WEIGHT NO MORE - April 2019



  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Julie8468 you know sometimes life can suck. feel it and move on. you will be just fine. you are a strong woman. you got this.

    @pacsnc6 we will take that as a maintain. what will you do next week to up your game?

    @carlsoda ohhhh yea! nice loss cyndie is doing the happy dance!! ohhh man the little guy has a tough start in life. I will pray that God is with the surgeon. she is a tough ole bird (my mom) she was already feeling lots better last night.

    @ljdanny ohhhh man. your life sounds like mine. tie a knot at the end of your rope and hang on. and as for the pace maker. maybe it will give her a little more time. I hope she makes it for the wedding.

    @lennoncpa that is just a small gain. with the vacation and all. when you get back it will come right back off.

    @lenka1 I am so glad you are coming back. we have missed you. but it is time to come back from your little reprieve. and you are right to shake off others opinions. you have yours and they have theirs. just wish they would keep them to their selves!! lol. I am going to get strick with you too. I need to get back to it.

    @hope002 that's just a small gain. losing weight is not linear. but the scale goes down more than up. that is the trend. you have had a very good month. you lost 3.2 lbs which is 1.51 % of your body weight. good job. awhhh.... thanks for the compliment. you all mean the world to me. I feel personally invested in your success. sooooo. may is going to be our month.

    @kirsten11872 ohhh yea! what a great nsv. no excuses for you. your working out. that was your plan and you stuck to it! great work.

    @sleepymom5 you have been a really busy girl. take 5 minutes at the end of the day today and just breath and tell yourself some positive stuff. keep that heart working in the right direction. and maintains are good. you just keep working at it and it will go down.

    @Cafelelia ohhh no. I will ask them to excuse you from the weigh in since you are on vacation. ohhh I have always wanted to have my gait looked at. I get pains in my shins when I walk on the tread mill. and your vacation so far sounds lovely. enjoy the warm and lets go into may with renewed commitment.

    @DananaNanas we are still here. sunday we move to the new thread. ohh yea! that is a nice loss. good job!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Friday weigh - in's still needed:


    Saturday weigh - in's:

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Thursday
    Food: partly logged, going to assume I went over
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: strength training, walked dogs and mowed lawn; 16,509 steps

    We had three seasons yesterday... cool, fallish in the morning, afternoon snow and sunshine in the evening. That's Montana for ya. Had a good day activity wise but no more guessing on the food I put in my mouth. If I don't weigh, measure and/or count, I'm going to assume more. This overeating needs to stop! Big changes are going to happen in May. I'm done riding this plateau!

    Woke up in the middle of the night with awful menstrual cramps. I'm at the point where I have no idea when TOM is going to show up. Last one was in March... very annoying. I had planned to take the dogs for a longer hike so off we went but I was miserable. LOL 7.5 miles done! Phew. Taking the afternoon off to curl up with a heating pad and bottle of motrin.

    @sleepymom5 With everything you have going on, a maintain is a huge win. I hope your niece finds a place to live soon. Too bad she can't be a bit more realistic and also help you guys out some. I LOVE mexican food but I can't imagine living above one and smelling that day in and day out LOL. A couple of my husband's relatives who wanted to relocate from Arkansas to California lived with us for a while. It was two very stressful periods early in our marriage. Glad you're going to get away to visit your friend and your mom.

    @lenka1 So happy you're coming back! Missed you. I still think to myself some of your sayings... like "summer bodies are made in the winter" :) Its quite annoying when people feel the need to express their unsolicited opinions especially when they're mean and/or not complimentary. Don't listen to them... you do you!

    @ljdanny I'm so sorry your son can't seem to catch a break. 2019 has to get better at some point. Seems like 2019 has been a tough year for a lot of us. Hmmm.... wonder what the astrologers, chinese calendar etc. predicted for this year...

    @carlsoda Sounds like a great weekend. Sorry the little guy has such a rough start in this world. It should set him up to handle diversity well later on. Nice loss too BTW!

