Merry Merry Month of May



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Morning all...up, having first cuppa...need gas, so it's a fast trip to Costco...then Sprouts for a few things...then it is off to the races with my NEVER ENDING STORY OF DECLUTTERING.

    Attitude adjustment: I get to do this. I have a home...and I get to clean it up. Some people would gladly change places iwth me in a heart beat.

    Lots of low calorie density foods today through Thursday...on the left side of the chart.

    Hope y'all have a great day.

    Oh yes, will try tofu again today...nut need to make a dipping sauce with flavor!

    Later, mates.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    Kitchen is pretty much ✅ done

    Massaged kale salad for lunch Tofu in the air fryer

    Tostadas for dinner

    Oatmeal for breakfast

    Hooray making progress!

    On to living room dining room guest bathroom
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Hi Magic, sounds like you are getting a lot done! What's on your tostadas?

    I had a repeat of yesterday as far as meals, with the addition of a rice cake. I'm almost out of those, but as long as I don't keep them in the office I don't snack on them regularly like I was doing. It will be the same the rest of the week. It may get boring at some point, but for right now I'm happy with 5 days at a time of food ready to go and not having to cook or prep during the week.

    I have a file that really MUST be done tonight so I am heading up to my home office.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    @Mihani I love having the same thing everyday for five days, let's say. But I do have to enjoy what I am eating. I also, think it totally works in our favor if one is trying to lose weight. Takes a lot of decision making out of the game.

    First, I have to say, I made the rest of the tofu using the coco aminos...and then a bit of GF panko. Really good. Better than my low sod tamari.

    My tostada will be Ezekiel corn tortillas with refried beans, cabbage, cilantro, onions, tomatoes, hatch green chili salsa

    I managed all the GBOMBS today, cept the mushrooms. It is mushrooms, right? I took out some homemade maranara from the freezer...there are mushrooms in there...but that is for Thursday night. Tomorrow is Pita Junge with my sister and bil.

    I cleaned out the freezer...oh my gosh, too many bananas. I can only buy a few at a time now for fresh for my oatmeal. I must use up my supply first.

    Lots of frozen fruit ... and few convenience meals for emergencies. Not a lot but you know there is a time, when you are tired and they come in handy. I really forgot what was in there actually, since I hardly use them.

    I have a few big bags of veggies that are to be used for making homemade veggie broth.

    Anyway, I will be ready for my handyman/cleaning guy tomorrow. If my knees would hold out, I could do it all. But they don't. I have already taken two time outs today. Three if you count breakfast.

    But my kitchen is totally WFPB now...everything I could have need is one wish is for a new cutting board. But it can wait. Wanting is different than needing.

    Back later...good talk. CUAL. Hugs, nanc Back to feeling happy and does take effort. I am also very grateful. That helps to make things better. Later.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Magic, if I don't have something cooked with mushrooms I've been using Austin's brilliant idea of just throwing a few mushrooms in the microwave with some water for a couple minutes to add to my salad or just eat plain. Don't quote me, but I think Dr. F has said you only need one mushroom a day to get the benefit although I usually eat a few of them. This week I made balsamic roasted mushrooms and I've been eating about half a cup of them with lunch. So good.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    Morning, how nice to wake up to a somewhat organized kitchen...all counters are clean and the sink is very Flylady...she would be proud. I have been noticing how I could reorganize my cupboards to make them much more efficient. But first, all rooms need to be my home is company ready. Ok then...

    I am going to work on those mushrooms on my weekend...make a big batch, @Mihani ... then my GBOMBS will always be covered. Might even saute some onions in there with them...carmelize...if that's ok. Great combo, mushrooms and onions.

    Alright then, just a few things to get done before my handy man arrives. Have a geat day everyone.


    Hot water with turmeric, ginger, lemon

    black coffee

    oatmeal with the ususal suspects

    massaged kale salad

    dinner at Pita Jungle

    Maybe rice cake and pb...we'll see.

    G Kale Salad
    B blueberries in oatmeal
    O need to work on this thinly sliced red would work in kale salad
    M need to saute a lot and use in meals or snacks
    B dinner at Pita Jungle
    S Flax meal in my oatmeal
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Made Oat Milk 🥛 success! Used a stainless steel sieve. Wow so easy! And cheap!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    YAY! After 18 months of giving up red meat, chicken, turkey, ham (never ate lamb) my Lipid panel was with in normal!!! Not high side of normal (big drop to high normal and low/high after 6 months on ETL) BUT normal! I still have weight to lose but for some reason this was very inspiring. After all the criticism from family and friends, this was good to see and proof. Bld sugar & A1C all normal. You know I haven't been 100% ETL or Vegan and still have occasional eggs, fish, non fat yogurt and cheese but I really feel good and believe I am reversing heart damage. I am going to have a new goal of 3 days a week vegan. The other 4 days might have a little egg, fish or non fat yogurt in them...still love goat cheese and chocolate. I am never an all or nothing person.

