
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff love the soup and the art! Are those herbs from your garden?
    @DananaNanas lovely picture!
    @sleepymom5 I loved your story too!
    @CassieGetsFit2013 so happy your with us here for June. Hope your feeling better.
    @twyla77 I forgot about your tooth ordeal. You hang in there. I found that eating yogurt helped when taking antibiotics. My dentist told me to do that and it has helped ever since.
    @kirsten11872 look at you go. Your not messing around! Lovely photos and your sooooo skinny 😁
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @GingerPwr I am so glad you're here too. You've come a long way since I first met you. This is the month you're going to make your monthly goals. What are they? What is your commitment? We have to remember everything we've learned so far and build on it.

    @Mrsbell8well yes. I used last seasons dried parsley oregano and basil in the soup broth. And the chives were fresh this year from the garden. Mmmmmmm diet food!!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    Hello everyone. Welcome new team members. I'm Tracy from New Hampshire. 47 with 2 boys 22 and 24, with a granddaughter on the way. Married 24 years. Yikes!! I love Zumba and walking. I have been struggling with losing weight, it goes away and comes right back.
    My plan for June is go through my Zumba class, get up early to get Leslie Sansone video done and I'm going to add in 2 of the 21 df videos just the upper and lower fix. On Wednesdays my son has an appointment and it's by a walking trail so weather permitting I will be walking while I'm waiting for him instead of driving back home and then back to get him. He starts his new job tomorrow and everyone needs to be out of the house at the same time so this will be interesting.
    Went out to lunch yesterday with my extended family and only ate half, no drinks. I did have a drink at my in laws last night though. All yard work is done today and pool is open, almost ready to swim. I'm exhausted. Done for the day.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @cyndiesstuff your soup looks amazing and your garden looks so pretty!😊

    @Mrsbell8well thanks! I’m trying, giving it all I got! You’re kicking butt as well!😊👍🏻
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Well the brunch went well and I ate like a “normal person “ not a pig!!

    And to answer a few questions - it wasn’t me who was interested in Jenny Craig!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    Sunday's Weigh Ins still due

    Monday's Weigh Ins

    Tuesday's Weigh In

    Wednesday's Weigh ins
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in Sunday
    Food weekend was a success
    Water 48
    Exercise 20 minutes stretching and yoga, 20 minutes cardio
    Steps 11947

    i ate mindfully all weekend. stayed on track. i started my exercise yesterday. it felt good. i really need that stretching. my muscles from the chronic pain seem to have atrophied. so far i have stopped the binge eating cycle. one day at a time i will do this. i created my weekly food plan and did the shopping and the prep. i am set for a successful week. i spent time yesterday in continued learning and i journaled. if every day was like yesterday, i will be able to beat @eyesopennow in the pounds lost category. What are you doing today Team? Every day counts.

    @ljdanny losing and gaining is a struggle for lots of us. we have to continually work on changing our mindset to it is just NOT optional. this is who we are. it is the new us. and the sooner we are able to break those old bad habits and replace them with good healthy ones, the closer we will be to this new life be automatic. keep working at it. the key is to never give up. this is it. it is the last time we are going to do this. i hope your morning went ok. i am sure it was a little chaotic.

    @kirsten11872 the soup was sooooo good. and it was really healthy and filling.

    @lennoncpa yayayayayay! you made it thru the brunch. that is really amazing. you should journal about how eating like a normal person made you feel when you were successful. it will help cement in the idea of accomplishment.

    @Shirin_K and you are right. our team was very active over the weekend. activity burns calories!! and you ate like a normal person too at the wedding and the birthday party. look at the new shirin go!!

    @sleepymom5 are you making your 24 hour plan? make a commitment to yourself to make your plan and stick to it. mark things off the list as you do them. show yourself that you mean business. this is the month girl.

    @amsandos ohhh yea. going into june with a loss. that is awesome. and i love your start stop keep. this is going to be our month. No more sugar for you! its not for you.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Late Weigh In

    Monday's Weigh Ins

    Tuesday's Weigh In
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Ok peps!! What are you doing today to make your week a success. just for today, make a commitment to our team.

    today i will
    walk 10k steps
    drink 60 oz water
    eat when hungry and stop when satisfied
    tell myself 5 times i am a success
    and this evening when i get snacky, i will journal about it instead of eating it.

