

  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    Wow, I was just settling in to the May thread, and you ladies snuck out in the middle of the night and started a new one! My parents did this a lot when I was a kid -- I'd come home from school and find someone new living in our house..... Such kidders! Anyway, I found you again. Great game!

    So for the several new people, I am Mike, 59, happily married, unhappily fat. In addition to weight, I fight diabetes, blood pressure issues, and inertia. My goal this month is a simple move of 3 pounds. THREE. And this time, for a change, I want it to be three LESS, not three more. :) I am going to achieve this through continued diligence about walking and good food logging. While May was a very small net gain, my ending weight was actually 3 pounds lighter than the highest point in the month (we refer to that day as the Great Chili Cheese Fry Massacre. The horror....)

    Let's do this.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member


    As a whole we lost 131.1 PDS OR 0.55% !!


    TEAM % Shrinking Assets 1.37%
    INDIVIDUAL % reflectionofme 7.74%
    TEAM LBS LOST Shrinking Assets 50.6
    INDIVIDUAL LBS LOST SaraMakingChanges 15.1

    1st Shrinking Assets 1.37%
    2nd WaistAways 0.76%
    3rd Trimstones 0.45%

    1st Shrinking Assets 50.6
    2nd WaistAways 33.2
    3rd Trimstones 17.5

    1st reflectionofme 7.74%
    2nd SaraMakingChanges 7.40%
    3rd luciicul 5.66%

    1st SaraMakingChanges 15.1
    2nd Luciicul 12.6
    3rd reflectionofme 11.5

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    @Mrsbell8well, congrats on finishing that 10K :)
    I'm not sure I'll be able to finish that ultra (last year I managed 73 km), but I'll be very happy if I beat my result :) I'm 157 cm tall , which should be about 5.1 feet (I think)

    @cyndiesstuff, can I change my weigh-in day to Friday. I think it will be more convenient :)
    About my plan:
    1. Cut sugar intake to minimum (that's my weakest spot)
    2. Start logging my food again
    3. Set a goal to do at least 10 000 k a day
    4. Train for and participate in several races.
    5. Not going to have great expectations about the speed of losing wight :) The slower I lose the more lasting the results are (at lest that is my case)

    Check in for: Saturday
    Logged food: no, but ate mindfully
    Water: lots
    Steps and workout: 27300 steps (15 km running/fast walking) and 25 min of yoga
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Daily check in for Saturday June 1st
    Logged food: yes, over
    Water: not enough, maybe 1 L
    Exercise: none really, about 7,500 steps
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited June 2019
    Check in for: Saturday
    Logged food: yes but did some late night snacking
    Water: 96 oz
    Steps or exercise: 9,012 and 30 minutes of walking

    Overall I did well on my Georgia trip. We got up and walked every morning for 30 min, I made good choices at the hotel breakfast. We did go to Italian and Mexican restaurants. I planned to eat 1/2 of Eggplant parm at the Italian one. I over ate but did stop at 3/4. I split an entree at the Mexican restaurant but the 1/2 was probably a normal serving. I ate 3/4 of that too but unfortunately had chips and guac that I overate. The drive back I did stop at starbucks as I was really tired. I got a drink with cream and a cake pop but otherwise did well on the drive. I didn't end up having dinner and had halo top again. I was doing ok but was up too late and wanted to eat and had a few more bites of ice cream and a special K bar. I wasn't thinking, I can't even say for sure if I was even hungry. I don't know why I had it. Today I feel bloated.

    I am so happy that we did go see my friend. We had a fun seeing her and she still has a sense of humor. She is in bad shape though. She can't open one eye. That eye is like a "lazy eye" now, if she opens it she has double vision, she can speak but very low and slow, she eats normal but does cough while eating which isn't good. She can only drink thickened liquids. She can't walk and barely can bear weight. I thought it looked like she was but when I was helping her to the bathroom, I had to pretty much lift her. We gave her a little mani/pedicure while we were there, planted some flowers, treated them to lunch and dinner but that was about all we could do. We wanted to clean and shop but they wouldn't let us and we didn't want to insult them. Her sister must have tried to clean when she was there and they are missing important papers. Her husband was pretty angry about that so we didn't push the cleaning issue. To complicate matters, he has no extended family and her family is in NJ,NC and Missouri. They have two adult children with Autism so the husband is caregiver for 3 people now. We think he quit his job but couldn't get the story out of him. He just said he can't leave them. I don't know what is going to happen with them. Not a good situation. Another one of our girlfriends is heading down in 2 weeks. We told the husband that he is not alone and to please let us help him with whatever he needs.

