Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
edited June 2019 in Social Groups

This chat room provides a place for the CHALLENGERS to meet and chat about the challenge, discuss any issues, post comments, share ideas, etc...

We are beginning the JUNE Challenge - We have six (6) teams returning this month!!

Our group and team leaders for the JUNE Challenge are as follows:

Our Moderators;
Steve - @steplaj (Group Owner)
Greg - @Navydaddjtc
Becky - @Beka3695
Liselyn - @jugar

Our Team Captains
Team Workout Warriors - @Navydaddjtc , @shockvalue07 and @steplaj
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @broncobuddee and @Kres567
Team Weight No More - @sleepymom5 and @cyndiesstuff
Team WaistAways - @BMcC9 and @jugar
Team Trimstones - @mulecanter and @jessicakrall8
Team Shrinking Assets - @Boehle and @Beka3695

Our Motivators
Team Workout Warriors - @navydaddjtc
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @tess5036 and @Kres567
Team WaistAways - OPEN
Team Weight No More - @nstephenson01 and @Mrsbell8well
Team Trimstones - @angmarie28
Team Shrinking Assets - @KelGen02

Captain’s responsibilities include:
* Entering weights for your team into the spreadsheet.
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Post daily / weekly challenges and topics to promote team involvement and help keep the team engaged.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Remind your challengers to enter their weights on time by tagging them or messaging them when they are pending.
* Answering any questions that may come up about challenges, weigh-ins, the spreadsheets etc.

Motivator’s Responsibilities include:
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Coordinate with your awesome team captains to see if they can use any assistance or if they have any specific tasks they feel you can assist with.

- - WEEKLY GROUP CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by teams for the entire group)
- - MODERATOR'S CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by the moderators of the group)
- - INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGES (Challenges within teams themselves)

Team Weekly challenges will be announced in later communications

(Note:The team order for challenges follows the team order in the group standing sheet on the spreadsheets)

We have 4 total possible challenges and NONE are mandatory. Our challengers can do none or all it's up to them. So we have...

The F2F Weekly TEAM Challenge - posted each week on Sunday in the announcements by the team who is assigned that particular week (see above for your week). This is for the F2F Group as a whole.

F2F Moderators Challenge/Topic of the week - This challenge is provided each week in the announcements area. One of the moderators will either provide a challenge that will involve anything fitness, health, and nutrition.

Individual Team challenges - these are challenge done within your own team. You can chose daily, weekly, or monthly challenges (weekly seems to work best). You can make this whatever you wish as long as it's health and fitness related.

Note: If for some reason your team is unable to provide the weekly challenge please let me know ahead of time so another team can take your place or so I can provide the challenge.

Good Luck Teams: Please let us know if there is anything wrong or if you notice something that needs to be fixed or modified. Everything seems ready to go for JUNE. Registrations are almost done and we have quite a few new challengers. Make sure you are going into your new team threads to welcome anyone who has started posting. Let’s make our newbies feel welcome and show them some F2F love!!



  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Into I’m Angelina. 62 years old. Just completed my first 10K yesterday. I started MFP July 9th 2018. I began a 12 week walking program that started with 10 minutes my first day back in July. Now I’m running 80 minutes wow! I started weighing 202.8. I’m 149.4 on last weigh in. 53.4 pounds gone! In October I gave up sugar, alcohol, animal products, dairy and caffeine. I’m on a mission to be as healthy as possible. I have taken zero medications since October. I used to pop headache pills daily. My daily yoga has been life changing as well. All aches and pains have disappeared. I use peppermint oil for occasional headaches that might pop up. I am in the best shape of my life. My goal is to hit the 60 pound mark by my weigh in July 10th. That puts me in focus mode for June.
    I’m switching gears and will start adding bike riding to my workouts. Molly and I can do this together (my wife of almost 3 years). I would like to ride the Virginia creeper in the fall. 34 miles.
    This team gives me accountability and great support in achieving my goals. Thank you everyone and welcome newbies!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited June 2019
    Well good morning everyone. I can't believe it is June already. Time sure does fly by. My name is Cyndie and I am one of the Team captains along with @sleepymom5 . I have been with this group since September 2017. I started my weight loss journey January of 2017 when I had reached my highest weight of 196 pounds. I am only 5 foot tall so that was a lot of mass to stack on this short little frame. Currently, I weigh 157.5 pounds and need to loose about 17 more pounds. So with the help and support of my Teammates and friends here I have lost a total of 40 pounds. I started my weight loss journey using the simple calories in/calories out method (ci/co). but now, have been using intuitive eating. i have developed some unhealthy food issues over the last 40 years and i am working on changing some very old engrained beliefs about food and my body. My main form of exercise is walking and yoga. I have some sort of chronic pain condition. None of the experts can seem to agree on what it is so I just call it chronic pain. I have been ill since 2011 and they (the supposed experts who can't even agree on what it is) don't believe that my pain will go away.