    Beautiful new profile pic @cyndiesstuff. Love seeing your smile! Hope the pacemaker helps your mom. How scary.

    Whoo hoo @DananaNanas!

    @cafelelia enjoy sunny Florida and the Prosecco. I'm jealous! LOL

    Happy Friday everyone!!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    okay team mates this is the link to the new thread. sunday is the first check in day there. you can head on over there and introduce yourselves. i would also like for everyone to do some reflection. look back at last month, start with praising yourself for what you did right. what worked. and the good stuff. then analyze what did not work. and make a new plan. be kind and loving. also, as of right now, we have no new people. so lets make may our month. no excuses


  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Baseball 5/2
    Ab challenge 5 mins
    Yoga 35 mins
    Run 40 minutes
    Steps 10,583
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Thursday 5/2 Team Weight no more baseball

    @Mrsbell8well 80 minutes and 10583 steps - triple and double
    @pacsnc6 40 minutes and 7150 steps -single
    @hope002 66 minutes - triple
    @carlsoda 15515 steps - triple
    @Julie8468 strike out
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    edited May 2019
    I have a 5K tomorrow so I won't be on until later in the day. I had another good day today! I am guessing I will have another tomorrow if I am starting the day with a 5k right? ;) Have a nice weekend everyone!

    @cafeleia Enjoy Florida! Sounds like you are doing so well! I hope your gait analysis goes well and you can get back to running!
    @DananaNanas Nice loss!! Do you have a show this weekend? If so, good luck!
    @cyndiesstuff I love the new profile pic! You look beautiful! I listened to a few podcasts while I was cleaning. It does help me get my head back in the game. I am just disgusted that I am not where I was at in the beginning of April. However, I haven't been back over 200 either so that is good. New month, clean slate...
    @nstephenson01 I can't get over the weather you get! Lol! Still snowing in May. I also think now that you are getting back to your amazing hikes with the dogs, it may help you get back on track with your eating. I can't imagine walking as far as you do. Hope you are feeling better tomorrow.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member

    Tomorrow is the last day of baseball and I wanted to give a shout out to our amazing team!

    Thank you all for working so hard and being such good sports during this LONG baseball season! You are the best!

    You still have tomorrow but I wanted to get this in before I forgot :D
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check in for Friday
    Logged yes and over (only 37cal)
    Water: plenty
    Exercise: 26 minutes running intervals, 75 minutes hot yoga (101min)
    Steps 8,117
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,420 Member
    Baseball Friday 11,822 steps
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    This week has been so busy. Someone in the office was sacked and he has just disappeared and the people left behind have to pick up the slack. Now that he has gone we are discovering all the ways he hasn't been doing his job. he should have been supporting me in my role I have been finding out all they ways he has not been doing that and it has left me with jobs that I thought had been done that haven't. It has been stressful and I have been working to get over not only the disappointment and betrayal but the sheer fact that I now have more work to do. This week I have managed to eat to +2 on the hunger scale. However I haven't been tracking and I have been eating spontaneously.

    Listening to Pnp right now. I am thinking that it would be good to find 10mins in my day to mediate so that I can start to master my thoughts. I am definately not the boss of my thoughts. I have started my period and yesterday I ate a lot of chocolate.

    My favourite thought from this podcast - Eat to feel amazing. As I am starting to train for my triathlon I need to think about what I need to eat to be an athlete.

    @cyndiesstuff I love the analogy of the ball on the sandbank.