    I am back by my Mom. It sounds terrible but this whole trip is so depressing. Florida used to be such a happy place. When I was raising my kids, we would be down every summer. We were so busy visiting Aunts,Uncles, cousins, friends and neighbors.. Now almost everyone has passed away. I am having trouble with time marching on down here. It is almost like I am grieving. It is weird. I am trying to change my thoughts to remembering all the happy memories down here but it is a struggle. I will be happy to go home on Wed, this had been a long, emotional trip.

    My hip has been hurting so I am debating if I should make this a rest day. I know I won't get a lot of steps once I am at my Moms. I may just take a walk on the beach but make it shorter than usual.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Since we are on a new thread-my comments from last night(just trying to catch up on what I missed)

    @cyndiesstuff Love your frogs! The little butt crack cracked me up Lol! Sophia is beautiful! You are so busy, hope each day continues to be a little better than the rest.
    @Julie8468 You may not have lost as much as you wanted to in May but you still almost lost 2 lbs. Good idea to think about your goals and planning out June. New month, clean slate! Btw-You will have to share an after pic of your work in progress!
    @lenka1 Hang in there! Did you ever end up taking measurements? Are your clothes fitting better or getting looser? Don't give up! You can do this!
    @carlsoda Maintaining isn't a bad thing. I can't wait to hear how you make out at the Antique Road Show!
    @eyesopennow Nice loss! I love those heart eggs!
    @hkfleming Nice loss! Hope all is well!
    @Cafelelia Nice loss! Congrats on the virtual run! What a good idea to ease back into races with a virtual one!
    @hope002 The scale is going in the right direction! How is it going?
    @pacsnc6 You are right, not bad at all. Sounds like it could be fluid retention. That will come off.
    @kirsten11872 Nice loss! The IF and WW really does work for you! Along with those killer workouts!
    @ljdanny What a successful day with your son's BD celebration! Great job! Hope you enjoyed your lunch with your extended family!
    @phoebe112476 Your progress always amazes me. I have learned so much from your posts. Good luck with the move, moving is a lot of work. I am also happy to hear your dog is feeling better too. Hugs!
    @nstephenson01 I am glad you are home safely. I am glad you got to see your friend.
    @Zumba_Luvah Maintaining isnt a bad thing. Hope all is well.
    @mrsbell8well Congrats on your race! Thanks for sharing your pictures!
    @Moarrein Thanks for the introduction! Welcome to the team!
    @GingerPwr You have been powering through the past 2 months and I know it hasn't been easy. I am hoping with school being out soon that you can take some time for yourself. Hugs!
    @lennoncpa You are right, one day at a time! I know you can do this!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    As far as reflection, circle and keep/stop/start....I want to do this when I am not in a rush. Hopefully tonight I can relax and put some thought into it.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    I'm not sure how to reply to people that tag me lol. That's why I haven't replied to anyone who has tagged me in a post. But I for sure didnt want to maintain this week. Even just 2 years ago, all I had to do to lose weight was eat a few hundred calories less a day. Now, I eat less and exercise and move around a lot but the weight doesn't seem to want to go.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Sorry I missed the last weigh in team 😧 should I post in here or just write it off?

    I’m SO ready for this new month. Last recital today @2!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    I'm 54, 5'4" and currently at 147 lbs. I live in Minnesota, am married, work full time, commute 50 minutes 1 way to work (so I don't have to live in the cities) and mom to the sweetiest cat in the world! (In my humble opinion) We also have SIX grandchildren - all under 5 and they are all precious yet so uniquely different from each other.....and another one on the way due January 6th!!!

    I've participated in WW's a few times, but just never really worked for me. I was always too hungry. Back in 2016 I started Atkins and boy did it work well. I got down to 137 lbs and felt and looked great. I added more carbs back into my diet and gained some weight back. Luckily not to my highest. Now I'm slowly working my way back down again. Ultimate goal is 137 lbs. By the end of June my goal is to hit 143lbs.

    This months goals are to do yoga 3 days a week or more, preplan my food the night before and stick to my plan. The other thing I heard recently in a podcast (can’t remember which one) is to ask myself daily “what can I do today that is 1% better than yesterday?”

    We have two events in June I need to work though...first is a combined birthday party for our June bdays in the family and 2nd is a wedding and no idea on food. I may just give myself a pass for the wedding and just go have fun. We’ll see!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    @Mrsbell8well - congratulations on the 10k!!!
    @sleepymom5 - you are such a good friend, I feel so bad for your friend and family. I hope he can get respite care once in a while. I’ve heard that being the caregiver really takes it out of you. Good job pretty much keeping on plan!
    @cyndiesstuff - oh my gosh your wedding is coming up soon! Congrats on the phone interview, I hope it went well and you get a call back!

    Greeting to everyone else!