    My fiance proposed to me at last christmas and i said yes. We will be getting married in June 14th (i can't wait thats like 12 days). I have 2 adult children both with addictive personalities and my oldest has schizophrenia. He is 34 years old and who lives on his own but is still very dependent on me to live his life. My youngest is a 29 year old man who lives in Florida and just got out of a 90 day treatment program at the VA. I have two grandchildren, one is 12 and one is 4 and i don't get to see either. I live in michigan and work full time as an office manager of a finance company. My parents are both 86 and my mother has been extremely sick the last few months. So i spend lots of time with doctors visits, hospitals and physical therapy. Besides getting to know one another, the reason i tell you all of this is because i want you to see first thing that life happens and i have been losing weight anyway. It is all a choice. If you want it bad enough you will do what it takes to make it happen in spite of your hectic chaotic life.

    I am an open book. I come here and tell the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is the way this works.

    So now on to Team business:

    I ask that you please check in daily or more if you please. But minimally daily. Many of us here check in with the following format.

    Check in for: Thursday
    Logged food: yes, on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Steps or exercise: 10000 and 30 minutes of yoga

    You can check in daily however you want really, just as long as your check in. most check in for the day before. kind of like a report. so today is sunday, my daily check in will be for what i accomplished yesterday.

    So come on in and introduce yourselves. Tell us a little about yourselves and what your goals are. Lets get healthy together, "One day at a Time" Oh yea, and feel free to visit last months thread and read thru it if you'd like, it will give you a little feel of who we are. And please star this in your favorites so it is easy to get too.

    Now, our way to weigh in on weigh in day:

    User ID: Cyndiesstuff
    Week Number: Week 1
    Previous weight: 157.5
    Current weight: 157.5

    Please be sure to weigh in promptly. But if you can't and something comes up, just don't ignore it. Come here and explain and we will get you excused from the weigh in.

    @baby_carrit and @Moarrein Welcome to our June thread. Please introduce yourselves and what your goals are. I look forward to traveling this journey with you.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Mrsbell8well look at you go with your hot pink laces girl. you look amazing! you keep that up wonder woman!!
    and love love love the actions shots. you look like you are loving your run. i would probably look like death! and you just look beyond cute!!

    @nstephenson01 i am sooo glad your back. ok girl you are back now. so get in gear and lets jump into june with both feet. i love the farmers market. i can get lost in that place!!

    @Zumba_Luvah maintains are good. you just keep working your plan. what are your goals for june?

    @kirsten11872 ohhh yes! good job! cyndie is doing the happy dance that is a nice loss. and look at the new you you have created. up and moving on Saturday! you go girl!

    @Julie8468 sounds like your yesterday was a bust. starting everyday with a 24 hour plan really helps. give it a try. it only takes a couple of minutes in the morning. i have a little 3 x 5 notebook i keep in my purse and i check things off as i go along. i will look for those posts and see if i can find them for us.

    @Moarrein so what is your plan to lose this 10 pounds? how did you gain it back? and i have your weigh in day as saturday, is it suppose to be friday? and welcome to our team. the more you put into this the more you will get out.

    @GingerPwr love your reflection. and you are the only person who can control your health. good job maintaining thru a very tough time in your life. the is a powerful feat. a great NSV for sure. i have said it before, read what i said to @julie8468 above. i truly believe it can help you too.

    @Cafelelia ohhh yea you are back and more fierce than ever. and we all have out stuff. read my intro in an earlier post above. but without our health we are useless not only to ourselves but to others as well. good job on that reflection. and thanks for the complement on my granddaughter. she is the sparkle in my life!!

