

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! I can't believe we are in July already!
    Sorry I have been MIA, just been very busy!

    Not exactly where I wanted to be at this point of the year, Vegas is less than 3 weeks away. I am just going to try to stay on plan as much as possible and not put too much pressure on myself to get to a certain weight, I feel like that mind-set is sabotaging my success. I feel ok at this weight, my clothes are fitting, but not where I want to be. I am going to try my best to get the scale down, but I am feeling ok.

    Hope you are all enjoying your summer! So far it has been quiet, no big plans other than our quick trip to Vegas. My boys are too grown to hang out with me, lol. My oldest is working 2 jobs and the younger one is 15 and hangs out with his friends, definitely liking the freedom of getting older. They are good kids, so I can't complain. I know their friends and they are good kids as well. Parenting is a never-ending job and is always filled with worry!

    Have a great weekend! :smile:
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    @Moarrein nice loss. Your really doing well. Happy anniversary.
    What’s your goal weight and how tall are you? It is hard to find time to do it all. Hang in there
    I'm 157 cm (about 5.1 feet) and my goal is 53 kg (that should be
    116.8 lbs) I'm almost there but the bigger struggle will be mainance ;-)
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in for Thursday
    Food not logged but probably over. Did eat to satisfied.
    Water not enough
    Exercise A few short walks
    Steps 6175

    Yesterday seem so far away to check in Lol! I did better yesterday than today. Tomorrow I am going to log. It is just a pain when I am not really sure what I am doing. I am trying to eat to satisfied or 3/4 of meal. It is hard to check in when I have guests but I am going to try to do my best. I will check in at some point tomorrow.

    @nstephenson01 Isn't that crazy how you are looking at old pic and reminiscing about your friend right when she is going back into the hospital. I will keep her in my prayers. You just amaze me with those long hikes! Great job!
    @amsandos I am losing track, is the Who today? Good luck with all your errands before you go. Lol! Enjoy! So far so good for me with eating to satisfied or 3/4 of meals. So two good days. Love the 5 good things! You are having a great streak!
    @ljdanny Nice loss! Sounds like you had a nice 4th! Hope you had a relaxing time by the pool today!
    @Moarrein Nice loss!! Happy Anniversary too! Sounds like you are doing a good job keeping the snacking down. If you are truly hungry then you should eat something. I am sorry they are checking on you at work. Hopefully you can find some other time to fit some exercise in.
    @Mrsbell8well Sounds like you had a lovely 4th! I love how you and your family seem to find a race to participate in together. What an awesome tradition and wonderful memories for years to come.
    @julie8468 You're right, you know what you have to do. You really have been doing well, don't let a slight gain derail you. Just keep plugging along. Things are probably not as bad as you think they are so just try to get a handle on it now.
    @lennoncpa Nice loss!
    @pacsnc6 Sounds like you are doing well. That slight gain is probably the sodium you are not used to having. Drink a lot of fluids!
    @lenka1 That is just a small gain. I am sure it is from working out. Hope all is going well.
    @carlsoda Nice loss! What a nice day! Great job packing up healthy food to bring with you and sticking to your plan!
    @hkfleming Nice loss! Hope all is well!
    @kirsten11872 I am glad to hear that everything is going well with you. Keep kicking butt!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Friday check in
    Food 2 days of eating what I want and when. Going to do a scale check this morning. Feeling super skinny but the scale doesn’t always match how I feel.
    Exercise-yoga 22 minutes

    It was a pretty chill day yesterday. Molly and I took our bikes to the repair shop. Very excited to start training! Tuesday we begin a 14 week training countdown till my birthday and a 36 mile bike ride on the Virginia creeper.
    Watched 2 episodes of bachelorette. Don’t judge me too much. The shows are awful and I just love them.
    Forced myself to do yoga at8:30 pm. Not much energy throughout the day.
    Today mom and I are going over to decorate, clean and organize Josh’s bedroom. He just turned 11. My daughters boyfriends son. Last kids room and we are done.
    I have mountains of organizing to do at home over the next few days. Hope my energy comes back.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    @sleepymom5 thanks for your continued support to our team!!! It’s appreciated. I know it’s time consuming.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Beyond burger...better than beef and so yummy 😋
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited July 2019
    Daily check in for Friday
    Food on track
    Water lots
    Exercise 30 minute walk and swimming
    Steps 3326 (had to take the fit bit off)

    yesterday was a beautiful day. it was 101 degrees with 89% humidity. one of our cousins texted they were going out on the boat, did we want to go? ummmm yes please. the only condition was no technology! we spent the day swimming, tubing, and lounging on lake St Clair. so although i didn't get a lot of steps, we did get a lot of exercise.

    so today is laundry day! lucky me. feeling a little sore but thats ok.

