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  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    I put a big long post earlier about how I was going to weigh myself for the first time in a while and all my excuses why I was going to be heavier but I can’t find it and there was too much writing in there to try to write it all again😂
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    It’s in “Don’t Let the Bathroom Scale…”
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    Lol… thank you Yooly!

    I also wrote another long post about my not so bad results but I have no freaking idea where that is…lol… you can imagine what my house looks like right now 🤣
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    The brain. The BRAIN. THE HAMSTERS.

    This morning I'm thinking I might be in a "not really healing" at the moment spot. So am thinking I can maybe aim at losing a little. Thinking of what kind of Daily Calorie Goal I should set for myself. Something moderate - so I can focus on nutrition. Here is my messed up brain's reactions:

    2000 calories (a modest-decent deficit, depending on how much walking I do): Brain freaks because this is just too much - not even worth the effort to achieve. "If you are going through the trouble - make it worth it, Sissy," the brain says.

    1950 calories: Light panic attack. Honestly. I felt my heart rate go up.

    1975 calories: Maybe....

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    err..... yes

    Psssttt? Are you still healing?

    Pssssttt? Have you been, more or less, eating at maintenance this past while?
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    I'm not sure. Maybe? But not building tissue? More breaking down scar tissue?? ( I hope - because I still can't read the top line on the eye chart with lefty even if I'm wearing my glasses. Righty has almost 20/20 at a distance with glasses. I missed one - but the lenses are getting a bit worse for the wear.

    Yup - it seems I've achieved maintenance! A bit puffy lately because of prescribed steroids :(
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    steroids suck at that--they really do :(
    Lefty sounds MUCH improved!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    I am improved… lefty is much better but she doesn’t see so much 😕 she’s more of a hearing dog eye these days 🙂
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 783 Member
    Hi guys, I'm a newbie! Was just checking if people still share numbers here? Didn't wanna chuck mine into a conversation if it's not a thing any more :D
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    Checking numbers is always a thing!!! We just tend to wander a bit. Welcome 🥳 and feel free to share anytime.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    I’ve been going through a period of being terrified of my numbers 🙂 but I would love to pick up the vibe of someone on a roll of dropping numbers ! Maybe it would wear off on me a bit too 🙂
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    edited July 2023
    Very strange numbers game yesterday. I had a consultation with the plastic surgeon regarding reconstruction of the soon to be removed body parts. I had exactly 28 hours to enjoy the new “no eye drops lifestyle” before the other reality was deeply impressed upon me.

    I’ll avoid the specific details but picture if you may a tiny female plastic surgeon and two male residents with the old fashioned sewers measuring tapes in hand - not for measuring circumference of arms waist hips and thighs like we tend to do in our weight loss journey’s - instead measuring everything in two dimensional planes. Distances between this and that and that and this. It was like I was being measured up for a tailored suit. Very surreal when the suit was to be fashioned from my skin 😳

    The best news of the day is I can wait for that part of this adventure. I’m going to take advantage of that option. I want to figure out what I want… and I want to lose this weight that I’ve gained so that they can deal with some of my extra skin while they reconstruct things (if that is the door I choose).

    Surgeon said one advantage of starting reconstruction immediately was that they would have a little extra skin to work with. I promised I would provide them with all they could possibly need.

    My head is just spinning.

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    Ah Laurie life is sometimes so hard! I’m sure you’ll be able to make the best decision for you when the time comes. But don’t let trying to lose weight delay your decision too long. Get on with it and move forward. ❣️
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    There are nuances to this, Yooly! Positive ones :)

    Removal is not a question and that surgery will come as soon as possible no matter how "over-surgeried" I feel.

    BUT. Reconstruction is a different story! It isn't a negative thing. If handled well it can become a solution! Losing weight=saggy breasts and belly." I long ago decided I wasn't interested in plastic surgery for that.

    BUT. There is a whole new spin on this story! And money will no longer be part of the equation because our health insurance in Ontario covers the costs of all surgeries related to breast cancer - no matter how long I postpone the decision.

    Right now I want to do whatever it takes to get the cancer out. AS SIMPLY AS POSSIBLE. And to feel healthy again AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

    If I choose to go back for some touch ups later - I can :)

    At this moment, a 2 hour surgery feels way more manageable than an 8 plus hour surgery (especially since I still have a gas bubble in my eye maybe for another month or so? - and I really shouldn't be lying on my back).

    After this is done, I can take the time necessary to feel healthy again - cancer gone - treatments over - eye healed - knee strong - shoulder in good shape - then I can take on the bigger surgery if it feels necessary to my well being.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    I knew you were my shero! I am contemplating the 15 minute surgery with trepidation!!!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    edited July 2023
    I don't see why numbers should be a no-go.

    I started

    2014 appreciably north of 280lbs @ age 48 and @ about 172.25 cm in length :wink:
    analogue scale topped at 280 and I was wrapping around past zero

    2015 somewhat north of 218lbs.
    2016 somewhat north of 166lbs.
    2017 somewhat north of 157.5lbs(more frequent trips to parents started prompted by mom's health)

    2018 somewhat north of 156.5lbs
    2019 somewhat north of 154lbs
    (mom passed in February. 157lbs on March 31 but down to 152 by August 31)

    2020 somewhat north of 154lbs, while remembering 152 a bit too fondly!
    With lock down, stopped both eating out and the 10+ days a month back and forth trips to dad and by June of 2020, my weight trend was in the 150-151 range, and there were a few weigh ins in the 149s with the lowest one recorded at 149.6)

    And then travel re-opened.
    And visits with and to dad increased
    And so did my weight!

