Brooke Castillo. It was recommended by Corrine. I think her podcast might be something you would be interested in. She does talk about how you need to take an active role in you thoughts and feelings. I feel like she makes sense but I should be taking notes lol! I am sure you can put a whole new perspective on eating to feel amazing with the marathon coming up. I love that thought too.
    @Mrsbell8well You are amazing and inspiring!
    @lenka1 I wish I knew more about increasing calories with the heavy lifting. I am not sure how all that works but it makes sense that you would need more. You and your husband seem to be very knowledgeable between the lifting and a healthy diet. I also like how you were accountable to the cheese, down to how much you had. Give yourself credit for that! I am happy you are back with us!
    @cyndiesstuff . Sending prayers and hugs!
    @pacsnc6 Another fab day!! I can relate to the mother stories too.
    @Zumba_Luvah Absolutely keep trying! That gain could be a number of things! You and I need to get out of the 190s!
    @nstephenson01 Lol! I walked the 5K! I can do 5K but 7.5 miles-holy crap! That is awesome! Sounds like you have a nice day planned today. And you are absolutely right-showing up for yourself and not making excuses is what is important!
    @kirsten11872 Whoo hoo!! But I am not surprised! You are doing awesome! Saw you were even to the gym already! You had a great month-you may have had a struggle at the start but you kicked butt at the end! Great job!!
    @Julie8468 Nice loss!! You did amazing this month! Yes the last day of baseball is today. Post your stats for today on tomorrow's thread.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    edited May 2019

    Thursday 5/2 Team Weight no more baseball

    @Mrsbell8well 80minutes and 10,583steps - triple/double
    @pacsnc6 40 minutes and 7150 steps -single
    @hope002 66 minutes - triple
    @carlsoda 15515 steps - triple
    @Julie8468 strike out

    Friday 5/3 Team Weight no more baseball

    @pacsnc6 60 min and 10,010 steps Triple/double
    @hope002 101 minutes and 8117 steps-Triple/single
    @carlsoda 11,822 steps -Double
    @Julie8468 8167 steps-Single
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @GingerPwr I am doing the 100 day ab challenge. Owwwie. My abs are in pretty good shape from yoga but oh baby my hip flexors are like rusty hinges. I keep thinking about your before and after picture. The “wiggles” today were killers.
    We are in Richmond cleaning out Mollys mom house. I did a long run this morning at my SIL’s country house we’re we are staying. Did my strength training and abs this morning as well. Yoga tonight. I’m feeling very confident. But...I didn’t bring my scale with me. I noticed after lunch I had 2 bowls of air popped popcorn. I knew I wouldn’t be weighing tomorrow. I can feel the little addict in me feeling sneaky and gleeful trying to see how much I can get away with. Nope not going to do that! Going to eat light for dinner. Molly making me instapot navy bean soup.
    I bought 2 delicious vinegars from a boutique olive oil vinegar shop. The one I had on my salad today was Serrano honey. Oh my tasty. I felt like I had collagen injections. My lips swelled up from the heat lol.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    My pretty new silver shoes and strawberry salad with Serrano honey vinegar.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Btw...one last thing...my shoe size went from 8 1/2 to 7...although those silver shoes are 6 1/2.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Baseball Friday 5/3
    Abs 5
    Yoga 35
    Steps 7502
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member

    Thursday 5/2 Team Weight no more baseball
    @Mrsbell8well 80minutes and 10,583steps - triple/double
    @pacsnc6 40 minutes and 7150 steps -single
    @hope002 66 minutes - triple
    @carlsoda 15515 steps - triple
    @Julie8468 strike out

    Friday 5/3 Team Weight no more baseball
    @Mrsbell8well 40 min and 7502 steps Single/single
    @pacsnc6 60 min and 10,010 steps Triple/double
    @hope002 101 minutes and 8117 steps-Triple/single
    @carlsoda 11,822 steps -Double
    @Julie8468 8167 steps-Single[/quote]

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    Baseball Saturday 8,071 steps
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    @Mrsbell8well Super cute shoes! Salad looks delicious!
    @carlsoda thanks for posting! Hope your busy/fun weekend is going well. This was the last day for baseball!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member



    Post in May thread now-baseball, weights, daily check ins...it is time to move on over to May!

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