    @Mrsbell8well your holiday vacation sounds lovely. sure hope your mom feels better. this hot weather is tough on our old folks. and that blue tank looks amazing on you. that is your color. how pretty!! and the one after the race!!! hey skinny minnie!! i am so proud of you and you look so happy.

    @nstephenson01 ohhh yea nancy!! two pounds down. good job. this new lady your building it fantastic!! it is funny you talk about melancholy. i was feeling that way as i was lying in bed this morning. my mind was sifting thru old memories and times gone by. and all that planted me right here where i am today. life really is an amazing journey. good times, bad, growing older. life changes and we change and adapt. it really is an amazing journey.

    @carlsoda yup i am off till monday too. and mmmmm the food you made sounds yummo!!! and you can make such amazing things with fruit. on the whole 30 can you have honey? nice loss this week too. the whole 30 is agreeing with you. you are putting in the hard work.

    @amsandos mmmm... i love a good flatbread. i bet it will be yummy! and you are going to have a great time and feel great that you stayed on track as well. recalibrating your consumption!! ohhhh yes girl. that is the idea!! and what feeling does that action produce? you decide and you have. it is your super power!!!!!!

    @ljdanny there you go! you into the 180's now. no going back. we are going to do this this time! mmmm... i love me some zumba!!

    @Moarrein holy moly girl. that is a great loss. what is your final goal? but really? are you starving? i think you were FEELING hungry. and the fact was you were bored and it was what you always do. you can't change the fact. but you can change how you feel about it. and trust me you weren't starving. words are powerful. be careful what you say to yourself. you might be listening!!

    @Julie8468 that is just a small gain. you got this. what will you do differently this week? what is your next best step? and your right. the facts will remain the same. and when you make it thru this busy time in your life there will be another one to go thru. the sooner we figure out how to manage our minds around our life the better we will function. what do you tell yourself about those facts. write them down, and say them out loud. even if you don't believe them now. you will. you will learn to live up to your own expectations.

    @pacsnc6 that is just a small gain. you got this. what will you do this week to further you to your goal? what is your next best step? and it has been really hot and humid here for a few weeks to. last night when we left the boat it started to rain. everyone was running to their cars. not me. i walked slowly and enjoy the coolness I had been given.

    @lenka1 that is just a baby gain. whats up? how are you doing?

    @lennoncpa nice job on that loss!! it has been sooooo hot. what are you doing to keep cool?

    @sleepymom5 sorry for the no show yesterday. it was an unplanned no technology day. sounds like you are going to have a very busy weekend. you take care, have fun, and remember, moderation is the key!! nice loss. at the shore, bad butt muscle and a loss!!! rock star!!

    @hkfleming wooooo whoooo, nice loss. how are your doing?

    @kirsten11872 maybe when you get back from your vacation you sit down and do some real reflection on what has been working. do the start stop and keep journal. make a formalized plan. right down how you will allow yourself to feel about it. i know you have been struggling. and struggling is worth it if you spend the time to learn from it. keep working at it. it is a work in progress.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    Reflection Exercise:

    Start making a 24 hour plan daily, start a yoga practice, and lose 4 pounds

    Stop the binge eating cycle

    Keep taking my meds and suppliements, drinking my water, getting in my steps, focusing on creating the cyndie i dream about

    How about you? What will you start, stop and keep this month?

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Yesterday was not too bad of a day
    Whole30 ✅
    Exercise not as good
    Water - could have been better

    We were out and about yesterday but suddenly this storm came in and could barely see the road due to rain. Then our phones started going off, we were under a tornado warning. Made it to a gas station and pulled over. Waited it out then finally heard it was east of us ( we were going west) and hit the road again. Pretty exciting, car got a good wash too lol! So weird how storms can suddenly develop and wasn’t even a thought in the forecast.

    Today is laundry, grocery shopping and food prep for next week, going to be a busy day!

    @cyndiesstuff - no honey right now, but after Whole30, since I like to eat paleo I can have honey, maple syrup etc if I want. The only allowed “processed foods” is certain Larabars and RX Bars. The one larabar I love is off limits as it has chocolate chips with sugar in it. (Almond butter chocolate chip one tastes just like a chocolate bar!)

