

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Tuesday
    Food logged skipped dinner
    Water 32 oz
    Exercise 30 yoga
    Steps 7,547
    Sleep 5:50 (last night)

    My big business loan was just approved. Trying to get everything in order for closing.
    Had fun with Molly thrifting.
    It’s so fun to wear teensy clothes. 2 pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of white jeans, 3 ivory tops, black slacks and as the store was closing I found a pair of sand colored linen overalls. I grabbed them and added to my loot without trying on. They turned out to be my favorite purchase.
    That’s a lot of jeans for a girl that doesn’t usually wear jeans.
    I am on track to hit my 60 pound goal in 3 weeks. 3 more pounds.
    I skipped dinner last night. If you can go without a meal it’s kind of nice to take a break from eating.
    Getting my haircut this morning.
    Tonight we play ping pong.
    Feels like summer!

    @phoebe112476 good luck with setting up your home. We did that 1 year ago. I still have a couple things left to do. And great about the yoga. Yoga is not for sissies.
    @sleepymom5 glad your hip was a little better. I was worried about you.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Great for my beach vacation in July
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    I didn't have much time to check in on Monday, but I did considerably fine. Logged my food and stay under although I had some sugar. I didn't have enough water or exercise, but walked a little every day.

    Check in for Tuesday:
    food: logged and under (no sugar or late night snacks)
    water: 2 l
    exercise: none, except some walking
    steps: 14989

    My plan for today:
    eat mindfully
    drink water
    30 min yoga + some walking

    I'm planning a little vacation starting on Thursday and I have no idea if I'll have access to a scale in the hotel. Is it possible to weigh in on Thursday morning instead of Friday this week? I weigh in almost every morning and I know I've lost a little so I wouldn't like to skip this week...
  • eyesopennow
    eyesopennow Posts: 352 Member
    I have no scale. Can i get an excused @sleepymom5 ? Im doing good. Lots of steps yesterday. Went to Frederick Meijer gardens. Ohhhh so beautiful! Today Gerald Ford meusum. Then to silver lakes.

    I think everyone is entitled to one "I am on my honeymoon" excused absence!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    Daily check in Tuesday
    Food logged and on track
    Water over 100 oz
    Exercise 30 bike, 20 walk
    Steps 9,044 steps
    Had a good day yesterday but may have pushed it with the cleaning. My hip was hurting last night. I really think it was from going up and down the stairs and moving furniture. I don't think it was from my bike ride. I also am taking 1/2 of what I was taking of advil so that could have contributed too. Today I am cleaning the second floor. I am just moving lighter pieces and will vacuum around everything else. I washed a lot of the bedding while I was cleaning downstairs so a lot of running up and down the stairs. That wont be as bad either. Eating is going ok, not doing well with the eating until satisfied but at least I am paying attention. Got to run, I have a busy day ahead. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

    @hope002 Looks like you had a good day! Have another one today!
    @Mrsbell8well Sounds like a fun and successful night of thrift shopping! The overalls are so cute! Nice loss this week!
    @Moarrein Yes! You can absolutely weigh in Thursday am. Don't mind me if I keep you listed for Friday, when you weigh in Thursday I will remember :D Sounds like you are doing well and you have a great day planned for today! You must be excited for your vacation!
    @cyndiesstuff Have fun! No worries, I will get you an excused weigh in for this week. Sounds like you are having a great time!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Tried something new for supper tonight:
    I sliced a small zucchini in half lengthwise and put in the microwave on high for 30 seconds. Then sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese and some pasta sauce. Into the toaster oven for a couple minutes to melt cheese. Mmmmm.
    I don't have a specialized so noodles was not an option. Had a meatball on the side.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Cafelelia that is so frightening. I’m really proud of you and your son for taking quick action.
    @pacsnc6 what a great idea. Your zucchini dish sounds so delicious.
    @sleepymom5 you amaze me how much you always get done. Maybe you need a good summer book a large umbrella on the sand and a little umbrella in a drink and a day off.
    @carlsoda way to go on your planning!
    @Moarrein how are you feeling? Have you recovered from your run? Enjoy your vacation!
    @cyndiesstuff so glad your having a good time!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Molly and I had an absolute blast tonight playing ping pong. It was so much fun. Played for an hour. Lots of laughing and sweating. FUN week is turning out to be really fun!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited June 2019
    This thread has gotten a little quiet...Hope everyone is ok and just busy...

    @Cafelelia Wow! How scary! It is really awesome that your son took that post seriously and came to you. I hope everything turns out alright for the boy. Hope you enjoyed your well deserved rest day!
    @pacsnc6 That sounds really delicious! Thank you for sharing!
    @Mrsbell8well Lol! I am hoping after this week that is what I will be doing! Fun week sounds like it might be the best week yet! I am glad you and Molly had fun playing ping pong
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    This scale thing is really messing with me. Today I weighed for the first time since I had moved the scale. I was 3.5 pounds less then yesterday, 3.5 pounds. Can’t be real. But I had been up 3 pounds the first day I weighed since the move (a week ago) - so my weights have swung more than 6 pounds in 7 days. This is not possible and not at all typical for me. So I feel like I have no real idea.

    But (and here is the real problem) - I have come to depend on those daily accurate weights as feedback. Especially since eating without logging lately. If I am up a pound, I will tell myself “that is not for me” when food becomes available (if not planned). If I am down a pound or losing faster than I want, I will tell myself (justly?) that I should try to eat a few extra calories today and eat a bit unplanned. Overall - working since I am losing consistently. But today after seeing that super low weight I’m the scale I was starving all morning. Starving. I ate more than I normally eat before noon to appease (nothing crazy just my normal daily foods I packed for work all day by noon). Then I told myself I needed to get a snack from vending machine because I was losing too fast / starving / needed more calories. I took 90 seconds and thought better. Then I got busy and felt less hungry. Felt hungry and ate an extra snack at my normal snack time. Then back in track rest of the day, basically only ate that one extra snack. I just didn’t realize how much I depend on those weights, how frustrating it is to have these inaccurate weights, and how much of my hunger feelings are tied to my thought process versus physical feeling of hunger.

    I am going to change the batteries when I can find /unpack some. Maybe that will help? Hoping so. Do feel starving again just thinking about that low weight again as I type this. Starving! Luckily my exhaustion is overwhelming any energy to get out of bed and find a snack!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 I agree with you the thread has gotten light especially with out Cyndie here. Glad you have some down time coming up.

    CHALLENGE-I’m wondering if everyone can post a comment to 1-3 other team members when you do your daily post? I know the majority of us all read the posts and benefit greatly from each other. And I understand it takes time. Something to think about.

    @phoebe112476 I understand exactly what your talking about with the scale. That’s why I hide it and need to take a break. It messes with me too. Hang in there we will figure it out.
    @Moarrein great job this week! Nice loss. Enjoy your vacation.
    @gingerpwr I love Summertime. It’s easier to focus on fresh fruits and vegetables. It’s good to be aware.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hey team...what’s on your bucket list this summer???
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Summertime reading list:I would love to hear others recommendations
    I am currently reading Dan Brown Origin. It’s a fun thriller. Also enjoyed Secrets of a charmed life.
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