
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    Tuesday check in
    Food-didn't log and over
    Water-over 80oz
    Exercise and steps-none and 4652 steps

    My hip is really bad, it feels like it also my lower back now too. It got worse as the day went on. Ibuprofen didn't help and I took the prescription strength. My husband asked me why I didn't go to urgent care, it just never occurred to me. I wish I did. Tomorrow(well technically today) I am leaving. If I am as bad as I was today, I am going to have to get a wheelchair in the airport. There is no way I can walk that distance. I am hoping since I did rest, iced and stretch, it will help for tomorrow. I am hoping I just pushed by walking on the beach the other day. I am going to try to get in with the doctor on Thursday. I am not sure if I even have to see her, she may just write a script for imaging since she has seen me twice for this.

    I am not sure if I will be on tomorrow. I am up late so may not be up early enough to check back in. I have to check out of the hotel, go to my Moms for a little bit and then drive 1.5 hours to Orlando. I won't get back to Philly until late so I will probably go right to bed. We will see how it goes. I do have breakfast and lunch planned. Not sure about dinner. I am hoping to have lunch late so I don't have to worry at the airport.

    @carlsoda Nice day! Great idea to cut out the sweets. I am sure you did this when you did the whole 30.
    @cyndiesstuff That stinks! Good luck tomorrow! I like your goals, I need to sit down and do them as well. I just need to get home... I am worried about my hip too. I am going to call when I get home.
    @jedaschultz I liked your long term and short term goals I find if I prelog my food, I am better with not going over with my calories.
    @Mrsbell8well Great job resisting the candy!
    @amsandos I am so impressed how you are working to figure out everything. You are really doing awesome! Great job passing on the lemon cake. That is one of my favorites!
    @Shirin_K I like your goal to stay under every day-no excuses. I need to do that one too. I am probably doing the same as you. I need to sit down and figure things out like you did. I love all your goals! You got this Shirin!
    @nstephenson01 You must have had a pretty active day with all those steps! Glad you are getting your garden finished . It is going to be nice to have such a selection once everything starts to grow!
    @baby_carrit Nice loss! What a great way to start the month!
    @Cafelelia Another awesome day! Hope the gait analysis went well.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    @sleepymom5 I hope you feel better this morning. See a doctor as soon as you can.

    @cyndiesstuff Good luck this morning!

    It's 3 AM, time to get in the car to drive to Philadelphia for a funeral. I should be back online this evening. Everyone have a good, safe, healthy day.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in Tuesday
    Food ate on plan
    Water 70 oz
    Exercise 30 minutes walk
    Steps 12443 steps

    credit worth acts for yesterday, i accomplished my goals yesterday. i did not over eat. not once. i drank my water, i got in my exercise, i made my 24 hour plan and stuck to it, i was very active with 12443 steps and i felt a little more at peace. i still haven't gotten my veggie garden planted. it is still way to wet to even prep the bed. i sure hope the dry spell continues for another day or two. but they are calling for rain today. i was really worked up yesterday about the interview, but by 10 i had shaken that feeling off. i got my hair colored last night and my friend who is also my hair dresser helped me pick the dress i was going to wear to my wedding. i have two i bought and i love them both. it is so nice to have a friend to just share these things with. you may not know this about me, but i am kinda a loner. i am not sure if that is healthy or not. as i am researching my compulsive over eating it talks a lot about how we isolate ourselves because of internal shame. hmmmm..... i am going to explore that idea a little more. well, this morning is the phone interview. i am going to wow them with my knowledge and wit!! she will be hanging up from our call saying, " Wow, she is the perfect fit for this position," and if not, it wasn't meant to be anyway.

    What i will do today, it is just one day, i can manage one day.

    after my interview, i will spend 5 minutes in meditation to refocus my mind.
    my mantra for today is, "I am at peace around food" at least 5 time
    10k steps
    30 minute walk
    eat when hungry and stop when satisfied
    if i get snacky, i will journal about it first
    bare my soul to my counselor tonite
    yoga and stretching

    @carlsoda joy food is a must if you are going to make this weight loss permanent. they say that it should be 10 % of your weeks food. but we need to make sure we plan it. impulsive eating is not joy food, even tho it certainly does feel joyous. i am in love with chocolate myself. i would swim in a bowl of chocolate with a bowl of chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips. it is one of my trigger foods.

    @sleepymom5 ohhhh no. you better rest that hip. don't push it. and get to the doctor when you get home. sometimes it is not conditioner, it is the water, they may have a water softener and it is not working properly. you probably hurt your back over compensating for your hip. don't let your pain make you give up on yourself. you can work on yourself even if your hip and back hurts.

    @jedaschultz you had a very good day yesterday. and i like your 4 circles. you and me, we have been here a long time. but you know what that says about us? that we never give up. you are going to lose this weight and get healthy. make sure every morning you start your day with the positive great things you did the day before and then tell yourself I am successful. i do this even before i get out of bed and i do it out loud. this is the last time we are going to lose this weight.

    @Shirin_K nothing like reevaluating your plan when it is not working. now, break that down into a daily 24 hour plan and lets make today the best day yet!!

    @nstephenson01 well really gardening is exercise so you are still exercising. and your dinner sounds yummm. and i agree about interview them. i have already researched this guys branch. but the interview will be with a recruiter, not the actual branch i will be working for. thats the second interview. i have to make it past this first screening interview first.

    @baby_carrit nice loss. 2 lbs!! thats great. cyndie is doing the happy dance all around her office. now. tell us about what you want to do this month. what are your goals? there are 2 exercises at the top of this thread you should pick one or do both and share your results. they are at the very beginning at the introduction to June. the more you share and participate in the group the more successful you will be. we can help you lose this weight for good but not without your help.