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    My Monday schedule: Up at 7, check in here, breakfast at 8, aerobics at 9:30, home by 11:30 to do housework.
    take a bike ride today
    Eat a light lunch
    Work in the garden
    Have one snack today - nuts instead of ice cream
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    Food - Logged & under
    Water 1.3 l
    Exercise physio, 8154 steps including 28 minute run

    Happy June! I am Lisa, 52 years old from Toronto, Canada. My husband and I have been together for 20 years and we have two active boys ages 12 & 8. I started MFP last year at 168 lbs (I am 5’3’’), lost 25 lbs but put half back in when I got injured last fall. I am a 154 lbs now and want to get to 135. I started to gain weight in my thirties with a busy career & then pregnancies & then busy everything. I have been a huge fluctuator since then and it is my goal to stop. My plan for June is to stay in my healthy zone, eating healthy & logging, increasing my running gradually, managing stress through self care (which has been my challenge), and focusing on the things that bring me joy (yes, I am a Marie Kondo devotee!). Hope that everyone has a great month! Love all the photos posted already!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,470 Member
    edited June 2019
    Daily check in Sunday
    Food Logged and over
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise just hip stretches
    Steps 5053

    I just had an epiphany! Seriously, 2 minutes ago. Last spring is when we started the process of moving my Mom out of her house of over 30 years and into an independent living apartment (we have since moved her into an assisted living apartment). My brother had to take over her finances. I took over her medical things-meds, doctor appointment, bills, getting a caregiver and dealing with her. We also had to find a realtor and put the house on the market, clean out her house (she saved everything), return her car as she wanted to drive it still...There also was drama with my older brother that I wasn't expecting after always getting along. Not just with me but with my younger brother too but he didn't speak to him like he did to me. (Our relationship is ok now but hasn't returned to where it once was). I put on 15 lbs in a short amount of time. It just was a lot to handle in a short period of time and I did feel helpless . I couldn't find a good routine for my Mom as she was declining mentally pretty quickly. The caregiver was awesome at first and she took care of a lot of things I couldn't figure out. Eventually, she became overwhelmed with another patient and couldn't help my Mom as much. It seemed like there was an issue every day. I was really struggling and just watched my weight go up and up. I think it was either June or in July that I joined this group. I feel like the past two days I was starting to go in the direction I was going last summer again. I think just the emotional toll of seeing my friend and feeling absolutely helpless with her and then being so sad about how things have changed in Florida WAS starting to tug at me. I don't know why that realization is changing my attitude but I am going with it! Lol! I am not going to go back to last summer. I am here to spend time with my Mom for her BD. I did have to run down early because of a fall but she ended up being ok after a few days. Also, HELLO, my Mom is in Florida by the beach! She could be in the middle of nowhere. Not a bad place to have to visit! It was good to see my friend and we all had a good time even though it is a bad situation. I can not control how things are going to go but I can control how I react to them. I am heading out now for a walk on the beach before it gets too hot. I am aiming for 1/2 hr but I am going to see how my hip is. It seems to have gotten worse on this trip. I plan to do some hip yoga that @Mrsbell8well suggested tonight. I already have it book marked and ready to go. Hope everyone has an awesome day, I am pretty sure I will!

    @amsandos Nice loss this week! Congrats on completing your tough mudder too! Love your keep stop start. I need to sit down and think about my goals for this month.
    @cyndiesstuff I am so glad that you are turning things around. You are starting off the week with an awesome plan! You can do this! I haven't been making my plan since I don't know what to really expect but you know what, before I left for Georgia I made a plan and was getting a salad and not eating at my Moms food. I don't know why all of the sudden I thought I couldn't plan...Ugh! Back at it today!
    @pacsnc6 That is an awesome daily plan!
    @Moarrein Sunday wasn't bad at all! LOVE your plan for the day! Let's do this!!
    @Cafelelia I love your goals for June! I also love that you are able to finally incorporate running into your plan after all that time. I know how much you missed it!
    @carlsoda Awesome goals! You got this!
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