    @lennoncpa you will do this. june is your month. get up every morning and look yourself in the eye and tell yourself what you are going to do. use kind and loving words and do it often, you never know when you will be listening.

    @sleepymom5 i am glad your back. catch up on some relaxation and then lets get busy in june. you have done great too by the way. i am soooo proud of you and the way you have changed your behaviors. take a few minutes and write down all the things that were different this time. and give yourself big credit.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Reflection Exercise:

    Start making a 24 hour plan daily, start a yoga practice, and lose 4 pounds

    Stop the binge eating cycle

    Keep taking my meds, drinking my water, getting in my steps, focusing on creating the cyndie i dream about

    How about you? What will you start, stop and keep this month?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Team Weight No More's Week 3 Group Challenge Today Matters


    A Four minute Four Circle goal setting tool
    Adapted from Steve Chandler's book "100 ways to motivate yourself"

    The Four Circle Method is a game changer if you suffer with the thought "I have so much weight to lose and it will TAKE FOREVER."

    This is a great tool that helps you plan what you will do today to get you to that far away goal. You see, most of us are just disconnected from the smaller version of ourselves. We can't believe that the little things we do today MATTER. We think things like, "This bite won't hurt" or "I’m done… weighing 150lbs will take forever so give me a cookie."

    The Four Circles basically trains your brain to believe how important today's tiny steps are. Yep...drinking the water matters versus our usual thought of drinking the water isn't enough.

    Instruction: Start by drawing four circles on a piece of paper (see example below). The circles represent one year, one month, one week, and today. Inside each circle write down what you want. It can be anything. Start with the one year circle first.

    The top left circle is the one year goal.
    The top right breaks that goal down into a smaller piece, a monthly goal.
    The bottom left is an even smaller piece, a weekly goal.
    The bottom right is EVERYTHING you are going to do today that will help you reach your goal.

    Without looking at our goals on a daily basis, we tend to lose sight of them and get caught up in reacting to people and circumstances, forgetting about our one year goal. If you hit your daily goal every day, your weekly goal is automatically hit. If your weekly goal every week is reached, the monthly goal has to happen If you hit your monthly goal every month, your yearly goal will be achieved.

    Ultimately, success is dependent upon just one of the circles: the circle labeled "today". When you realize the irrefutable mathematical truth contained in this system, you have just proved on paper that your day and your life are the same thing. There is no future other than the future you are working on today. Your future is not stranded out there somewhere in space.

    Now tell your team and share your goals. Every day matters. What will you do today?


  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    lets talk about the above model for a moment. quite honestly this is how our brain works. many times without our even realizing it.

    First there is a circumstance. the circumstance is a fact. it can be proven in a court of law.

    Next, you have a thought about that circumstance. a good one or a bad one.

    Followed by a feeling. happy sad and so on

    Then that feeling moves you to action or inaction

    And finally, in turn, it gives you a result.

    lets take an example:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition
    The thoughts: my son can get help, what he does is out of my control and my mom will be surrounded by love and I will be there for her till the end.
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: had a long talk with Jim and cried and yelled.
    the results: I felt some relief with jims compassionate heart.

    Now it could have gone like this:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition: the facts have not changed
    The thoughts: my son and my mom are going die,
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: i went to the frig and ate my feelings
    the results: my son is still and addict and my mom still has a heart condition and now i feel like crap cause I lost control of my food intake

