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  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,827 Member
    I was ready to call it a day before even got to work! :wink:
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    Back from our family visit to Ohio. It will take a few days to recover! Although everyone was rejoicing over spring, I was cold all week. Came home down a pound which is short of miraculous 😇

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,701 Member
    Oh my goodness, Yooly! You must have burned extra calories staying warm??? :)
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    Nope- it wasn’t the cold and rain as much as limited access to snacking! Besides the lost pound found me this morning. 😔
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    Back to the gym this morning. Then a round of carpet shampooing. Brother and sister-in-law are coming for a visit next week. So I’m indulging my obsessive house cleaning 🧹.

    It’s hot and humid with tornado warnings and possibly hail. Summer has arrived with a vengeance.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    I'm still alive. Been having a really bad week with the chronic fatigue and headaches/migraines. So have pretty much just been working, ordering in food, and sleeping. Feeling a bit better today and will venture outside later to walk to the store.

    But yea, the week has been hard. I have had multiple break downs about my health, my weight, and work. I feel like I just need some time to relax and rest. However, I hope to turn things around starting Sunday, eat better, and start taking better care of myself in general.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,701 Member
    I too have had one of those not taking proper care of myself kind of weeks. Not the best food. No "exercise" other than walking dogs. Improper sleep. So here it is, just after 1 on Friday afternoon, I'm eating a bowl from Tim Hortons, cilantra lime rice and beans with a little salad (not tooo bad) and planning on nothing but an afternoon nap. It is rainy. The dogs are tired out from their walk. My house is too much of a mess to look at :) So I'm drawing my door curtain and cuddling down with my little girl. I believe it will all look better after a nap ... I may even row today!!! And at least sweep.

    House reorganization is almost done! And I'm getting there on preparing for the Newfoundland shuffle too. (I'm writing this so I don't feel like such a dead beat :) )

  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,082 Member
    We've been visiting family for the past 5 days (first trip from home for pleasure since Dec 2019) and I'm afraid the scale will give me a kicking tomorrow. It'll probably take me a month to get back to my pre-holiday weight.

    We were staying in a hotel, but as my niece's wedding was the main reason for the visit there was lots of sociable feasting and boozing. When planning my strategy I set myself a relatively flexible and indulgent eating/drinking goal for each of the five days which allowed me to exceed my rolling-average TDEE calories by up to 1540 calories per day (7700 excess calories in total). I knew that theoretically this might cause me to gain a kilogram of genuine fat across the 5 days - but past history suggests I'll also add at least a handful of additonal 'fake-fat' pounds of water-weight that will hang around for at least a week . Tomorrow's weigh-in will be a horror show, with an upward blip of maybe 5 or 6 pounds. Gulp.

    One good thing was that I averaged 19,434 steps per day (lowest 15,775, highest 27,352) plus lots of stair-climbs so at least I was active....and I enjoyed the holiday and the feasting,...but I'm already looking forward to settling back into my usual daily eating and activity routine...

    Sigh, it's so annoying that the excess pounds will probably hang around for at least a month...
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    Bella - it’s wonderful you’ve finally had a vacation (of sorts) after all this time. I hope you enjoyed the feasting and some of the boozing too 😜.

    I’ve found that getting out of my routine and even gaining a few pounds helps me reevaluate my eating habits. Post vacation I rethink what works and what needs changing.

    I’m sure the excess pounds will find a new home soon!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,827 Member
    +1 on insufficient sleep with stumbling around results

    Generally 1 maybe 2 high days result in less long term damage than expected. Not sure if your damage assessment is after the fact or the initial plan. It does sound like you've got it covered! 🤣

    Hopefully things improve for Jade

    Laurie I don't know why you would think they adventure walks don't count. Maybe puppy park party not so much but up and down cliffs different story!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,827 Member
    Above should read "as" much instead of "so" much. Wasted days because of low sleep and of course eating to stay awake. Postponed walk earlier because didn't think would make it slept full+ hour out of two per Fitbit and got promoted to 6 for the day and feeling chipper.... at midnight! 🤷‍♂️
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,082 Member
    Scale up by 2.2kg...hopefully at least half of that is water/food'll be a while til I'm back to pre-vacation weight but I'll just have to suck it up and chip away until I'm back down again. There will be no starvation or extreme deprivation...just returning to my 100-cal a day deficit and being patient...

    I've had a good start to the weekend with a 90 minute brisk walk and a lovely colourful salad for lunch picked fresh from my allotment, topped with feta, walnuts, sultanas and queen olives. It was yummy.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,827 Member
    Cooking up baby potatoes in the air fryer (468g, 2g oil) and from frozen a pack of a bit too long in the freezer sausages sort of hard to log because they claim just 2cal per gram and maybe they are that when cooked but not before for sure. A bit more approximately then usual today! 😉

    Slept 7h 59 min ... a record these past couple of months!!!!👍
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,701 Member
    So much going on! The dog walking is good - but with two sniffing animals we don't move too fast :) The rowing made me feel like I was accomplishing something. I will get back to it ... today even!!!!

    Glad you slept, PAV.

    Hope those KG run like mad, Bella :)

    You falling into your normal life again, Yooly? With clean carpets even ????
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 262 Member
    Hi! Been MIA as not well! Back to work for two part time weeks & picked up a D&V bug & having to isolate again….thankfully recovering very slowly 😵‍💫….. no longer icky, but can’t stray from the toilet too far. Am wiped out!

    I had only been in to the work office once since back - with a mask, hand gel & surface wipes. Think I’ll be totally WFH again 😒

    Hope everyone doing ok …. Lovely sunshiny day here😎… No real appetite, but enjoyed a cheese & onion omlette & some fresh fruit salad…. Stayed down too!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    So sorry you’re not feeling well Ms.T! Guess you’ll have to avoid work in person? It’s always surprising to find yourself so vulnerable after isolating.

    Years ago- when I was teaching- I did well all summer. But inevitably got sick within a week or two of daily contact with lots of people.

    Hopefully you can build up some resistance to your fellow germy colleagues?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,827 Member
    Bad colleagues kill kill kill 😾😾😾
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,931 Member
    Another round of spring cleaning in anticipation of in-law visits. Doubt they’ll notice in the least but I’ll have the satisfaction of a clean house for weeks.

    Funny how an orderly home makes me feel calm. Perhaps it comes from a childhood and most of my adult life moving homes a LOT. So everything in its place gives me mental peace -if only temporarily.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,701 Member
    I feel the same, Yooly. One blessing of this vision issue is I don't notice as much. My house gets pretty dirty these days (floors/baseboard especially) and I don't see anything. So much more mental peace! :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Spent yesterday with some rest, but also reorganized the cabinet above the stove (where I keep oils, vinegars, and seasonings), cleaned off the top of the fridge (snacks), and cleaned out the treats basket. So felt pretty dang accomplished and still did what I could to rest my body and mind.

    This week I am starting a new idea. Every 2-3 weeks I will add 1-2 new habits. For this week it is (1) Drink more water and (2) No ordering in. They will be food and exercise habits. I want to give them time to actually become second nature before adding more things to my plate. Otherwise I get overwhelmed and just let everything drop. Hopefully this will work better!