    Carla and Mihani - thank you for the baked tofu recipes. After you bake it how long does it last in refrigerator?

    Magic - Was this the oatmeal milk you recommended?

    Still enjoying salads with a lot of cabbage, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds and usual broccoli, cauliflower and carrots chopped into it, with or without beans.

    This may sound funny but I don't believe raw nuts & seeds are fattening (oil free). I find when I add them to my salads they are more satisfying and love the crunch. I also think (may be tmi for some people) the majority pass through without being broken down and absorbed or made into fat. I never gain weight when I use raw nuts as a snack...but chocolate, chips, etc...yes. I can't find anything to really prove this...eating too much of anything but veggies can make you fat but I just hate it when people say: nuts are fattening. I snipped at my sister the other day over this...I pointed out they have a lot more nutrients than say wine or corn chips. She, once more was asking me what I eat for protein....big sis is sure I am running on a protein deficit..there is no way I could be building muscles and doing triathlons if I was in a horrible deficit at my age! Ha! 60 years old and still getting lectures from older sisters.

    Seeing these numbers keep dropping for the last 2 years feels like a straight A report card :)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Oh @bisky I am so happy for you, great job...what a success story! <3

    I am 70 and still get lectures from my big sister. My diet is you all know what it is...I mentioned nice cream for dessert...(banana and unsweetened cocoa and almond milk)...she said "well, you don't have it every night do you?" I just said no.

    I have battles in my head about my sister and how she treats me all the time. I finally googled something to see if I could get help so I could calm my brain when dealing with her. I found this (just in case someone might need it...thought it was useful):

    That link is not the oat milk recipe I used...but I do like it for sure. I soaked my oats for 30 minutes...she soaked hers for 15...even better. I like that she used a sieve. I even tried to see if after it went through the sieve it would go through my milk bag...still no luck. It really does taste like oats. I love how fast, easy and cheap it is. CHEAP...really good.

    My handyman/cleaning guy is here. So excited. He is only doing the living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Great start. I am going to work really hard to make this house much more functional...and easy to put things away and keep less cluttered. I need to DO THINGS ON MY WEEKEND...instead of fret over the mess I have and then just get depressed.

    Soon, the temps will be sky high. I would love to take Lulu on the weekend and head up to Flagstaff, AZ and be cool a few times this summer. What joy that would be. I am going to work hard to make it happen.

    Love you having a place to talk to someone. Later, mates.

    Once again, @bisky you have so much to be proud of. Keep up the great work.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    You are making such great progress on your house, Magic. I do love having my house clean, and I have neglected it badly since my work got so crazy. It sure was nice to have at least some rooms cleaned after my weekend at home. Your menus sound great as usual.

    Donna, when I make tofu I usually make enough for the work week and it's fine for 5 days. I am not sure how much longer than that I would trust it. That is so awesome about your blood test results. Woohoo!!! Dr. F and Dr. Greger both recommend consuming seeds and nuts. Dr. Esselstyn recommends NOT eating them if you have heart disease but I believe agrees with the other docs if your heart is healthy. Per the 6 week plan guidelines, I keep them limited to the tablespoon of chia or flax and no more than one ounce of other nuts and seeds per day and it certainly hasn't hurt my weight loss, and I agree with you they help with satiety.

    I worked really late and I have to be in extra early tomorrow so I'm going to head to bed pretty shortly. I hope the gal we interviewed accepts the position. I really need some help and she seems like she'd be a perfect fit.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Magic, if I don't have something cooked with mushrooms I've been using Austin's brilliant idea of just throwing a few mushrooms in the microwave with some water for a couple minutes to add to my salad or just eat plain. Don't quote me, but I think Dr. F has said you only need one mushroom a day to get the benefit although I usually eat a few of them. This week I made balsamic roasted mushrooms and I've been eating about half a cup of them with lunch. So good.

    @Mihani, you have this right!

    In one recent Chinese study, women who ate at least 10 grams of fresh mushrooms each day (about one mushroom per day) had a 64% decreased risk of breast cancer. Even more dramatic protection was gained by women who ate 10 grams of mushrooms and drank green tea daily—an 89% decrease in risk for premenopausal women, and 82% for postmenopausal women, respectively.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Thanks Austin... sometimes I don't trust my memory nice to know it works at times!

    I am heading to the office extra early should be out the door shortly. So much going on this week, kind of regretting blowing off work over the weekend at this stage.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    @Mihani off to work so early...yikes. Hope you are having a good day.

    Made it to Sprouts early...was going to get Kale...wasn't out yet, and the truck had not arrived. I was very early.

