

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Yesterdays daily goals:

    after my interview, i will spend 5 minutes in meditation to refocus my mind. :)
    my mantra for today is, "I am at peace around food" at least 5 time :)
    10k steps :)
    30 minute walk :)
    eat when hungry and stop when satisfied :)
    if i get snacky, i will journal about it first :)
    bare my soul to my counselor tonite :)
    yoga and stretching :)

    Today I will:

    drink my water
    make my 24 hour plan
    30 minute walk
    20 minute cardio
    10k steps
    eat when hungry and stop when satisfied
    if I get snacky I will journal first
    mantra for today, "I have found my willingness to quit"

    @nstephenson01 omgosh girl! you had a whoosh too. good job. look out 160's here comes nancy!!

    @Mrsbell8well those family dynamics are tough. but you are right. it is ultimately their decision. when you have your conversation with your parents, I would make it clear that if they make this choice, and they leave all that you have built together and for them, that you won't be able to save them again. This is your life and they have theirs. none of this will be easy. and the answer will not be clear. sorry for your stuggles. remember tho in all of this, that you and molly have to come first. it is noble to sacrifice and share but not at any cost. take care my friend.

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday Check in

    Food - Logged and under
    Water - 1l
    Exercise - 6620 steps & physic

    I forced myself to bed early and got a lot of sleep, so am feeling better today. We will have a difficult week ahead of us with our son, but we have a plan and I am seeking some advice from his therapist. I need some different running shoes according to my physio, so I have stopped my running plan until I can get the new ones tomorrow. Now it is back to my deadlines.

    Congratulations on all of the amazing losses that I am seeing today!

    @Mrsbell8well - I am so sorry about the family difficulties that you are going through right now. Family issues are so tough, I know. Hope that you stay focused as you are so close to your goal!

    @cyndiesstuff - Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am feeling back on track and thankfully, I was very much aware of what was going on with my ice cream sandwich attack yesterday. My danger zone is when I am not aware or not willing to admit what is going on with that kind of behaviour.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda and @Cafelelia thanks also for your supportive comments. I am feeling better after venting and it has been a very busy productive work day. my ego really wanted to grab on to this situation and run all out with it. Bottom line I want peace and happiness more than I want to be righteous and accusing. I am really breathing and trying to flow with it. I want to hold a grudge against my mom and sister. Molly and I were planning to take my parents to the beach for 4th of July weekend...but this makes me want to screech on the brakes and punish my mom. sigh...that is the old me. the new me does not invest in drama. It's no big deal...just let life unfold and daily do what I know is right for me and keep myself set at a higher standard. I used to pride myself in tit for tat. No more...I have worked really hard to forgive and move on.

    @cyndiesstuff we were shopping today for a community project to help boys and girls club for my work. we bought lots of games as well. One of them was "wack-a-mole"...it cracked me up and made me think of you and your nickname. lol
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 188.4
    Cw 188
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Mrsbell8well lol. Funny shoes wonder woman. From one wack a mole to another, you've got this. I was thinking about you today too. This is why.


  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff thanks for the recipe. I bought the ingredients tonight to make it.

    I have to say I feel so much better. I came home and chatted with mom for a bit. Everything is fine. At least for tonight. And that’s all I need. 1 day and one night at a time.
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Finally logged me in. For some reason i could not get on for past 3 days. It would keep kicking me out

    @sleepymom5 hope your hip is feeling better!

    @Mrsbell8well so much drama with your sister. You’re a wise lady though, it’s stressful and it’s good to let yourself think and calm down before you have that conversation.

    @cyndiesstuff great loss and congrats on your interview!

  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Had a big salad from Harris Teeter for lunch and made chicken piccata for supper.
    Our principal gave us ice cream for a surprise treat. So I'm grateful that I chose the salad.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Daily check in for Thursday June 6
    Logged: yes, a little under
    Water: good 2L
    Steps: 14,138
    Exercise: elliptical at gym while my son had his PT session
    Vitamins: yes
    Evening routine : good!

    My plan is to play some golf tomorrow with the boys, they have a day off from school, so I took the day off also. Still have gardening to do, @sleepymom5 I will eventually post some pictures once my project is done. So far I’ve only bought the flowers and plants, it was to cold rainy and windy to do anything else outside last weekend. I bought a climbing rose, it’s supposed to be coral pink in colour. I’m hoping I can train it to climb the fence and not die over the winter. Never tried planting roses before.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @julie8468 I love climbing roses. Sounds lovely. Good luck!

    Daily check in Thursday
    Food logged under
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise 40 minutes running tempo runs at 10 min mile pace.
    Steps 12,287

    I’m usually a very organized person. But running 2 branches has been so much fun but crazy. I keep trying to catch my breath and stay focused.
    It helps that I finally got groceries back in the house. Lots of frozen meals but for now that is going to have to be good enough served with big fast salads.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in Thursday
    Food ate on plan
    Water 60 oz
    Exercise 30 minutes walk, 20 minute cardio
    Steps 15911 steps

    yesterday was a good day! i met my daily goals. yay! and i have met my weekly goals. it is now the weekend. i did good last weekend. this weekend i will follow my plan. so that means i have to make one. i will work on that today. i am starting to feel a little better. i am building momentum. and with the help of this group, and the help of my friends, and with the help from God, i will do this. this is the last time.

    @sleepymom5 what did you hear from your doctor?

    @Cafelelia i am glad you got some extra sleep. it will help you deal with the issues you have in front of you. good job analyzing your ice cream sandwich thing!! you are doing great, now go get those new running shoes and get moving!!

    @Mrsbell8well i am putting that recipe on my menu plan for next week. i may add some shrimp tho and skip the egg! ohhh i am so glad you talked to your mom. it's just one day. you can do this for just one day. and i am with you, TGIF!!

    @ljdanny nice loss. the scale is moving in the right direction. how are you doing?

    @lenka1 glad you were finally able to check in. i was getting worried about you. MFP was acting a little wonky for me too.

    @GingerPwr good job at making your plan work even with the unexpected treat. you are doing great!!

    @Julie8468 yayay. you had a great day yesterday. give yourself lots of credit. no really. get a piece of paper and write down all the wonderful things you did yesterday to push yourself closer to your goal. that will help you commit to memory the feeling of accomplishment. the words we say to ourselves is powerful.

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 1
    PW 154.4
    CW 154.3

    Happy to maintain given everything that’s going on. The body composition shows that muscle is up & fat is down, which is great. My sports massage was so nice yesterday as I did not have problem areas other than shoulders from typing on my computer so much.

    Hope that everyone has a nice weekend!
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