

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @nstephenson01 I hope that tastes as good as it looks! Yum!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member

    Late Weigh Ins

    Saturday's Weigh In still due

    Sunday's Weigh Ins

    Monday's Weigh Ins
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    i am off to plan my meals for the week. what is your plan for the week? have a great day everyone
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Graduation was amazing. So proud of my boy!
    Yesterday's light breakfast turned into a trip to waffle house because the hubs had a long wait on his oil change. I had 2 eggs over medium and hashbrowns but skipped adding cheese. Didn't need lunch and ate light at the graduation, so I was still in my calorie range.

    @Mrsbell8well my goal weight is 135. 10 more lbs to go. Want to reach it by the end of September. Ideally, I'd like to lose half of that by the time we leave for Montana, but it'll take some work.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Saturday
    Food logged and under
    Water 32 oz?
    Exercise no
    Steps 10,056

    10 hours to clean, organize, and decorate Skylynn’s room. When we did the final reveal she couldn’t stop hugging me. In July I will do Josh’s room for his birthday then the kids are done.
    C’mon Cyndie @cyndiesstuff let’s do it!
    I didn’t get home until 9:30 pm. Threw a frozen Amy’s burrito in the micro and made a quick salad.
    Robin made me a lovely lunch but no dinner. But that’s ok. I’m still in there with my logging.
    Going to the rental and finishing that today. Also clean our house, bake blackberry buckwheat muffins, get a run in and yoga and work on my story.
    Today is the last day of our creativity focus. Next weeks focus is family. We’re going to plan some game nights. Taking Skylynn and her best friend to the Smithsonians next weekend and having a family Father’s Day pool party. I will also make it a point to call my 3 boys.
    I am sooooo glad I didn’t stir up terrible drama with my mom and sister. It was a moment and that moment has moved on. We’re planning to take my parents to Virginia Beach July 12th weekend.
    My work has been fun and intense. So many quotas but we are pulling together. My boss sent me an email Friday night praising me.
    I mentioned my interest in the Ayurvedic eating plan. My system has been so off recently. Might have been recent stress I’m not sure. But according to my Kapha constitution I’m supposed to limit or eliminate melons, bananas, tomatoes, avocados and a long list of other items. For now my focus is to get the last pounds off but I really need to get my system back in alignment. I’m reviewing what I should be eating. Buckwheat muffins, cooked vegetables, spicy soups. Always learning always tweaking.

    Great job @cyndiesstuff on behaving yesterday. I’m really proud of you. Your a busy girl.
    Only one more day. Let’s smile and appreciate how far we’ve all come!

    One last thing...I fell into bed about 10:30 after taking a hot bath. Ready to sleep and noticed I was at 9700 steps. Damn! Got back up and walked the hallway! Take that 10K steps!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Lunch Robin made me. Skylynn painted the mermaid picture. I crocheted the mermaid blanket a few Christmas’s ago.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 419 Member
    Week 1
    Pw- 196
    Cw- 194.8

    Sorry I'm posting a day late. We are at camp for the weekend and the only way I can use my phone is at the office. Anyways, my weight went down but it wasn't easy. I had to eat way less than I normally do to lose. Sunday I had 790 calories (plus a 1 mile bike ride) , Monday was 950, Tuesday was 1200 (plus an hour of zumba) Wednesday was 1190, Thursday was 910 and Friday was 1100. Each day I was over 12,000 steps. Tuesday I had 21,000 steps and Wednesday I had 15,000. I will try to re do it all this week but eating less than 1000 calories most days isnt sustainable for me.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in Saturday
    Food logged and on target
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise biked 15 min and walked 15 min
    Steps 5,055

    Much better day yesterday but weight still way up. I ate to plan. Planning a night time snack was good for now and having the halo top ice cream on a cone also helps with portion control. I did what I could as far as exercise and steps. I am aiming for 5K for now and no more than 15 min increments with exercising. When I am in Pa this week I am going to swim. I could be swimming in the bay here but getting me in the bay usually takes a few drinks...Also our neighbor across the way got a green light that attracts fish and you can see what is in there which doesn't help. The are some big @ss fish in the bay! Lol! This hip is just getting worse and worse. I am doing everything I am supposed to. I hope we figure it out this week. I am trying to stay positive and enjoy reading and sitting on the deck by the water but I do start getting frustrated. I am not use to sitting around. Ok-hoping to get the same exercise in today. Still too windy to kayak, it is low tide anyway so maybe it will be a little nicer by the time high tide rolls around. Hope everyone enjoys their day!

    Another thought I had with the hip. When I was at my heaviest, I would have my children run up and down the stairs getting me things. Even just getting things in the other room. Now asking because of my hip just seems depressing because I can't do it for myself. I really have come a long way. It was just normal for me to do back then.