    2021 somewhat north of 158lbs
    2022 somewhat north of 159lbs
    dad moved closer to my place in July and I finished selling his house @ the end of September

    2023 somewhat north of 163lbs

    Since the beginning of the year, I've seen 161.5, but I've also seen 168.5. And the 168.5 was more recent!

    It is now July and and I am sitting @ 166

    Between November 2014 and October 2020 I was logging on MFP.
    I've since moved my logging to Cronometer.

    While I would prefer mid high 23s instead of mid 25s, SmartBMI still hasn't given up on me yet:

    In addition to the happy stress of dealing with the parental, and general life, I've now added a couple of bonus health challenges!

    A couple are under "investigation". Investigations that switched to glacial pace once it became likely that neither was going to get me "offed" immediately.

    My "add some mesh to the other side for some symmetry" hernia surgery should take place next week. I'm crossing my toes for an "on-schedule" recovery because the parental is scheduled for surgery fifteen days later!

    There you go. Numbers and such like!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    PAV and Laurie- wishing you quick recovery from your upcoming surgeries. And a better quality of life afterwards.

    Why do we turn to eating during times of stress? It’s a mystery to me. How do bad food choices and an overfull stomach equate to peace of mind 🤔 or soothe emotions? I too am struggling with an uptick in weight. It’s above where I was >5-8 lbs.

    It’s not enough to panic yet but enough to make me uncomfortable. I find myself avoiding wearing some clothes that previously fit just fine. This is NOT good!

    Yet I seem incapable of turning this around right now.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    I hope everything comes on schedule PAV.
    I don’t know when mine is happening maybe it’ll happen on the same day and we can meet up on cloud nine… where I believe we can eat whatever we want and it doesn’t show up on our earthly bodies.

    Dopamine…? The comfort of old familiar habits? Who really knows why, Yooly. It’s definitely a reality though.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    Well. My methods, obviously, are not infallible. Far from it. But objectively the net results remain overwhelmingly positive. And it boils down to fighting for time.

    Slow down the uptakes as much as you can. For me at least they happen when I "lose it" and overeat. Whether unplanned (more common) or planned a single meal beats a day and a day beats two or three in a row. And I try to keep the attempts to lose as easy as possible to get in a groove. Because at least in the groove there is no gain happening!

    Avoiding too many cookies in my case would also be good. I mean 3lbs correspond directly to Christmas cookies.

    Traditionally I'm at my highest in early to mid January and lowest at the end of summer which makes the 166 in the summer a bit of a bummer. At least it is currently heading in the right direction!

  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Traditionally I'm at my highest in early to mid January and lowest at the end of summer which makes the 166 in the summer a bit of a bummer. At least it is currently heading in the right direction!

    Funny because my best weight loss months are in the fall and winter. It’s probably a climate thing because summers in Texas are not conducive for activity. Even indoors with AC, summer humidity can be felt. Once the cooler weather arrives I just feel much more invigorated.
    Of course there’s the Christmas cookie weight gain.....
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,406 Member
    This morning I’m back down to my +3 lb. Christmas cookie weight. So basically worked off the new extra stress pounds. Will it last? Hope so - the Christmas cookie pounds need to go too.
    I’d really like to be at my lower happy weight before our mid September Hawaii trip. It’s two weeks of cruise food and resort restaurants. Not much bunny food. 🐰
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    Good going, Yooly! Hope you reach your mid September goal. That trip will serve as a very nice incentive.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    Off to the races for Yooly!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    It seems like the scale has decided he wants to go up again. Strange have that sentence does not assign any responsibility to me… It’s all on the shoulders of the scale.

    I’m surprised actually because I’ve been walking more than I have in two months…I haven’t been eating strictly but I have not had any bingeing of any amount in awhile. I guess it’s back to tracking 😜 imagine that.

    Tomorrow… no, that’s stupid I guess it should just be today.

    Interestingly enough this occurred to me just before I posted… it’s just been the past week or two that I’ve been weighing myself again. After not weighing myself in months on my way remaining high then I would like it to be but stable.

    Coincidence? Or some subconscious awareness that all this good eating is going to come to an end soon so better sneak in a few more calories while I’m not paying attention???

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    be gentle!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    So gentle that it didn’t happen 🙂
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    Day 3 of tracking. 1800 is my aim - Wednesday was 1840, yesterday was 1846 not too bad - yesterday especially because after pup and I had a MacDonald' ice cream cone a neighbour asked if I could drive her to a community garden AND stop for a MacDonald's cone...and of course we did (and I know PAV that the calories are probably higher than listed - but I'm okay with that at this point) ... and then I had one beer at a comedy show I unexpectedly attended last night ... so 1846 felt like a major win!

    And of course came that initial weight loss. 3.2 pounds down! Woohoo! And that is during a heat wave so it will probably drop again when it cools down in the next few days (fingers crossed).
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,424 Member
    I'll sacrifice for the cause and bring out a scale with me over the next few days.... somehow if the weather holds I'm figuring I will have a few opportunities to increase my sampling..… and I'm curious myself since the last time I weighed them was over 7 years ago
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,876 Member
    Thank you for your sacrifice, PAV
  • scoutmom1981
    scoutmom1981 Posts: 303 Member
    13.5 lbs down since starting. Not too shabby! Still have a super long way to go but at least it is going in the right direction.