    I guess we will be switching to the May pages soon so see you on the other side.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @amsandos I love that phrase...eat to feel amazing. That has become my life. I am a completely different person. We packed up to go to Richmond last night. A priority is packing my food. I barely think about food anymore. I have surrounded myself with wholesome ingredients and treats. When I’m hungry I grab a cutie or sit down to eat a meal. I have been enjoying fresh blueberries with shredded wheat and almond milk for breakfast, frozen vegan meal for lunch or leftovers, and a very light dinner or sometimes no dinner. A late afternoon snack favorite is a rice cake with a smear of nut butter, topped with cocoa nibs, sunflower seeds and sugar free organic dried cherries eaten with a pink lady apple. I rarely overeat and I do feel amazing!!! The longer I do this the more natural it becomes. I am loving the new me. It’s a big mental release not to be so obsessed with food. I think the removal of sugar, dairy and alcohol has really helped to release cravings and obsessive eating. I feel healthier and stronger every day.
    I don’t post to brag I post to hopefully inspire. If I can do it anyone can. If you deal with food addictions, yo-yo dieting, self sabotage, trying every diet imaginable, exercising attempts, intermittent fasting, aches and pains...that was me. All of those things. I’m 62 years old. I try to think what is so different this time? Several things...faithfully posting every day on MFP, setting goals and changing course when something isn’t working...like not losing weight, and probably the number one game changer for me was changing my focus to health not just weight loss. My body had so many headaches, aches and pains daily. I gagged and threw up with almost every meal. My digestion was a complete mess and I was so tired. Not anymore. I have vitality and amazing good health all without medications. I am slender, strong, toned and I feel vibrant.
    It is worth it my friends. I have come a very long way and I plan to stay here. It can be done. I am rooting for each and every one of you.
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    You ladies are right! One ear in, other one out!

    I have to learn how to do it yet... so comments like that won’t matter anymore.

    Good busy day yesterday, except at night I got supper Hungry and ate 200 extra cals in Parmesan with spoon lol but I still managed to eat below 1650 cals.

    My husband says I can’t eat 1300-1400 only when I lift heavy 5 times a week.
    I may need to reconsider what’s better.

    Cut on workouts a little bc they are getting tough with low calories and I feel like I need to eat more or increase calorie intake slightly to have more energy to do it all.

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday baseball
    10,010 steps
    45 minute walk
    15 minutes gardening
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    Week 5
    Pw- 194.4
    Cw- 195.6

    Well that's disappointing. Going the wrong way. Ugh. And so, I keep trying. Onto another week!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    We shouldn't let what other people say bother us, especially our mothers. I needed a dress for a funeral a couple weeks ago so went shopping with my mother (I was visiting her for a few days). She asked what size am I in now and when I answered she said "that's not right, you're bigger than me!" I thought "OK I'll show her!" and picked up a dress in the size she recommended. And it was too big! The smaller size fit better. She did apologize later.
    I switched from regular soda to the zero calorie sodas about a year ago and have dropped about 15 pounds. Did she notice? Of course not! I brought some with me to have while I was visiting Mom and she told me I would gain weight drinking that stuff. When I mentioned the weight loss she said "well that's what the studies said". And she very well knows I am NOT the norm when it comes to anything the studies say!

    So just smile and go on with what you are doing as long as it works for you.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check in: Friday
    Food: Logged, over (technically under on food, but wine put me over)
    Water: Good
    Exercise and steps: 7.5 mile hike with the dogs; 20.900 steps

    Phew rough day yesterday but feeling loads better this morning. Planning for a mellow day... 2nd class in the Yoga and Herb series... last week was all about digestive health and this week is Immunity support. The poses last week were pretty easy so should help with my cramps. Then watching the Kentucky Derby. Food is pre-logged. I won't have a lot of calories to play with so need to stay on plan. Feeling like a bloated whale in my yoga pants this morning but that's not what matters. Showing up for myself and not making excuses is what's important.

    Prayers to you and your family @cyndiesstuff
    A 5K @sleepymom5!??! Have you been holding out on us? LOL
    @amsandos Wow. All I can say is at least they canned him so he's not still around causing chaos and trouble. There nothing more moral killing than a bad employee allowed to lurk around.
    @mrsbell8well I'm always learning new things from you and don't consider you bragging. Your journey might not be mine but still you're truly an inspiration.

    Spring is here, at least for today and tomorrow LOL. Wishing everyone a nice weekend!
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day:Saturday
    Previous weight:168.4
    Current weight:166.2
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
This discussion has been closed.