    the point of the story is that your thoughts can be true or untrue, helpful or unhelpful. we need to really look at what we say to ourselves. AGAIN... the words we say to ourselves are very powerful.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Didn't want to overwhelm you but these are some helpful posts from an earlier thread. pick one and participate! help show our team that we do the work it takes to change our lives and create the new version of ourselves we want.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank-you Cyndie!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 I am so relieved you found your pup and tail is wagging. Good luck with your move.
    @sleepymom5 it has been a long week for you. Really impressed how thoughtful you have been with your journey and doing the best that you can to take care of yourself.
    @cyndiesstuff this team is here for you girl. Try sending an SOS and see what happens. And most certainly if I can do this so can you! Not just the weight loss but overcoming the harmful binges. You have still kept off the majority of the pounds you lost. You can do this 1 day at a time. You know you can always reach out to me. Thank you for all the extra effort you continually pour into this group as our captain. You are greatly appreciated. @sleepymom5 you as well. With everything that is going on in your lives you both still do a stellar job of leading this team. Thank you!
    @lenka1 it’s a journey for sure. You have done an inspiring job with your strength training. I know we want that scale result but your doing a great job improving your muscle tone and getting healthier everyday. Stay with us.
    @gingerpwr I appreciate your staying with us through everything you have been through. I love having you on out team Casey. This is our life. We will cycle through all kinds of events. It’s how we handle them that matters. You have really inspired me with your continued weight loss.
    @Moarrein welcome. Oooohhh an ultra runner wow! Thanks for the intro. How tall are you?
    @nstephen01 there’s no place like home. I love that you took your cooking tools with you and had a plan. I know you will be glad to get back into a routine. Sounds like a challenging visit.
    @lennoncpa are you the one that was interested in Jenny Craig? I worked several years for them. I loved their program and learned a lot about diet an nutrition. My strength routine is still the one I learned from them 20 years ago. Not sure who was interested but I thought it was you.
    @Zumba_Luvah just think of the weight you didn’t gain! In our past lives we could easily have but up a few pounds. And now we get to start over with a fresh new month.
    @eyesopennow thanks Mike. It’s definitely been an achievement. How wonderful to be married to someone that loves and appreciates you. Best blessing in life.
    @kirsten11862 what a way to end the month! You earned it. Yes you will be seeing the150’s son. Thanks for your support! I appreciate it.
    @julie8468 you sound like you have been doing a lot of thinking about what you need to do to be successful. June is a great time to really commit.
    @ljdanny you have had so many changes. You always inspired me with your early morning workouts glad your celebrations have been happy times.
    @twyla77 dang girl you get a lot of steps! I had my highest ever at over 21k. You were right behind me at just under 20k. And I ran a 10K to get those steps. Wow you move a lot!
    @Cafelelia I’m so glad your able to run again. You’ve done so well with your rehabilitation. Thanks for all your kind words and encouragement.
    @carlsoda how fun to be going to the antique roadshow! Thanks for sharing. Interested to hear what you found out.
    @hope002 congrats on weight loss! What activities are you doing for summer?
    @hkfleming how much have you lost total? Looks like your making progress.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @pacsnc6 maintains are good as they say. I’m sure you will burn calories too with all the weeding.
    @cyndiesstuff love the picture of Sophia and the Sunrise!
    @Cafelelia your picture with your medal is awesome! It makes me smile with you.
    @phoebe112476 I was losing weight at a good pace too until I got down to the las7 here. Our bodies do change as we get closer to goal. Sounds like your being thoughtful of making sure this is a lifestyle change and not the standard weight loss diet that we’ve done so many times.
    @Shirin_K how delightful that you were playing baseball with your son. Builds great memories too!
    @amsandos I was thinking of you yesterday when I was doing my race. Isn’t it crazy that we are not super skinny from all this training? You would think that we could chow down and not worry about weight gain. Yesterday my daughter brought over coconut clusters from Costco. Heads up. Do NOT buy these. They are like “crack”. Hard to stop eating. They have natural sugar so I ate too much of the stuff knowing that I “deserved “ it after the race. Lol...we know what a slippery slope that is. Good for you for regrouping! You can do this. We are here for you.

    If I missed anyone I’m sorry. My busy work life has made it harder to stay on top of posts. I fell asleep last night at 7pm. But up at 1am wide awake. Decided to use this time to catch up 🥰
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Start-getting serious about getting to goal. CICO. Meal prepping. Logging

    Stop-being satisfied where I’m at. Keep going, hit that goal

    Keep-running. Posting.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Thank you Cyndie for the reminder to think positive thoughts. Sometimes it is hard when things in life seem to be going against you. But there is always a positive side to it.
    You are handling things with your Mom and your son the best way you can.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited June 2019


    "As a whole we lost 7.9 lbs
    OR .03%!!!! WTG TEAMS!! "


    TEAM % Shrinking Assets 0.59%
    INDIVIDUAL % KX7003 3.21%
    TEAM LBS LOST Shrinking Assets 21.6
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST Lindamtuck2018 6.0

    1st Shrinking Assets 0.59%
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 0.14%
    3rd WaistAways -0.04%

    1st Shrinking Assets 21.6
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 5.8