    What’s your 1% you can do better today than yesterday?
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 maybe some yoga or light stretching can help? You can you tube Adrienne yoga “hips” for some gentle routines.
    @eyesopennow you really would make a great writer! You have a way with words. Mike it’s time to get tough and do what you have to do. Your wife needs you healthy!
    @cyndiesstuff omg wedding bells so soon??? How did it get here already?
    @Zumba_Luvah when you want to respond back to someone you can use the @ symbol and start typing their name. More times than not it will jump in and fill in the rest of the name. Good luck!
    @DananaNanas yes it is a relief to start a new fresh month. I know your life has been crazy. Hope you have found some time for rest and fun.
    @Moarrein Wow just Wow! Glad to have you on our team.
    @carlsoda thanks for the challenge. I can log. That’s 100% better than yesterday. Stopped me from eating 3 pancakes instead of 2 🥞 😋
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Hello and welcome all returning and new members! I’m Nancy, 49, (eeek almost 50!) married, with two Brittany Spaniels and live in Montana.

    My Stats:
    Height: 5'8"
    Highest weight: 220.5 on 12/29/2016
    Lowest weight since joining MFP/F2F: 168.4 on 5/16/19
    CW: 173.4
    GW: 155

    Last month I finally busted the 50 pounds lost plateau I battled all winter but traveling the last two weeks of the month stalled my progress. Looking back at my May goals which were to lose some, ANY, amount of weight which I did although it was minuscule and work on my hunger scale/overeating issues which I did while traveling. My weight loss journey has been slow but so far sustainable. I totally stalled out at 175... gaining and losing the same couple of pounds over the winter. For June I will pick back up with what I was doing early May and get back into the 160's:

    - Pre-log food each day and aim for macros being around 30% and a daily 500 calorie deficit
    - Schedule out my exercise in my calendar each week... hikes, strength training, cardio & yoga
    - Dedicate more time to reading
    - Try AGAIN to improve my sleep habits

    Daily Check in: Saturday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: Good
    Exercise & steps: 30 minute dog walk; 15,409 steps
    Day 2 in my string of meeting my goals!

    Wishing everyone a wildly successful June!! Go Team Weight No More!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Julie8468 your welcome Madam.

    @Mrsbell8well i am feeling stronger today. i am on track so far. i can do this for one day. its just one day. and i love your start stop keep!! i am there sister... lets do this. i am so loving you motivation to make goal. lets not get satisfied where we are at. forward! wonder twin powers ACTIVATE!!

    @pacsnc6 Hey we got this. this is the last time we are going to lose this weight. are you with me?

    @lennoncpa ohhh a brunch. how did it go? sounds wonderful. but remember who is important. do what is best for you! and smile. june is our month.

    @sleepymom5 thank you for taking the time to share your story. it is beautiful how you have never given up. i think you must be the strongest woman i know. we are gonna do it this time Pam. this is the last time. don't let yourself start getting snacky. you and i both know that is a slippery slope. and i am so sorry about your friend and her family. that sounds terrible. you know? my life isn't so bad. and the frog has a but crack. lol. his name is Morris!!

    @eyesopennow you have such a great way with words. they happiness just jumps right off the page. i am glad we are friends buddy. the token man on the team! you keep this journey light. this is the month Mike. this is the month you are done quitting. you are sticking to your plan and you make that plan every morning. this is just one day. lets lose this weight together. your on. my goal is three pounds too. let the games begin!!

    @Moarrein yes. i will ask the powers that be to move it to then. no problem. your plan looks great!! and holy steps! wow 27300. thats some crazy stepping girl!

    @Zumba_Luvah here is how you reply to someone in person. you tag them by putting a @ in from of their screen name. are you drinking your water? that may be a problem. how is your sleep? are you making a 24 hour plan? all things you can do today to get you to Junes goal. if fact, what is Junes goal for you? I bet @eyesopennow i would we would lose 3 pounds.

    @DananaNanas i am so glad you are here. i thought you left us. june is the month. time to create some new habits. lets do it together. what will you do every day this week? i will get 10k steps and do yoga 4 days a week. and you are sooooo cute!

    @carlsoda i love your june goals. now what will you do today to help you meet that monthly goal. remember the 4 circles. this is the last time we are gonna lose this weight! so lets make june the best month yet.

    @twyla77 ohhhh no not sick. i hate that antibiotic stomach. yuck. i am glad you are feeling some better. lets do this. what is on your plan tomorrow? what one thing can you do tomorrow to further you to your goal?

    @CassieGetsFit2013 omg girl. you are officially in the 180's!! good job. What are your goals for june? what is you plan?

    @nstephenson01 congrats on the 50 pounds gone. that is huge!! literally. i am so proud of you. i can feel the commitment to meet your goals in your words. this is the last time we are going to do this. we have figured this out!!

This discussion has been closed.