    @cyndiesstuff Great day Cyndie and sounds like another busy one today! I am having the hip xrayed hopefully early next week. I see the doctor on Thursday and I am calling the orthopedic doctor tomorrow morning. It is a big practice so I am going to take first available. This is now interfering with my daily life. I really cant even clean or do anything productive. I guess you should spend the weekend with your family especially if they traveled all that way Lol! I wasn't thinking! Sounds like you have a nice but busy weekend planned and then off on your Honeymoon! You will be ready for a vacation by then!
    @GingerPwr Time goes fast with the kids doesn't it? I am sure it is hard to believe your son has graduated! Great job going to the waffle house and having eggs! Sometimes we have to just go with the flow and order something that isn't on our plan. Enjoy today!
    @Mrsbell8well . What a busy lady you are! Love Skylynn's room! I am sure she is one happy mermaid! Enjoy your busy day!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Zumba_Luvah No problem about the late weigh in. I asked the moderator's to remove the NWI. They tally the week up on Sundays and today they did it very early. I wish they would wait for Monday to do it but then it is more work for them as most of them have a job to get to. I know it won't be a problem though. Nice loss but you are right, that is a lot to do to get a loss. Is it almost your TOM? Maybe it is just a fat/muscle thing, you are losing fat but gaining muscle? Don't give up, you may lose slow but you are not gaining. Hugs
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Yesterday was a planned rest day but between taking the dogs for a short walk and strolling through the farmer's market I was able to eek out 10,000 steps for the day. Its still a little early for much variety at the market but I picked up mixed lettuces, spinach, more pea shoots YAY and the sweetest, juicy little salad turnips. YUM!! Oh and a loaf of seeded wheat bread from a local bakery.

    It rained off and on most of the day and it sure felt good to cozy up on the couch. Water was good. I was especially hungry and although it was planned and logged I consumed more carbs and sodium than normal throughout the day so at the last minute switched up dinner slightly to just the fish and a salad. In my head my little voice told me "OK you know what you ate today... let's end the day on a good note!" LOL Since it was a rest day and I didn't get a lot of exercise I'm going to assume I went over on calories a little.

    The sun is shining so today I'll finish planting my veggie garden and begin planting my flowers. Food is pre-logged for today and dinners are planned for the next couple nights. Planning is my best weapon so I'm feeling on track. Off to get in a quick cardio session and then take the dogs for a short walk.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!!

    @Mrsbell8well What a cute room!!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    CW 211.9
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

    The Beat Your Best Challenge!!!
    The premise is to try to improve on something each day of the week. Pick as many or as little of the examples below. Customize it to you. Post any suggestions you have for everyone to see. Do whatever suits your needs.
    ~ Exercise minutes: Try to increase the time each day.
    ~ Steps: Try to walk more than the following day.
    ~ Stairs: Can you walk up one flight of stairs more than yesterday?
    ~ Water: Increase your intake over the week.
    ~ Calories burned: Can you sweat a little more through the week?
    ~ Calories decreased: Can you give your jaw a little bit of a rest?
    ~ Fruit/Vege: Increase by one serving each day.
    ~ Relax/Meditation: Can you squeeze in a little more Me time each day?

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Saturday check in

    Food - logged and 150 over
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - 9854 steps

    We had a nice night out with your younger son last night as our older son was at a sleepover. We took him to a neighbourhood kids festival and then out for dinner to his favourite Italian restaurant. He loved the one on one attention. Avoided all of the festival food, desserts etc, but did have two glasses of Chianti, which put me over by a bit. I also had a lot of pain free walking at the festival, which was fantastic. Once our son was sleeping, my husband and I did the Netflix and chill thing, which resulted in both of us falling asleep in front of the tv! I was planning to get to 10k steps, but Netflix will do that to you. I have a lot of work to do today and my husband is doing all of the hockey stuff with the kids so that I can focus.

    @sleepymom5 - I really hope that you get to the bottom of your hip issue soon. Try to do whatever works for you to stay positive and remember how far you have come. My injury has a long one and even walking to the corner for a carton of milk was challenging (I sent my kids most of the time). The injury did set me back in terms of weight gain and muscle loss, but not all the way back, which for me, was a huge success. So focus on the things that you can do, like food, mindset, any gentle stretching, and on getting the right diagnosis/treatment. Praying that you get better soon!

    @cyndiesstuff - Gosh, you are a busy lady! Did you decide on your dress for the wedding?

    @Mrsbell8well - Skylynn's room is beautiful (and Skylynn is as well!)!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Winner's for this week-
    Congrats to Team Weight No More for coming in 2nd place for percentage lost!
    The winners this week are @cyndiesstuff in 1st, @Moarrein in 2nd and @Mrsbell8well in 3rd Place! Wtg Ladies!!

    @nstephenson01 What a nice weekend you have had! I am glad the weather is cooperating and you can get out to plant! Enjoy!
    @twyla77 Nice loss!!
    @hope002 Hope everything is going ok. Remember we are here if you need anything!
    @bmaison2014 Nice loss!!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 Some people are fine with just eating intuitively but I am not there. I have to log and count calories too. Sometimes we eat more than we think we are. Hope things are getting better for you.
    @Cafelelia Thank you. It is very encouraging to hear that you are pain free walking now. I hope I get some answers next week. Sounds like you had such a nice night last night. I watched that Steve Jobs movie and fell asleep at the very end. Lol! The exciting Saturday nights we have! I also was thinking about you as I finally finished that book we were both reading. I always have to finish but I wasn't a fan. If you are having trouble getting through it, I wouldn't bother. I am onto the Jen Sincero book now that I think you have read or you have read her books. Hope you have a nice Sunday!
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