    @eyesopennow becareful on your trip. and thanks! i am going to kill it!!

    @GingerPwr that is just a small gain. you got this. what will you do today? what is the next best decision you can make?

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @sleepymom5 i’m so sorry to hear about your hip! I hope you can find some relief soon!

    @cyndiesstuff i’m happy to hear you feel good about your phone interview! And now we wait...

    @Moarrein that anchor shirt is awesome - great work! i think it looks just as good as a store bought stencil! if i were you I’d be like ‘Done! Another task off the list!’ lol because it truly looks really good!
  • jedaschultz
    jedaschultz Posts: 1,020 Member
    Here’s my goals. I found a notebook to put these circle goals in for each day.

    Tuesday goals
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes
    Water close
    Steps 10,133
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    I have to run! I didn't realize how late it was! Have a good day everyone!

    @eyesopennow You are going to be in my neck of the woods. How long of a drive do you have? What part of Philly? I am in Havertown. Sorry to hear of your loss. Safe travels.
    @GingerPwr That is basically a maintain. Don't let it derail you!
    @cyndiesstuff So many positives-good interview, great day yesterday, picking out which dress...I can't believe how close the wedding is!! I am not going to let my hip derail me, I don't even have an inkling of changing what I am doing with my eating plan. I am so disappointed though, I was looking forward to the summer at the shore with the kayak, bike and beach walks. I am just going to have to not get ahead of myself and see what the doctor and tests say what is wrong. (I also think you are right about the water. The same thing happened yesterday. I used all these hair products during the trip and it has only happened at this hotel)
    @Mrsbell8well Awesome loss Lady! Look at you go!!
    @Moarrein I am so glad you are jumping right in and posting each day! You are doing great! The anchor looks great! That will look so cute on your son's shirt! Before I read your post all the way through, I was thought that was his shirt! Lol! I was thinking that is a big kindergartener! Enjoy! I know I hated it when my kids were little but it goes fast so enjoy every second.
    @twyla77 I have to get that book! That would be a good routine for me in the summer.
    Although I would want you to make my journal Lol! My chicken scratch wouldn't be so appealing. I am glad that you are enjoying it! You are doing awesome!
    @jedaschultz Looks like you had a good day yesterday! Keep it going! Love your goals too!
    @carlsoda Still a good day even with the paleo bites but you are right, probably some water would have done it too. That is what I need to do when I feel hunger, especially at night. That is exactly why I love Phit and Phat too. Of course commenting to you, I realized how late it is so got to run! I have to check out of hotel!
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2019
    Daily check in for: Tuesday
    Logged food: Yes, under (Day 3)
    Water: 64oz
    Steps and Exercise: 12,422 steps, 45 min walk

    I stuck with my plan yesterday – water, food, and exercise all on target. I had a nice walk with a friend in the morning and made a trip to the library. I also preplanned and logged my food and snacks for today - feels good having that already figured out. Today is my 1st grader’s last day of school! I can’t wait to have him home for the summer!

    Today’s plan:
    - Log food and stay under calories
    - Drink 64 oz of water
    -10,000 steps
    - Yoga
    - Plan tomorrow’s meals and snacks

    @nstephenson01 That pasta dish sounds delicious! I don’t think I’ve ever tried pea shoots, but I’m going to keep an eye out for them now.

    @Moarrein I think the stencil you created looks awesome! Nice check in and goals, too!

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Late check in for Tuesday June 4
    Logged: yes, but over. All was good until kids went to bed, hung out with husband watching tv in the family room next to kitchen then we had tons of snacks. I need to create a late night snack “guide”. Or just go to bed.. I get so hungry when I am tired. His usual routine when he is home is to stay up until about midnight to catch up on sports, shows he taped and relax. I have a hard time with this, my best month losing weight was because I go up at 9:30 pm, relax in bed reading news, our posts, and reflect on my day and what is in store for tomorrow. I sleep so much better and seem to have more control this way. I wasn’t doing this in May.. we had family visiting for a long time, so staying up talking and watching tv snuck back into my routine. I think I’ll track that this month.
    Water: good. About 2L
    Steps: 7,076
    Exercise: yes. Strength class at gym
    Vitamins: yes. (New goal for June. Develop habit of taking vitamins every day.)
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Yesterday morning we took the pedal boat to the lake for 45 minutes on the water. A great day for that - it was not too hot and a light breeze made it very enjoyable. Today was my last day for back pack buddies (we pack ten bags of food each week for kids at the elementary school to take home for their weekend meals) until September. I'll have to come up with another activity for Wednesday mornings for the summer.

    I tried to re-teach my blind friend to crochet this morning. She gave up too soon because she couldn't see what she was doing. I tried to get her to do it by touch and I gave her the yarn and hook to take home. She said she used to crochet and it was obvious she knows how to hold and maneuver the hook but .... she says the feeling in one hand is almost gone too.
    It has to be frustrating when you can't see things clearly anymore.

    She makes the best cookies still. I wouldn't be surprised if she brings some to the next meeting.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    @cyndiesstuff your message made me tear up, thank you so much for being here with us! I’ll get working on the urges, and the vitamins are less hard on my stomach, I’m trying new ones, but still hard to swallow. I’m so glad to hear about your progress on the new job. I hope all goes well, if you get it how will it affect your schedule? will you still have time for us? ;)
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member

    I forgot to mention these are all at the Gare Centrale train station.
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