    1st KX7003 3.21%
    2nd guitargirl55 2.71%
    3rd Lindamtuck2018 2.64%

    1st Lindamtuck2018 6.0
    2nd Luciicul 5.1
    3rd kx7003 4.3

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. I’ve got a family brunch this morning and I’m hoping to keep things under control. Today is a new day 😀
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    May I gained .4 pounds. The exciting thing about that is I have stayed under 150 all of May. I completed 10 weeks of 10K training. I have done well with both of my work teams. We are seeing amazing progress. Our rental home has been rented sight unseen (pictures) and will be ready after we finish mulching and light cleaning today.
    We have set a weekly focus and made strides in money, house cleaning/organizing, exercise, health, romance and career.
    May has been a success.
    My measurements have stayed the same with the exception of belly button circumference. I lost 1 inch of belly fat.
    Yoga and ab challenge were not consistent but they were there.

    I made an exception and just weighed myself. 148.4. Scale is back under bed. I have 6 weeks to lose 6.4 pounds. I’m going to adjust MFP accordingly and start logging. I am a goal setter and a goal achiever. My goal will be to see 147 this Wednesday and 144 by end of June. 142 by July 10th. That will put me at 60 pounds and in the normal range and the beginning of maintenance!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Saturday
    Food-too many coconut clusters
    Exercise 10K race
    Steps 21,211 highest yet

    First day we opened pool to the kids. I got to rest, lounge and read. Lovely. I have done many races. I don’t like doing races but I do love training for them. Keeps me committed. New fitness challenge will be bike riding so Molly can join me. Goal Virginia Creeper in the fall. 34 miles.
    Last weeks focus of career was hit and miss. Could have done better.
    This weeks focus is Creativity. I started writing a short story a year ago. This week I plan to finish it. I want to enter it in a writing contest.
    And it’s a new month! Good luck everyone with your June goals!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 btw...I keep meaning to say congrats on hitting the 60 pound weight loss mark! That’s a major accomplishment !!!

    I’m off to make strawberry pancakes 🍓
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,452 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Pam. I am one of the captains along with @cyndiesstuff. I am from the suburbs of Philadelphia. During the summer I am mostly at the Jersey Shore. I have been married 28 years and have 5 children 27-19. I am a nurse but sorta retired at the moment. I am still deciding what I want to do. I have to the fall to figure it out.

    My story in a nutshell...I was never overweight, although I always thought I was fat growing up. I gained A TON of weight with my pregnancies and ended up at 221 lbs. Unfortunately that ended up being my heaviest even when I wasn't pregnant . At the end June of 2012 I decided I either had to get serious and lose weight or accept that I am obese and live my life. I got a fitbit and joined MFP on July 1, 2012. Since then, I have gained and lost 30 or more pounds a few times. I have never gotten back to that starting weight but have gotten close. Although I haven't been as successful with my weight loss as I would like, I have learned a lot. I eat so much healthier than I used to. I also am in good physical shape, I love to hike, walk, kayak and bike. Actually anything outdoors I usually enjoy. I do have a home gym in PA which has a bike, treadmill, elliptical, weights and a few other things.This winter I discovered the Leslie Sansone tapes which I also enjoy. I want to enjoy exercising and not have it be a chore. I am always looking for fun, new workouts.
    As far as eating, that is where I struggle. I do eat healthy for the most part but I am now figuring out that I am eating too much. I am working on not eating unless I am hungry and to stop eating when I am satisfied. I am doing well but am still working on it. I listen to the Phit and Phat podcasts daily. The things they talk about really have hit home with me. Especially making small, doable changes. I have done so many restrictive diets and crazy exercise regimes and lost weight only to gain it all back when I just couldn't keep it up anymore. This time I am not making any changes that I can't keep doing my whole life. It is really a lifestyle change. I totally get that now. The weight is coming off slower than I would like but it is coming off and that is what is important.
    This team is more than just weighing in weekly. Checking in daily really helps keep me focused. I also learn a lot from everyone and also get support when I really need it. I was in a terrible slump most of 2018 and this team pulled me out and put me on a good path. The information that changed my thinking was from reading everyone else's successes and struggles. If I wasn't on this team, I wouldn't be where I am now. I have lost the additional weight I put on from that slump in 2018, have gotten to and stayed in onderland AND really feel like this isn't going to be a rollercoaster any more. Let's rock this month!!
This discussion has been closed.