    Knew I had romaine at home. Came home, made a romaine salad with tomatoes, MUSHROOMS, scallions, cukes, celery. Made a fresh dressing from The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show. Orange Tahini.

    Later will have



    homemade sauce and I bought that chickpea pasta...Banza...will try that.

    Dessert: no sure

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    Ok you guys, I am not sure I like Oat Milk. It still seems slimy to me. I like Almond Milk better at this point. I have never tasted Oatley, but saw it in Sprouts today. LOTS of additives. So, did not buy it...and pricey too...$over $3.00.

    I soaked some almonds...put them under water at 10 ish. Usually I soak em 24 hours. Will just before bed tonight.

    I imagine if you can make it with ZERO slime at all, it would be good...but I sure have not been able to yet. Will try again. Maybe my soaking time needs to be cut to 15 minutes. Stumped.


    Just found this ...and she give hints on how to keep it from becoming slimy. Does say to use sieve instead of bag and avoid pushing through sieve as that creates slime. Well then...good to know.

    And she says do not soak...soaking produces slime. I think I will try one more time today with her instructions. I want this to work.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    Ok, just tasted it...not real cold...but I did not detect any slime. This is how I made it.

    3 cups water one pitted medjool date in the vitamix...(no oats at this time)...blendy blendy til date is completely broken down.

    Add to water/date mixture 1/2 cup rolled oats (I used GF organic)...blendy blendy 25 seconds.

    Strain through seive, do not push through. Kinda have to move the sieve around for it to go up the sides of the sieve cuz the oat particles block the milk at the bottom.

    Pour into jar and fridge.

    It was not real cold when I tasted it...should be better in awhile. I am happy at this moment. I think the date added to the flavor. Just a teeny tiny sweet.

    Hopefully it does not get slimey by sitting in the fridge.

    So, there was no soaking nor rinsing. Just blendy blendy, strain and done. I know there are reasons for soaking and rinsing, but if I can't stand to drink it, then what good is it.

    The end! Insert Happy Face here. <3
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Enjoying reading about your plant milk adventures, Magic. I will likely try it one of these days, if we hire help at the office and I can get more into cooking again. Get any more of your house projects done? I love oat milk for cereal and oatmeal, because to me it is kind of creamy and naturally sweet.

    I had another good ETL kind of day repeat of prior days except I didn't eat any of my soup tonight and had some of the baked tofu instead. I think I'm going to get away from tofu and back to beans next week.

    Think I'll look at some recipes tonight and figure out what my soup will be next week. Ready to try something new.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited May 2019
    Back to work complaining...but I so love being home with my girl. Darn.

    When I went to pick up cleaning last night, I stopped at Sprouts and got some kale...made a massaged kale salad for two days with one bunch. Just lemon, nutritional yeast, sunflower seeds, raisins added. It compacts so well and you get so much.

    Also, prepped two days worth of my breakfast...oatmeal with usual suspects.

    Roasting some potatoes now in the air fryer.

    They had peaches...PEACHES? Well, they smelled good...not sure how there are peaches but I did buy four for my four day work week.

    I do have some marinara sauce made...might just put that over the pototoes.

    I hope everyone has a good day...time to get into the shower and get going.

    Later, dear ones.

    Sunday, I go in at 10 so I can prep early Sunday morning for two more days. The kale salad is the thing I want to make routine ... for work. I like the big crunchy romaine salads (and Trader Joes Herb Salad mix) for home...but kale compacts so nicely...going to make that a goal for June.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey @magic71755 - I love all your decluttering updates. I am working on that, too. This week's accomplishments -- a bathroom cabinet and my bathroom drawers, and a drawer in the kitchen. I do plan to try oat milk again, using your revised ideas!

    FYI - It looks like peaches have started being harvested in Texas and Georgia. So it looks like you are catching the first of the season!

    I am having a good ETL day:
    B - spinach, cauliflower, blueberry & flax smoothie, coffee
    L - spinach and cauliflower mash, black beans with chile sauce, zucchini and grape tomato salad (my current favorite dish), a few apple slices, green tea
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Great ETL days Magic and Austin!

    Finished off my kale, broccoli, 'shrooms and tofu for lunch today, and had a big salad for dinner, plus as a little treat I had some dates and a handful of walnuts and a rice cake after dinner. I'll chalk that up as a win because what I really wanted was to open a bottle of wine. Things should be getting better very soon as the person we interviewed accepted the job. She won't be starting until July though.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019
    @Mihani juneboard.gif will airplane.gif by and soon you will have some relief at work...what a blessing! o:) Yay for julyboard.gif

    Oh my gosh @AustinRuadhain , the peaches were sweet. I have to go get more tomorrow before work. They were the white peaches...really very good!


    massaged kale salad
    marinara sauce and brown rice
    rice cake a PB and tea for dessert

    Have a great w_satdaybfly2.gif everyone!