    @amsandos - you are so lucky to go to a who concert. Is hubs jealous 😂 HAVE FUN! I also agree our carb heavy diet just isn’t the healthiest for us and I think they (government) are finally starting to realize that. My thinking (like I am an expert ha!) is that since my whole family history is from England and Germany (saxons) way way way back, my genes are likely descended from Paleolithic times so I should eat like a hunter gather. And not hunting and gathering in the grocery stores shelves! I just know how I feel if I start eating Oreo cookies or candy and how addictive it feels. I am not an addictive type person except when it comes to processed foods and it doesn’t feel right!. Doing Whole30 really helped highlight this in me. And this 2nd round has been so much easier. I haven’t (touch wood) had any sugar cravings yet.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I just went on a 6.5 mile walk. It was very hot out. I think storms are moving in later. It's not going to cool off though. I think I might go hop in the pool for a few minutes. I haven't had many steps the past few days because I have been spending my days in the pool. I also went to a movie. Been enjoying my few days off.
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight:163.0
    Current weight:168.5
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    It’s not been going well! Trying to get back on track!
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Friday:
    Food : logged and under (some beer and peanuts before bed + 2 Raffaello candies)
    Water: didn't track it properly, but I suspect it wasn't enough
    Exercise: 5k run and 30 min walking
    Steps: 13140

    food: logged and under (kind of skipped lunch because we were traveling, and had popcorn in the cinema in the evening, no sugar)
    Water: 2 l
    Exercise: a short walk after the movie
    Steps: 10158

    We're visiting the in-laws for the weekend and then we're leaving together for the seaside. It will be harder to stay on track this week. My mother in law is usually cooking very unhealthy food but I'll try to limit the portions and have more salads. I'll also try to sneak some exercise, beside the swimming. Took my resistance bands, trail run shoes and a yoga mat. So I have pretty much options and no excuses :-)
    I really have to start planning my meals a little better. Shouldn't skip lunch and have proper dinner so I don't get that hungry before sleep...
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Check In for Thursday:
    Exercise: 8 mile hike as planned; 24,694 steps
    Water: Plenty during the day but none at night
    Food: Ate before the potluck and did well with my eating that night but stayed longer than I had planned because it was actually an enjoyable party LOL. So ended up drinking more wine than I planned and didn’t drink the sparkling water I brought

    Check in for Friday:
    Yoga class as planned; 10,119 steps
    Water: Lots
    Food: Ugh! Had an appointment with a notary to sign the loan closing docs in the evening but she was running late so I snacked on raw cauliflower, Sabra hummus and wheat thins. Planned to cook a vegetarian dinner but by the time she finally left I didn’t feel like dirtying dishes so I threw something from the freezer into the oven. She was painstakingly thorough and I kept thinking in my head can we just hurry this along? Your messing with my health goals LOL. Didn’t log but I’m sure I was over on calories. Reading up on Sabra I learned its not in line with my goals (too much sodium and artificial ingredients) so I tossed the container today.

    Allowed myself to get off track one night which quickly led to a 2nd day of not sticking to my goals. Back on track today. Exercised and ate as planned. Went to the Farmer’s Market and stocked up on produce. Going for a morning hike with my neighbor and her 7 poodles of assorted sizes. Leaving my dogs at home... they need a rest day.

    @carlsoda I completely agree with what you wrote to @amsandos regarding processed foods. I have an unhealthy fatuation with Oreos so they’re not allowed in the house or they easily can become a daily habit. I feel so much better when I stick to real food. When I was younger I suffered from terrible mood swings among other ailments and looking back I believe my crappy diet had a lot to do with it.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having some fun summertime adventures.
    Getting ready to run in a second before it gets too hot.
    Molly decided to join me for a 1 year challenge to get fit. She has committed to losing 20 pounds and being more active. I’m going to commit to 4 more pounds. 1 per season over the next year plus focus on increasing my fitness level to the next stage. I have a goal and a plan.
    Spent all day yesterday with mom decorating Josh’s room. It’s super heroes and rock and roll for an 11 year old. He’s away for 2 weeks so we have a delayed reveal. My phone ran out of charge so I will take pics when we return. Looks pretty amazing.
    Have a good Sunday everyone!
    @cyndiesstuff your day sounds lovely.
    @nstephenson01 how nice to hike with a friend.
    Everyone else loving your posts as well. Gotta run!
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